Bond required, 786.08
Contract approval, 786.11
Grounds for, 786.06
Hearing, court inquiry, 786.09
Order for conveyance, 786.10
Foreign guardian, procedure, 786.25
Future estates, disposal, 786.26 to 786.35
Irregularities not to avoid sale, 786.52, 786.56
Lease, not more than 5 years, 786.21
Liability of guardian:
Fraudulent sale, 786.58
Neglect or misconduct in sale, 786.54
Nonresident ward's Wisconsin estate, 786.25
Platting lands before sale, 786.13
Proceeds of sale, how applied, 786.16, 786.17
Property received by will, 786.14
Reversionary interest of ward, sale, 786.18, 786.19
Signing by authorized guardian, exception, 706.03 (4)
Specific performance of contracts, 786.02 to 786.05
Validity of sale, 786.15
Wards of court, 786.20
Recovery of sold estate, limitations, 786.50
Securities ownership act:
Incompetents, 880.76
Minors, 880.75
Small estates:
Deceased ward, summary settlement, 880.28
Incompetents and minors, 880.04
Support of ward, 880.21
Trusts, transfers to, 880.175
Vehicles, transfer of ownership, 342.17 (4)
Corporation, rights and powers, 182.021

, Ch. 782
Alcoholics, 782.01
Alias writ, showing required, 782.05
Answer to writ, contents, 782.14
Appearance by attorney, 782.29
Application to officer in another county, 782.05
For disobeying, 782.16
Made effective, 782.18
Of sheriff for disobeying, coroner to execute, 782.17
Authority to issue, 782.03
Bail, party when admitted to, 782.23
Body to be brought, exceptions, 782.15
Bond to officer having custody, 782.12
Payment as part of service, 782.12
When paid by petitioner, 782.11
Children, testing custody, 48.15
Commencement of action, 801.02 (5)
Irregular, not ground for, 782.23
To proper custodian, 782.24
Concealing person entitled to writ, 782.39
Copies of process of detention, refusal, 782.37
Custody pending proceedings, 782.25
For disobeying discharge order, 782.30
For illegal detention, 782.38
For wrongful refusal, 782.09
Defective form, when sufficient, 782.08
Definitions, 782.01
Of party, 782.20, 782.22
On notice, 782.26
Effect on time of imprisonment, 973.16
Execution of warrant of arrest, 782.35
Extradition proceedings, 976.03 (10)
Extraordinary remedy:
As final judgment or provisional remedy, 781.01
Temporary relief, 781.02
Transmittal of record, 781.03
Failure to obey writ, attachment, 782.16
Tender or payment essential, 782.12
To officer having custody, 782.12
Form of writ, 782.07
For discharge from civil process, 782.22
For remanding prisoner, 782.21
Indorsement of writ by judge, 782.07
Jurisdiction, who has, 782.03
Mentally ill persons, 782.01
Not for prisoner passing through this state, 782.46