AB100-engrossed,1843,24 14(6e) Extension of cooperative agreement. If the department determines that
15renewal of a cooperative agreement is consistent with sub. (2) and if the participant
16agrees to renewal, the department may notify the joint committee on finance that the
17department proposes to renew the cooperative agreement. If, within 14 working
18days after the date that the department submits the proposal, the cochairpersons of
19the committee notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for
20the purpose of reviewing the proposal, the department may not renew the
21cooperative agreement until the committee approves the proposal. If the
22cochairpersons of the committee do not so notify the secretary, the department may
23renew the cooperative agreement. A cooperative agreement may be renewed for one
245-year term.
1(6m) Expiration of cooperative agreement. If a participant timely submits an
2application for an approval that is replaced by a cooperative agreement and submits
3any information requested by the department to enable the department to act on the
4application, but the department does not issue the approval before the cooperative
5agreement expires, sub. (9) (a) continues to apply and the provisions of the
6cooperative agreement continue to apply until the approval is issued.
AB100-engrossed,1844,10 7(7) Amendment, revocation of cooperative agreement. (a) This subsection
8applies to the amendment or revocation of a cooperative agreement, notwithstanding
9any provisions of chs. 280 to 295 concerning the amendment or revocation of
AB100-engrossed,1844,1211 (b) 1. The department may amend a cooperative agreement with the consent
12of the participant.
AB100-engrossed,1844,1413 2. The department may, after an opportunity for a hearing, amend a
14cooperative agreement for cause, including any of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1844,1515 a. A change in federal or state environmental laws.
AB100-engrossed,1844,1616 b. A violation of the cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1844,1817 c. Obtaining a cooperative agreement by misrepresentation or failure to fully
18disclose all relevant information.
AB100-engrossed,1844,2019 (c) 1. The department may revoke a cooperative agreement at the request of
20the participant.
AB100-engrossed,1844,2221 2. The department may, after an opportunity for a hearing, revoke a cooperative
22agreement if it finds any of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1845,223 a. That the participant is in substantial noncompliance with the cooperative
24agreement, with an approval that is not replaced by the cooperative agreement or

1with a provision of chs. 280 to 295 or rules promulgated under those chapters for
2which the cooperative agreement does not grant a variance.
AB100-engrossed,1845,43 b. That the participant has refused the department's request to amend the
4cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1845,75 c. That the participant is unable, or has shown an unwillingness, to comply
6with pollution reduction goals that apply to the participant under the cooperative
AB100-engrossed,1845,108 d. That the participant has not satisfactorily addressed a substantive issue
9raised by a majority of the members of the interested persons group, established
10under sub. (5) (b), within a reasonable time after receiving notice of the issue.
AB100-engrossed,1845,1211 3. If the department revokes a cooperative agreement, it shall do all of the
12following in a written revocation decision:
AB100-engrossed,1845,1613 a. Delay any compliance deadlines established in the cooperative agreement
14if a delay is necessary to provide the participant with a reasonable amount of time
15to obtain approvals required under chs. 280 to 295 that were replaced by the
16cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1845,2117 b. Establish practical interim requirements, that do not allow pollution in
18excess of that allowed under chs. 280 to 295 at the time that the cooperative
19agreement was entered into, to replace specified requirements of the cooperative
20agreement until the department issues the approvals required under chs. 280 to 295
21that were replaced by the cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1845,2522 4. A participant shall comply with the department's revocation decision and
23with all requirements of the cooperative agreement for which the department does
24not establish interim requirements until the department issues the approvals
25required under chs. 280 to 295 that were replaced by the cooperative agreement.
1(d) A final decision under par. (b) or (c) is subject to review under ch. 227.
AB100-engrossed,1846,4 2(8) Public notice; meetings. (a) The department shall provide at least 30 days
3for public comment on the proposed issuance, amendment or revocation of a
4cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1846,85 (b) Before the start of the public comment period under par. (a), the department
6shall prepare a draft of the cooperative agreement, cooperative agreement
7amendment or notice of cooperative agreement revocation and a fact sheet that does
8all of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1846,109 1. Briefly describes the principal facts and the significant factual, legal,
10methodological and policy questions considered by the department.
AB100-engrossed,1846,1111 2. Briefly describes how the proposed action is consistent with subs. (2) and (3).
AB100-engrossed,1846,1312 3. Identifies any variances that would be granted under sub. (4) by the proposed
AB100-engrossed,1846,1514 (c) The department shall prepare a public notice of a proposed action under par.
15(a) that does all of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1846,1616 1. Briefly describes the facility that is the subject of the proposed action.
AB100-engrossed,1846,1817 2. Identifies the proposed action and states whether any variances would be
18granted under sub. (4) by the proposed action.
AB100-engrossed,1846,2119 3. Identifies an employe of the department and an employe of the applicant or
20participant who may be contacted for additional information about the proposed
AB100-engrossed,1846,2322 4. States that the draft of the proposed action and the fact sheet under par. (b)
23are available upon request.
15. States that comments concerning the proposed action may be submitted to
2the department during the comment period and states the last date of the comment
AB100-engrossed,1847,74 6. Describes the procedures that the department will use to make a final
5decision on the proposed action, describes how persons may request public
6informational meetings, contested case hearings or public hearings and how persons
7may make requests to appear at those meetings and hearings.
AB100-engrossed,1847,198 (d) Before the start of the public comment period, the department shall mail
9the public notice under par. (c) to the applicant or participant, the federal
10environmental protection agency, the members of the interested persons group
11established under sub. (5) (b) and all persons who have asked to receive notice of
12proposed actions under par. (a). The department shall mail the public notice to any
13other person upon request. The department shall make a copy of the public notice
14available at the department's main office, at any other department office in the area
15of the facility subject to the proposed action and at public libraries in that area. The
16department shall circulate the public notice in the area of the facility subject to the
17proposed action by posting the notice in public buildings, publishing the notice in
18local newspapers and by any other methods that the department determines are
AB100-engrossed,1847,2220 (e) The department shall hold a public informational meeting on a proposed
21action under par. (a) if the comments received during the public comment period
22demonstrate considerable public interest in the proposed action.
AB100-engrossed,1848,2 23(9) Effect of cooperative agreement. (a) For the purposes of chs. 280 to 295,
24a cooperative agreement entered into under this section is considered to be an

1approval that is identified under sub. (3) (b) as being replaced by the cooperative
AB100-engrossed,1848,43 (b) A provision of an approval that is identified under sub. (3) (b) as being
4replaced by a cooperative agreement is superceded by the cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1848,6 5(10) Fees. A participant shall pay the same fees under chs. 280 to 295 that it
6would be required to pay if it had not entered into a cooperative agreement.
AB100-engrossed,1848,10 7(11) Reporting by participants. (a) Reports submitted under a cooperative
8agreement fulfill the reporting requirements under chs. 280 to 295 relating to the
9facility, activities and pollutants that are covered by the cooperative agreement,
10except for any requirements for immediate reporting.
AB100-engrossed,1848,2111 (b) A participant shall notify the department before it increases the amount of
12the discharge or emission of a pollutant from a covered facility and before it begins
13to discharge or emit a pollutant that it did not discharge or emit from a covered
14facility when the cooperative agreement was entered into. The notification shall
15describe any proposed facility expansion, production increase or process
16modification that would result in the increased or new discharge or emission and
17shall state the identity and quantity of the pollutant planned to be emitted or
18discharged. If the increased or new discharge or emission is not authorized under
19the cooperative agreement, the department may amend the cooperative agreement
20under sub. (7) in a manner consistent with subs. (2) and (3) or require the participant
21to obtain an approval if an approval is required under chs. 280 to 295.
AB100-engrossed,1848,25 22(12) Reports of violations. A participant shall submit a report to the
23department within 45 days after completion of a performance evaluation if the
24performance evaluation reveals violations at a facility covered by a cooperative
25agreement. The report shall contain all of the following:
1(a) A description of the performance evaluation, including who conducted the
2performance evaluation, when it was completed, what activities and operations were
3examined and what was revealed by the performance evaluation.
AB100-engrossed,1849,44 (b) A description of all violations revealed by the performance evaluation.
AB100-engrossed,1849,65 (c) A description of the actions taken or proposed to be taken to correct the
AB100-engrossed,1849,87 (d) A commitment to correct the violations within 90 days of submitting the
8report or within a compliance schedule approved by the department.
AB100-engrossed,1849,159 (e) If the participant proposes to take more than 90 days to correct the
10violations, a proposed compliance schedule that contains the shortest reasonable
11periods for correcting the violations, a statement that justifies the proposed
12compliance schedule, a description of measures that the participant will take to
13minimize the effects of the violations during the period of the compliance schedule
14and proposed stipulated penalties if the participant violates the compliance
AB100-engrossed,1849,1716 (f) A description of the measures that the participant has taken or will take to
17prevent future violations.
AB100-engrossed,1850,4 18(13) Compliance schedules. (a) If the department receives a report under sub.
19(12) that contains a proposed compliance schedule under sub. (12) (e), the
20department shall review the proposed compliance schedule. The department may
21approve the compliance schedule as submitted or propose a different compliance
22schedule. If the participant does not agree to implement a compliance schedule
23proposed by the department, the department shall schedule a meeting with the
24participant to attempt to reach an agreement on a compliance schedule. If the
25department and the participant do not reach an agreement on a compliance

1schedule, the department shall initiate the procedure under sub. (7) (c) 2. to revoke
2the cooperative agreement. If the parties agree to a compliance schedule, the
3department shall amend the cooperative agreement to incorporate the compliance
AB100-engrossed,1850,85 (b) The department may not approve a compliance schedule that extends longer
6than 12 months beyond the date of approval of the compliance schedule. The
7department shall consider the following factors in determining whether to approve
8a compliance schedule:
AB100-engrossed,1850,99 1. The environmental and public health consequences of the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1850,1210 2. The time needed to implement a change in raw materials or method of
11production if that change is an available alternative to other methods of correcting
12the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1850,1413 3. The time needed to purchase any equipment or supplies that are needed to
14correct the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1850,18 15(14) Deferred civil enforcement. (a) 1. This state may not commence a civil
16action to collect forfeitures for violations at a facility covered by a cooperative
17agreement that are disclosed in a report that meets the requirements of sub. (12) for
18at least 90 days after the department receives the report.
AB100-engrossed,1850,2219 2. If the participant corrects violations that are disclosed in a report that meets
20the requirements of sub. (12) within 90 days after the department receives a report
21that meets the requirements of sub. (12), this state may not commence a civil action
22to collect forfeitures for the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1851,423 3. This state may not commence a civil action to collect forfeitures for violations
24covered by a compliance schedule that is approved under sub. (13) during the period
25of the compliance schedule if the participant is not violating the compliance schedule.

1If the participant violates the compliance schedule, the department may collect the
2stipulated penalties in the compliance schedule or may revoke the cooperative
3agreement. After the department revokes a cooperative agreement, this state may
4commence civil action to collect forfeitures for the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1851,75 4. If the department approves a compliance schedule under sub. (13) and the
6participant corrects the violations according to the compliance schedule, this state
7may not commence a civil action to collect forfeitures for the violations.
AB100-engrossed,1851,98 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), this state may at any time commence a civil action
9to collect forfeitures for violations if any of the following apply:
AB100-engrossed,1851,1110 1. The violations present an imminent threat to public health or the
11environment or may cause serious harm to public health or the environment.
AB100-engrossed,1851,1312 2. The department discovers the violations before submission of a report under
13sub. (12).
AB100-engrossed,1851,16 14(15) Access to records. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the department shall
15make any record, report or other information obtained in the administration of this
16section available to the public.
AB100-engrossed,1851,2217 (b) The department shall keep confidential any part of a record, report or other
18information obtained in the administration of this section, other than emission data,
19discharge data or information contained in a cooperative agreement, upon a showing
20satisfactory to the department by any person that the part of a record, report or other
21information would, if made public, divulge a method or process that is entitled to
22protection as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c), of that person.
AB100-engrossed,1852,323 (c) If the department refuses to release information on the grounds that it is
24confidential under par. (b) and a person challenges that refusal, the department shall
25inform the applicant or participant of that challenge. Unless the applicant or

1participant authorizes the department to release the information, the applicant or
2participant shall pay the reasonable costs incurred by this state to defend the refusal
3to release the information.
AB100-engrossed,1852,94 (d) Paragraph (b) does not prevent the disclosure of any information to a
5representative of the department for the purpose of administering this section or to
6an officer, employe or authorized representative of the federal government for the
7purpose of administering federal law. When the department provides information
8that is confidential under par. (b) to the federal government, the department shall
9also provide a copy of the application for confidential status.
AB100-engrossed,1852,15 10(16) Reports concerning the program under this section. (a) Beginning not
11later than the first day of the 13th month beginning after the effective date of this
12paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the secretary of natural resources shall submit
13an annual progress report on the program under this section to the governor, the
14environmental performance council and, under s. 13.172 (3), the standing
15committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over environmental matters.
AB100-engrossed,1852,2116 (b) Not later than the first day of the 48th month beginning after the effective
17date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the secretary of natural resources
18shall submit a report to the governor, the environmental performance council and,
19under s. 13.172 (2) the legislature on the success of the program under this section.
20The report shall include recommendations concerning the continuation of the
21program under this section and any changes that should be made to the program.
AB100-engrossed, s. 3790 22Section 3790. 301.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1852,2523 301.01 (4) "State correctional institution" means a state prison under s. 302.01
24or a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), other than the
25Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center
AB100-engrossed, s. 3790d
1Section 3790d. 301.026 of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 3796 2Section 3796. 301.03 (10) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1853,83 301.03 (10) (d) Administer the office of juvenile offender review program in the
4division of juvenile corrections in the department. The program office shall be
5responsible for decisions regarding case planning and , the release of juvenile
6offenders from juvenile correctional institutions to aftercare and corrective sanctions
7placements and the transfer of juveniles to the Racine youthful offender correctional
8facility named in s. 302.01 as provided in s. 938.357 (4) (d)
AB100-engrossed, s. 3797 9Section 3797. 301.03 (10) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1853,1210 301.03 (10) (e) Provide educational programs in all secured correctional
11facilities, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), other than the Mendota Juvenile Treatment
AB100-engrossed, s. 3798 13Section 3798. 301.03 (10) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1853,1614 301.03 (10) (f) Provide health services and psychiatric services for residents of
15all secured correctional facilities, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m) , other than the
16Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center
AB100-engrossed, s. 3799 17Section 3799. 301.03 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-engrossed,1853,2018 301.03 (13) Annually notify each person who has been discharged from
19probation or parole and who owed any supervision fees at the time of discharge of any
20supervision fees owed by the person to the department.
AB100-engrossed, s. 3800m 21Section 3800m. 301.031 (2r) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1853,2422 301.031 (2r) (a) 4. Is for inpatient treatment in excess of an average of 21 days,
23as provided in s. 51.423 (12), excluding care for patients at the centers a center for
24the developmentally disabled.
AB100-engrossed, s. 3817 25Section 3817. 301.048 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
1301.048 (7) Reimbursement. The department shall provide reimbursement to
2counties and others for the actual costs incurred under sub. (3), as authorized by the
3department, from the appropriations under s. 20.410 (1) (ab) and (ai) (b).
AB100-engrossed, s. 3820m 4Section 3820m. 301.07 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1854,8 5301.07 (title) Cooperation and contracts with federal government. The
6department may cooperate with the federal government in carrying out federal acts
7concerning adult corrections and youth corrections and may enter into contracts with
8the federal government under 18 USC 5003
AB100-engrossed, s. 3821 9Section 3821. 301.08 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 3822 10Section 3822. 301.08 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,1854,1411 301.08 (1) (c) 2. Beginning on January 1, 1996, the department may contract
12with public, private or voluntary vendors for the supervision or for any component
13of the supervision
of probationers and parolees who are under minimum supervision
14or administrative supervision. The
AB100-engrossed,1854,17 153. Except as provided in subd. 3m., a contract under subd. 2. shall authorize
16any such a vendor to charge a fee to probationers and parolees sufficient to cover the
17cost of supervision and administration of the contract.
AB100-engrossed,1854,20 184. If the department collects any moneys from a vendor under the a contract
19under subd. 2., the department shall credit those moneys to the appropriation
20account under s. 20.410 (1) (ge).
AB100-engrossed,1854,24 215. The department shall promulgate rules for fees, collections, reporting and
22verification regarding probationers and parolees supervised by the a vendor who
23contracts with the department under subd. 2. and shall promulgate rules defining
24"administrative supervision" and "minimum supervision"
AB100-engrossed, s. 3823 25Section 3823. 301.08 (1) (c) 3m. of the statutes is created to read:
1301.08 (1) (c) 3m. A contract under subd. 2. shall permit the department to
2prohibit a vendor from charging a fee to a probationer or parolee who is supervised
3under the contract if the probationer or parolee demonstrates that he or she is unable
4to pay the fee because of any of the following:
AB100-engrossed,1855,65 a. The probationer or parolee is undergoing treatment approved by the
6department and is unable to work.