Savings accounts, 215.14
Closing, 215.18
Joint or life estates, administrative termination, 867.045
Loans on, 215.19
Ownership by minors, 215.43 (2)
Savings and loan division:
Administrative decisions, not reviewable, 227.52
Powers, generally, 215.02
Sellers of checks:
Business permitted, 215.13 (41)
Exemption from law, 217.04 (3)
Service tie-ins, notice to customer, 215.141
Special deputy commissioners, surety bonds, 215.32 (5)
State, bonds and notes, investment in, 219.04
Supervision and control, 215.03
Transfers to minors act, 880.61 to 880.72
Trust accounts, maintain for real estate brokers, salespersons, 452.13
Trust services, 215.13 (49)
Trustee, act as, 215.13 (44)
VA guaranteed investments, 219.01 to 219.03
Variable rate loans, 138.056
Waiver of loan payments, 215.21 (24)
Withdrawal of savings accounts, 215.17
Withdrawal requests:
Absorbed capital stock association, 215.73 (3)
Absorbed mutual association, 215.53 (3)
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 8. Savings Banks8. Savings Banks
, Ch. 214
see Deposit accounts, under this head
Administration of chapter 214, 214.015
Applicability of chapter 214, 214.02
Access to, 214.37
Annual closing, 214.375
Evidence from, 891.24
Record keeping requirements, 214.75
Branch offices, 214.06, 214.19
Evidence of, 214.405
Minimum, 214.40
Maintenance, 214.43
Dividends, 214.435
Impairment of, procedure upon finding of, 214.775
Loans or discounts on, 214.44
Nature of, 214.41
Retirement or reduction, 214.42
Corporate powers, 214.04
See also Incorporation and organization, under this head

Credit reports, customer access, 214.507
Definitions, 214.01, 214.15
Deposit accounts:
Authorized, 214.57
Financially related services, tie-ins, disclosure, 214.592
How held, 214.585
Insurance, 214.025
Interest, 214.58
Liens on, 214.575
Prohibited activities, 214.59
State delinquent support collection:
Disclosure of financial records, 224.40
Lien and levy, 49.854
Records matching program, 49.853
Directors, 214.335
Bond, 214.34
Conduct, 214.345
False statements prohibited, 214.93
Holding companies:
Acquisitions by, 214.09
Authorized activities, 214.07
Divestiture, 214.20
Mergers and acquisitions, 214.16
Registration, 214.08
Reorganization as holding company, 214.095
Reporting requirements, 214.085
Incorporation and organization:
Appeal of denial of application, 214.275
Application for permission to organize, 214.24
Content, 214.245
Review, 214.26
Articles of incorporation, 214.25
Bylaws, 214.255
Completion of organization, 214.27
Corporate powers, 214.04
Temporary organization and capital subscriptions, 214.265
Interstate acquisition and merger:
Definitions, 214.15
In-state holding companies, 214.16
Divestiture, 214.20
In-state institutions, 214.155