Lender liability, hazardous substance contamination, 292.21
Regulation, 100.37
Spills, 292.11
Contaminated property:
Brownfield redevelopment, commerce dept. responsibilities, 560.44
Brownfields grant program, 560.13
Brownfields remediation loan guarantee program, 234.88
Cancellation of delinquent taxes, 75.105
Land recycling loan program, 281.59, 281.60
Municipal remediation, tax incremental financing, 66.462
Off-site discharge exemption from liability, 292.13
Immunity from liability, 895.48 (2), 895.483, 895.55 895.56
Lender liability, 292.21
Liability clarification and technical assistance, 292.55
Petroleum tank discharges, remedial action, 101.143, 101.144
Purchaser liability, 292.15
Repair cost; lien, 292.81
Crime, 948.51

, Ch. 231
Annual reports, 231.19
Appropriation, 20.440
Bidding requirements, waiver of, 231.20
Bondholders, rights of, 231.15
Bonds, 231.16
Issuance, 231.08, 231.22
Not public debt, 231.10
Security, 231.09
State pledge regarding, 231.11
Tax-exempt, allocation of volume cap on, 560.032
Construction requirements, waiver of, 231.20
Contracts, state pledge regarding, 231.11
Creation, 231.02
Definitions, 231.01
Effect of ch. 231, 231.22
Employes, under social security, 231.21
Executive director, 231.02
Expenses, 231.04
Investment authorization as to notes and bonds of authority, 231.18
Investment of funds, 231.17
Liberal construction of law, 231.24
Membership, 231.02
Minority financial interests, 231.27
Nonprofit institutions, benefit under ch. 231, 231.23
Organization, 231.02
Powers, 231.03
Project applications, 231.05
Project revenues, 231.13
Property acquisition, 231.06
Property conveyance, 231.07
Quorum, 231.02
Refunding bonds, 231.16
Residential facility for severely physically disabled, authority to undertake project, 231.26
Rural hospital loan fund, 231.36
Rural hospital loan guarantee program, 231.35
Studies and recommendations, 231.12
Tax exemption, 231.25
Trust funds, 231.14
Health and Family Services DepartmentHEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT

Abortion, induced, reports, duties, 69.186
Abuse of children, restraining petitions, 46.03 (7) (d), 48.25 (6)
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reports, exception, 48.981
Actions affecting family, disclosure of assets, 767.27 (3)
Administrative contested case hearings, 227.43
Admissions, of mentally ill persons, 51.22
Choices projects grants, 46.997
Pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board,
Programming recommendations, 46.03 (39)
Self-sufficiency and pregnancy prevention, 46.995
Services, Milwaukee county, 46.996
Adoption information exchange, 48.55
Assistance, 48.975
Fees for services, report to joint finance committee, 46.03 (18) (a)
Foreign children, 48.839
Interstate agreements, 48.9985
Interstate placement, 48.98
Petition, withdrawn, maintain custody, 48.95
Placement, 48.833
Investigations, charge and collect cost of, 46.03 (18) (am)
With nonrelatives, 48.837
Recommendation, when required, 48.89
Records, 48.433, 48.93
Adult family home, authority, 50.02 (1)
Advisory bodies, 15.04