School district:
Bond issue, 67.05, (6a)
Dissolution, 117.10 (3)
Reorganization, 117.11, 117.20
Soil and water conservation, regulation of local management practices, 92.11
Special, notice, 8.06, 8.55
Suffrage, extension, laws on, III, 2
Technical college districts, indebtedness, 67.12 (12) (e) 5., 6.
Time-share ownership, 707.39
Bridge construction, 80.02
Division or dissolution, 60.03
Highway altering, 80.30
Incorporating as village or city, 66.012
Nonpartisan primary, 8.05 (3)
Sanitary district merge into lake district, 33.235 (3)
Zoning ordinances, 60.62
Discontinuance of officers, 61.195
Dissolution, 61.187 (1)
Ballots, 8.50 (3) (b)
Campaign finance laws, 8.50 (5)
Elector may compel compliance, 11.66
Condemnation, cities of first class, alternate procedures, 32.72
Conduct of, 8.50
Date of holding, 8.50 (2)
Governor may authorize, 8.50 (4) (i)
Legislature, 4.004
Municipalities may call, 8.06
Nomination papers, 8.50 (3)
Notices, 8.50 (1)
Order, 8.50 (1)
Primaries, 8.50
Recall elections, XIII, 12
Registration lists, 6.57
School districts may call, 8.06
Villages, 17.24
Wisconsin election campaign fund, 11.50
ELECTIONS 16. Voter Registration16. Voter Registration
Absent voting,
Age on election day determines rights, 6.05
Cancellation, 6.33 (4)
Notice of, 6.50 (1)
Challenges, 6.48
Confined or disabled elector, 6.30 (2)
Deadline, 6.28 (1)
How to register, 6.30
Ineligible, incompetent, rights preserved, 880.33 (9)
Late registrants, verification of, 6.56
Late registration in person, 6.29
Laws may be enacted on, III, 2
Mail registrations, 6.30 (4)
Verification of, 6.32
Name change, transfer registration, 6.40 (1) (c)
New residents, presidential voting, 6.15
Nonregistered, rights, 6.54
Overseas elector, list, federal voting, 6.24
Polling place registration, 6.55
Proof of residence, 6.55 (7)
Registration canvass conducted by municipal clerks, 6.40 (2)
Registration forms, 6.33
Filing, 6.35
Registration lists:
Official, contents, 6.36
Omitted from, voting procedure, 6.55 (3)
Open to public, 6.45
School and special elections, 6.57
School district elections, 120.06 (5)
Special registration deputies, 6.26, 7.30
Compensation, 7.03
Statistics, municipal clerk to make statement, 6.275
Transferring registration, 6.40
When absent from residence, 6.30 (3)
When and where to register, 6.28
Where required, 6.27
See also Elections

Appropriation, 20.510
Audit, 5.05 (2)
Correcting errors, 5.72
Duties, 5.60, 7.08 (1)
Compliance review as to officials, appeal, 5.06
Creation, membership, 15.61
Duties, 7.08 (1)
Election manual preparation, 7.08 (3)
Electronic voting systems:
Approval of ballots, voting devices and equipment, 5.91