Committee on Agriculture
To committee on Rules.
The committee on Environment reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 1
Relating to: prohibiting the installation of certain devices in wells.
Without recommendation pursuant to Section 227.26(2)(h) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
To committee on Rules.
Marc Duff
Committee on Environment
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Gaming Board
January 21, 1997
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
A67 Included with this correspondence, I am submitting the quarterly report of the Wisconsin Gaming Board (Board), for the period ending December 31, 1996. As required by s.562.02(1)(g), Wis. Stats., the attached materials contain Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Racing statistical information as well as the revenues and expenditures for the Board's Racing, Charitable Gaming and Indian Gaming programs.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (608)266-1645.
f. scott scepaniak
Executive Director
Referred to committee on State Affairs.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Justice
February 4, 1997
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Section 165.90, Wisconsin Statutes, requires that you receive an annual report on the progress of the county-tribal law enforcement programs funded under this section. Please accept this letter as the report for awards made in January 1996.
Grant funds during 1996 primarily supported law enforcement activities on tribal land throughout the state. In recent years, more county sheriffs' offices have used county-tribal law enforcement grant funds to defray salary, maintenance and patrol costs associated with law enforcement on tribal lands. This has been the main usage for funds in some counties, while other counties now find that grant awards will not support community crime prevention programs and the basic costs of law enforcement in Indian communities as they once did. Funding requests have steadily increased over the last few years.
The program has been successful in encouraging county sheriffs' offices to employ deputies from tribal communities. Likewise, cross-deputization has allowed some tribal police offices to continue to assist the sheriffs' departments by providing law enforcement services for county areas on and off Indian lands. These costs have also been charged to the county-tribal law enforcement program and have increased the amount of grant revenue requested from the department.
The awards to counties for the 1996 County-Tribal Law Enforcement program are listed below.
* The Outagamie County Sheriff returned the $27,000 explaining the the original plan had been to employ a sheriff's deputy with the grant funds. The awarded amount did not support that activity.
Spending authority for this program is $607,200. Therefore, the Department of Justice requested and received a $45,000 increase in spending authority in order to meet 1996 award projections. Penalty assessment revenues supported this request.
The Department of Justice will continue to monitor county-tribal law enforcement to ensure successful collaboration between Indian nations and counties in state. It is hoped these cooperative programs will ensure the provision of valuable law enforcement services to counties and the Indian communities within them.
james e. doyle
Attorney General
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
February 13, 1997
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Attached is a report recommending changes to the Wisconsin Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan (HIRSP). This report was prepared jointly by the Department of Health and Family Services and the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, as required by 1995 Wisconsin Act 463.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact either of our offices.
Joe Leean
Secretary, DHFS
Josephine W. Musser
Commissioner of Insurance
Referred to committee on Insurance, Securities and Corporate Policy.
A68 Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Corrections
January 30, 1997
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The following information is provided for your consideration and review pursuant to a 301.03(6m) WI STATS. The figures below cover the period from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996.
1. There were 27 inmates transferred involuntarily from a prison to a mental health institute under s. 51.20(13)(A)4. All but four were committed for outpatient treatment. Of the four committed for inpatient treatment, one person was committed at the end of his sentence and the other three stayed an average of 97 days.

No inmates transferred voluntarily from a prison to a mental health institute.
2. 2,172 inmates underwent voluntary treatment with psychotropic drugs. 27 inmates were treated with psychotropic drugs on an involuntary basis.

The types of medication used include antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, antianxiety drugs, mood stabilizers, anti-parkinsonian medications, and medication for side effects.
3. Mental Health Services, both psychiatric and psychological, are available at all of the major institutions. Services include chemotherapy, group and individual therapy, psychological, psychiatric, and neuropsychological evaluations, crisis intervention, sex offender groups, anger management groups, and domestic abuse groups.

Inmates who need more intensive mental health services are transferred to the Special Management Unit at Columbia Correctional Institution, the Wisconsin Resource Center, or one of the Mental Health Institutes.
If you need any additional information, please let me know.
Michael J. Sullivan
Secretary, DOC
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
February 11, 1997
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Under the requirements of s.16.705(8), Wis. Stat., the Department of Administration must report to the Governor, the Joint Committee on Finance, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, and the Chief Clerk of each house for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172.(3), Wis. Stat., a report concerning the number, value and nature of contractual service procurements authorized for each agency during the preceding fiscal year. The attached "Contractual Services Purchasing Report" for fiscal year 1995-96, follows the format of the 1994-95 Report.
If you have questions concerning the report, please contact Jan Abrahamsen, the Director of the State Bureau of Procurement, at (608)266-0974.
mark d. bugher
Secretary, DOA
DATE: February 12, 1997

TO: Charles R. Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk

FROM: State Employment Options Program
Department of Employment Relations

RE: 1996 SEO Annual Report
Please find enclosed the 1996 State Employment Options (SEO) Annual Report.
Please share any questions or concerns you may have with the Department of Employment Relations Executive Assistant, Ray Allen, at 608/266-5316.
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
February 12, 1997
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Section 25.17(14r) of the Statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 274, requires that the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) submit a report to the Joint Committee on Audit, Joint Committee on Finance, and Chief Clerks of each House summarizing any change in the Board's investment policies, upon adoption of the change.
In 1995 Wisconsin Act 403, the Legislature established a college tuition prepayment program which has been named "EdVest Wisconsin." The Department of Administration (DOA) was given responsibility to establish and operate the program. SWIB was given the responsibility to invest assets of the trust fund which will receive revenues from the sale of tuition units.
Act 403 directs that SWIB invest the assets of the trust fund in "investments with maturities and liquidity that are appropriate for the needs of the fund." SWIB will receive a quarterly report from DOA projecting future cashflow needs. An actuary has been retained by DOA to assist in this process.
A69 On February 7, 1997, the Board of Trustees adopted investment guidelines for the trust fund. The assets of the fund will be managed in a structured, fixed income portfolio matched to program liabilities. The guidelines adopted by the Board permit investment in U.S. Treasury and government agency issues, municipal bonds and corporate bonds rated "A" or better. Short-term cash assets of the fund will be managed in the State Investment Fund.
Tuition Trust Fund
Criteria Approved for Investment
The person designated by the Executive Director to manage the Fund may purchase and sell publicly traded fixed income securities, subject to concurrence of the Executive Director or Assistant Executive Director, within the following guidelines:
Quality: Issues rated "A" or better.
Sector: U. S. Treasury and government agencies - No Limit.

Corporate Treasury and government agencies - Overall no limit. Exposure to a particular industry is limited to no more than double that industry's percentage in the M.L. All Corporate Index (COAO).

Municipal treasury and government agencies - Overall No Limit.