Contract to purchase reservoir, 87.18
Cost of improvements, 87.11
Definition of terms, 87.01
Disaster allotments, highways, streets, 86.34
Disbursements, how made, 87.13
Extensions, 87.15
Farm drainage ditches, exempt from floodplain zoning, 87.30 (1m)
Federal cooperation, 87.085
Financing projects, 87.076
Findings, final by natural resources department, 87.07 (3)
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program, sunset, 87.31
Floodplain zoning, 87.30
Historic property, variances, DNR to develop rules, 87.304
Hearing on petition, findings, 87.05
Modification of order, 87.08
Natural resources department, powers, 87.02
Notice of hearing by natural resources department, 87.04
For improvements, 87.03, 87.04 (2)
Requesting dismissal, 87.07 (2m)
Preliminary report, hearing, 87.07 (2)
Publication of notice of hearing, 87.07 (2)
Repairs and improvements, 87.15
Constructing or leasing, 87.14
Purchase or lease, 87.18
Review of natural resources department orders, 87.06
Review of natural resources department's final findings, 87.07 (5)
St. Feriole island facilities, use, 87.305
Special assessments, 87.10
Special procedure for projects, 87.075
Survey by natural resources department, 87.07 (1)
Trespass to improvements, penalty, 87.17
, Ch. 97
Adulterated food, prohibition, 97.02, 97.10
Advertising, fraudulent, 100.183, 100.184
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection dept., authority to regulate, 93.07 (24)
Appropriations, 20.115
Benzoic acid restricted, 97.47
Bottled water and soda, standards, 97.34
Bread, standard loaves, 98.21
Communicable diseases, food handlers not to have, 252.18
Dairy products,
Definitions, 97.01
Distribution regulated, 100.19
Donations, liability exemption, 895.51
Enforcement procedures, 97.12
Fish flour, 97.13
Food processing plants, 97.29
Operators, regulation, payments to vegetable producers, 100.03
Foreign objects or drugs, placing in food, 941.325
Frozen desserts, container requirements, 98.12
Horsemeat, 97.45
Injunctions, 97.73
Inspections and inspectors, 93.06 (1m), 97.12, 97.32
Kosher meats and foods, 97.56
Labeling interpretation, 97.07
Labeling requirements, 97.03
Marketing and trade practices, Ch. 96, Ch. 100
Animal feed, 97.44
Artificial colorings and preservatives, 97.53
Dead or diseased animals, 97.43
Processors, inspection and licensing, 97.42
Misbranded food, prohibition, 97.03, 97.10
Municipal authority to regulate, 66.124
Nondairy products, labeling, 97.48
Oleomargarine, sale and serving regulations, 97.18
Penalties, 97.72
Preservatives restricted, 97.46
Processing plants, licensing, 97.29
Retail food establishments, licensing and inspections, 97.30, 97.41
Labeling, 97.57
Rules, federal and state, applicability, 97.09
Sales and use taxes, 77.54 (20)
Sales, implied warranty of merchantability, 402.314
Slaughterhouses, inspections and licensing, 97.42
Vegetables, unfair trade practices, 100.235
Venison serving permits, 29.871 (14)
Warehouses, licensing, 97.27
Construction liens, 779.09
Execution on judgment,
Leases, long terms, 704.31
Log lien, time limit, 779.20