AB100-engrossed,1048,137 (g) "Environmental remediation value increment" means the equalized value
8of a parcel of real property that is certified under this section minus the
9environmental remediation tax incremental base. In any year, the environmental
10remediation value increment is "positive" if the environmental remediation tax
11incremental base of the parcel of property is less than the aggregate value of the
12parcel of property as equalized by the department; it is "negative" if that base exceeds
13that aggregate value.
AB100-engrossed,1048,1414 (h) "Hazardous substance" has the meaning given in s. 292.01 (5).
AB100-engrossed,1048,1815 (i) "Period of certification" means a period of not more than 16 years beginning
16after the department certifies the environmental remediation tax incremental base
17of a parcel of property under sub. (4) or a period before all eligible costs have been
18paid, whichever occurs first.
AB100-engrossed,1048,1919 (j) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town or county.
AB100-engrossed,1048,2020 (k) "Taxable property" means all real and personal taxable property.
AB100-engrossed,1049,5 21(2) Use of environmental remediation tax increments. A political subdivision
22that develops, and whose governing body approves, a written proposal to remediate
23environmental pollution on property owned by the political subdivision may use an
24environmental remediation tax increment to pay the eligible costs of remediating
25environmental pollution on property that is not part of a tax incremental district

1created under s. 66.46 and that is owned by the political subdivision at the time of
2the remediation and then transferred to another person after the property is
3remediated, as provided in this section. No political subdivision may submit an
4application to the department under sub. (4) until the joint review board approves
5the political subdivision's written proposal under sub. (3).
AB100-engrossed,1049,23 6(3) Joint review board. (a) Any political subdivision that seeks to use an
7environmental remediation tax increment under sub. (2) shall convene a joint review
8board to review the proposal. The board shall consist of one representative chosen
9by the school district that has power to levy taxes on the property that is remediated,
10one representative chosen by the technical college district that has power to levy
11taxes on the property, one representative chosen by the county that has power to levy
12taxes on the property that is remediated, one representative chosen by the political
13subdivision and one public member. If more than one school district, more than one
14technical college district or more than one county has the power to levy taxes on the
15property that is remediated, the unit in which is located property that has the
16greatest value shall choose that representative to the board. The public member and
17the board's chairperson shall be selected by a majority of the other board members
18at the board's first meeting. All board members shall be appointed and the first board
19meeting held within 14 days after the political subdivision's governing body approves
20the written proposal under sub. (2). Additional meetings of the board shall be held
21upon the call of any member. The political subdivision that seeks to act under sub.
22(2) shall provide administrative support for the board. By majority vote, the board
23may disband following approval or rejection of the proposal.
1(b) 1. The board shall review the written proposal and the statement described
2under sub. (4) (a). As part of its deliberations the board may hold additional hearings
3on the proposal.
AB100-engrossed,1050,64 2. No written application may be submitted under sub. (4) unless the board
5approves the written proposal under sub. (2) by a majority vote not less than 10 days
6nor more than 30 days after receiving the proposal.
AB100-engrossed,1050,87 3. The board shall submit its decision to the political subdivision no later than
87 days after the board acts on and reviews the written proposal.
AB100-engrossed,1050,109 (c) 1. The board shall base its decision to approve or deny a proposal on the
10following criteria:
AB100-engrossed,1050,1211 a. Whether the development expected in the remediated property would occur
12without the use of environmental remediation tax incremental financing.
AB100-engrossed,1050,1513 b. Whether the economic benefits of the remediated property, as measured by
14increased employment, business and personal income and property value, are
15insufficient to compensate for the cost of the improvements.
AB100-engrossed,1050,1816 c. Whether the benefits of the proposal outweigh the anticipated
17environmental remediation tax increments to be paid by the owners of property in
18the overlying taxing districts.
AB100-engrossed,1050,2019 2. The board shall issue a written explanation describing why any proposal it
20rejects fails to meet one or more of the criteria specified in subd. 1.
AB100-engrossed,1050,2421 (d) If a joint review board convened by a city or village under s. 66.46 (4m) is
22in existence when a city or village seeks to act under this section, the city or village
23may require the joint review board convened under s. 66.46 (4m) to exercise the
24functions of a joint review board that could be convened under this subsection.
1(4) Certification. Upon written application to the department of revenue by
2the clerk of a political subdivision on or before April 1 of the year following the year
3in which the certification described in par. (a) is received from the department of
4natural resources, the department of revenue shall certify to the clerk of the political
5subdivision the environmental remediation tax incremental base of a parcel of real
6property if all of the following apply:
AB100-engrossed,1051,127 (a) The political subdivision submits a statement that it has incurred eligible
8costs with respect to the parcel of property and the statement details the purpose and
9amount of the expenditures and includes a dated certificate issued by the
10department of natural resources that certifies that environmental pollution on the
11parcel of property has been remediated in accordance with rules promulgated by the
12department of natural resources.
AB100-engrossed,1051,1713 (b) The political subdivision submits a statement that all taxing jurisdictions
14with the authority to levy general property taxes on the parcel of property have been
15notified that the political subdivision intends to recover the costs of remediating
16environmental pollution on the property and have been provided a statement of the
17estimated costs to be recovered.
AB100-engrossed,1051,2018 (c) The political subdivision submits a statement, signed by its chief executive
19officer, that the political subdivision has attempted to recover the cost of remediating
20environmental pollution on the property from responsible parties.
AB100-engrossed,1051,2321 (d) The political subdivision completes and submits all forms required by the
22department that relate to the determination of the environmental remediation tax
23incremental base.
AB100-engrossed,1052,3 24(5) Designation on assessment and tax rolls. The assessor of a taxation
25district shall identify on the assessment roll returned and examined under s. 70.45

1those parcels of property that have been certified under sub. (4) during the period of
2certification. The clerk of a taxation district shall make a similar notation on the tax
3roll under s. 70.65.
AB100-engrossed,1052,10 4(6) Notice to taxing jurisdictions. During the period of certification, the
5department shall annually give notice to the designated finance officer of all taxing
6jurisdictions having the power to levy general taxes on property that is certified
7under sub. (4) of the equalized value of that property and the environmental
8remediation tax incremental base of that property. The notice shall explain that the
9environmental remediation tax increment shall be paid to the political subdivision
10as provided under sub. (8) from the taxes collected.
AB100-engrossed,1052,17 11(7) Environmental remediation tax increments authorized. (a) Subject to
12pars. (b) and (c), the department shall annually authorize the positive environmental
13remediation tax increment with respect to a parcel of property during the period of
14certification to the political subdivision that incurred the costs to remediate
15environmental pollution on the property, except that an authorization granted under
16this paragraph does not apply after the department receives the notice described
17under sub. (10) (b).
AB100-engrossed,1052,2118 (b) The department may authorize a positive environmental remediation tax
19increment under par. (a) only if the political subdivision submits to the department
20all information required by the department on or before the 2nd Monday in June of
21the year to which the authorization relates.
AB100-engrossed,1053,222 (c) If the department receives the notice described under sub. (10) (b) during
23the period from January 1 to May 15, the effective date of the notice is the date on
24which the notice is received. If the department receives the notice described under

1sub. (10) (b) during the period from May 16 to December 31, the effective date of the
2notice is the first January 1 after the date on which the notice is received.
AB100-engrossed,1053,9 3(8) Settlement for environmental remediation tax increments. Every officer
4charged by law to collect and settle general property taxes shall, on the settlement
5dates provided by law, pay to the treasurer of a political subdivision from all general
6property taxes collected by the officer the proportion of the environmental
7remediation tax increment due the political subdivision that the general property
8taxes collected bears to the total general property taxes levied, exclusive of levies for
9state trust fund loans, state taxes and state special charges.
AB100-engrossed,1053,20 10(9) Separate accounting required. An environmental remediation tax
11increment received with respect to a parcel of land that is subject to this section shall
12be deposited in a separate fund by the treasurer of the political subdivision. No
13money may be paid out of the fund except to pay eligible costs for a parcel of land, to
14reimburse the political subdivision for such costs or to satisfy claims of holders of
15bonds or notes issued to pay eligible costs. If an environmental remediation tax
16increment that has been collected with respect to a parcel of land remains in the fund
17after the period of certification has expired, it shall be paid to the treasurers of the
18taxing jurisdictions in which the parcel is located in proporation to the relative share
19of those taxing jurisdictions in the most recent levy of general property taxes on the
AB100-engrossed,1053,23 21(10) Reporting requirements. A political subdivision that uses an
22environmental remediation tax increment to pay eligible costs of remediating
23environmental pollution under this section shall do all of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1054,324 (a) Prepare and make available to the public updated annual reports describing
25the status of all projects to remediate environmental pollution funded under this

1section, including revenues and expenditures. A copy of the report shall be sent to
2all taxing jurisdictions with authority to levy general property taxes on the parcel
3of property by May 1 annually.
AB100-engrossed,1054,54 (b) Notify the department within 10 days after the period of certification for a
5parcel of property has expired.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2216m 6Section 2216m. 66.504 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1054,137 66.504 (2) Facilities authorized. A municipality may enter into a joint
8contract with a nonprofit corporation organized for civic purposes and located in the
9municipality to construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain
10a facility to be used for municipal and civic activities if a majority of the voters voting
11in a referendum at a special election or at a spring primary or election or September
12primary or general
an election authorized under s. 8.065 approve the question of
13entering into the joint contract.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2217 14Section 2217. 66.521 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1055,215 66.521 (9) Payment of taxes. When any industrial project acquired by a
16municipality under this section is used by a private person as a lessee, sublessee or
17in any capacity other than owner, that person shall be subject to taxation in the same
18amount and to the same extent as though that person were the owner of the property.
19Taxes shall be assessed to such private person using the real property and collected
20in the same manner as taxes assessed to owners of real property. When due, the taxes
21shall constitute a debt due from such private person to the taxing unit and shall be
22recoverable as provided by law, and such unpaid taxes shall become a lien against
23the property with respect to which they were assessed, superior to all other liens,
24except a lien under s. 292.31 (8) (i), 292.41 (6) (d) or 292.81, and shall be placed on

1their tax roll when there has been a conveyance of the property in the same manner
2as are other taxes assessed against real property.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2217b 3Section 2217b. 66.521 (10) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1055,154 66.521 (10) (d) The governing body may issue bonds under this section without
5submitting the proposition to the electors of the municipality for approval unless
6within 30 days from the date of publication of notice of adoption of the initial
7resolution for such bonds, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40, and
8signed by a number of electors of the municipality equal to not less than 5% of the
9registered electors of the municipality, or, if there is no registration of electors in the
10municipality, by 10% of the number of electors of the municipality voting for the office
11of governor at the last general election as determined under s. 115.01 (13), is filed
12with the clerk of the municipality requesting a referendum upon the question of the
13issuance of the bonds. If such a petition is filed, the bonds shall not be issued until
14approved by a majority of the electors of the municipality voting thereon at a general
15or special election
referendum called in accordance with s. 8.065.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2217f 16Section 2217f. 66.55 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1055,2517 66.55 (1) (f) "Public facilities" means highways, as defined in s. 340.01 (22), and
18other transportation facilities, traffic control devices, facilities for collecting and
19treating sewage, facilities for collecting and treating storm and surface waters,
20facilities for pumping, storing and distributing water, parks, playgrounds and other
21recreational facilities, solid waste and recycling facilities, fire protection facilities,
22law enforcement facilities, emergency medical facilities and libraries except that,
23with regard to counties, "public facilities" does not include highways, as defined in
24s. 340.01 (22), other transportation facilities or traffic control devices
. "Public
25facilities" does not include facilities owned by a school district.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2217h
1Section 2217h. 66.55 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1056,42 66.55 (2) (a) A Subject to par. (am), a political subdivision may enact an
3ordinance under this section that imposes impact fees on developers to pay for the
4capital costs that are necessary to accommodate land development.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2217i 5Section 2217i. 66.55 (2) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1056,76 66.55 (2) (am) No county may impose an impact fee under this section to recover
7costs related to transportation projects.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2218 8Section 2218. 66.73 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1056,25 966.73 Citizenship day. To redirect the attention of the citizens of Wisconsin
10(particularly those who are about to exercise the franchise for the first time) to the
11fundamentals of American government and to American traditions, any county,
12municipal or school board may annually provide for and appropriate funds for a
13program of citizenship education which stresses, through free and frank discussion
14of a nonpolitical, nonsectarian and nonpartisan nature, the doctrine of democracy,
15the duties and responsibilities of elective and appointive officers, the responsibilities
16of voters in a republic and the organization, functions and operation of government.
17This program should culminate in a ceremony of induction to citizenship for those
18who have been enfranchised within the past year. Any county may determine to
19conduct such ceremony either on or within the octave of the day designated by
20congress or proclaimed by the president of the United States as Citizenship Day. The
21board may carry out this function in such manner as it determines. The secretary
22of state, department of education public instruction and other state officers and
23departments shall cooperate with the participating units of government by the
24dissemination of available information which will stimulate interest in the
25government of Wisconsin and its subdivisions.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2218m
1Section 2218m. 66.77 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1057,122 66.77 (3) (a) 1. If the governing body of a county wishes to exceed the operating
3levy rate limit otherwise applicable to the county under this section, it shall adopt
4a resolution to that effect. The resolution shall specify either the operating levy rate
5or the operating levy that the governing body wishes to impose for either a specified
6number of years or an indefinite period. The governing body shall call a special
7referendum for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors of the county
8for approval or rejection. In lieu of a special referendum, the governing body may
9specify that
provide for the referendum to be held at the next succeeding spring
10primary or election or September primary or general
election to be held authorized
11under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) that occurs
not earlier
12than 30 days after the adoption of the resolution of the governing body.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2219s 13Section 2219s. 66.94 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1057,2514 66.94 (4) Manner of adoption. This section may be adopted by any city, village
15or town within the metropolitan district in the following manner: The governing body
16of any municipality, by ordinance passed at least 30 days prior to submission of the
17question, may direct that the question of the adoption of this section be submitted
18to the electors therein at any general, special, judicial or local election authorized
19under s. 8.065
. The clerk of such municipality or the election commission of any city
20of the first class shall thereupon submit the question to popular vote. Public notice
21of the election shall be given in the same manner as in case of a regular municipal
22election except that such notice shall be published or posted at least 20 days prior to
23the election. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative
24thereon, this section shall be adopted in such municipality. The proposition on the
25ballot to be used at such election shall be in substantially the following form:
1Shall section 66.94 of the Wisconsin statutes which creates a metropolitan
2transit authority for ownership and operation of a public mass transportation system
3in the metropolitan district be adopted?
AB100-engrossed, s. 2220 5Section 2220. 67.03 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100-engrossed,1058,126 67.03 (1) (b) For any school district which offers no less than grades 1 to 12 and
7which at the time of incurring such debt is eligible to receive state aid under s. 121.08,
810% of such equalized value shall be permitted. Any school district about to incur
9indebtedness may apply to the state superintendent of public instruction for, and the
10state superintendent may issue, a certificate as to the eligibility of the school district
11to receive state aid under s. 121.08, which certificate shall be conclusive as to such
12eligibility for 30 days, but not beyond the next June 30.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2220m 13Section 2220m. 67.05 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1059,214 67.05 (4) Permissive referendum in counties. If a county board adopts an
15initial resolution for an issue of county bonds to provide for the original construction
16or for the improvement and maintenance of highways, to provide railroad aid, or to
17construct, acquire or maintain, or to aid in constructing, acquiring or maintaining
18a bridge over or across any stream or other body of water bordering upon or
19intersecting any part of the county, the county clerk is not required to submit the
20resolution for approval to the electors of the county at a special election referendum
21unless within 30 days after the adoption thereof there is filed with the clerk a petition
22conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 and requesting such submission, signed by
23electors numbering at least 10% of the votes cast in the county for governor at the
24last general election. If a petition is filed, the question submitted shall be whether
25the resolution shall be or shall not be approved. No such resolution of a county board

1other than those specified in this subsection need be submitted to county electors,
2except as provided otherwise in sub. (7).
AB100-engrossed,1059,15 3(5) Referendum in towns, villages and cities. (a) Whenever an initial
4resolution has been so adopted by the governing body of a town, the clerk of the
5municipality shall immediately record the resolution and call a special election
6referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of submitting the resolution
7to the electors of the municipality for approval. This paragraph does not apply to
8bonds issued to finance low-interest mortgage loans under s. 66.38, unless a number
9of electors equal to at least 15% of the votes cast for governor at the last general
10election in their town sign and file a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40
11with the town clerk requesting submission of the resolution. Whenever a number of
12electors cannot be determined on the basis of reported statistics, the number shall
13be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6). If a petition is filed, the question
14submitted shall be whether the resolution shall or shall not be approved. This
15paragraph is limited in its scope by sub. (7).
AB100-engrossed,1060,2316 (b) No city or village may issue any bonds for any purposes other than for water
17systems, lighting works, gas works, bridges, street lighting, street improvements,
18street improvement funding, hospitals, airports, harbor improvements, river
19improvements, breakwaters and protection piers, sewerage, garbage disposal,
20rubbish or refuse disposal, any combination of sewage, garbage or refuse or rubbish
21disposal, parks and public grounds, swimming pools and band shells thereon,
22veterans housing projects, paying the municipality's portion of the cost of abolishing
23grade crossings, for the construction of police facilities and combined fire and police
24safety buildings, for the purchase of sites for engine houses, for fire engines and other
25equipment of the fire department, for construction of engine houses, and for pumps,

1water mains, reservoirs and all other reasonable facilities for fire protection
2apparatus or equipment for fire protection, for parking lots or other parking
3facilities, for school purposes, for libraries, for buildings for the housing of machinery
4and equipment, for acquiring and developing sites for industry and commerce as will
5expand the municipal tax base, for financing the cost of low-interest mortgage loans
6under s. 66.38, for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum
7clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs
8and projects under ss. 66.405 to 66.425, 66.43, 66.431, 66.4325, 66.435 and 66.46 or
9for university of Wisconsin system centers until the proposition for their issue for the
10special purpose thereof has been submitted to the electors of the city or village and
11adopted by a majority vote. Except as provided under sub. (15), if the common council
12of any city or the village board of any village declares its purpose to raise money by
13issuing bonds for any purpose other than those above specified, it shall direct by
14resolution, which shall be recorded at length in the record of its proceedings, the clerk
15to call a special election referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of
16submitting the question of bonding to the city or village electors. If a number of
17electors of a city or village equal to at least 15% of the votes cast for governor at the
18last general election in their city or village sign and file a petition conforming to the
19requirements of s. 8.40 with the city or village clerk requesting submission of the
20resolution, the city or village may not issue bonds for financing the cost of
21low-interest mortgage loans under s. 66.38 without calling a special election to
22submit the question of bonding to
unless the issuance is approved by the city or
23village electors for their approval at a referendum called in accordance with s. 8.065.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2221b 24Section 2221b. 67.05 (6a) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
167.05 (6a) (a) 2. a. Direct the school district clerk to call a special election
2referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of submitting the resolution
3to the electors for approval or rejection, or direct that the resolution be submitted at
4the next regularly scheduled primary or election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an
5election authorized under s. 8.065 (3)
to be held not earlier than 45 days after the
6adoption of the resolution. The resolution shall not be effective unless adopted by a
7majority of the school district electors voting at the referendum.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2221c 8Section 2221c. 67.05 (6m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1061,149 67.05 (6m) (b) If a referendum is to be held on an initial resolution, the district
10board shall direct the technical college district secretary to call a special election
11referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of submitting the initial
12resolution to the electors for a referendum on approval or rejection. In lieu of a
13special election, the district board may specify that the election be held at the next
14succeeding spring primary or election or September primary or general election
AB100-engrossed, s. 2221e 15Section 2221e. 67.10 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1061,1916 67.10 (5) (b) Any city having voted approved the issuance of bonds at a special
17referendum election held in accordance with s. 8.065 and having sold a portion
18thereof may negotiate, sell or otherwise dispose of the same in the manner provided
19by statute within 9 years of the date of the election voting the same.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2221g 20Section 2221g. 67.12 (12) (e) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1063,521 67.12 (12) (e) 5. Within 10 days of the adoption by a technical college district
22board of a resolution under subd. 1. to issue a promissory note for a purpose under
23s. 38.16 (2), the secretary of the district board shall publish a notice of such adoption
24as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. The notice need not set forth the full contents of
25the resolution, but shall state the amount proposed to be borrowed, the method of

1borrowing, the purpose thereof, that the resolution was adopted under this
2subsection and the place where and the hours during which the resolution is
3available for public inspection. If the amount proposed to be borrowed is for building
4remodeling or improvement and does not exceed $500,000 or is for movable
5equipment, the district board need not submit the resolution to the electors for
6approval unless, within 30 days after the publication or posting, a petition
7conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the secretary of the district
8board requesting a referendum at a special election to be called for that purpose.
9Such petition shall be signed by electors from each county lying wholly or partially
10within the district. The number of electors from each county shall equal at least 1.5%
11of the population of the county as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c). If a county lies
12in more than one district, the technical college system board shall apportion the
13county's population as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c) to the districts involved and
14the petition shall be signed by electors equal to the appropriate percentage of the
15apportioned population. In lieu of a special election, the district board may specify
16that the referendum shall be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election
17or September primary or general election.
Any resolution to borrow amounts of
18money in excess of $500,000 for building remodeling or improvement shall be
19submitted to the electors of the district for approval. Any referendum under this
20subdivision shall be called at the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an
21election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) occurring not sooner than 45 days after filing
22of a petition or adoption of a resolution requiring the referendum
. If a referendum
23is held or required under this subdivision, no promissory note may be issued until
24the issuance is approved by a majority of the district electors voting at such
25referendum. The referendum shall be noticed, called and conducted under s. 67.05

1(6a) insofar as applicable, except that the notice of special election referendum and
2ballot need not embody a copy of the resolution and the question which shall appear
3on the ballot shall be "Shall .... (name of district) be authorized to borrow the sum of
4$.... for (state purpose) by issuing its general obligation promissory note (or notes)
5under section 67.12 (12) of the Wisconsin Statutes?".
AB100-engrossed, s. 2222 6Section 2222. 69.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1063,157 69.03 (5) Under this subchapter, accept for registration, assign a date of
8acceptance and index and preserve original certificates of birth and death, original
9marriage documents and original divorce reports. Notwithstanding s. 69.24 (1) (e),
10the state registrar may transfer the paper original of a vital record to optical disc or
11electronic format in accordance with s. 16.61 (5) or to microfilm reproduction in
12accordance with s. 16.61 (6) and destroy the paper original of any vital record that
13is so converted. For the purposes of this subchapter, the electronic format version
14or microfilm reproduction version of the paper original of a vital record that has been
15transferred under this subsection shall serve as the original vital record.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2223 16Section 2223. 69.03 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1063,2017 69.03 (15) Periodically provide to each county designee child support agency
18under s. 59.53 (5) a list of names and, notwithstanding s. 69.20 (2) (a), addresses of
19registrants who reside in that county for whom no father's name has been inserted
20on the registrant's birth certificate within 6 months of birth.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2224 21Section 2224. 69.14 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1064,522 69.14 (1) (cm) For a birth which occurs en route to or at a hospital, the filing
23party shall give the mother a copy of the pamphlet under s. 69.03 (14). If the child's
24parents are not married at the time of the child's birth, the filing party shall give the
25mother a copy of the form prescribed by the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3.

1If the mother provides a completed form to the filing party while she is a patient in
2the hospital and within 5 days after the birth, the filing party shall send the form
3directly to the state registrar. From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (3) (mc), the
4department of workforce
development shall pay the filing party a financial incentive
5for correctly filing a form within 60 days after the child's birth.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2225 6Section 2225. 69.15 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1064,178 69.15 (3) (b) 3. Except as provided under par. (c), if the state registrar receives
9a statement acknowledging paternity on a form prescribed by the state registrar and
10signed by both parents, along with the fee under s. 69.22, the state registrar shall
11insert the name of the father under subd. 1. The state registrar shall mark the
12certificate to show that the form is on file. The form shall be available to the
13department of workforce development or its designee a county child support agency
14under s. 59.53 (5) pursuant to the program responsibilities under s. 49.22 or to any
15other person with a direct and tangible interest in the record. The state registrar
16shall include on the form for the acknowledgment a notice of the information in ss.
17767.458 (1) (a) to (e) and 767.62.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2227r 18Section 2227r. 69.186 (1) (hm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1064,2119 69.186 (1) (hm) Whether the abortion was a chemically induced abortion, a
20surgical abortion or a surgical abortion following a failed or incomplete chemical
AB100-engrossed, s. 2230 22Section 2230. 69.20 (3) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1064,2523 69.20 (3) (b) 4. The information is from a birth certificate which indicates that
24the registrant has a congenital disability and is submitted to the department of
25education public instruction.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2230m
1Section 2230m. 69.30 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1065,22 69.30 (1) (d) "Wisconsin works agency" has the meaning given in s. 49.001 (9).
AB100-engrossed, s. 2230p 3Section 2230p. 69.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1065,94 69.30 (2) A financial institution, state agency, county department, Wisconsin
5works agency
or service office or an employe of a financial institution, state agency,
6county department, Wisconsin works agency or service office is not subject to s. 69.24
7(1) (a) for copying a certified copy of a vital record for use by the financial institution,
8state agency, county department, Wisconsin works agency or service office, including
9use under s. 45.36 (4m), if the copy is marked "FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE".
AB100-engrossed, s. 2233 10Section 2233. 70.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1065,21 1170.01 General property taxes; upon whom levied. Taxes shall be levied,
12under this chapter, upon all general property in this state except property that is
13exempt from taxation. Real estate taxes and personal property taxes are deemed to
14be levied when the tax roll in which they are included has been delivered to the local
15treasurer under s. 74.03. When so levied such taxes are a lien upon the property
16against which they are charged. That lien is superior to all other liens, except a lien
17under s. 292.31 (8) (i), 292.41 (6) (d) or 292.81, and is effective as of January 1 in the
18year when the taxes are levied. Liens of special assessments of benefits for local
19improvements shall be in force as provided by the charter or general laws applicable
20to the cities that make the special assessments. In this chapter, unless the context
21requires otherwise, references to "this chapter" do not include ss. 70.37 to 70.395.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2233d 22Section 2233d. 70.11 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1066,323 70.11 (2m) Property leased or subleased to school districts. All of the
24property that is owned or leased by a corporation, organization or association that
25is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal

1Revenue Code if all of that property is leased or subleased to a school district for no
2or nominal consideration for use by an educational institution that offers regular
3courses for 6 months in a year.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2233t 4Section 2233t. 70.11 (12) (title) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1066,105 70.11 (12) (title) Scouts and boys' clubs of America Certain charitable
. (a) Property owned by units which are organized in this state of the
7following organizations: the Salvation Army, the Boy Scouts of America, the Boys'
8Clubs of America, the Girl Scouts or Camp Fire Girls or any person as trustee for
9them of property used for the purposes of those organizations, provided no pecuniary
10profit results to any individual owner or member.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2233v 11Section 2233v. 70.11 (39) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1066,1712 70.11 (39) Computers. Computers and related property; including computer
13mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers, networked personal computers,
14central processing units, electronic peripheral equipment, terminals, monitors, disk
15files, tape drives, printers, basic operational programs, systems software, prewritten
16software and custom software but not including fax machines, copiers, telephone
17systems and equipment with embedded computerized components.