To committee on Judiciary, Campaign Finance Reform and Consumer Affairs.
Senate Bill 495
S484 Relating to: mental health crisis intervention services; requirements for a Level I local health officer; coordination by a local board of health of activities of a sanitarian; fetal death reports; access by a coroner, deputy coroner, medical examiner or medical examiner's assistant to patient health care records; confidentiality restrictions on cancer reports; service contracts under community integration programs; eliminating outdated requirements for bed assessments for nursing homes and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded; designation by a nursing home of a person to accept service of notice or mail; required information for licenses for nursing homes and community-based residential facilities; eliminating a date for posting notice about the long-term care ombudsman program; eliminating dates for determinations that nursing homes are institutions for mental diseases; resident rights and responsibilities for residents of nursing homes and community-based residential facilities; eliminating dates for requesting and providing information about nursing homes; evaluations of integrated services projects; matching funds requirements for participants in integrated services projects; eliminating a requirement for a plan and report on school-community alcohol and drug abuse prevention and other services; eliminating a requirement that a person investigating a report of suspected or threatened emotional abuse of a child determine that the person responsible for the emotional damage is neglecting, refusing or unable for reasons other than poverty to remedy the harm; and prohibiting an adoptive parent from moving for relief from an order granting adoption or petitioning for a rehearing of such an order (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of health and family services).
By Law Revision Committee.
To committee on Health, Human Services, Aging, Corrections, Veterans and Military Affairs.
Senate Bill 496
Relating to: ozone-depleting refrigerant and mobile air conditioners.
By Senators Cowles, Shibilski, Huelsman, Farrow, Darling and Schultz; cosponsored by Representatives Schafer, Ainsworth, Otte, Goetsch, Ryba, Foti, Musser, Owens, Albers, Hasenohrl, Olsen, Vander Loop, Lorge, Grothman and Plouff, by request of Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
To committee on Agriculture and Environmental Resources.
Senate Bill 497
Relating to: causing injury, death or property damage while under the influence of alcohol and providing a penalty.
By Senators Drzewiecki, Farrow, Huelsman and Jauch; cosponsored by Representatives Johnsrud, Porter, Dobyns and Walker.
To committee on Judiciary, Campaign Finance Reform and Consumer Affairs.
report of committees
The committee on Agriculture and Environmental Resources reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 232
Relating to: sale of rabies vaccine and rabies vaccination of dogs.
Introduction and adoption of Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Concurrence as amended.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 299
Relating to: disabled hunter permits issued to persons who are visually handicapped.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 488
Relating to: prospecting and mining fees.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 737
Relating to: the waiver of requirements for trapping approvals for certain special events or programs sponsored or approved by the department of natural resources.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 181
Relating to: establishment of species harvest limits and allotment of individual licensee catch quotas among holders of commercial fishing licenses and granting rule-making authority.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 394
Relating to: hunting near certain schools.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 400
Relating to: advisory members of the land and water conservation board and the renumbering of certain provisions of chapter 134 of the statutes (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection).
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 420
Relating to: the registration of professional geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority and providing a penalty.
Introduction of Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate substitute amendment 1 adoption.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 3 - Senators Clausing, Wirch and Zien.
Noes, 1 - Senator A. Lasee.
S485 Senate Bill 449
Relating to: costs related to investigations regarding weights and measures violations, protection for persons reporting weights and measures violations, providing for business and consumer education and making an appropriation.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 459
Relating to: vacating or discontinuing public access to lakes and streams.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 488
Relating to: representations concerning cheese.
Introduction and adoption of Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Clausing, Wirch, A. Lasee and Zien.
Noes, 0 - None.