AB100-engrossed, s. 1161 18Section 1161. 36.11 (3) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,605,2119 36.11 (3) (d) 2. The board shall require that a $38 $45 fee accompany each
20application for admittance to a graduate school, law school or medical school within
21the system.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1162 22Section 1162. 36.11 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,606,223 36.11 (6) (c) By April 10, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter, the board shall
24develop and submit to the education commission higher educational aids board for
25its review under s. 39.285 (1) a proposed formula for the awarding of grants under

1s. 39.435, except for grants awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5), for the upcoming
2academic year to students enrolled in the system.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1162m 3Section 1162m. 36.11 (33) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,606,74 36.11 (33) Report on management and staff positions. (a) The board shall
5categorize each position in the system as either a management position or a staff
6position. The board shall define "management" and "staff" for the purposes of this
AB100-engrossed,606,98 (b) By January 1, 1998, and annually thereafter by January 1, the board shall
9submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes all of the following:
AB100-engrossed,606,1010 1. The definitions of "management" and "staff" used by the board under par. (a).
AB100-engrossed,606,1111 2. A list of the position titles in each category.
AB100-engrossed,606,1212 3. The criteria used by the board to categorize the positions.
AB100-engrossed,606,1313 4. The current number of authorized positions in each category at each campus.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1162r 14Section 1162r. 36.11 (34) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,606,1915 36.11 (34) Mathematics programs evaluation. From the appropriation under
16s. 20.285 (1) (a), annually the board shall allocate $25,000 to the University of
17Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the purpose of evaluating a pilot mathematics program
18conducted by the school district operating under ch. 119. This subsection does not
19apply after June 30, 2003.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1163 20Section 1163. 36.25 (12) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,607,321 36.25 (12) (c) The institute shall investigate medical and social conditions
22which directly or indirectly result in state care; develop and promote measures to
23relieve and prevent the need for state care; undertake special education and training;
24and generally seek by research and investigation to prevent conditions which result
25in state care. The institute shall render, under mutual agreement, services to the

1state institutions under the jurisdiction of the department of health and family
2services and the department of education public instruction. Such state institutions
3are open to the institute for research and training.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1164ad 4Section 1164ad. 36.25 (12m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,607,65 36.25 (12m) State cartographer. (intro.) In coordination and consultation
6with the land information board, the
The state cartographer shall:
AB100-engrossed, s. 2164g 7Section 2164g. 36.25 (20) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1165m 8Section 1165m. 36.25 (29m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,607,119 36.25 (29m) (a) Assist the environmental education board in addressing
10statewide teacher training needs in environmental education and in administering
11grants under s. 36.54 (2)
AB100-engrossed, s. 1166 12Section 1166. 36.25 (29m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,607,1513 36.25 (29m) (b) Assist the department of education public instruction to
14periodically assess and report to the environmental education board on the
15environmental literacy of this state's teachers and students.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1167 16Section 1167. 36.25 (29m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,607,1917 36.25 (29m) (e) Assist the department of education public instruction and
18cooperative educational service agencies to assist school districts in conducting
19environmental education needs assessments.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1167b 20Section 1167b. 36.25 (30) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
21renumbered 36.25 (30) and amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,608,322 36.25 (30) Hazardous pollution prevention program. The board shall
23establish in the extension a hazardous pollution prevention program to promote
24hazardous pollution prevention, as defined in s. 299.13 (1) (c). In cooperation with
25the department of natural resources, and the department of commerce and the

1hazardous pollution prevention council
, the program shall do all of the following: (a)
conduct an education and technical assistance program to promote
3hazardous pollution prevention in this state.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1167c 4Section 1167c. 36.25 (30) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1167d 5Section 1167d. 36.25 (30g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,608,136 36.25 (30g) Recycling market development program. The board shall
7establish in the extension, in cooperation with the recycling market development
a program of education and technical assistance related to recycling market
9development. The program shall serve waste generators, as defined in s. 287.40 (4);
10solid waste scrap brokers, dealers and processors; business entities that use or could
11use recovered materials or that produce or could produce products from recovered
12materials and persons who provide support services to those business entities; and
13the general public.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1167p 14Section 1167p. 36.25 (35) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1168 15Section 1168. 36.25 (38) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,608,1716 36.25 (38) Educational technology projects. (a) In this subsection,
17"educational technology" has the meaning given in s. 44.70 (3).
AB100-engrossed,608,1918 (b) The board shall use the moneys appropriated under s. 20.285 (1) (cm) for
19the following purposes:
AB100-engrossed,608,2020 1. The student information system.
AB100-engrossed,608,2121 2. The development of system technology infrastructure.
AB100-engrossed,608,2322 3. The development of curricula to train students enrolled in the schools of
23education in the use of educational technology in primary and secondary schools.
AB100-engrossed,608,2524 4. To provide professional development in the use of educational technology for
25primary and secondary school teachers.
15. To provide faculty with educational technology and to train faculty in its use.
AB100-engrossed,609,32 6. To pay the department of administration for telecommunications services
3provided under s. 16.973 (1).
AB100-engrossed, s. 1168k 4Section 1168k. 36.25 (42) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,609,65 36.25 (42) Distinguished chair of military history. The board shall establish
6a distinguished chair of military history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1168m 7Section 1168m. 36.27 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,609,118 36.27 (3) (g) The board may shall remit nonresident tuition and fees, in whole
9or part, to resident and nonresident graduate students who are fellows or who are
10employed within the system as faculty, instructional academic staff or assistants
11with an appointment equal to at least 33% of a full-time equivalent position.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1169 12Section 1169. 36.27 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,609,1813 36.27 (4) (a) In the 1993-94 to 1996-97 1998-99 academic years, the board may
14annually exempt from nonresident tuition, but not from incidental or other fees, up
15to 200 students enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside as juniors or
16seniors in programs identified by that institution as having surplus capacity and up
17to 150 students enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Superior in programs
18identified by that institution as having surplus capacity.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1170 19Section 1170. 36.27 (4) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1171 20Section 1171. 36.27 (4) (cm) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1172 21Section 1172. 36.27 (4) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1172m 22Section 1172m. 36.27 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,609,2423 36.27 (5) Fee statement. (a) In this subsection, "state funds" means the total
24amount of general purpose revenue appropriated under s. 20.285 in any fiscal year.
1(b) The board shall ensure that every student's bill for academic fees or
2nonresident tuition includes the following statement: "The legislature and the
3governor have authorized $.... in state funds for the University of Wisconsin System
4during the .... academic year. This amount represents an average subsidy of $.... from
5the taxpayers of Wisconsin for each student enrolled in the University of Wisconsin
AB100-engrossed,610,107 (c) The board shall calculate the average subsidy for the purpose of the fee
8statement under par. (b) by dividing state funds in the appropriate fiscal year by the
9number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in the system in the most recent
10fall semester.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1173e 11Section 1173e. 36.46 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 36.46 (1) (a) and
12amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,611,213 36.46 (1) (a) The board may not accumulate any auxiliary reserve funds from
14student fees unless the fees and for any institution, or for the centers in aggregate,
15in an amount that exceeds an amount equal to 15% of the previous fiscal year's total
16revenues from student segregated fees and auxiliary operations funded from student
17fees for that institution, or for the centers in aggregate, unless
the reserve funds are
18approved by the secretary of administration and the joint committee on finance
19under this section subsection. A request by the board for such approval for any
20academic fiscal year shall be filed by the board with the secretary of administration
21and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance no later than July 10
22preceding that
September 15 of that fiscal year. The request shall include a plan
23specifying the amount of reserve funds the board wishes to accumulate and the
24purposes to which the reserve funds would be applied, if approved. Within 14
25working days of receipt of the request, the secretary of administration shall notify

1the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance in writing of whether the
2secretary proposes to approve the fees or reserve fund accumulation.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1173m 3Section 1173m. 36.46 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 36.46 (1) (b) and
4amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,611,13 536.46 (1) (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1) par. (a), if, within 14 working days after
6the date of the secretary's notification, the cochairpersons of the committee do not
7notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
8reviewing the secretary's proposed action, the proposed fees may be levied and the
reserve funds may be accumulated. If, within 14 working days after the
10date of the secretary's notification, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
11secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing
12the secretary's proposed action, the proposed fees may not be levied and the proposed
13reserve funds may not be accumulated unless the committee approves that action.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1173s 14Section 1173s. 36.46 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,611,1515 36.46 (2) (a) The board shall promulgate rules that do all of the following:
AB100-engrossed,611,1716 1. Define "one-time, fixed-duration costs" and "student-related activity" for
17the purpose of s. 20.285 (1) (kp).
AB100-engrossed,611,1918 2. Establish criteria for the board to use in determining whether to approve
19requests to transfer moneys under s. 20.285 (1) (h).
AB100-engrossed,612,620 (b) The board may not transfer moneys from the appropriation account under
21s. 20.285 (1) (h) to the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (kp) unless the
22transfer is approved by the joint committee on finance under this paragraph. The
23board shall submit a request for such approval to the cochairpersons of the joint
24committee on finance. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the board
25that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the

1proposed transfer within 14 working days after the date of the board's request, the
2board may transfer the moneys. If, within 14 working days after the date of the
3board's request, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the board that the
4committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed
5transfer, the board may not transfer the moneys until the committee approves the
AB100-engrossed,612,147 (c) By September 1, 1998, and annually by September 1 thereafter, the board
8shall submit to the joint committee on finance a report on the requests to transfer
9moneys from the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (h) to the appropriation
10account under s. 20.285 (1) (kp) that were received by the board in the previous fiscal
11year. For each request, the report shall identify the campus that submitted the
12request, the amount of the request, the revenue source of the moneys requested, the
13purpose for which the moneys were to be used and whether the board approved the
AB100-engrossed, s. 1174 15Section 1174. 36.51 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,612,2116 36.51 (2) Any center or institution approved by the board may establish a
17system to provide the opportunity for authorized elderly persons to participate in its
18meal program. If a center or institution desires to establish such a service, it shall
19develop a plan for the provision of food services for elderly persons and submit the
20plan to the board. Annually, the board shall notify the department of education
21public instruction of the approved centers and institutions.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1175 22Section 1175. 36.51 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,613,423 36.51 (6) The center or institution may file a claim with the department of
24education public instruction for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred,
25excluding capital equipment costs, but not to exceed 15% of the cost of the meal or

150 cents per meal, whichever is less. Any cost in excess of the lesser amount may be
2charged to participants. If the department of education public instruction approves
3the claim, it shall certify that payment is due and the state treasurer shall pay the
4claim from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cn).
AB100-engrossed, s. 1176 5Section 1176. 36.51 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,613,126 36.51 (7) All meals served must meet the approval of the board, which shall
7establish minimum nutritional standards and reasonable expenditure limits
8consistent with the standards and limits established by the department of education
9state superintendent of public instruction under s. 115.345 (6). The board shall give
10special consideration to the dietary problems of elderly persons in formulating a
11nutritional plan. However, no center or institution may be required to provide
12special foods for individual persons with allergies or medical disorders.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1178 13Section 1178. 38.04 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,613,1814 38.04 (7m) Financial aids. By April 10, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter,
15the board shall develop and submit to the education commission higher educational
16aids board
for its review under s. 39.285 (1) a proposed formula for the awarding of
17grants under s. 39.435, except for grants awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5), for the
18upcoming academic year to students enrolled in the technical colleges.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1178m 19Section 1178m. 38.04 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,614,320 38.04 (9) Training programs for fire fighters. In order to promote safety to
21life and property, the board may establish and supervise training programs in fire
22prevention and protection. The training programs shall be available to members of
23volunteer and paid fire departments maintained by public and private agencies,
24including industrial plants. No training program required for participation in
25structural fire fighting that is offered to members of volunteer and paid fire

1departments maintained by public agencies may require more than 60 hours of
2training. The council on fire service training programs shall advise the board on the
3establishment and maintenance of the programs.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1179 4Section 1179. 38.04 (11) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,614,125 38.04 (11) (a) 2. In consultation with the department of education state
6superintendent of public instruction
, the board shall establish, by rule, a uniform
7format for district boards to use in reporting the number of pupils attending district
8schools under ss. 118.15 (1) (b), (cm) and (d) and 118.37 118.55 (7r) and in reporting
9pupil participation in technical preparation programs under s. 118.34, including the
10number of courses taken for advanced standing in the district's associate degree
11program and for technical college credit. The format shall be identical to the format
12established by the department of education under s. 115.28 (38).
AB100-engrossed, s. 1180 13Section 1180. 38.04 (21) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,614,1814 38.04 (21) Pupils attending technical colleges; board report. Annually by
15the 3rd Monday in February the board shall submit a report to the department of
16administration, department of public instruction and department of workforce
17development, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2). The report shall specify all
18of the following by school district:
AB100-engrossed,614,2019 (a) The number of pupils who attended district schools under ss. 118.15 (1) (b),
20(cm) and (d) and 118.55 (7r) in the previous school year.
AB100-engrossed,614,2121 (b) The type and number of credits earned by the pupils.
AB100-engrossed,614,2522 (c) The number of persons who applied for admission to a technical college in
23the previous school year, who previously earned technical college credit under s.
24118.55 (7r) and who applied for admission within one year of graduating from high
1(d) The courses given in high schools for which a pupil may receive technical
2college credit and the number of pupils enrolled in the courses for technical college
3credit in the previous school year.
AB100-engrossed,615,44 (e) Any other information considered relevant by the board.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1180q 5Section 1180q. 38.04 (25) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1181 6Section 1181. 38.04 (26) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,615,127 38.04 (26) Technical preparation programs. In consultation with the
8department of education state superintendent of public instruction, the board shall
9approve courses for technical preparation programs under s. 118.34. By July 1, 1994,
10and annually thereafter by July 1, the board shall publish a list of the approved
11courses that indicates the schools in which each course is taught and the credit
12equivalency available in each district for each course.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1183 13Section 1183. 38.12 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,615,1714 38.12 (8) (a) The district boards shall actively coordinate, with the department
15of education public instruction and the school boards, the responsibility for providing
16vocational training to pupils attending high school and for providing education to
17persons who have dropped out of high school.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1184 18Section 1184. 38.14 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,615,2219 38.14 (3) (am) If a district board contracts with a school board to provide youth
20apprenticeship instruction to pupils enrolled in the school district, the district board
21may not charge the school board an amount that is greater than the technical college
22district's direct instructional costs associated with providing the instruction.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1185 23Section 1185. 38.22 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: