That's great. Could the students tell me what they think about this program and distance education? (Students answer)
How has this technology helped you learn? (Student answers)
Let's bring in our friends from Washburn in Northern Wisconsin, who shared the dinosaur project with Hi Mount.
Can you tell me what you thought about taking a class on dinosaurs from a teacher in Milwaukee? (Student answers)
How did the class work? (Students answer)
Thanks kids. To wrap up, could Wisconsin Johnson tell us how the Internet was used in conjunction with the project? (He answers)
What a great way to learn. Students from opposite ends of the state learning together.
The technology we just used is the Fiber Optic Video Network. This is the classroom of tomorrow.
Technology is the great equalizer. It gives every student, whether poor or wealthy, rural or urban, access to the best teachers, best information and best education possible. The student from Elroy will have the same opportunities as the student from Brookfield.
This is the challenge that lies before us. To create the classroom of the future where every student can achieve at a high level and graduate with the skills to contribute.
In these chambers, let us make sure our children are able to lead this state to even greater heights well into the next century.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Legislature, Constitutional officers, people of Wisconsin: This week has been euphoric.
This week the world watched as our ambassadors, the Green Bay Packers, the pride of Wisconsin, ascended to the pinnacle of athletic achievement.
But it strikes me that what we witnessed this week was not merely a sporting victory. The Green Bay Packers have come to symbolize our entire state and our way of life. A hometown team, still owned lock stock and barrel by a community, winning it all.
America's team in America's state.
And this team is built on more than athletic prowess. After the NFC championship game, I was invited to the locker room to celebrate with the players and coaches. Of course I expected the type of party we've seen on TV when other teams win a championship - loud voices, champagne flowing, confident predictions of future victories. But what I witnessed stood in stark contrast to the self-adulation common to professional sports.
I walked into the locker room to see an entire team on bended knee, being led in the Lord's prayer by our 300-pound Minister of Defense. And there wasn't a dry eye among the warriors of the gridiron.
In that moment - even more than on the playing field of Lambeau - the Packers represented who we are in Wisconsin.
We know from where our strength comes. We are humbled by our victories. We are thankful for what has been entrusted to us.
And as I continue to travel this Great State of Wisconsin:
¨ ¨I'm awed by the never-ending chorus of optimism that rings from every community.
¨ Inspired by the deep and abiding faith that characterizes our people.
¨ ¨Invigorated by our sheer determination to succeed.
¨ ¨And humbled by the deep honor of being your Governor.
We are America's State. And together we will make tomorrow even better than today.
From Sue Ann and me, God bless you and God Bless the Great State of Wisconsin.
8:05 P.M.
Motions Under Senate Rule 98
for the Month of January 1997
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Cowles for Tony Bauer on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Farrow for Ed Baumann Chief of Police for the Village of Pewaukee on the occasion of being selected 1996 Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Chvala for Adam Beckwith on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Rosenzweig for Boy Scout Troop 21 as it celebrates it 75th Anniversary.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Risser for Aaron Bryden on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Farrow for Martin C. Christianson on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Panzer for Donnovan Dolato on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Adelman for Matthew Erb on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Shibilski for Anne Farning on the occasion of her retirement after 17 years of dedicated service to the Wood County Department of Aging including 13 years as Director.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Burke for John Folaron on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of condolences by Senator George for the family of the Honorable Leander J. Foley Jr., on the occasion of commending his seventy years of life.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Drzewiecki for Brian Grandaw on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Cowles for Neil Green on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
S60 A certificate of commendation by Senator Ellis for Eric C. Gross on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Farrow for Paul M. Guzzetta Jr. on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Buettner for Kevin David Hayford on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Moen for David Hering on the occasion of his retirement after 35 years of service to the citizens of Monroe County.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Moen for Marshall Horlacher on the occasion of his retirement and 42 years of dedicated service to the Township Fire Department.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Ellis for John and Phyllis Jungers of Dos Bandidos/Appleton Brewing Co. in Appleton on the occasion of being awarded 1997 Outstanding Restaurateurs of the Year Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Burke for Daniel Lionberg on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Drzewiecki for Jason M. Matuszak on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of condolence by Senator Ellis for the family of Mary L. McClenahan on the occasion of recognizing her outstanding accomplishments and legacy she has left behind.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Huelsman for Eileen Mooers and Pat Rauch on the occasion of being honored as Delafield's 1996 Persons of the Year.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Schultz for Nick Nice on occasion of his retirement as Lt. Colonel in the U. S. Marine Corps after 26 years of service to his country.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Potter for the Northern Kettle Moraine Snowmobile Association on the occasion of celebrating their 25th Anniversary.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Risser for The Opera House on the occasion of their exemplary service for the Inauguration Reception.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Huelsman for Brandon Pietruszynski on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Grobschmidt for Bob Pleva on the occasion of being honored as the 1996 St. Francis "Citizen of the Year".
A certificate of commendation by Senator Decker for Anthony D. Paprocki on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Buettner for Cory Prey on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Burke for Nathaniel Ragatz on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Drzewiecki for Derek Reinke on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Grobschmidt for Bette Jane Rodriguez on the occasion her retirement as the Deputy Treasurer for the City of Cudahy and her many years of dedicated service.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Huelsman for Rick Ryer on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Rosenzweig for the owners of Sue Shar's - Sharon Kuhs and Sue Zwitter on the occasion of the closing of Sue Shar's and honor both owners for such dedication to the West Allis community.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Shibilski for Pat Stade on the occasion of her retirement after serving Portage County for 20 years.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Breske for Dan and Sarah Stoehr on the occasion of being named 1996 Citizens of the Year.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Rosenzweig for Frank Strumberger on the occasion of receiving the award of West Allis Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Farrow for Donald E. Turek on the occasion 40 years of service as Executive Director of the Milwaukee County War Memorial Corporation, and to the citizens of Milwaukee County.
A certificate of congratulations by Senator Potter for John Van Der Male on the occasion of his retirement after 27 1/2 years of devoted public service to Sheboygan County.
A certificate of commendation by Senator Decker for Connie Wang on the occasion of being awarded the Prentice Area Ambulance Service Technician of the year award.