The statute also requires a public hearing on a draft of the plan prior to final adoption and submission to the legislature under s. 13.172(2). The public hearing was held January 21, 1998.
Thank you for your attention to this report.
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
March 1, 1997
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Wisconsin school laws include the following provision in section 115.45 (6)(b) and (c):
SECTION 115.45 Grants for preschool to grade 5 programs.
(6) The state superintendent shall:
(b) By March 1, 1986, and annually thereafter, submit to the joint committee on Finance and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s.13.172(3), a budget report detailing the grants he or she intends to award under this section in the next fiscal year. The report shall provide summary data on the results of the annual testing required under sub. (4)(b) and include a description of the guidelines used to determine the individual schools and private service providers that will receive funds under this section and the types of expenditures eligible for such funds.
(c) Annually submit to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) a report on the academic progress made by pupils enrolled in preschool to grade 5 programs under this section.
All Preschool-to-Grade-5 (P-5) Evaluation Reports for 1996-97 are contained herein as well as a report on the academic progress for all schools funded by the P-5 program. If you have questions, please contact my office or Sandra Dercole in the DPI Office of Urban Education (414-227-4466).
John T. Benson
State Superintendent
Referred to committee on Education.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Southeast Wisconsin Professional
Baseball Park District
February 18, 1997
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Enclosed please find your copy of the January 1998 Miller Park Monthly Progress Report. If you have any questions or comments on this months report, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and input on the Miller Park project.
Very truly yours,
Michael R. Duckett, P.E., R.L.S.
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
February 23, 1997
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
The Department of Administration is required by s. 16.705(8), Wisc. Stats., to submit a report to the Governor, the Joint Committee on Finance, the Joint Committee on Audit and the Chief Clerk of each house concerning the number, value and nature of contractual service procurements authorized for each agency during the preceding fiscal year. Enclosed is that report for fiscal year 1996-1997.
The report follows the format of the fiscal year 1995-96 report. Additional information about state contractual services and additional copies of this report are available for committee members by contacting our Bureau of Procurement at (608) 266-2755.
Mark D. Bugher
Secretary, DOA
Assembly Bill 498
1. Page 2, line 3: after "summoned" insert "or".
Assembly Bill 861
1. Page 3, line 1: on lines 1 and 2, substitute "(s)" for "(5)".
2. Page 10, line 15: before "develop" insert "to".
Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 287
In engrossing, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 1, line 1: after that line insert:
"1. Page 2, line 11: delete "(b) of the statutes is" and substitute "(b) and (c) of the statutes are".".
2. Page 1, line 2: delete "1." and substitute "1m.".
3. Page 1, line 2: delete "insert "The" and substitute "insert: "(c) The".
4. Page 1, line 2: delete "this bill" and substitute "1997 Wisconsin Act ... (this act)".