AB100, s. 1125 18Section 1125. 29.544 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,573,2019 29.544 (4m) Issuance restricted. Section 29.091 applies to the issuance of
20licenses and cards under this section.
AB100, s. 1126 21Section 1126. 29.547 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,573,2322 29.547 (7m) Issuance restricted. Section 29.091 applies to the issuance of
23licenses under this section.
AB100, s. 1127 24Section 1127. 29.572 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.572 (3) Applications for the renewal of any license issued under ss. 29.573
2to 29.578 are subject to s. 29.091 and shall be filed with the department on or before
3the expiration date of the license, except that an application for renewal of this type
4of license may be filed not more than 45 days after the expiration date if it is
5accompanied by the late filing fee specified under s. 29.092 (9) (i) in addition to the
6regular license or renewal fee. If application for renewal of a license is not made as
7required in this subsection or if a license is terminated for any reason, all rights and
8privileges of the licensee under the license are terminated upon the expiration of the
945-day period provided in this subsection or on the date of termination whichever
10occurs first. Thereafter, the lands and waters which were included under the license
11shall be subject to ss. 29.573 to 29.578.
AB100, s. 1128 12Section 1128. 29.573 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,574,1713 29.573 (1) The Subject to s. 29.091, the department may issue pheasant and
14quail farm licenses for shooting preserves and the releasing, shooting, possession
15and use of pheasants and quail on pheasant and quail farms if, in the judgment of
16the department, operations under these licenses will result in a net increase in the
17supply of pheasants and quail in the state and will otherwise be in the public interest.
AB100, s. 1129 18Section 1129. 29.573 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,574,2119 29.573 (2) No license shall be granted may be issued unless the applicant owns
20or has under lease the area for which the license is granted issued. Boundaries of
21the area licensed shall be defined and posted as prescribed by the department.
AB100, s. 1130 22Section 1130. 29.574 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,575,2123 29.574 (3) Upon the filing of such declaration the department shall forthwith
24investigate the same and may require the applicant to produce satisfactory evidence
25of the facts therein stated. It will be necessary for the licensee to purchase all wild

1game within the boundaries of the proposed farm of the species designated in the
2license, and to effect this purpose the department thereupon shall appoint one
3member, the applicant one member, and these 2 shall select a 3rd member, the 3 to
4act as a board to go upon the lands embraced within the proposed license and
5determine as near as possible the number of wild birds and animals of the desired
6species thereon at the time of the granting issuing of the license. The necessary
7expenses of all of the members of such board shall be paid by the licensee. Within
830 days after the date of such determination as accepted by the department the
9licensee shall pay to the department a specified sum as may be determined by the
10department for those species of wild birds or wild animals on the lands that are
11desired for propagation purposes, the title of which rests in the state. If upon such
12examination it appears that the applicant is the owner or lessee of said lands, and
13the applicant intends in good faith to establish, operate and maintain a game bird
14and animal farm, the subject to s. 29.091, the department shall issue a license to the
15applicant describing such lands, and certifying that the licensee is lawfully entitled
16to use the same for the breeding, propagating, killing and selling of such game birds
17and animals thereon according to this section. When such license has been granted
18issued, the licensee shall become the owner of all such game birds or animals thereon
19of the species licensed and of all of their offspring actually produced thereon and
20remaining thereon, subject however to the jurisdiction of the department over all
AB100, s. 1131 22Section 1131. 29.575 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,576,523 29.575 (3) Upon the filing of such declaration the department shall investigate
24and may require the applicant to produce satisfactory evidence of the facts stated in
25the declaration. If it appears that the applicant is the owner or lessee of the lands,

1and that the applicant intends in good faith to establish, operate and maintain a fur
2animal farm, the subject to s. 29.091, the department shall issue a license to the
3applicant. The license shall describe the lands and shall certify that the licensee is
4entitled to use the same for dealing, breeding, propagating and trapping fur animals
5on the land described in the license.
AB100, s. 1132 6Section 1132. 29.575 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,576,217 29.575 (4) Upon issuance of the license, the department shall appoint one
8person, the applicant shall appoint one person, and these 2 shall select a 3rd person
9to enter the lands and determine the number of fur animals thereon at the time of
10the granting issuing of the license. The necessary expenses of these persons shall
11be paid by the licensee. Within 10 days after the date of such determination, the
12licensee shall pay to the department $2.50 for each beaver, 50 cents for each muskrat,
13$2.50 for each mink, $2.50 for each otter, $1 for each raccoon, and 50 cents for each
14skunk so found on such lands. Only those animals to be licensed under the fur animal
15farm are to be paid for. When such payment has been made the licensee shall become
16owner of such fur animals on said lands and of all of their offspring remaining
17thereon. The licensee shall have the right to manage and control said lands and the
18licensed fur animals thereon, to take the same at any time or in any manner, subject
19to s. 29.245, which the licensee sees fit and deems to the best advantage of the
20licensee's business, and to sell and transport at any time said fur animals or the pelts
21taken from them.
AB100, s. 1133 22Section 1133. 29.578 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,577,1523 29.578 (4) The licensee shall pay to the department $25 for each deer so found
24on such lands. When such payment has been made and the license issued, the
25licensee shall become the owner of all deer on said lands and of all their offspring.

1The licensee shall have the right to manage and control said lands and the deer
2thereon, to kill the deer, subject to s. 29.245, and to sell the deer as provided by this
3section. If upon examination it shall appear that the applicant is the owner or lessee
4of said lands, and that the applicant intends in good faith to establish, operate and
5maintain a deer farm, the department may inform the applicant that as soon as the
6applicant has built a suitable deer fence around the area to be included within the
7license, it will issue the same. Said deer-tight fence shall be built in accordance with
8specifications prescribed by the department; provided, the department may issue a
9license for such deer farms heretofore established if the fence actually inclosing said
10farm is in fact sufficient to hold deer therein. After the complete installation of such
11fence and after the department has satisfied itself that it is satisfactory and complies
12with the law, it may issue a license to the applicant describing such lands, and
13certifying that the licensee is lawfully entitled to use the same for the breeding,
14propagating, killing and selling of deer thereon according to this section. Section
1529.091 applies to the issuance of licenses under this subsection.
AB100, s. 1134 16Section 1134. 29.578 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,577,1917 29.578 (5) The deer farm license shall be renewed each year, subject to s.
if the licensee has not violated any of the provisions under which it was
19granted issued.
AB100, s. 1135 20Section 1135. 29.578 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,578,1821 29.578 (11) Each license shall be accepted by the licensee upon the condition
22that the licensee will comply with this section and with all provisions of law and that
23the licensee will honestly operate said deer farm for the purpose of propagating deer;
24that the title to the deer in the inclosure for which a license has been granted issued
25and for which the applicant has paid the state at the rate of $25 per deer, shall be

1conditional upon the applicant and licensee honestly and fairly complying with this
2section and provisions of law relating to the operation of deer farms; and in the action
3to revoke the license of said licensee, or to establish the licensee's unfitness to further
4operate said deer farm, the court, in the judgment, in the event it is determined that
5the applicant and licensee has violated this section and the provisions of law relating
6to the operation of deer farms, shall provide that the title to all of the deer within said
7inclosure together with all of the increase therefrom be forfeited to the state; that the
8said tract of land shall not be used for a deer farm for a period of 5 years and until
9a new license therefor, after said 5 years, has been issued by the department as
10provided in this section; that the department shall within 30 days of the notice of
11entry of judgment enter upon said tract and open the said fences in such a manner
12as to give the inclosed animals free egress and may drive the said animals out of the
13inclosure if in the opinion of the department it is for the best interests of the state;
14said lands for which said license has been forfeited may be used by the owner thereof
15for all lawful purposes except the propagating of deer during said time, and during
16said 5 year period said lands shall be a sanctuary and no hunting or trapping of any
17kind or character shall be practiced therein or thereon. The department shall in such
18event duly post notices thereof at intervals of 10 rods around the entire tract.
AB100, s. 1136 19Section 1136. 29.578 (14) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,578,2220 29.578 (14) (am) The Subject to s. 29.091, the department may issue special
21retail deer sale permits authorizing a person to retail a venison in the carcass from
22a deer lawfully killed under this section to any retailer of meats.
AB100, s. 1137 23Section 1137. 29.578 (14) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,579,424 29.578 (14) (b) (intro.) Any person may serve venison obtained from a deer farm
25licensed under this section if the person has a venison serving permit from the

1department. The application for this permit shall be in the form and include the
2information the department requires. If the department after investigation is
3satisfied that the application is satisfactory it, the department, subject to s. 29.091,
4shall issue a venison serving permit conditioned as follows:
AB100, s. 1138 5Section 1138. 29.585 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,579,96 29.585 (1) The Subject to s. 29.091, the department may grant issue licenses
7for wildlife exhibits which are defined as any place where one or more live wild
8animals are kept in captivity for the purpose of exhibition or for advertising
9purposes. The form of application and license shall be prescribed by the department.
AB100, s. 1139 10Section 1139. 29.585 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,579,1411 29.585 (3) No wildlife exhibition license shall be granted may be issued by the
12department until it is satisfied that the provisions for housing and caring for such
13wild animals and for protecting the public are proper and adequate and in
14accordance with the standards therefor established by the department.
AB100, s. 1140 15Section 1140. 30.277 (3) (k) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,579,1716 30.277 (3) (k) Whether the project is related to brownfields redevelopment, as
17defined in s. 23.09 (19) (a) 1.
AB100, s. 1141 18Section 1141. 30.277 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,579,2419 30.277 (6) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules for the
20administration of this section, including rules that specify the weight to be assigned
21to each criterion under sub. (3) and the minimum number of criteria under sub. (3)
22in which an applicant must perform satisfactorily in order to be awarded a grant.
23In specifying the weight to be assigned to the criteria under sub. (3), the department
24shall assign the greatest weight to the criterion under sub. (3) (k).
AB100, s. 1142 25Section 1142. 30.28 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
130.28 (2r) Fee for expedited service. The department, by rule, may charge a
2supplemental fee for a permit or approval that is in addition to the fee charged under
3this section if all of the following apply:
AB100,580,64 (a) The applicant requests in writing that the permit or approval be issued
5within a time period that is shorter than the time limit under the rule promulgated
6under s. 299.05 for that type of permit or approval.
AB100,580,77 (b) The department verifies that it will be able to comply with the request.
AB100, s. 1143 8Section 1143. 30.52 (3m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,580,109 30.52 (3m) (b) All moneys collected under par. (a) shall be deposited into the
10account under s. 20.370 (1) (is) (3) (is).
AB100, s. 1144 11Section 1144. 30.541 (3) (d) 2. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,580,1512 30.541 (3) (d) 2. d. The limit in subd. 2. c. does not apply if the surviving spouse
13proceeds under s. 867.03 (1) (1g) and the total value of the decedent's solely owned
14property in the state, including boats transferred under this subdivision, does not
15exceed $10,000.
AB100, s. 1145 16Section 1145. 30.92 (4) (b) 8. bn. of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,580,1817 30.92 (4) (b) 8. bn. Acquisition of capital equipment that is necessary to collect
18and remove floating trash and debris from a waterway.
AB100, s. 1146 19Section 1146. 30.92 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,581,520 30.92 (4m) Lake Superior harbor of refuge. The department, with the
21approval of the commission, may expend an amount to pay up to 100% of the eligible
22costs for the construction of a harbor of refuge along the Lake Superior shoreline.
23Notwithstanding sub. (4) (b) 4., the project costs may include the acquisition of land.
24Notwithstanding sub. (4) (a), the department may expend directly the amount
25authorized under this subsection even though Lake Superior is not an inland lake

1without a public access facility. Notwithstanding sub. (4) (b) 2., the department need
2not contribute any moneys to match the amount expended from the appropriation
3under s. 20.370 (5) (cq). The amount expended under this subsection shall be
4considered an expenditure for a Great Lakes project. This project need not be placed
5on the priority list under sub. (3) (a).
AB100, s. 1147 6Section 1147. 30.94 (6m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,581,127 30.94 (6m) State aid. Notwithstanding s. 30.92 (4) (a), the department shall
8provide in each fiscal year funds from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (hu) (9)
to the commission for the management, operation, restoration and repair of the
10Fox River navigational system if Brown County, Calumet County, Fond du Lac
11County, Outagamie County and Winnebago County contribute matching funds for
12the management and operation of the Fox River navigational system.
AB100, s. 1148 13Section 1148. 31.39 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,581,1614 31.39 (2r) Fee for expedited service. (a) The department, by rule, may charge
15a supplemental fee for a permit or approval that is in addition to the fee charged
16under this section if all of the following apply:
AB100,581,1917 1. The applicant requests in writing that the permit or approval be issued
18within a time period that is shorter than the time limit promulgated under par. (b)
19for that type of permit or approval.
AB100,581,2020 2. The department verifies that it will be able to comply with the request.
AB100,581,2321 (b) If the department promulgates a rule under par. (a), the rule shall contain
22a time limit for each type of permit or approval classified under sub. (2) (a) for
23determining whether the department will grant the permit or approval.
AB100, s. 1149 24Section 1149. 34.01 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
134.01 (2) (a) Any loss of public moneys, which have been deposited in a
2designated public depository in accordance with this chapter, resulting from the
3failure of any public depository to repay to any public depositor the full amount of
4its deposit because the office of credit unions, administrator of federal credit unions,
5U.S. comptroller of the currency, federal home loan bank board, U.S. office of thrift
6supervision, federal deposit insurance corporation, resolution trust corporation,
7division of banking or division of savings and loan institutions has taken possession
8of the public depository or because the public depository has, with the consent and
9approval of the office of credit unions, administrator of federal credit unions, U.S.
10office of thrift supervision, federal deposit insurance corporation, resolution trust
11corporation, division of banking or division of savings and loan institutions, adopted
12a stabilization and readjustment plan or has sold a part or all of its assets to another
13credit union, bank, savings bank or savings and loan association which has agreed
14to pay a part or all of the deposit liability on a deferred payment basis or because the
15depository is prevented from paying out old deposits because of rules of the office of
16credit unions, administrator of federal credit unions, U.S. comptroller of the
17currency, federal home loan bank board, U.S. office of thrift supervision, federal
18deposit insurance corporation, resolution trust corporation, division of banking or
19division of savings and loan institutions.
AB100, s. 1150 20Section 1150. 34.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,583,23 2134.10 Reorganization and stabilization of financial institutions.
22Whenever the office of credit unions, administrator of federal credit unions, U.S.
23comptroller of the currency, federal home loan bank board, U.S. office of thrift
24supervision, federal deposit insurance corporation, resolution trust corporation,
25division of banking or division of savings and loan institutions has taken charge of

1a credit union, bank, savings bank or savings and loan association with a view of
2restoring its solvency, pursuant to law, or with a view of stabilizing and readjusting
3the structure of any national or state credit union, bank, savings bank or savings and
4loan association located in this state, and has approved a reorganization plan or a
5stabilization and readjustment agreement entered into between the credit union,
6bank, savings bank or savings and loan association and depositors and unsecured
7creditors, or when a credit union, bank, savings bank or savings and loan association,
8with the approval of the office of credit unions, administrator of federal credit unions,
9U.S. comptroller of the currency, federal home loan bank board, U.S. office of thrift
10supervision, federal deposit insurance corporation, resolution trust corporation,
11division of banking or division of savings and loan institutions proposes to sell its
12assets to another credit union, bank, savings bank or savings and loan association
13which agrees to assume a part or all of the deposit liability of such selling credit
14union, bank, savings bank or savings and loan association and to pay the same on
15a deferred payment basis, the governing board of the public depositor may, on the
16approval of the division of banking, join in the execution of any reorganization plan,
17or any stabilization and readjustment agreement, or any depositor's agreement
18relative to a proposed sale of assets if, in its judgment and that of the division of
19banking, the reorganization plan or stabilization and readjustment agreement or
20proposed sale of assets is in the best interest of all persons concerned. The joining
21in any reorganization plan, or any stabilization and readjustment agreement, or any
22proposed sale of assets which meets the approval of the division of banking does not
23waive any rights under this chapter.
AB100, s. 1151 24Section 1151. 35.24 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
135.24 (1) (a) The Blue Book shall contain the biographies and pictures of state
2officers, senators and representatives to the assembly and officers of each house,
3information pertaining to the organization of Wisconsin state government, and
4statistical and other information of the same general character as that heretofore
5published, but so selected and condensed as will limit the number of pages to 1,000
6or less. In making such selection the legislative reference bureau is directed to
7consult freely with the secretary of education state superintendent of public
and the director of the historical society, and insofar as possible, make
9the book useful for civics classes in schools.
AB100, s. 1152 10Section 1152. 35.81 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,584,1211 35.81 (1) "Division" means the division for libraries and community learning
12in the department of education public instruction.
AB100, s. 1153 13Section 1153. 35.82 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,584,1714 35.82 (1) The state historical society, the legislative reference bureau and the
15reference and loan library of the department of education public instruction are
16designated as state document depository libraries and shall receive state documents
17delivered under s. 35.83 (3).
AB100, s. 1154 18Section 1154. 35.83 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,584,2019 35.83 (3) (c) The reference and loan library of the department of education
20public instruction, one copy.
AB100, s. 1155 21Section 1155. 35.86 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,585,922 35.86 (1) The director of the historical society may procure the exchange of
23public documents produced by federal, state, county, local and other agencies as may
24be desirable to maintain or enlarge its historical, literary and statistical collections,
25and may make such distributions of public documents, with or without exchange, as

1may accord with interstate or international comity. The state law librarian shall
2procure so many of such exchanges as the state law librarian is authorized by law
3to make, and the department of health and family services, commission of banking,
4department of education public instruction, legislative reference bureau, and the
5legislative council staff, may procure by exchange such documents from other states
6and countries as may be needed for use in their respective offices. Any other state
7agency wishing to initiate a formal exchange program in accordance with this section
8may do so by submitting a formal application to the department and by otherwise
9complying with this section.
AB100, s. 1156 10Section 1156. 36.09 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,585,2311 36.09 (1) (e) The board shall appoint a president of the system; a chancellor for
12each institution; a dean for each center; the state geologist; the director of the
13laboratory of hygiene; the director of the psychiatric institute; the state cartographer
14with the advice of the land information board department of administration; and the
15requisite number of officers, other than the vice presidents, associate vice presidents
16and assistant vice presidents of the system; faculty; academic staff and other
17employes and fix the salaries, subject to the limitations under par. (j) and ss. 20.923
18(4), (4m) and (5) and 230.12 (3) (e), the duties and the term of office for each. The
19board shall fix the salaries, subject to the limitations under par. (j) and ss. 20.923 (4),
20(4m) and (5) and 230.12 (3) (e), and the duties for each chancellor, vice president,
21associate vice president and assistant vice president of the system. No sectarian or
22partisan tests or any tests based upon race, religion, national origin or sex shall ever
23be allowed or exercised in the appointment of the employes of the system.
AB100, s. 1157 24Section 1157. 36.09 (1) (j) of the statutes is renumbered 36.09 (1) (j) 1. and
25amended to read:
136.09 (1) (j) 1. Except where such matters are a subject of bargaining with a
2certified representative of a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.91, the board
3shall establish salaries for persons not in the classified staff prior to July 1 of each
4year for the next fiscal year, and shall designate the effective dates for payment of
5the new salaries. In the first year of the biennium, payments of the salaries
6established for the preceding year shall be continued until the biennial budget bill
7is enacted. If the budget is enacted after July 1, payments shall be made following
8enactment of the budget to satisfy the obligations incurred on the effective dates, as
9designated by the board, for the new salaries, subject only to the appropriation of
10funds by the legislature and s. 20.928 (3). This paragraph does not limit the
11authority of the board to establish salaries for new appointments.
AB100,586,21 122. The board may not increase the salaries of employes specified in ss. 20.923
13(5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) under this paragraph subd. 1. unless the salary
14increase conforms to the proposal as approved under s. 230.12 (3) (e) or the board
15authorizes the salary increase to correct salary inequities under par. (h), to fund job
16reclassifications or promotions, or to recognize competitive factors. If the cost of any
17salary increase granted to an employe specified in s. 20.923 (5) or (6) (m) or 230.08
18(2) (d) to correct a salary inequity or to recognize competitive factors would otherwise
19be chargeable in whole or in part to any appropriation made to the board from general
20purpose revenue, the cost of that adjustment may be charged to the appropriation
21under s. 20.285 (1) (im).
AB100,587,8 223. The board may not increase the salary of any position identified in s. 20.923
23(4) (j) or (4m) under this paragraph subd. 1 unless the salary increase conforms to
24the compensation plan for executive salary group positions as approved under 230.12
25(3) (b) or, subject to the approval of the secretary of administration, the board

1authorizes the salary increase to correct a salary inequity or to recognize competitive
2factors. The granting of salary increases to recognize competitive factors does not
3obligate inclusion of the annualized amount of the increases in the appropriations
4under s. 20.285 (1) for subsequent fiscal bienniums.
If the cost of any salary increase
5granted to an employe specified in s. 20.923 (4) (j) or (4m) to correct a salary inequity
6or to recognize competitive factors would otherwise be chargeable in whole or in part
7to any appropriation made to the board from general purpose revenue, the cost of
8that adjustment may be charged to the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (im).
AB100,587,14 94. No later than October 1 of each year, the board shall report to the joint
10committee on finance and the departments of administration and employment
11relations concerning the amounts of any salary increases granted to correct a salary
12inequity or
to recognize competitive factors under subds. 2. and 3., and the
13institutions at which they are granted, for the 12-month period ending on the
14preceding June 30.