Larson, Sue
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Inc.
Subject(s): LSS will attempt to influence legislation and rules primarily affecting issues around health and social services Inc.luding welfare reform and community corrections. We may also work on issues around non-profit tax exempt status.
Buchen, Elizabeth
Duea, Robert
Kelly, Erin
Madison Abortion Clinic*
Subject(s): Womens' health care and reproductive rights as related to abortion providers and availability of services.
Knoll, Doris
Madison Audubon Society, Inc.
Subject(s): Of interest to Madison Audubon is any legislation and any administrative rules having to do with the environment, Inc.luding DNR, DATCP, DWD and DOT rules, Inc.luding but not limited to, issues concerning wetlands, land use, biodiversity, endangered resources, habitat protection, pesticides and toxics, water quality and mining.
Hale, Karen Etter
Madison Gas and Electric Co.
Subject(s): Legislation and administrative rules that affect the utility industry Inc.luding, but not limited to, restructuring of the electric utility industry, merger activity, Public Utility Holding Co. Act, power plant siting, among others.
Garvin, John
Petersen, Eric
Williamson, Mark
Wimmer, Jr, James
Madison Metropolitan School District
Subject(s): Legislation and/or administrative rules relating to education and children's issues, Inc.luding school finance, labor relations, desegregation, educational initiatives and mandates, technology and school safety.
McCabe, Michael
Quick, Joseph
S38 Manufactured Housing Assn., Wisconsin
Subject(s): The Association will influence legislation and rulemaking in the areas of business practices, licensing, sales and use tax, private water utility regulation, fair housing, landlord-tenant relationships and all other matters as they may affect our membership.
Kinzler, Ross
McDowell, Kelly
Schreiber, Martin
Slattery, Scott
Manufacturers & Commerce, Wisconsin
Subject(s): WMC lobbies all issues pertaining to business with an emphasis on the following issue areas: taxation; labor relations; environment; business regulation; health care; civil justice.
Buchen, James A
Fassbender, Robert I.
Haney, James S
Hansen, Joan
Metcalf, John C
Morgan, James R
Stevens, Patrick
Thimke, Mark A
Marathon Oil Co.
Subject(s): Legislation and administrative rules impacting the refining, transportation or marketing of petroleum and petroleum-related products; taxation; environment, Inc.luding air and water quality; trade and consumer protection; and general business
Hough, James
Moenter, Daniel
Marquette University
Subject(s): Within legislation and specifically the budget bill, adequate funding for student aid programs such as the Wisconsin Tuition Grant and also programs affecting dental education, Inc.luding capitation support for Wisconsin resident DDS students and program support for dental clinic operations.
Altenburg, Rana H
Sankovitz, James
Marriage and Family Therapy, Wisconsin Assn. for
Subject(s): We deal with matters affecting the welfare and mental health of families and individuals within them and resolve problems therein.
Buckley, James
Marshall & Ilsley Corp
Subject(s): Banking and related financial matters.
Cook, Sharon
Mitchell, Brian
Massage Therapy Assn., American, Wis Chapter, MultiState Associates on behalf
Subject(s): Licensing and regulation of massage therapy.
Driessen, Anthony
May, Roy
Subject(s): Obscenity.
Sicula, Paul
Mechanical Contractors Assn. of Wisconsin
Subject(s): Labor, environment and all matters pertaining to the construction industry.
Mitchell, Brian
Medical College of Wisconsin
Subject(s): Legislation pertaining to health care, education and research.
Bolger, T. Michael
Elliott, Brian
Gissen, Donna
Hottenroth, Theresa M
Medical Security, American
Subject(s): Regulations or legislation that may affect small business. Insurance regulations or legislation. Regulations or legislation affecting the delivery of health care.
McGee-Polasky, Amy
Medical Society of Wisconsin, State
Subject(s): Health care regulation, public health and safety, medical liability, health care financing and delivery.
Adams, Mark
Andersen, Kathy
Kirby, Michael
Patchett, John E
Wilson, M. Colleen
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Subject(s): We are interested in areas of public policy dealing with the economic, social and environmental health of our members.
Strohl, Joseph
Merchants Federation, Wisconsin
Subject(s): The Wisconsin Merchants Federation is the "voice of Wisconsin retailing." Our members' concerns range from trade regulations to taxation, from the environment to retail security and crime.
Johnson, Douglas Q.
Tackett, Chris C.
Mercy Health System
Subject(s): All matters directly or indirectly affecting integrated health care systems.
Christianson, Peter