Center for Public Representation, Inc
Subject(s) Welfare reform; health care for low-income consumers; consumer; telecommunications - access for low-income individuals and communities.
Meili, Stephen E
Trubek, Louise
Cooperatives, Wisconsin Federation of
Subject(s) WFC represents a wide range of cooperative businesses and therefore tracks and lobbies on a variety of issues, including those affecting financial institutions, telephone and rural electric cooperative utilities, dairy, farm supply, livestock marketing, insurance, health care and cooperative housing. Cooperative taxation issues impact all WFC members and is another area in which the Federation is involved. State agencies the Federation works most closely with include the Public Service Commission, Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Financial Institutions and Department of Commerce.
Clay, Timothy
Hoopman, David
Jenkins, David
Manske, John
Nelson, Ruthann
Nilsestuen, Rod
Ericsson Inc
Subject(s) All state legislation and/or administrative rules relating to or affecting transportation/communication technologies.
Peshek, Peter
Fair Aid Coalition
Subject(s) The Coalition is interested in maintaining fairness in the funding of local education through the State equalization aid formula. It supports the current three tier formula or similar mechanism for distribution of state aids and tax levy credits. It is also interested in adequate Chapter 220 funding by the state.
McDowell, Kelly
Schreiber, Martin
Fire Fighters of Wisconsin Inc, Retired Professional
Subject(s) Any areas dealing with the public employee retirement system.
Strohl, Joseph
Firearms Tech, Inc
Subject(s) Legislation controlling firearms, administrative rules relating to the use of firearms.
Fendry, James E
S70 Growmark Inc
Subject(s) We are concerned with any legislation or administrative rule that affects aspects of environmental, safety or health as it relates to Growmark, Inc in Wisconsin. This could include budget and non-budget related legislation or rules. In the 1997-98 legislative session, we plan to be involved with the Agricultural Chemical Clean-up funding adjustments, ATCP 29 changes, weights & measures adjustments, land application of LP gas meter testing changes, commercial feed rule changes, ERB-4, and hazardous materials transportation changes.
Wantland, David
Insurance Assn., American
Subject(s) All matters affecting property/casualty insurance, including but not limited to all commercial and personal issues and all matters relating to surety and fidelity coverage.
Christianson, Peter
Key Life Insurance Company
Subject(s) Promulgation of administrative rules to implement 1995 Wisconsin Act 295.
Christianson, Peter
Toman, William
Lake Geneva Historical Society, Inc
Subject(s) Support the preservation of the undeveloped shoreline of Black Point and the historic Black Point residence on the south shore of Geneva Lake, Walworth County.
O'Connor, William P
Local Union 2150, IBEW
Subject(s) Wage and hour; OSHA reform; minimum wage; right to work; FMLA; tort reform; campaign and finance reform; utility restructuring; deregulation; privatization; unemployment compensation; workers compensation.
Kowalkowski, Joseph
Menominee County Taxpayers Assn., Inc
Subject(s) Menominee County has a taxable land base of less than 1.5% of the area in the county. The organization is concerned with any legislation or rule that would affect taxation of Menominee County taxpayers.
Tenuta, James
Metropolitan Builders Assn. of Greater Milwaukee
Subject(s) The Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater Milwaukee will attempt to influence state legislation and administrative rules which concern the home-building industry. Specifically, the Association will be most concerned with legislation and rules affecting items checked below, as well as banking, consumer affairs, economic development, solid waste and recycling, taxation, utilities, and Worker's Compensation. The Association may also engage in influencing other areas as the need arises.
Moroney, Matt
Milwaukee Teachers Education Assn.
Subject(s) Areas of educational funding in K-12, retirement benefits for public employees, property tax issues as they relate to funding of schools.
Anderson, Robert
Carmen, Samuel
Gaston-Mounger, Linda
Milwaukee, City of
Subject(s) Any and all areas that affect a municipal corporation or its residents and taxpayers.
Curley, Patrick T
Czarnezki, Joseph J
Floyd, Dorinda R
Jacquart, Steven J
Kuiper, Laurie G
Porter, Orson C
Smith, Marcus L
Milwaukee, County of
Subject(s) Milwaukee County represents a diverse population and economy with multi-facted concerns and problems. Subsequently, areas of the State budget, legislation and administrative rules that are paramount to the County are: health and social services; judiciary and public safety; transportation; general government operations and taxation; natural resources and the environment.
de la Rosa, Roy
Kuhn, Kathryn
Schneider, Mary
Monsanto Company
Subject(s) We are interested in legislation or rules that would: impact the sales or use of agricultural pesticides (e.g., registration fees, groundwater rules, etc.); impact the sales or use of non-agricultural pesticides (e.g., posting or notification rules); impact the sales or use of biotechnology products (e.g., biotechnology labeling bills); impact the sales or use of human pharmaceuticals (e.g., cognitive services rules, therapeutic substitution, etc.).
Gerrard, M William
Glover, Jerry P
Municipalities, League of Wisconsin
Subject(s) The League of Wisconsin Municipalities will attempt to influence actions that affect city and village governments.
Bull, Kathy L
Thompson, Daniel R
Mutual Insurance Companies, Wisconsin Assn. of*
Subject(s) Any rules or statutes effecting Town Mutual Insurance Companies education of insurance materials.
Mueller, Gerald
Norwest Corp.
Subject(s) Any legislation or administrative rule that may affect the banking industry, financial services industry and related matters.
Anderson, Norman C
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Subject(s) Mental health issues; drug pricing issues; health care reform; access; coverage;
Peacock, Christine
Plastics Council Inc, American
Subject(s) Any legislation which addresses Wisconsin's recycling law and recycling funding
Driessen, Anthony
Earl, Anthony
Stenger, Scott
S71 Public Service Corporation, Wisconsin