General requirements, 125.04
Operators' licenses, 125.17
Provisional licenses, 125.185
Reviewability under municipal procedure act, 68.02, 68.03
Warehouse permit, 125.19
Wholesale permit, 125.60
Ambulance service providers, 146.50
Amusement places, 175.20
County regulation, 59.56 (12)
Town board, 60.23 (10)
Appeal, child care license, 48.72
Architects, 443.02
Attorney general, enforce environmental laws, 299.95
Auctioneers, Ch. 480
Audiologists, 459.20 to 459.34
Automatic fire sprinklers, 145.15
Fees, 145.08
Maintenance only registration, 145.165, 145.175
Temporary permits, 145.18
Aviation fuel transporters, 78.77
Bait dealers, 29.509
Issuance, fee, expiration, 125.17
Temporary, 125.17 (4)
Bed and breakfast establishments, 254.64, 254.68
Managers', 125.18, 125.32 (1)
Provisional licenses, 125.185
Retail licenses, 125.25, 125.26
Shipping into state, 125.30
Wholesalers, 125.28, 125.32 (6)
Billboards on highways, license requirement, 84.30
Bingo, 563.11 to 563.29
Biological control agents, sale, shipment, 94.03
Bird and animal farms, 29.867
Boxing fees, Ch. 444
Brewers, multiple, 125.31
Bridge, private, across navigable waters, 31.23 (3)
Broker-dealers, 551.31 to 551.34
Brucellosis test, 95.43
Building permits, 62.23 (6) (d)
Butter grader, 97.175
Buttermakers, 97.17
Campgrounds, 254.47
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 254.115
Cats in counties over 500,000, 59.79 (12)
Certified public accountants, 442.03 to 442.06
Licensure, 442.08
Cheese grader, 97.175
Cheesemakers, 97.17
Child labor, 103.70 to 103.73
Designation of permit officer, 103.245
Fees, 103.805
Child welfare agencies, 46.16 (2), 48.60, 48.66
Fees, 48.615
Probationary, 48.69
Chiropractic, 446.02
Cigarettes, 139.34
Sale, 134.65
Salespersons, 139.37
Collection agencies, 218.04
Commercial feed, 94.72
Community currency exchanges, 218.05
Consumer credit law:
Creditors to pay fees, 426.202
Penalties, 426.203
Continuing care contracts, providers, 647.02
Controlled substances act, permits for research, 961.335
Correspondence and trade schools, solicitor permits, 39.51 (8)
Counselors, Ch. 457
Cremation permits, 979.10
Dairy plants, 97.20, 100.06
Dance halls, 175.20
County board regulation, 59.56 (12)
Day care centers, 46.16, 48.65 to 48.77
Probationary, 48.69
Deer farms, 29.871
Dental hygienists, 447.04 (2)
Dentists, 447.04 (1)
Detective agencies, 440.26
Dogs, 174.05 to 174.12
Driver schools, instructors, 343.60 to 343.73
Drug manufacturers and distributors, 450.07
Electric cooperatives, fees, 76.48
Employment agents, 105.05 to 105.07
Suspension, revocation, 105.13
Endangered species, permit to take, transport, possess, 29.604 (6), (6m), (6r)