Then we had Reggie White, this year, and I chose one of his less controversial statements. "So I want to read you something about the team concept, and this is why I pray to god that republicans and democrats here will come together and work for the good of men."
And just this Wednesday (May 13, 1998), His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, spoke and he said, "The need to resolve problems through dialogue and compromise is essential, because life is full of conflicts." "You find differences among societies and even within families and, even, within an individual". "True happiness comes from developing internal spiritual values, not from accumulating wealth", he said.
A919 Rep. Sheila Harsdorf has decided to leave the assembly. One of her more prominent bills this year dealt with massage therapy. It is a little known fact that Sheila has been an active massage therapist all the time she has served in the assembly; so it was only fitting for her to introduce and pass the massage therapist law. As she leaves the assembly she will be going back to River Falls to massage every day, twice a day, 90 Holsteins.
We have a couple of members who think they want to go to congress -- Rep. Mark Green and Rep. Tammy Baldwin. I looked up what one of our earliest congressman said upon being elected to congress. In 1840, when Henry Dodge was our delegate to Congress, evidently, he did not have a high regard for his fellow Congressman. He wrote to a friend, "You have never seen such a body of men convened as the present members of the House of Representatives. Bitter and vindictive as they can be towards each other and little of that courtesy necessary in legislative bodies. The Whigs are divided and cut to pieces among themselves and to tell you my opinion there appears to be, with the heads of the departments, a great deficiency of practical knowledge to enable them to administer the government." It's amazing at how things have not changed.
Rep. Bill Lorge -- who may or may not be returning to this chamber; may or may not be governor next year -- has been preparing himself to be governor. You see, Governor Thompson used to drive a Chevrolet Caprice as his official car; Bill went out and bought a black Chevrolet Caprice. He even liked to park it in the governor's spot when the governor wasn't there. But Bill didn't know the Governor got rid of that car and now he drives a Chrysler LHS. So you better change cars Bill, or your election plans are shot. You know, Jim Klauser finally succeeded, indirectly, in getting Tommy to drive a German car.
When Rep. John Dobyns leaves the legislature, one of the things he will be remembered for is his legislation regarding two-man crews for trains. Well looking back, one will find that railroads and the legislature have interacted a great deal. It was back in 1856 when we had our first railroad scandal. There was wholesale bribery of the legislature and state officers, including the Governor. By 1857, the scandal nearly undermined our state and the nation.
When it comes to Wisconsin symbols no one has tried harder than Bob Zukowski to establish Colby cheese as Wisconsin's official state cheese. When you look at our Agriculture statistics, Colby doesn't even show up as a cheese. It's American Cheese that is our top produced cheese. The gentleman also tried to get the American Flag protected. At least you got part of it right, the "American" part.
Representative Bill Murat will be leaving without having passed a single piece of legislation in the time he has been here. But I will tell you that the entire time I served in the minority I didn't either. So things have not changed much.
I thought it would be fitting to give you a piece of history to remember some of our members by as we celebrate our sesquicentennial this year. I hope you will remember some of what has been said. Thank you for your attention and I wish you all well in this sesquicentennial year."
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Commerce
Department of Natural Resources
April 16, 1998
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
On behalf of the Department of Commerce and the Department of Natural Resources, we are pleased to provide you with the above referenced report. The report summarizes the efforts to-date of the Department of Commerce and the Department of Natural Resources to honor the commitments that each agency made under the Memorandum of Understanding on Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control.
Both agencies recognizes that there are many challenges ahead to full implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding as state agencies reorganize and adjust to shifting priorities and budgetary constraints. Despite these challenges, the Department of Commerce and the Department of Natural Resources remain committed to the success of state-administered erosion and sediment control programs and are prepared to work in partnership together and with other state agencies and local municipalities on this important water quality protection effort.
William J. McCoshen
Secretary, Department of Commerce
George E. Meyer
Secretary, DNR
Referred to committee on Environment.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Commerce
April 24, 1998
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
In accordance with s. 560.03(15), the Department of Commerce is required to submit an annual report to the legislature analyzing the use of IRB financing authorized under Section 66.521 of Wisconsin Statutes, and report on the benefits of that use. The Department of Commerce is also required to submit a summary of the employment impact estimates required under Section 560.034(2) of Wisconsin Statutes.
A920 I am respectfully submitting the attached Industrial Revenue Bond Activity Report. If you have any questions concerning the report or would like to obtain copies, please contact Deb Daly in the Division of Community Development at 608/267-3895.
Referred to committee on Small Business and Economic Development.
William J. McCoshen
Secretary, Department of Commerce
State of Wisconsin
Department of Commerce
April 29, 1998
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
As required by s. 16.045(5), I am submitting the sixth Wisconsin Gasohol and Alternative Fuel Use Report for distribution to the appropriate standing committees.
Should you or legislative members have questions, please contact the Division of Energy and Intergovernmental Relations, Nathaniel E. Robinson, Administrator, at 608/266-7257.
Secretary, DOA
Referred to committee on Environment.
DATE: April 23, 1998

TO: Charles R. Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk

FROM: Katharine C. Lyall, President
University of Wisconsin System

RE: Report pursuant to s. 36.25(14)(c), Wis. Stats.
At its meeting April 3, 1998, the board of Regents accepted the attached report for submission to the chief clerk of each house of the Legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172(3).
Section 36.25(14m)(c), Wis. Stats., requires the Board of Regents to submit a report to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the Legislature annually by April 15 on its precollege, recruitment, and retention plan for minority and disadvantaged students. The report must also include information on financial aid programs serving those students. The report for 1996-97 is attached.
If you need additional information regarding this report, please contact Andera-Teresa Arenas at 262-8636.
Referred to committee on Colleges and Universities.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Commerce
May 15, 1998
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
As specified in 101.122, we are submitting last year's annual report for the Rental Weatherization Program. This program began on January 1, 1985. This is the 12th report of the program's operation. Additional copies of the report are available by contacting the program staff at:
Rental Weatherization Program
Commerce-Safety and Buildings Division
Telephone: (608) 266-0671
William J. McCoshen
Secretary, Deptartment of Commerce
Referred to committee on Housing.
AGency REports
Southeast Wisconsin Professional
Baseball Park District
May 15, 1998
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Enclosed please find your copy of the April 1998 Miller Park Monthly Progress Report. If you have any questions or comments on this month's report, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and input on the Miller Park project.
Very truly yours,
Michael R. Duckett, P.E., R.L.S.
Executive Director, SEWPBPD