In future sessions, the Legislature will determine how to appropriate additional funds the State will receive as a result of Indian gaming compact negotiations. However, the Legislature will first need assurances that all gaming regulatory costs are fully recovered and charged to the correct programs. Therefore, we have included a recommendation for the Department of Administration to develop an equitable process to allocate administrative costs to all its gaming programs.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by the Department of Administration's Division of Gaming. The Division's response is the appendix.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
June 2, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As directed by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, we have completed a review of differing approaches to reading instruction, a survey of the approaches used by Wisconsin classroom teachers and school district curriculum professionals, and an evaluation of the process used to develop the curriculum guides published by the Department of Public Instruction for districts to use when creating their reading curricula.
Reading instruction is a contentious topic, as school districts debate the merits of phonics instruction—a skills approach that emphasizes letter and sound combinations within words—versus whole language instruction—an approach that teaches words within the context of literature. Because there is research supporting both skills and context approaches to reading instruction, education professionals nationwide are beginning to support the use of a mixture of approaches that combines the strengths of phonics and whole language instruction.
We surveyed kindergarten through third-grade classroom teachers in Wisconsin and found that over 90 percent use a mixture of approaches to reading instruction, although approximately 40.6 percent of surveyed teachers reported a skills (phonics-related) emphasis, 33.1 percent reported a context (whole language-related) emphasis, and 20.8 percent reported no specific emphasis. Despite reporting different emphases within their approaches to reading instruction, teachers and districts reported little difference in the types of instructional resources and techniques they use in the classroom.
S727 We also reviewed the task force process that the Department used to develop its Guides to Curriculum Planning. The process used to determine content for the 1985 Guide to Curriculum Planning in Reading allowed for information about phonics and whole language instruction to be included, although this issue was not as contentious when the guide was being developed. The reading guide is now outdated, and we include a recommendation for how the Department can expand participation in the task force process to ensure reading instruction issues are comprehensively addressed in a future revision.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by the Department of Public Instruction. The Department's response is Appendix III.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
executive communications
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #336
Relating to a Proclamation that the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin be Flown at Half-Staff as a Mark of Respect for the Memory of the Late Barry M. Goldwater, Former United States Senator from the State of Arizona
WHEREAS, Barry M. Goldwater died at his home in Paradise Valley, Arizona at the age of 89 on Friday, May 29, 1998; and
WHEREAS, Barry M. Goldwater faithfully and patriotically served the people of the United States as a United States Senator and as a member of the Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, President Clinton has ordered that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 as a mark of respect for the memory of the late Barry M. Goldwater;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, TOMMY G. THOMPSON, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by Federal and State law, do hereby order that the flag of the United States and the flag of the State of Wisconsin shall be flown at half-staff at all buildings, grounds and military installations of the State of Wisconsin equipped with such flags beginning at sunrise on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 and ending at sunset on that date as a mark of respect for the memory of the late Barry M. Goldwater.
IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the city of Madison this second day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
May 28, 1998
The Honorable, The Senate:
As required by Article V, Section 6 of the Wisconsin Constitution, I am submitting the annual Executive Clemency report to the Legislature, covering those clemency cases upon which final dispositions were rendered for applicants during the calendar year 1997. The following applicants received full pardons in 1997:
John R. Bernhoft, convicted of Attempted Theft from Person as a Party to a Crime and sentenced on 4/12/79 to 2 years probation plus restitution and costs, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 11/7/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Robert D. Brown, convicted of Burglary and sentenced on 6/6/61 to 2 years prison, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 7/26/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Richard J. Carlson, convicted of being Unlawfully Armed with a Concealed and Dangerous Weapon and Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marijuana) and sentenced on 10/11/74 to 1 year probation for each count, to run concurrently, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 2-2 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 12/22/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Bruce T. Ciskie, convicted of Attempted Burglary and sentenced on 1/8/58 to 1 year probation and $5 court costs , recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 10/11/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Calvin L. Glessing, convicted of Causing Bodily Harm to a Peace Officer and sentenced on 1/20/76 to not more than 1 year prison, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 3-2 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 11/7/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Dennis Robert Heilberger, convicted of Theft and sentenced on 2/27/61 to not more than 2 years prison, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 10/11/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Cynthia Klyve Lester, convicted by 2 Counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance (heroin) and sentenced on 6/5/74 to not more than 18 months prison on each count to run concurrently (stayed), 2 years probation and restitution, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 10/11/97, because she is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Richard J. Proctor, convicted of Warehousing Drugs in a Vehicle and sentenced on 1/22/90 to 1 year probation, $500.00 fine and costs, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 7/26/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
S728 James M. Smith, convicted of Burglary and sentenced on 4/1/58 to 18 months probation and $21.83 in costs, recommended by the Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on 12/22/97, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Tommy G. Thompson
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to fertilizer bulk storage, pesticide bulk storage and the agricultural chemical cleanup program.
Submitted by Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
Report received from Agency, June 3, 1998.
Referred to committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Rural Affairs, June 3, 1998 .
Relating to aggregating creditable coverage for the state health insurance risk-sharing plan under s. 149.10 (2t) (a), Stats.
Submitted by Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
Report received from Agency, June 1, 1998.
Referred to committee on Insurance, June 3, 1998 .
Relating to permit fees and related fees, including a one-time technology improvement surcharge, for the operation of public swimming pools, recreational and educational camps, campgrounds, hotels and motels, tourist rooming houses, restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments and food and beverage vending operations and commissaries.
Submitted by Department of Health and Family Services.
Report received from Agency, May 29, 1998.
Referred to committee on Health, Family Services and Aging, June 3, 1998 .
The committee on Business, Economic Development and Urban Affairs reports and recommends:
Relating to the brownfields grant program.
No action taken.
Relating to the design and construction of commercial buildings and uniform multifamily dwellings.
No action taken.
Gary Drzewiecki
The committee on Environment and Energy reports and recommends:
Relating to building and paying for electric distribution service extensions.
No action taken.
Robert Cowles
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 357
Presented to the Governor on June 2, 1998.