Federal aid approval, 220.085
Organization of banks, power and duties, 221.0202 (5), 221.0205
Removal of officers and directors, 220.04 (4)
Possession of banks by state, 220.08
Recommendations, 220.08
Review, 220.08 (9)
Quorum, 15.07 (4)
Rules and regulations, 220.035 (2)
Subpoena power, 220.035 (1)
Witness fees, 220.035 (1)
Collection agencies, licensing, regulation, 218.04
Creation, 15.18
Credit unions, office of:
Creation, 15.185 (7) (a)
Director, salary, 20.923 (4) (c) 3.
Employe immunity, 186.235 (5)
Powers, generally, 186.235
For detailed analysis,

Credit union review board, 186.015
For detailed analysis,

Creation, membership, 15.185 (7) (b)
Community currency exchange, licensing, regulation, 218.05
Electronic signatures, promulgation of rules regarding use, verification and submission of documents, 224.30

Motor vehicle dealers, salespersons, finance companies, licensing, regulation, 218.01
Savings and loan division:
Creation, 15.183 (2)
Employe immunity, 215.02 (4)
Powers, generally, 215.02
For detailed analysis,

Savings banks, 214.015, 214.715
For detailed analysis,

Savings and loan review board, 215.04
Creation, membership, 15.185 (3)
Savings bank review board, 214.78
Creation, membership, 15.185 (4)
Securities division:
Creation, 15.183 (3)
Powers and duties, generally, 551.51, 551.60
For detailed analysis,

Insurance as condition of loan, 134.10
Insurance premium finance companies, licensing and regulation, 138.12
Motor vehicles:
Finance charges for credit transactions, 422.201 (3)
Licensing, regulation, 218.01
Notice to buyer of lack of insurance, 218.01 (6m)
Registration, 341.57
Exemption, 341.05 (1)
Reproduce records, 220.285
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 7. Savings and Loan Associations7. Savings and Loan Associations
, Ch. 215
Absorption, waiver, 215.35
Accounting and bookkeeping procedure, prescribed, forfeiture, 215.03 (5)
Eligible for trust fund investments, 219.05
Joint tenancy-tenancy in common, law does not apply, 700.22
State delinquent support collection:
Disclosure of financial records, 224.40
Lien and levy, 49.854
Records matching program, 49.853
Actions against savings and loan division, 215.02 (5)
Adverse claim to account, 710.05
Agent for unauthorized company, 215.26 (6)
Annual reports, 215.03 (6)
Appraisals, customer access, 215.26 (8) (a)
Appraisers, for association, giving or accepting money for loans, 215.21 (21)
Attorney trust accounts, maintain, 215.13 (48), 757.293
Audits, requirements, 215.25
Bonds, directors, officers and employes, 215.11
As evidence, copies, 891.24
Closing, 215.26 (9)
Books and records, access, 215.26 (8)
Borrowing money and issuing obligations, 215.13 (28)
Branches, 215.13 (39), (40)
Application to establish, appeal, 215.03 (8)
Capital stock associations:
Absorption of or by other association, 215.73
Applicability of ch. 180, 215.60 (16)
Articles of incorporation, 215.61
Bylaws, 215.62
Conversion, 215.77
Directors, meetings, 215.70
Dividends on capital stock, 215.67
General operations, 215.72
Incorporation, 215.60
Minimum requirements, 215.60 (2)
Name, use of, 215.60 (1)
Officers, 215.71
Resumption of business after liquidation, 215.76 (6)
Voluntary liquidation, 215.76
Claims against, priority, 215.32 (6) (em)
Closing of savings accounts, 215.18
Complaints against, hearing, orders, 215.02 (15)