Wednesday, December 23, 1998
Ninety-Third Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
report of committees
The committee on Human Resources, Labor, Tourism, Veterans and Military Affairs reports and recommends:
Van Bogaert, Cynthia A., of Oregon, as a member of the Employe Trust Funds Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2001.
Ayes, 5 - Senators senaye
Noes, 0 - None.
David Zien
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
December 18, 1998
The Honorable, The Senate:
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the claims heard on December 9, 1998.
The amounts recommended for payment under $5,000 on claims included in this report have, under the provisions of s. 16.007, Stats., been paid directly by the Board.
The Board is preparing the bill(s) on the recommended award(s) over $5,000, if any, and will submit such to the Joint Finance Committee for legislative introduction.
This report is for the information of the Legislature. The Board would appreciate your acceptance and spreading of it upon the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
Edward D. Main
The State Claims Board conducted hearings in the State Capitol, Room 416 North, Madison, Wisconsin on December 9, 1998, upon the following claims:
Claimant Agency Amount
1. William &
Cynthia Haack Natural Resources $5,413.75
2. Paul G. Roehrig Natural Resources $11,903.03
3. Lonie Wise Corrections $500.00
4. William Niebuhr Revenue $7,947.85
5. Mary Sawatske Revenue $1,623.81
6. Thomas Wall Revenue $2,546.62
7. Marcus Gumz Natural
Resources $103,512,500
In addition, the following claims were considered and decided without hearings:
Claimant Agency Amount
8. Cletus Alsteen Natural Resources $185.00
9. Dale Breggemen Corrections $250.00
10. John P. Cejka Corrections $1,140.07
11. David L. Canedy Corrections $375.25
12. Steven E. Janecek Revenue $7,497.83
13. Michael D.
Vogtman Revenue $2,926.77
14. Ronald D. Retrum University of Wisconsin $229.40
15. Laurence Marton University of
Wisconsin $6,109,044.10
In addition, the following claims, presented at a previous hearing, were considered and decided:
Claimant Agency Amount
16. Jan Nowlen &
Richard Martin Revenue $9,556.69
17. Alan &
Marlene Sieker Agriculture, Trade $12,600.00
& Consumer Protection
The Board Finds:
S809 1. William and Cynthia Haack of Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin claim $5,413.75 for the value of an injured horse and veterinary bills. The DNR has an easement privilege on the claimants' land. The claimants state that they have been trying to get the Department to fix and complete the fencing along the easement for two years. They claim that the fence is in a general state of disrepair and that a portion of the fence came down several years ago when a large tree on the DNR easement fell over. They state that barbed wire from the DNR fence was strewn about in the pasture near the tree, but that they were unaware of this because the wire was hidden in the tall marsh grasses. They allege that in 1997, one of their horses got tangled in the barbed wire from the DNR fence and was seriously injured. Because of its injuries, the horse is not able to bear weight and can never be ridden and it is also doubtful that the animal will be able to be bred. The horse is a rare, Rocky Mountain breed and was valued at $4,000 at the time of her injury. The claimants state that, contrary to the DNR's assertions, they never relocated any of their fencing; that their horse was injured in barbed wire from the downed DNR fence, not by the temporary wire mesh fence referred to in the DNR response, which the claimants erected after the horse's injury. They further state that the DNR fencing was not installed "several" years ago, but 32 years ago, after the easement was granted. The claimants allege that despite their repeated complaints to the DNR, the entire easement has not been maintained. The claimants further allege that in October 1998 local DNR employes contacted them and stated that they may have been wrong about the fence. DNR personnel came to the claimants' farm and inspected the area where the horse was injured. They agreed to fix the fence in that area and also took measurements of the unfenced area so that the fence could be completed. The claimants believe the DNR was negligent in not maintaining the easement in general and the fencing in particular. The DNR recommends denial of this claim. The DNR believes that the claimants relocated their fencing so that it no longer connected with the DNR fence and that prior to pasturing the horse in that area, someone other than the Department installed a temporary wire mesh fence to connect the claimants' relocated fence with the DNR fence. According to the Department's information, the horse became entangled in that portion of the fence, which was presumably erected by the claimants. The Department regrets the unfortunate accident, however it does not believe that Department personnel were negligent or that the claim should be paid on equitable grounds. The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the reduced amount of $5,000.00 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of s. 16.007 (6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Natural Resources appropriation s. 20.370 (4)(mu), Stats.