AB652,12,1912 a. Making available in writing to applicants and to the public the objective
13criteria used by the plan in selecting physicians for participation in the plan,
14including such physician criteria as education, training, background, experience,
15professional disposition, demonstrated competence, demonstrated quality,
16membership or clinical privileges at a particular hospital and membership in a
17particular medical group, and including such plan criteria as professional liability
18insurance requirements and the number of physicians in a given specialty that are
19needed by the plan.
AB652,12,2120 b. The review of each application by physicians representing the applicant's
21area of medical specialty.
AB652,12,2522 c. Procedures to ensure that, whenever a physician's graduate medical
23education is a factor in selection for participation, training programs accredited by
24the Accrediting Council on Graduate Medical Education or the American
25Osteopathic Association are given equal recognition.
1d. Procedures to ensure that, whenever the economics or capacity of a
2physician's practice is a criterion used in selection for participation, that criterion is
3documented and made available to physician applicants, physicians participating in
4the plan and the plan's enrollees. Any such economic or capacity criterion used in
5selection for participation must be adjusted to reflect a physician's patient case mix,
6including severity of illnesses and ages of individuals who are patients of the
7physician, and any other features of the physician's practice that may account for
8costs or services utilization that is higher or lower than expected.
AB652,13,129 e. Procedures to ensure that the health care plan does not discriminate against
10high-risk or vulnerable individuals or individuals with expensive-to-treat,
11long-term or chronic medical conditions by excluding from participation physicians
12with practices that include a substantial number of such individuals.
AB652,13,1513 f. Procedures to ensure that the health care plan does not select physicians for
14participation on the basis of sex, race, creed, national origin or any other factor
15prohibited by law.
AB652,13,1916 9. Establish, in consultation with the plan's physician advisory committee,
17procedures to ensure fairness in processing physician applications for participation
18in the plan and in making decisions regarding the status of a physician's
19participation in the plan. The procedures must include all of the following:
AB652,13,2520 a. Reasonably prompt consideration of a participation application or renewal
21and reasonably prompt notification to the physician of a decision regarding initial
22or renewed participation. A health care plan is not required to act on an incomplete
23application, but must inform an applicant who submits an incomplete application of
24the data that is missing and must afford the applicant a reasonable opportunity to
25provide the missing data.
1b. Providing a physician with a written statement of reasons and an
2opportunity to respond, in writing or orally at a hearing, before the governing body
3of the plan makes a final decision to deny a participation application or renewal; to
4suspend or restrict participation in the plan for longer than 30 days; or to terminate
5or permanently restrict participation in the plan. If the action under consideration
6by the governing body is of a type that must be reported under state or federal law
7to the National Practitioner Data Bank or to the medical examining board, the
8physician's procedural rights must meet, at a minimum, the standards of fairness
9required under the federal Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, 42 USC
to 11152.
AB652,14,2311 c. Providing a physician with a written statement of reasons and an
12opportunity to respond, in writing or orally at a hearing, before the governing body
13of the plan makes a final decision to terminate, deny or restrict a physician's
14participation in the plan on the basis of utilization of services or economic criteria.
15The reasons stated must include consideration and recognition of the physician's
16patient case mix, including severity of illnesses and ages of enrollees who are
17patients of the physician, and any other features of the physician's practice that may
18account for costs that are higher or lower than expected. In addition to an
19opportunity to respond, a physician must have an opportunity to enter into and
20complete a corrective action plan, except in cases in which there is imminent danger
21of harm to patient health or action by the medical examining board or another
22governmental entity that effectively impairs the physician's ability to practice
23medicine in this state.
AB652,15,724 d. Providing a physician who is subject to summary suspension or restriction
25of participation in the plan based on a determination of imminent danger to the

1health of enrollees or other individuals with the opportunity for a hearing within 14
2days after the summary suspension or restriction is imposed. The summary
3suspension or restriction may be continued, modified or reversed at the hearing by
4the governing body. A summary suspension or restriction of participation may be
5imposed only by plan officials, including at least one member of the physician
6advisory committee, who are expressly authorized to do so under the terms of the
AB652,15,158 10. Limit a physician's participation in the health care plan to 2-year periods.
9The health care plan shall require a physician who wishes to continue to participate
10in the health care plan to submit an application for continued participation at the end
11of each 2-year period. Upon submission of an application for continued
12participation, the health care plan shall evaluate the participating physician
13submitting the application according to the same criteria used at the time that
14application for initial participation was approved to determine whether the
15physician continues to qualify for participation in the plan.
AB652,15,1716 11. Establish procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable state and
17federal laws designed to protect the confidentiality of provider and enrollee records.
AB652,15,2518 (b) In addition to satisfying the requirements under par. (a), a health care plan
19may not prohibit or restrict a participating provider from disclosing to an enrollee
20any health care information that the provider determines is medically appropriate
21regarding the nature of, risks associated with, and alternatives to, proposed
22treatment or treatment being provided to the enrollee; the availability of alternative
23therapies, consultation or tests; the decision of the health care plan to authorize or
24deny coverage for services; or the process that the health care plan uses or proposes
25to use to authorize or deny benefits or coverage for health care services.
1(c) A health care plan may not offer payment directly or indirectly to a physician
2or physician group as an inducement to reduce or limit medically appropriate
3services or pharmaceuticals or to promote high utilization of services or
AB652,16,55 (d) A health care plan shall establish and operate a utilization review program.
AB652,16,76 (e) A health care plan may apply to the commissioner for certification under
7sub. (4) that the health care plan satisfies the requirements under this subsection.
AB652,16,9 8(3) Requirements for utilization review programs. (a) A health care plan,
9with respect to its utilization review program, shall do all of the following:
AB652,16,1510 1. Appoint a medical director, who is a physician, to be responsible for all
11clinical decisions that are based on recommendations made by the health care plan's
12reviewer under subd. 4., to hear appeals of decisions of the health care plan's
13reviewer under subds. 5. a. and 6. a. and to ensure that the medical review and other
14utilization practices employed under the plan's utilization review program comply
15with the requirements under this subsection.
AB652,16,1916 2. Develop, based on sound scientific principles and in cooperation with
17practicing physicians and other affected providers, the screening criteria, weighing
18elements and computer algorithms to be used in the health care plan's utilization
19review program.
AB652,16,2520 3. Upon request, release to enrollees, providers and health care facilities the
21screening criteria, weighting elements and computer algorithms used in the health
22care plan's utilization review process and the method by which each was developed.
23The health care plan may require any enrollee, provider or health care facility
24receiving information under this subdivision to agree to keep the information
14. Contract with a reviewer to make recommendations on coverage for services,
2payment for services and whether services should be provided on the basis of medical
3appropriateness. The reviewer must be a physician whose area of medical specialty
4is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American
5Osteopathic Association and who is determined by the health care plan's physician
6advisory committee to be qualified to evaluate issues related to coverage and
7services. The reviewer's compensation may not be directly affected by the decisions
8or recommendations that he or she makes.
AB652,17,169 5. a. Provide to an enrollee and provider seeking prior authorization for
10treatment that is denied on the basis that the treatment is not medically appropriate
11a written statement of the reasons for the denial. The statement of reasons must be
12documented in the case record and must include a general description of the reason
13that prior authorization for the treatment was denied, an explanation of the
14enrollee's and physician's appeal rights and instructions for the enrollee and
15physician to appeal to the plan's medical director and thereafter to the plan's
16physician advisory committee.
AB652,18,217 b. Provide for final review of a denial of prior authorization for treatment on
18the basis that the treatment was determined to be not medically appropriate after
19appeals have been heard by both the plan's medical director and the plan's physician
20advisory committee. The review must be conducted by a person who is licensed to
21practice medicine in the jurisdiction in which the claim arose, who is not
22participating in or under contract with the health care plan, whose area of medical
23specialty is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American
24Osteopathic Association and who is determined by the health care plan's physician
25advisory committee to be qualified to evaluate the proposed treatment under review.

1The determination on review under this subd. 5. b. shall be made in accordance with
2the relevant laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the claim arose.
AB652,18,103 6. a. Provide to an enrollee and provider submitting a claim that is denied on
4the basis that the treatment provided was not medically appropriate a written
5statement of the reasons for denying the claim. The statement of reasons must be
6documented in the case record and must include a general description of the reason
7that coverage for the treatment was denied, an explanation of the enrollee's and
8physician's appeal rights and instructions for the enrollee and physician to appeal
9to the plan's medical director and thereafter to the plan's physician advisory
AB652,18,2111 b. Provide for final review of a denial of a claim on the basis that the treatment
12provided was determined to be not medically appropriate after appeals have been
13heard by both the plan's medical director and the plan's physician advisory
14committee. The review must be conducted by a person who is licensed to practice
15medicine in the jurisdiction in which the claim arose, who is not participating in or
16under contract with the health care plan, whose area of medical specialty is
17recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American
18Osteopathic Association and who is determined by the health care plan's physician
19advisory committee to be qualified to evaluate the treatment under review. The
20determination on review under this subd. 6. b. shall be made in accordance with the
21relevant laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the claim arose.
AB652,18,2422 7. Provide to an enrollee or a physician participating in the plan, upon request,
23the names and credentials of all individuals conducting medical appropriateness
24review under the plan's utilization review program.
18. Provide emergency care, including medical screening exams and stabilizing
2treatment, to enrollees without prior authorization.
AB652,19,53 9. Respond to a request from an enrollee or physician for prior authorization
4for nonemergency medical services within 2 business days after receiving the
AB652,19,96 10. Make available qualified personnel to respond by telephone to any inquiry
7about medical appropriateness, including determination of length of stay, on the
8same day that the inquiry is made, except that a health care plan must respond to
9a request for an extension of an approved length of stay within 3 hours of the request.
AB652,19,1210 11. Ensure that each enrollee, upon enrollment, signs a written medical
11information release consent for use whenever prior authorization is a condition for
12the coverage of a service.
AB652,19,1713 12. Treat prior approval for a service or item as approval for all purposes such
14that the same service or item provided again during the same course of treatment
15must thereafter be covered without further approval, unless the approval was
16obtained fraudulently or incorrect information was provided at the time that the
17approval was obtained.
AB652,19,1918 13. Establish procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable state and
19federal laws designed to protect the confidentiality of provider and enrollee records.
AB652,19,2220 (b) A health care plan may apply to the commissioner for certification under
21sub. (4) that, with respect to its utilization review program, the health care plan
22satisfies the requirements under this subsection.
AB652,19,25 23(4) Certification, recertification and termination of certification. (a)
24Under procedures and according to standards established by the commissioner, the
25commissioner shall do all of the following:
11. Certify health care plans that satisfy the requirements under sub. (2).
AB652,20,32 2. Certify utilization review programs that satisfy the requirements under sub.
AB652,20,44 3. Consider and act upon applications for certification in a timely manner.
AB652,20,65 4. Periodically review health care plans and utilization review programs that
6have been certified by the commissioner.
AB652,20,87 5. Every 2 years, recertify a health care plan that has been certified and that
8continues to satisfy the requirements under sub. (2).
AB652,20,109 6. Every 2 years, recertify a utilization review program that has been certified
10and that continues to satisfy the requirements under sub. (3).
AB652,20,1611 7. Terminate the certification of a health care plan or utilization review
12program that has been certified and that no longer satisfies the requirements under
13sub. (2) or (3). If the commissioner determines that a health care plan or utilization
14review program no longer satisfies the requirements under sub. (2) or (3), the
15commissioner shall provide the health care plan or utilization review program with
16notice and an opportunity for a hearing before terminating a certification.
AB652,20,2117 (b) The commissioner shall appoint a task force to advise the commissioner on
18developing standards for certification of satisfaction of the requirements under subs.
19(2) and (3). The task force shall consist of equal numbers of physicians, other
20providers, benefit managers, consumers of health care services and representatives
21of insurers.
AB652,21,2 22(5) Development and revision of certification standards; rules. (a) In
23developing the standards for certification under sub. (4), the commissioner shall
24review standards in use by the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the
25Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations and shall

1recognize the differences in organizational structure and operation of the various
2types of health care plans.
AB652,21,53 (b) The commissioner shall periodically review the certification standards
4established under sub. (4) and may revise the standards after consulting with the
5task force appointed under sub. (4) (b).
AB652,21,76 (c) The commissioner shall by rule specify the standardized format that health
7care plans must use for providing the information under sub. (2) (a) 1.
AB652, s. 17 8Section 17. 632.85 of the statutes is created to read:
AB652,21,10 9632.85 Point-of-service coverage options. (1) Definitions. In this
AB652,21,1211 (a) "Enrollee" means an individual who is entitled to receive health care
12services under an individual or group health care plan.
AB652,21,1313 (b) "Health care plan" has the meaning given in s. 628.36 (2) (a) 1.
AB652,21,1714 (c) "Point-of-service option" means a coverage option of a health care plan that
15provides to enrollees of the health care plan additional coverage or access to and
16coverage of health care services, items or supplies provided by one or more providers
17who are not members of the provider network of the enrollee's health care plan.
AB652,21,2118 (d) "Provider" means a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2), or any person who
19is licensed, registered, permitted or certified by the department of health and family
20services or the department of regulation and licensing to provide health care
21services, items or supplies in this state.
AB652,21,2422 (e) "Provider network" means those providers who are under contract with a
23health care plan to provide health care services, items or supplies to enrollees of or
24insureds under the health care plan.
1(2) Requirement to offer coverage option. A health care plan that requires
2its enrollees to obtain health care services, items or supplies from providers who are
3members of the plan's provider network or that controls utilization of health care
4services shall offer to all of its enrollees, for a one-month period at least once
5annually, the opportunity to select a point-of-service option. In addition, the health
6care plan shall offer this opportunity to every enrollee who obtains coverage under
7the health care plan on or after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
8date], when the enrollee obtains coverage under the health care plan.
AB652,22,12 9(3) Premiums. A health care plan may charge an enrollee who selects a
10point-of-service option an additional premium for the coverage. The additional
11premium may not exceed the actuarial value of the enrollee's coverage under the
12point-of-service option.
AB652,22,15 13(4) Coinsurance. A health care plan may require the payment of coinsurance
14for health care services, items and supplies covered by the point-of-service option.
15Such coinsurance may not exceed 20% of the cost of a service, item or supply.
AB652, s. 18 16Section 18. 632.855 of the statutes is created to read:
AB652,22,18 17632.855 Prohibition against retaliatory employment termination. (1)
18In this section:
AB652,22,1919 (a) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).
AB652,22,2320 (b) "Provider" means a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2), or any person who
21is licensed, registered, permitted or certified by the department of health and family
22services or the department of regulation and licensing to provide health care
23services, items or supplies in this state.
AB652,23,2 24(2) No health care plan, as defined in s. 628.36 (2) (a) 1., may terminate an
25employment or contractual relationship with a physician or other provider, or

1otherwise penalize a physician or other provider, principally on the basis of any of
2the following:
AB652,23,43 (a) That the physician or other provider, under an established grievance or
4appeal procedure, appealed a payer's decision to deny payment for a service.
AB652,23,75 (b) That the physician or other provider protested a decision, policy or practice
6that the physician or other provider reasonably believed impaired his or her ability
7to provide medically appropriate health care to his or her patients.
AB652, s. 19 8Section 19. 632.865 of the statutes is created to read:
AB652,23,14 9632.865 No prior authorization for emergency services. (1) In this
10section, "emergency medical condition" means a medical condition of a person that
11has a recent onset and that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity,
12including severe pain, to lead a prudent layperson who possesses an average
13knowledge of health and medicine to reasonably conclude that a lack of immediate
14medical attention will likely result in any of the following:
AB652,23,1515 (a) Serious jeopardy to the person's health.
AB652,23,1616 (b) Serious impairment to the person's bodily functions.
AB652,23,1717 (c) Serious dysfunction of one or more of the person's body organs or parts.
AB652,23,22 18(2) A health care plan, as defined in s. 628.36 (2) (a) 1., may not require prior
19authorization for the provision or coverage of health care items or services, including
20a medical screening exam and stabilizing treatment, as defined in section 1867 of the
21federal Social Security Act, that are provided in a hospital emergency facility for the
22treatment of an emergency medical condition.
AB652, s. 20 23Section 20 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB652,24,224 (1) The commissioner of insurance shall submit in proposed form the rules
25required under section 628.42 (5) (c) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the

1legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first
2day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
AB652, s. 21 3Section 21 . Initial applicability.
AB652,24,114 (1) Health care plan requirements. If a contract that is affected by section
5628.42 of the statutes, as created by this act, that is in effect on the first day of the
613th month beginning after publication and that was not issued or renewed after the
7effective date of this subsection contains terms or provisions that are inconsistent
8with the requirements under section 628.42 of the statutes, as created by this act,
9the treatment of sections 40.51 (8c) (by Section 3) and (8r) (by Section 6), 185.981
10(4t) (by Section 9 ), 185.983 (1) (intro.) (by Section 12 ), 609.15 (1) (a), 609.20 (2) and
11(4) and 628.42 of the statutes first applies to that contract upon renewal.
AB652,24,1412 (2) Point-of-service coverage option. The treatment of sections 40.51 (8c) (by
13Section 2) and (8r) (by Section 5 ), 185.981 (4t) (by Section 8 ), 185.983 (1) (intro.) (by
14Section 11) and 632.85 of the statutes first applies to all of the following:
AB652,24,1615 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), insurance policies, plans or certificates
16that are issued or renewed on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB652,24,1917 (b) Insurance policies, plans or certificates covering employes who are affected
18by a collective bargaining agreement containing provisions inconsistent with this act
19that are issued or renewed on the earlier of the following:
AB652,24,20 201. The day on which the collective bargaining agreement expires.
AB652,24,22 212. The day on which the collective bargaining agreement is extended, modified
22or renewed.
AB652,25,923 (3) Retaliatory employment termination. If a contract in existence on the
24effective date of this subsection between a health care plan, as defined in section
25628.36 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes, and a physician, as defined in section 448.01 (5) of

1the statutes, or a provider, as defined in section 632.855 (1) (b) of the statutes,
2contains terms or provisions that are inconsistent with the prohibitions under
3section 632.855 of the statutes, as created by this act, the treatment of sections 40.51
4(8c) (by Section 1 ) (with respect to retaliatory employment termination) and (8r) (by
5Section 4) (with respect to retaliatory employment termination), 185.981 (4t) (by
6Section 7) (with respect to retaliatory employment termination), 185.983 (1) (intro.)
7(by Section 10) (with respect to retaliatory employment termination) and 632.855
8of the statutes first applies to that health care plan with respect to that physician or
9provider upon renewal of the contract.
AB652,25,1410 (4) Emergency services. The treatment of sections 40.51 (8c) (by Section 1)
11(with respect to emergency services) and (8r) (by Section 4) (with respect to
12emergency services), 185.981 (4t) (by Section 7) (with respect to emergency
13services), 185.983 (1) (intro.) (by Section 10) (with respect to emergency services)
14and 632.865 of the statutes first applies to all of the following:
AB652,25,1615 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), insurance policies, plans or certificates
16that are issued or renewed on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB652,25,1917 (b) Insurance policies, plans or certificates covering employes who are affected
18by a collective bargaining agreement containing provisions inconsistent with this act
19that are issued or renewed on the earlier of the following:
AB652,25,20 201. The day on which the collective bargaining agreement expires.
AB652,25,22 212. The day on which the collective bargaining agreement is extended, modified
22or renewed.
AB652, s. 22 23Section 22. Effective dates. This act takes effect on January 1, 1998, or on
24the day after publication, whichever is later, except as follows:
1(1) Point-of-service coverage option. The treatment of sections 40.51 (8c) (by
2Section 2) and (8r) (by Section 5 ), 185.981 (4t) (by Section 8 ), 185.983 (1) (intro.) (by
3Section 11) and 632.85 of the statutes and Section 21 (2) of this act take effect on
4the first day of the 9th month beginning after publication.
AB652,26,95 (2) Health care plan requirements. The treatment of sections 40.51 (8c) (by
6Section (3) and (8r) (by Section (6 ), 185.981 (4t) (by Section (9 ), 185.983 (1) (intro.)
7(by Section (12), 609.15 (1) (a), 609.20 (2) and (4) and 628.42 (1), (2), (3), (4) (a) and
8(5) (b) of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the 13th month beginning after
AB652,26,1010 (End)