AB100,596,20 19(2) The board shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section,
20including rules establishing criteria for the awarding of grants.
AB100, s. 1193 21Section 1193. 38.36 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,597,222 38.36 (2) Any district approved by the board may establish a system to provide
23the opportunity for authorized elderly persons to participate in its meal program.
24If a district board desires to establish such a service, it shall develop a plan for the
25provision of food services for elderly persons and submit the plan to the board.

1Annually, the board shall notify the department of education public instruction of the
2approved districts.
AB100, s. 1194 3Section 1194. 38.36 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,597,104 38.36 (6) The district board may file a claim with the department of education
5public instruction for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred, excluding
6capital equipment costs, but not to exceed 15% of the cost of the meal or 50 cents per
7meal, whichever is less. Any cost in excess of the lesser amount may be charged to
8participants. If the department of education public instruction approves the claim,
9it shall certify that payment is due and the state treasurer shall pay the claim from
10the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cn).
AB100, s. 1195 11Section 1195. 38.36 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,597,1812 38.36 (7) All meals served must meet the approval of the board, which shall
13establish minimum nutritional standards and reasonable expenditure limits
14consistent with the standards and limits established by the department of education
15state superintendent of public instruction under s. 115.345 (6). The board shall give
16special consideration to the dietary problems of elderly persons in formulating a
17nutritional plan. However, no district board may be required to provide special foods
18for individual persons with allergies or medical disorders.
AB100, s. 1196 19Section 1196. 38.51 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1197 20Section 1197. 38.51 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c) of the statutes are renumbered
2139.51 (1) (intro.), (b) and (c).
AB100, s. 1198 22Section 1198. 38.51 (1) (cm) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1199 23Section 1199. 38.51 (1) (d) to (f) of the statutes are renumbered 39.51 (1) (d)
24to (f).
AB100, s. 1200
1Section 1200. 38.51 (1) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (1) (g) and
2amended to read:
AB100,598,43 39.51 (1) (g) "Teaching location" means the area and facilities designated for
4use by a school required to be approved by the department board under this section.
AB100, s. 1201 5Section 1201. 38.51 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (2) and amended
6to read:
AB100,598,157 39.51 (2) Purpose. The purpose of this section the board is to approve schools
8and courses of instruction for the training of veterans of the armed forces and war
9orphans receiving assistance from the federal government, protect the general public
10by inspecting and approving private trade, correspondence, business and technical
11schools doing business within this state whether located within or outside this state,
12changes of ownership or control of these schools, teaching locations used by these
13schools and courses of instruction offered by these schools and to regulate the
14soliciting of students for correspondence or classroom courses and courses of
15instruction offered by these schools.
AB100, s. 1202 16Section 1202. 38.51 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (3) and amended
17to read:
AB100,598,1918 39.51 (3) Rule-making power. The department board shall promulgate rules
19and establish standards necessary to carry out the purpose of this section.
AB100, s. 1203 20Section 1203. 38.51 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (6), and 39.51 (6)
21(a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB100,599,222 39.51 (6) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the department board shall be the
23state approval agency for the education and training of veterans and war orphans.
24It shall approve and supervise schools and courses of instruction for their training

1under Title 38, USC, and may enter into and receive money under contracts with the
2U.S. department of veterans affairs or other appropriate federal agencies.
AB100, s. 1204 3Section 1204. 38.51 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (7), and 39.51 (7)
4(intro.) and (g) to (i), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,599,95 39.51 (7) Approval of schools generally. (intro.) In order to protect students,
6prevent fraud and misrepresentation in the sale and advertising of courses and
7courses of instruction and encourage schools to maintain courses and courses of
8instruction consistent in quality, content and length with generally accepted
9educational standards, the department board shall:
AB100,599,1310 (g) Approve courses of instruction, schools, changes of ownership or control of
11schools and teaching locations meeting the requirements and standards established
12by the department board and complying with rules promulgated by the department
13board and publish a list of the schools and courses of instruction approved.
AB100,599,1514 (h) Issue permits to solicitors when all department board requirements have
15been met.
AB100,599,1716 (i) Require schools to furnish a surety bond in an amount as provided by rule
17of the department board.
AB100, s. 1205 18Section 1205. 38.51 (8) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (8) (title).
AB100, s. 1206 19Section 1206. 38.51 (8) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (8) (a) and
20amended to read:
AB100,600,221 39.51 (8) (a) In general. No solicitor representing any school offering any
22course or course of instruction shall sell any course or course of instruction or solicit
23students therefor in this state for a consideration or remuneration, except upon the
24actual business premises of the school, unless the solicitor first secures a solicitor's

1permit from the department board. If the solicitor represents more than one school,
2a separate permit shall be obtained for each school represented by the solicitor.
AB100, s. 1207 3Section 1207. 38.51 (8) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (8) (b) and
4amended to read:
AB100,601,35 39.51 (8) (b) Solicitor's permit. The application for a solicitor's permit shall be
6made on a form furnished by the department board and shall be accompanied by a
7fee and a surety bond acceptable to the department board in the sum of $2,000. The
8department board shall, by rule, specify the amount of the fee for a solicitor's permit.
9Such bond may be continuous and shall be conditioned to provide indemnification to
10any student suffering loss as the result of any fraud or misrepresentation used in
11procuring his or her enrollment or as a result of the failure of the school to faithfully
12perform the agreement made with the student by the solicitor, and may be supplied
13by the solicitor or by the school itself either as a blanket bond covering each of its
14solicitors in the amount of $2,000 or the surety bond under sub. (7) (i). Upon approval
15of a permit, the department board shall issue an identification card to the solicitor
16giving his or her name and address, the name and address of the employing school,
17and certifying that the person whose name appears on the card is authorized to solicit
18students for the school. A permit shall be valid for one year from the date issued.
19Liability under this paragraph of the surety on the bond for each solicitor covered
20thereby shall not exceed the sum of $2,000 as an aggregate for any and all students
21for all breaches of the conditions of the bond. The surety of a bond may cancel the
22same upon giving 30 days' notice in writing to the department board and thereafter
23shall be relieved of liability under this paragraph for any breach of condition
24occurring after the effective date of the cancellation. An application for renewal shall
25be accompanied by a fee, a surety bond acceptable to the department board in the

1sum of $2,000 if a continuous bond has not been furnished, and such information as
2the department board requests of the applicant. The department board shall, by
3rule, specify the amount of the fee for renewal of a solicitor's permit.
AB100, s. 1208 4Section 1208. 38.51 (8) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (8) (c), and 39.51
5(8) (c) (intro.), 1., 2., 4. and 5., as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,601,86 39.51 (8) (c) Refusal or revocation of permit. (intro.) The department board
7may refuse to issue or renew, or may revoke, any solicitor's permit upon one or any
8combination of the following grounds:
AB100,601,109 1. Wilful violation of this subsection or any rule promulgated by the
10department board under this section;
AB100,601,1211 2. Furnishing false, misleading or incomplete information to the department
AB100,601,1413 4. Refusal by the school to be represented to allow reasonable inspection or to
14supply information after written request therefor by the department board;
AB100,601,1715 5. Failure of the school which the solicitor represents to meet requirements and
16standards established by and to comply with rules promulgated by the department
17board pursuant to sub. (7);
AB100, s. 1209 18Section 1209. 38.51 (8) (d) to (i) of the statutes are renumbered 39.51 (8) (d)
19to (i), and 39.51 (8) (d) and (e), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,601,2420 39.51 (8) (d) Notice of refusal to issue or renew permit. Notice of refusal to issue
21or renew a permit or of the revocation of a permit shall be sent by registered mail to
22the last address of the applicant or permit holder shown in the records of the
23department board. Revocation of a permit shall be effective 10 days after the notice
24of revocation has been mailed to the permit holder.
1(e) Request for appearance. Within 20 days of the receipt of notice of the
2department's board's refusal to issue or renew a permit or of the revocation of a
3permit, the applicant or holder of the permit may request permission to appear
4before the department board in person, with or without counsel, to present reasons
5why the permit should be issued or reinstated. Upon receipt of such request, the
6department board shall grant a hearing to the applicant or holder of the permit
7within 30 days giving that person at least 10 days' notice of the date, time and place.
AB100, s. 1210 8Section 1210. 38.51 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (9), and 39.51 (9)
9(g) and (h), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,602,1110 39.51 (9) (g) Schools approved by the department of education public
for the training of teachers.
AB100,602,1312 (h) Schools accredited by accrediting agencies recognized by the department
AB100, s. 1211 14Section 1211. 38.51 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (10), and 39.51
15(10) (a), (b) and (c) (intro.) and 1., as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,602,2316 39.51 (10) (a) Authority. All proprietary schools shall be examined and
17approved by the department board before operating in this state. Approval shall be
18granted to schools meeting the criteria established by the department board for a
19period not to exceed one year. No school may advertise in this state unless approved
20by the department board. All approved schools shall submit quarterly reports,
21including information on enrollment, number of teachers and their qualifications,
22course offerings, number of graduates, number of graduates successfully employed
23and such other information as the department board deems necessary.
AB100,603,524 (b) Application. Application for initial approval of a school or a course of
25instruction, approval of a teaching location, change of ownership or control of a

1school, renewal of approval of a school or reinstatement of approval of a school or
2course of instruction which has been revoked shall be made on a form furnished by
3the department board and shall be accompanied by a fee set by the department board
4under par. (c), and such other information as the department board deems necessary
5to evaluate the school in carrying out the purpose of this section.
AB100,603,76 (c) Fees; rule making. (intro.) The department board shall promulgate rules
7to establish fees. In promulgating rules to establish fees, the department board shall:
AB100,603,108 1. Require that the amount of fees collected under this paragraph be sufficient
9to cover all costs that the department board incurs in examining and approving
10proprietary schools under this subsection.
AB100, s. 1212 11Section 1212. 39.11 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,603,1412 39.11 (5) Work with the educational agencies and institutions of the state as
13reviewer, adviser and coordinator of their joint efforts to meet the educational needs
14of the state through radio and, television and other appropriate technologies.
AB100, s. 1213 15Section 1213. 39.11 (20) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1214 16Section 1214. 39.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,603,2217 39.13 (2) The executive director may employ a deputy director, the number of
18division administrators specified in s. 230.08 (2) (e) and 12 11 professional staff
19members outside the classified service. Subject to authorization under s. 16.505, the
20executive director may employ additional professional staff members for
21development and grant projects outside the classified service or for other purposes
22within the classified service.
AB100, s. 1215 23Section 1215. 39.145 of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1216 24Section 1216. 39.155 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
139.155 (1) Subject to sub. (3), all funds appropriated to the medical college of
2Wisconsin, inc., under s. 20.250 (1) (a) shall be based on a per capita formula for an
3amount for each Wisconsin resident enrolled at the college who is paying full tuition.
4A student's qualification as a resident of this state shall be determined by the
5department of education higher educational aids board in accordance with s. 36.27,
6so far as applicable.
AB100, s. 1217 7Section 1217. 39.155 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,604,178 39.155 (2) On or before January 15 and September 15 of each year, the medical
9college of Wisconsin, inc., shall submit to the department of education higher
10educational aids board
for its approval a list of the Wisconsin residents enrolled at
11the college who are paying full tuition. The state shall make semiannual payments
12to the medical college of Wisconsin, inc., from the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1)
13(a), upon approval of the list. If the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1) (a) is
14insufficient to pay the amount specified to be disbursed under s. 20.250 (1) (a), the
15payments shall be disbursed on a prorated basis for each student entitled to such aid.
16No more than 8 such payments may be made to the medical college of Wisconsin, inc.,
17from the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1) (a), for any individual student.
AB100, s. 1218 18Section 1218. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 39 [precedes 39.26] of the
19statutes is amended to read:
AB100,604,2020 CHAPTER 39
AB100, s. 1219 23Section 1219. 39.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,604,25 2439.26 Definition. In this subchapter, "department" "board" means the
25department of education higher educational aids board.
AB100, s. 1220
1Section 1220. 39.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,605,72 39.28 (1) The department board shall administer the programs under this
3subchapter and may promulgate such rules as are necessary to carry out its
4functions. The department board may accept and use any funds which it receives
5from participating institutions, lenders or agencies. The department board may
6enter into such contracts as are necessary to carry out its functions under this
AB100, s. 1221 8Section 1221. 39.28 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,605,149 39.28 (2) The department board shall establish plans to be administered by the
10department board for participation by this state under any federal acts relating to
11higher education and submit them to the U.S. commissioner secretary of education
12for the commissioner's secretary's approval. The department board may utilize such
13criteria for determination of priorities, participation or purpose as are delineated in
14the federal acts.
AB100, s. 1222 15Section 1222. 39.28 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,605,1816 39.28 (3) (a) In its biennial report under s. 15.04 (1) (d), the board also shall
17include recommendations for improvement of the state's student financial aid
AB100,605,2219 (b) On January 1 and July 1, the board shall report to the joint committee on
20finance and the joint legislative audit committee on the board's loan collection
21activities and efforts to develop collection policies to improve program performance
22through changes in data processing and program review.
AB100, s. 1223 23Section 1223. 39.28 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,605,2524 39.28 (4) The department board may assign, sell, convey or repurchase student
25loans made under s. 39.32 subject to prior approval by the joint committee on finance.
AB100, s. 1224
1Section 1224. 39.285 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,606,6 239.285 (title) Education commission Board review of proposed
(1) By May 1, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter, the education
board shall approve, modify or disapprove any proposed formula for the
5awarding of grants for the upcoming academic year submitted under sub. (2) or s.
636.11 (6) (c) or 38.04 (7m).
AB100,606,11 7(2) By April 10, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter, the Wisconsin Association
8of Independent Colleges and Universities shall develop and submit to the education
board for its review under sub. (1) a proposed formula for the awarding
10of grants under s. 39.30 for the upcoming academic year to students enrolled at
11private institutions of higher education.
AB100, s. 1225 12Section 1225. 39.29 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,606,14 1339.29 Executive secretary. An executive secretary shall be appointed by the
14governor to serve at his or her pleasure.
AB100, s. 1226 15Section 1226. 39.30 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,606,1916 39.30 (2) (e) The department board may not make a grant to a student if the
17department board receives a certification under s. 49.855 (7) that the student is
18delinquent in child support or maintenance payments or owes past support, medical
19expenses or birth expenses.
AB100, s. 1227 20Section 1227. 39.30 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,606,2321 39.30 (2) (f) No grants may be awarded under this section unless the applicable
22formula submitted under s. 39.285 (2) is approved or modified by the education
board under s. 39.285 (1).
AB100, s. 1228 24Section 1228. 39.30 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
139.30 (3) (e) The department board shall establish criteria for the treatment
2of financially independent students which are consistent with procedures in pars. (a)
3to (d).
AB100, s. 1229 4Section 1229. 39.30 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,607,85 39.30 (3) (f) The department board may not make initial awards of grants
6under this section for an academic year in an amount that exceeds 122% of the
7amount appropriated under s. 20.235 (1) (b) for the fiscal year in which the grant may
8be paid.
AB100, s. 1230 9Section 1230. 39.30 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,607,1310 39.30 (4) Forms. The department board shall prescribe, furnish and make
11available, at locations in the state convenient to the public, application forms for
12grants under this section. Upon request, the department board shall advise and
13assist applicants in making out such forms.
AB100, s. 1231 14Section 1231. 39.31 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,607,18 1539.31 Determination of student costs. (intro.) In determining a student's
16total cost of attending a postsecondary institution for the purpose of calculating the
17amount of a grant under s. 39.30, 39.38, 39.435 or 39.44, the department board shall
18include the following:
AB100, s. 1232 19Section 1232. 39.31 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,607,2020 39.31 (2) Miscellaneous expenses, as determined by the department board.