Madison, WI 53708
Dear Charlie:
Please register me as voting "Aye" on the following questions from Thursday, March 26, during my leave of absence:
Adoption of Assembly Joint Resolution 119
Passage of Assembly Bill 811
Passage of Assembly Bill 860
Concurrence of Senate Bill 25
Concurrence of Senate Bill 319
Concurrence of Senate Bill 351
Concurrence of Senate Bill 396
Concurrence of Senate Bill 490
Concurrence of Senate Bill 32
Concurrence of Senate Bill 313
Concurrence of Senate Bill 144
Concurrence of Senate Bill 360
Concurrence of Senate Bill 235
Concurrence of Senate Bill 462
Peggy Krusick
97th Assembly District
During today's session, the following visitors honored the Assembly by their presence and were welcomed by the presiding officer and the members:
Kate Henningsen, a sophomore at Madison East High School, guest of Representative Baldwin.
Keith and Trenie Gorak from Clinton, guests of Representative Kedzie.
Mat Tompach and Family from Columbus, guests of Representative Hahn.
Representative Klusman moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until April 28, 1998, pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned until April 28, 1998, pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:31 A.M., Friday, March 27