146.261 (2) (a) (intro.) A The department or a county department under s.
246.215, 46.22 or 46.23 shall grant aid on behalf of a dependent child to any of the
AB100, s. 1450 4Section 1450. 46.261 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,679,175 46.261 (2) (a) 1. A nonrelative who cares for the dependent child in a foster
6home or treatment foster home having a license under s. 48.62, in a foster home or
7treatment foster home located within the boundaries of a federally recognized
8American Indian reservation in this state and licensed by the tribal governing body
9of the reservation or in a group home licensed under s. 48.625 or a minor custodial
10parent who cares for the dependent child
, regardless of the cause or prospective
11period of dependency. The state shall reimburse counties pursuant to the procedure
12under s. 46.495 (2) and the percentage rate of participation set forth in s. 46.495 (1)
13(d) for aid granted under this section except that if the child does not have legal
14settlement in the granting county, state reimbursement shall be at 100%. The county
15department under s. 46.215 or 46.22 shall determine the legal settlement of the child.
16A child under one year of age shall be eligible for aid under this subsection
17irrespective of any other residence requirement for eligibility within this section.
AB100, s. 1451 18Section 1451. 46.261 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
19Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100,680,820 46.261 (2) (a) 1. A nonrelative who cares for the dependent child in a foster
21home or treatment foster home having a license under s. 48.62, in a foster home or
22treatment foster home located within the boundaries of a federally recognized
23American Indian reservation in this state and licensed by the tribal governing body
24of the reservation or in a group home licensed under s. 48.625 or a minor custodial
25parent who cares for the dependent child, regardless of the cause or prospective

1period of dependency. The state shall reimburse counties pursuant to the procedure
2under s. 46.495 (2) and the percentage rate of participation set forth in s. 46.495 (1)
3(d) for aid granted under this section except that if the child does not have legal
4settlement in the granting county, state reimbursement shall be at 100%. The county
5department under s. 46.215 or 46.22 or the department under s. 48.48 (17) shall
6determine the legal settlement of the child. A child under one year of age shall be
7eligible for aid under this subsection irrespective of any other residence requirement
8for eligibility within this section.
AB100, s. 1452 9Section 1452. 46.261 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,680,1710 46.261 (2) (a) 2. A county or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more,
11the department
, on behalf of a child in the legal custody of a county department under
12s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 or the department under s. 48.48 (17) or on behalf of a child
13who was removed from the home of a relative, as defined under s. 48.02 (15), as a
14result of a judicial determination that continuance in the home of a relative would
15be contrary to the child's welfare for any reason when such child is placed in a
16licensed child caring institution by the county department or the department.
17Reimbursement shall be made by the state pursuant to subd. 1.
AB100, s. 1453 18Section 1453. 46.261 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,681,319 46.261 (2) (a) 3. A county or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more,
20the department
, when the child is placed in a licensed foster home, treatment foster
21home, group home or child caring institution by a licensed child welfare agency or
22by a federally recognized American Indian tribal governing body in this state or by
23its designee, if the child is in the legal custody of the county department under s.
2446.215, 46.22 or 46.23 or the department under s. 48.48 (17) or if the child was
25removed from the home of a relative, as defined under s. 48.02 (15), as a result of a

1judicial determination that continuance in the home of the relative would be contrary
2to the child's welfare for any reason and the placement is made pursuant to an
3agreement with the county department or the department.
AB100, s. 1454 4Section 1454. 46.261 (2) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,681,135 46.261 (2) (a) 4. A licensed foster home or, treatment foster home, a group home
6licensed under s. 48.625 or a child caring institution by the state when the child is
7in the custody or guardianship of the state, when the child is a ward of an American
8Indian tribal court in this state and the placement is made under an agreement
9between the department and the tribal governing body or when the child was part
10of the state's direct service case load and was removed from the home of a relative,
11as defined under s. 48.02 (15), as a result of a judicial determination that continuance
12in the home of a relative would be contrary to the child's welfare for any reason and
13the child is placed by the department.
AB100, s. 1455 14Section 1455. 46.27 (4) (c) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,681,1715 46.27 (4) (c) 8. If a pilot project under s. 46.271 (2m) is established in the county,
16a description of how the activities of the pilot project relate to and are coordinated
17with the county's proposed program.
AB100, s. 1456 18Section 1456. 46.27 (5) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,682,619 46.27 (5) (am) Organize assessment activities specified in sub. (6). The county
20department or aging unit shall utilize persons for each assessment who can
21determine the needs of the person being assessed and who know the availability
22within the county of services alternative to placement in a nursing home. If any
23hospital patient is referred to a nursing home for admission, these persons shall work
24with the hospital discharge planner in performing the activities specified in sub. (6).
25The county department or aging unit shall coordinate the involvement of

1representatives from the county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22, 51.42 and
251.437, health service providers and the county commission on aging in the
3assessment activities specified in sub. (6), as well as the person being assessed and
4members of the person's family or the person's guardian. This paragraph does not
5apply to a county department or aging unit in a county where a pilot project under
6s. 46.271 (2m) is established.
AB100, s. 1457 7Section 1457. 46.27 (6) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,682,158 46.27 (6) (a) 3. In each participating county, except in counties where a pilot
9project under s. 46.271 (2m) is established,
assessments shall be conducted for those
10persons and in accordance with the procedures described in the county's community
11options plan. The county may elect to establish assessment priorities for persons in
12target groups identified by the county in its plan regarding gradual implementation.
13If a person who is already admitted to a nursing home requests an assessment and
14if funds allocated for assessments under sub. (7) (am) are available, the county shall
15conduct the assessment.
AB100, s. 1458 16Section 1458. 46.27 (6g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,682,2017 46.27 (6g) Fiscal responsibility. (intro.) Except as provided in s. 51.40, and
18within the limitations under sub. (7) (b), the fiscal responsibility of a county for an
19assessment, unless the assessment is performed by an entity under s. 46.271 (2m),
20case plan or services provided to a person under this section is as follows:
AB100, s. 1459 21Section 1459. 46.27 (7) (b) 1r. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1460 22Section 1460. 46.27 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,683,623 46.27 (9) (a) The department may select up to 5 counties that volunteer to
24participate in a pilot project under which they will receive certain funds allocated for
25long-term care. The department shall allocate a level of funds to these counties

1equal to the amount that would otherwise be paid under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (b) to nursing
2homes for providing care because of increased utilization of nursing home services,
3as estimated by the department. In estimating these levels, the department shall
4exclude any increased utilization of services provided by state centers for the
5developmentally disabled. The department shall calculate these amounts on a
6calendar year basis under sub. (10).
AB100, s. 1461 7Section 1461. 46.27 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,683,138 46.27 (9) (c) All long-term community support services provided under this
9pilot project in lieu of nursing home care shall be consistent with those services
10described in the participating county's community options plan under sub. (4) (c) and
11provided under sub. (5) (b). Each Unless the department has contracted under s.
1246.271 (2m) with an entity other than the county department, each
13participating in the pilot project shall assess persons under sub. (6).
AB100, s. 1462 14Section 1462. 46.27 (10) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,683,1915 46.27 (10) (a) 1. The department shall determine for each county participating
16in the pilot project under sub. (9) a funding level of state medical assistance
17expenditures to be received by the county. This level shall equal the amount that the
18department determines would otherwise be paid under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (b) because
19of increased utilization of nursing home services, as estimated by the department.
AB100, s. 1463 20Section 1463. 46.27 (11) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,683,2421 46.27 (11) (c) 3. Medical assistance reimbursement for services a county, a
22private nonprofit agency or an aging unit with which the department contracts
23provides under this subsection shall be made from the appropriations under s. 20.435
24(1) (5) (o) and (7) (b) and (bd).
AB100, s. 1464 25Section 1464. 46.27 (11) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.27 (11) (c) 4. The department may, from the appropriation under s. 20.435
2(1) (5) (o), provide reimbursement for services provided under this subsection by
3counties that are in excess of the current average annual per person rate, as
4established by the department, and are less than or equal to the average amount
5approved in the waiver received under par. (am).
AB100, s. 1465 6Section 1465. 46.271 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 46.271 (1) (a), and
746.271 (1) (a) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB100,684,138 46.271 (1) (a) (intro.) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (bd), the
9department shall award $100,000 in each fiscal year to applying county departments
10under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 or to an aging unit under the conditions
11specified in sub. (3) par. (c) to establish pilot projects for home and community-based
12long-term support services. Funds awarded to the pilot projects shall be used to do
13any of the following:
AB100, s. 1466 14Section 1466. 46.271 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 46.271 (1) (b), and
1546.271 (1) (b) 1. and 2., as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB100,684,1716 46.271 (1) (b) 1. Solicit applications from county departments or aging units
17for the pilot projects under sub. (1) par. (a).
AB100,684,2118 2. Require that an applying county department or aging unit under par. (a)
19subd. 1. submit as part of the application specific plans for improving the
20coordination between hospitals and providers of home and community-based
21long-term support services.
AB100, s. 1467 22Section 1467. 46.271 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,684,2523 46.271 (2m) (a) The department may establish, in geographic areas
24determined by the department, a pilot project under which the department may
25contract with a private or public entity to do all of the following:
11. Serve as a clearinghouse of information for individuals who are interested
2in home or community-based long-term support services or institutional long-term
3care services.
AB100,685,84 2. Perform assessments, in accordance with s. 46.27 (6) (a) 1m. and 2. and using
5the assessment method established by the department, to determine an individual's
6functional abilities, disabilities, personal preferences and need for home or
7community-based long-term support services or institutional long-term care
AB100,685,109 3. Collect information specified by the department on the individuals served
10by the entity and provide that information to the department.
AB100,685,1511 (am) Residents of the geographic areas where a pilot project under this
12subsection is established shall receive an assessment by the entity contracted with
13under par. (a) (intro.) prior to entry into a nursing home or community-based
14residential facility or participation in the long-term support community options
15program under s. 46.27.
AB100,685,1816 (ap) The department may require that the results of a client's assessment
17under par. (a) 2. be submitted at the time that a provider submits a request for prior
18authorization for medical assistance services.
AB100,685,2119 (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (bd), the department shall
20distribute funds to the entities with which the department contracts under par. (a)
21(intro.) for the performance of the functions specified under par. (a) 1. to 3.
AB100, s. 1468 22Section 1468. 46.271 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 46.271 (1) (c) and
23amended to read:
146.271 (1) (c) The department may contract with an aging unit, as defined in
2s. 46.27 (1) (a), for administration of services under sub. (1) par. (a) if, by resolution,
3the county board of supervisors of that county so requests the department.
AB100, s. 1469 4Section 1469. 46.275 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,686,105 46.275 (5) (a) Medical assistance reimbursement for services a county, or the
6department under sub. (3r), provides under this program is available from the
7appropriations under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (b) and (o). If 2 or more counties jointly contract
8to provide services under this program and the department approves the contract,
9medical assistance reimbursement is also available for services provided jointly by
10these counties.
AB100, s. 1470 11Section 1470. 46.275 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,686,1812 46.275 (5) (c) The total allocation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (b) and (o) to counties
13and to the department under sub. (3r) for services provided under this section may
14not exceed the amount approved by the federal department of health and human
15services. A county may use funds received under this section only to provide services
16to persons who meet the requirements under sub. (4) and may not use unexpended
17funds received under this section to serve other developmentally disabled persons
18residing in the county.
AB100, s. 1471 19Section 1471. 46.275 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,686,2420 46.275 (5) (d) The department may, from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1)
21(5) (o), provide reimbursement for services provided under this section by counties
22that are in excess of the current average annual per person rate, as established by
23the department, and are less than the average amount approved in the waiver
24received under sub. (2).
AB100, s. 1472 25Section 1472. 46.278 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.278 (6) (d) If a county makes available nonfederal funds equal to the state
2share of service costs under the waiver received under sub. (3), the department may,
3from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (o), provide reimbursement for services
4that the county provides under this section to persons who are in addition to those
5who may be served under this section with funds from the appropriation under s.
620.435 (1) (5) (b).
AB100, s. 1473 7Section 1473. 46.278 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,687,128 46.278 (6) (f) If a county owns the institution or intermediate care facility for
9the mentally retarded from which an individual is relocated to the community under
10this section, in order to receive funding under the program, the county shall submit
11a plan for delicensing a bed of the institution or intermediate care facility for the
12mentally retarded that is approved by the department.
AB100, s. 1474 13Section 1474. 46.28 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,687,1514 46.28 (3) The department may authorize the authority to issue revenue bonds
15under s. 234.70 234.61 to finance any residential facility it approves under sub. (2).
AB100, s. 1475 16Section 1475. 46.28 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,687,1917 46.28 (4) The department may charge sponsors for administrative costs and
18expenses it incurs in exercising its powers and duties under this section and under
19s. 234.70 234.61.
AB100, s. 1476 20Section 1476. 46.29 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,687,2221 46.29 (3) (a) The secretary of education state superintendent of public
AB100, s. 1477 23Section 1477. 46.30 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.30 (4) (a) The department shall distribute the federal community services
2block grant funds received under 42 USC 9903 and deposited in the appropriations
3under s. 20.435 (6) (3) (mc) and (7) (md).
AB100, s. 1478 4Section 1478. 46.35 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,688,65 46.35 (4) (a) The secretary of education state superintendent of public
AB100, s. 1479 7Section 1479. 46.40 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,688,138 46.40 (1) (a) Within the limits of available federal funds and of the
9appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) (nL) and (7) (b) , (kw) and (o), the department shall
10distribute funds for community social, mental health, developmental disabilities and
11alcohol and other drug abuse services and for services under ss. 46.51, 46.87, 46.985
12and 51.421 to county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 and 51.437
13and to county aging units, as provided in subs. (2) to (8).
AB100, s. 1480 14Section 1480. 46.40 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,688,2015 46.40 (1) (b) Notwithstanding s. 46.49, if the department receives any federal
16moneys under 42 USC 670 to 679a in reimbursement of moneys allocated under par.
17(a) for the provision of foster care, the department shall distribute those federal
18moneys for services and projects to assist children and families and for the
19operational requirements of the department in administering programs to assist
20children and families
AB100, s. 1481 21Section 1481. 46.40 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,689,922 46.40 (1) (c) The Milwaukee County department of social services shall report
23to the department in a manner specified by the department on all children under the
24supervision of the Milwaukee County department of social services who are placed
25in foster homes and whose foster parents receive funding for child care from the

1amounts distributed under par. (a) so that the department may claim federal foster
2care and adoption assistance reimbursement under 42 USC 670 to 679a for the
3amounts expended by the Milwaukee County department of social services for the
4provision of child care for those children. Notwithstanding s. 46.49, if the
5department receives any federal moneys under 42 USC 67 670 to 679a in
6reimbursement of the amounts expended by the Milwaukee County department of
7social services for the provision of child care for children in foster care in 1996 and
81997, the department shall distribute those federal moneys to the Milwaukee County
9department of social services for the provision of child care for children in foster care.
AB100, s. 1482 10Section 1482. 46.40 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,689,1411 46.40 (2) Basic county allocation. For social services under s. 46.495 (1) (d)
12and services under s. 51.423 (2), the department shall distribute not more than
13$292,368,400 $284,851,700 for fiscal year 1995-96 1997-98 and $291,349,200
14$284,212,200 for fiscal year 1996-97 1998-99.
AB100, s. 1483 15Section 1483. 46.40 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,689,2016 46.40 (2m) (a) Prevention and treatment of substance abuse. For prevention
17and treatment of substance abuse under 42 USC 300x-21 to 300x-35, the
18department shall distribute not more than $11,087,200 $10,493,900 in fiscal year
191995-96 1997-98 and not more than $11,285,200 $10,224,100 in fiscal year 1996-97
AB100, s. 1484 21Section 1484. 46.40 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,689,2522 46.40 (2m) (b) Community mental health services. For community mental
23health services under 42 USC 300x to 300x-9, the department shall distribute not
24more than $2,513,400 in each fiscal year 1995-96 and not more than $2,513,400 in
25fiscal year 1996-97
AB100, s. 1485
1Section 1485. 46.40 (14m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,690,82 46.40 (14m) County community aids budgets. Before December 1 of each year,
3each county department under ss. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 and 51.437 and each
4tribal governing body shall submit to the department a proposed budget for the
5expenditure of funds allocated under this section, distributed under s. 46.45 (2) (a)
6or carried forward under s. 46.45 (3) (a)
. The proposed budget shall be submitted on
7a form developed by the department and approved by the department of
AB100, s. 1486 9Section 1486. 46.45 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,690,1910 46.45 (2) (a) If on December 31 of any year there remains unspent or
11unencumbered in the allocation under s. 46.40 (2) an amount that exceeds the
12amount received under 42 USC 670 to 679a and allocated under s. 46.40 (2) in that
13year, the department shall carry forward the excess moneys and distribute not less
14than 50% of the excess moneys to counties having a population of less than 500,000
15for services and projects to assist children and families, notwithstanding the
16percentage limit specified in sub. (3) (a). A county shall use not less than 50% of the
17moneys distributed to the county under this subsection for services for children who
18are at risk of abuse or neglect to prevent the need for child abuse and neglect
19intervention services.
AB100,690,2220 (b) A county may not use any moneys distributed under par. (a) to supplant any
21other moneys expended by the county for services and projects to assist children and
22families in a base year determined by the department.
AB100,690,2523 (c) The department may use any moneys carried forward under par. (a), but not
24distributed to counties, for the operational requirements of the department in
25administering programs to assist children and families.
AB100, s. 1487
1Section 1487. 46.48 (8) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,691,62 46.48 (8) (d) 1. The use of liaisons to meet with prospective program
3participants to provide information about the program and to assist program
4participants, prior to their release on community supervision or parole, in planning
5for and obtaining the housing, employment, education and treatment that they will
6need upon release.