AB864,39,173 29.931 (2) (title) Seizure and confiscation of apparatus, etc. objects ; sale of
4perishable property.
(a) The department and its wardens shall seize and hold,
5subject to the order of the court for the county in which the alleged offense was
6committed, any apparatus, appliance, equipment, vehicle boat or device, object
7declared by this chapter to be a public nuisance, or which they have probable cause
8to believe is being used in violation of this chapter, an administrative rule
9promulgated under this chapter
or s. 167.31, 287.81, 940.24, 941.20, 948.60, 948.605
10or 948.61 or is being used in the commission of a crime relating to a submerged
11cultural resource in violation of s. 44.47. If it is proven that the vehicle, boat or object
12is a public nuisance or
that within 6 months previous to the seizure the apparatus,
13appliance, equipment,
vehicle, boat or device object was used in violation of this
14chapter or an administrative rule promulgated under this chapter or s. 167.31,
15287.81, 940.24, 941.20, 948.60, 948.605 or 948.61 or was used in the commission of
16a crime relating to a submerged cultural resource in violation of s. 44.47, it shall be
17confiscated if the court directs in its order for judgment.
Note: The word "or", which is inserted in current s. 29.05 (8) (a), was previously
a part of this provision but was deleted, apparently in error, by ch. 365, laws of 1975. The
2nd sentence of this paragraph is amended to make it parallel to the first sentence.
AB864,40,518 (b) Any perishable property seized by the department or its wardens may be
19sold at the highest available price, and the proceeds of the sale turned into court to
for disposition of the proceeds as the court directs. A conservation warden or

1other officers charged with the enforcement of the laws dealing with the conservation
2of the natural resources of the state may kill a dog found running, injuring, causing
3injury to, or killing any deer, other than farm-raised deer, or destroying game birds,
4their eggs or nests, if immediate action is necessary to protect the deer or game birds,
5their nests or eggs, from injury or death.
Note: The last sentence of par. (b) is recreated as new s. 29.921 (7).
AB864, s. 110 6Section 110. 29.05 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 29.931 (3).
AB864, s. 111 7Section 111. 29.05 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 29.944 and amended to
AB864,40,16 929.944 Exemption from liability. Members of the natural resources board,
10and each warden, in the performance of official duties, shall be are exempt from any
11and all
liability to any person for acts done or permitted or property destroyed by
12authority of law. In any action brought against any board member or warden
13involving any official action the district attorney of the county in which the action is
14commenced shall represent such board member or warden.
No taxable costs or
15attorney fees shall be allowed to either party in said an action against a member of
16the natural resources board or a warden
Note: The department of justice represents the state and its employes in lawsuits
such as those described in this section.
AB864, s. 112 17Section 112. 29.053 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB864,40,18 1829.053 (title) Specific open and closed seasons.
AB864, s. 113 19Section 113. 29.06 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.934 (title) and
20amended to read:
AB864,40,21 2129.934 (title) Sale of confiscated game and apparatus objects.
AB864, s. 114
1Section 114. 29.06 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 35,
2is renumbered 29.934 (1), and 29.934 (1) (a), (b), (c) 2., (d) and (e), as renumbered,
3are amended to read:
AB864,41,164 29.934 (1) (a) All wild animals, or carcasses or parts thereof, plants that are
5confiscated by the department and all confiscated apparatus, appliances,
vehicles, boats or devices objects shall, if not destroyed as authorized by
7law, be sold at the highest price obtainable, by the department or its wardens, or by
8an agent on commission under the written authority and supervision of the
9department. The net proceeds of all sales under this subsection, after deducting the
10expense of seizure and sale and any commissions and any amounts owing to holders
11of security interests under par. (c) or (d), shall be promptly remitted, by the warden
12by whom or under whose authority and supervision the sales are made,
to the
13department. The remittance shall be accompanied by a complete and certified report
14of the sales made under this subsection, supported by proper vouchers covering all
15deductions made
for expenses and commissions, and shall be filed with the
AB864,41,2017 (b) Of the remittance from the sales of confiscated apparatus, appliances,
vehicles, boats or devices objects, 18% shall be paid into the conservation
19fund to reimburse it for expenses incurred in seizure and sale, and the remaining
2082% shall be paid into the common school fund.
AB864,41,2421 (c) 2. The time of sale of the confiscated motor vehicle shall be within 20 days
22after judgment of confiscation as provided in s. 29.05 (8) 29.931 (2). The department
23shall give each secured party discovered in accordance with subd. 1. at least 10 days'
24notice of the time and place of sale of the motor vehicle.
1(d) The provisions of s. 973.075 (1) (b) 1. to 3. and (5) apply to boats and vehicles,
2other than motor vehicles, under this subsection.
AB864,42,53 (e) This subsection shall does not apply to a deer killed, or so injured that it
4must be killed, by a collision with a motor vehicle on a highway. For purposes of this
5subsection, "deer" does not include farm-raised deer.
AB864, s. 115 6Section 115. 29.06 (2) and (3) of the statutes are renumbered 29.934 (2) and
7(3) and amended to read:
AB864,42,148 29.934 (2) On any sales under this section of wild animals, or carcasses or parts
, the warden department or the agent selling them shall issue to each
10purchaser a certificate, on forms to be prepared and furnished by the department,
11covering such the sales. The wild animals, or carcasses or parts thereof, so purchased
12shall be consumed or otherwise disposed of by the purchaser within a period to be set
13by the department, but shall may not be resold, bartered, or exchanged, in whole or
14in part, to any other person, except as provided in sub. (3).
AB864,42,22 15(3) Confiscated fish or game sold under this section to the keeper, manager, or
owner or operator of any a restaurant, club, hotel, or boarding house may
17be served to the guests thereof; but in such case the customers. The certificate
18covering the purchase shall be hung in public view in the place where the fish or game
19is served, and such the fish or game shall at the time of sale be tagged by the warden
20department or the agent selling it, such. The tag to shall show the date of sale and
21shall be returned to said warden the department or agent within 5 days thereafter
22after the sale.
AB864, s. 116 23Section 116. 29.07 of the statutes is renumbered 29.941 and amended to read:
AB864,43,3 2429.941 (title) Assistance of police law enforcement officers. All sheriffs,
25deputy sheriffs, coroners, and other police law enforcement officers are deputy

1conservation wardens, and shall assist the department and its wardens in the
2enforcement of this chapter whenever notice of a violation thereof is given to either
them by the department or its wardens.
Note: The duties of conservation wardens are not consistent with the duties of
AB864, s. 117 4Section 117. 29.08 of the statutes is renumbered 29.043 and amended to read:
AB864,43,22 529.043 Interstate comity. (1) Whenever any other state confers upon the
6officers of this state reciprocal powers, any officer of such the other state, who is by
7the laws of that state
authorized or directed to enforce the laws of that state relating
8to the protection of wild animals, is hereby designated an agent of that state within
9this state. It shall be lawful for said The officer to may follow any wild animal, or
10carcass or part thereof unlawfully shipped or taken from the officer's state into this
11state, and seize and convey the same it back to the officer's state; and so far as
12concerns any such wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, the
. The laws of the state
13concerning the wild animal or carcass from which the same wild animal or carcass
14was brought into this state are hereby adopted as the laws of this state.
15Transportation companies shall deliver to such the officer, upon submission of proper
16proof of the officer's official capacity, any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, so
17demanded or
that is seized by the officer. Said The officer may dispose of any such
18a wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, within this state, in accordance with the
19laws of the officer's state from which the same was taken or shipped, under the
20supervision of the department or its wardens. Expenses for such the department's
21assistance shall be a lien upon such the wild animal or carcass or part thereof, or the
22proceeds thereof of the sale.
1(2) Except as provided in sub. (1), the department or its wardens shall may
2seize, hold and dispose, according to the laws of this state, of any wild animal, or
3carcass or part thereof, brought or shipped into or through this state, or attempted
4to be carried through this state, in violation of the laws of any other state.
AB864,44,10 5(3) The state game warden officers of every other state, and the warden's
6deputies and all other officers therein
charged with the enforcement of enforcing the
7laws of another state relating to wild animals are hereby designated agents of this
8state for the taking possession, seizing, holding and disposing, within such the other
9state, of any wild animal, or carcass or part thereof, protected by the laws of this
AB864,44,15 11(4) Whenever and so long as If any other state confers upon the officers of this
12state reciprocal powers, the department may appoint persons who shall have been
13appointed game wardens or deputy game wardens of such
are charged with enforcing
14the laws of the
other state relating to wild animals to act as and have all the powers
wardens of this state, but without compensation from this state.
AB864, s. 118 16Section 118. 29.085 of the statutes is renumbered 29.041 and amended to
AB864,44,24 1829.041 Department to regulate hunting and fishing in interstate
The department may regulate hunting and fishing on and in all interstate
20boundary waters, and outlying waters specified in s. 29.01 (9) and (11). Any act of
21the department in so regulating the hunting and fishing on and in such interstate
22boundary waters and outlying waters shall be valid, all other provisions of the
23statutes notwithstanding, provided such powers shall be exercised pursuant to and
24in accordance with ss. 23.09 (2) and 29.174

Note: The 2nd sentence of current s. 29.085 is superfluous. The DNR is authorized
to regulate hunting and fishing on interstate boundary waters and outlying waters and
the statement in the 2nd sentence that those regulations are valid serves no purpose.
There are no "other provisions" anywhere in the statutes that create doubt or negate the
validity of the authority granted in the first sentence. The statement regarding
exercising the authority pursuant to ss. 23.09 (2) and 29.174 adds nothing, because the
DNR is obligated to comply with those statutes.
AB864, s. 119 1Section 119. 29.087 (title) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.042 (title).
AB864, s. 120 3Section 120. 29.087 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
4section 967n, is renumbered 29.042 (1) and amended to read:
AB864,45,125 29.042 (1) Beginning on January 1, 1998, the department may not enter into
6any agreement to make payments to persons holding approvals issued under s.
729.134, 29.135, 29.136, 29.137, 29.165, 29.166, 29.17, 29.33, 29.34, 29.343, 29.344,
829.36, 29.37, 29.38, 29.544, 29.547, 29.573, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578 or 29.585
929.503, 29.506, 29.509, 29.512, 29.514, 29.519, 29.523, 29.526, 29.529, 29.531,
1029.533, 29.537, 29.607, 29.611, 29.614, 29.865, 29.867, 29.869, 29.871 or 29.877
11exchange for the retirement of the approval or for the temporary or permanent
12cessation of any activity authorized under the approval.
AB864, s. 121 13Section 121. 29.087 (2) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
14is renumbered 29.042 (2).
AB864, s. 122 15Section 122. 29.09 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 123 16Section 123. 29.09 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 29.024 (1) and amended
17to read:
AB864,46,618 29.024 (1) (title) License or other approval Approvals required for hunting,
19trapping or fishing
. Except as specifically provided otherwise by s. 29.155 (1g) and
20(1h) or another section of
in this chapter, no person may hunt any wild animal, or trap
21any game or in this state, fish for fish in the waters of this state or engage in any of

1the activities regulated under this chapter
unless the appropriate approval is issued
2to the person. A person shall carry the required approval with him or her at all times
3while hunting, trapping or fishing or engaged in regulated activities unless
4otherwise required by another section of this chapter or unless otherwise authorized
5or required by the department. A person shall exhibit the approval to the
6department or its wardens on demand.
Note: Current s. 29.09 contains provisions relating to hunting, trapping and
fishing licenses and other approvals, duties of county clerks, permits for disabled persons,
processing fees, issuing fees, licenses for certain students and members of the armed
forces and stamps.
This bill creates new sections of the statutes relating to approvals, forms and duties
of county clerks and places the relevant portions of s. 29.09 in the new sections. The bill
also makes the provisions relating to approvals and forms applicable to all approvals and
forms issued under the chapter, rather than placing a cross-reference to these provisions
in each individual license or permit statute as is currently the case.
AB864, s. 124 7Section 124. 29.09 (1m) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
8is renumbered 29.024 (2) and amended to read:
AB864,47,49 29.024 (2) (title) Conditions and restrictions on licenses and other
10approvals. A hunting, trapping or fishing approval may be issued only to and
11obtained only by a natural person entitled to the approval. Except as provided under
12sub. (12) (a)
s. 29.194 (1), a resident hunting, trapping or fishing approval may be
13issued only to a person who presents to the issuing agent or the department definite
14proof of his or her identity and that he or she is a resident. No more than one of the
15same series of approval may be issued to the same person for the same hunting or
16fishing season
in any year except as authorized by the department. Except as
17provided under s. 29.33 (2) (d) 29.519 (2) (d) or by rule, no person may transfer his
18or her approval or permit the use of any approval by any other person and no person
19while hunting, trapping or fishing may use or carry any approval issued to another
20person. Except as authorized by rules promulgated under sub. (3m) (a) 2., no person

1may obtain a hunting, trapping or fishing approval for another person. No approval
2authorizing hunting, trapping, fishing or any other activity regulated by this chapter
3may be issued to any person who is prohibited from obtaining this type of an approval
4under s. 29.226 or 29.227 (1) (c) this chapter.
AB864, s. 125 5Section 125 . 29.09 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.024 (3).
AB864, s. 126 6Section 126. 29.09 (3) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.024 (4) (title) and
7amended to read:
AB864,47,88 29.024 (4) (title) Form of license approval.
AB864, s. 127 9Section 127. 29.09 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
10is renumbered 29.024 (4) (a) and amended to read:
AB864,47,1311 29.024 (4) (a) Date; expiration. Each license or stamp approval issued under
12this chapter shall state for what period the license or stamp approval is effective and
13the date of expiration.
AB864, s. 128 14Section 128. 29.09 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 29.024 (4) (b) and
15amended to read:
AB864,47,2516 29.024 (4) (b) Name; description; signature. Each license or permit issued shall
17state contain the name and residence address of the licensee holder, a description of
18the licensee holder and such other matter as may be determined information
by the department. Each license or permit shall, if required by the
20department under sub. (5) (a) 1.,
bear upon its face a true the signature of the licensee
21holder and the date of issuance and shall be signed by the issuing agent. All licenses
22shall be issued in English and in ink.
Each stamp shall, if required by the
23department under sub. (5) (a) 1., bear upon its face the signature of the holder. The
24department may apply any of the requirements of this subsection to other forms or
AB864, s. 129
1Section 129. 29.09 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Current s. 29.09 (3) (c) provides:"29.09 (3) (c) Wild turkey hunting stamps.
Each wild turkey hunting stamp shall bear upon its face a true signature of the person
to whom it is issued.".
Note: The provision is repealed since provisions relating to stamps and signatures
are combined in new subch. II, ch. 29.
AB864, s. 130 2Section 130. 29.09 (3m) (title) and (a) of the statutes, as created by 1997
3Wisconsin Act 27
, are renumbered 29.024 (5) (title) and (a).
AB864, s. 131 4Section 131. 29.09 (3m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.024 (5) (b) and amended to read:
AB864,48,8 629.024 (5) (b) Blanks. The department shall prepare, procure the printing of
7and supply all necessary blanks for applications and approvals issued under this
8chapter and related applications for approvals.
AB864, s. 132 9Section 132. 29.09 (3r) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
10is renumbered 29.024 (6).
AB864, s. 133 11Section 133. 29.09 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
12is renumbered 29.024 (7) and amended to read:
AB864,49,4 1329.024 (7) Duplicates. If any license, permit, certificate or card is lost, the
14person to whom the license, permit, certificate or card was issued may apply to the
15department for a duplicate, by submitting an affidavit proving loss. The department
16may accept information in a form other than an affidavit. The department shall
17make an inquiry and investigation as it deems considers necessary. If the
18department is satisfied that the loss has been proven, the department may issue a
19duplicate license, permit, certificate or card to the applicant. Back tags and other
20tags issued with a license, permit, certificate or card are parts of the license, permit,
21certificate or card and loss of any part is deemed considered to be loss of the entire
22license, permit, certificate or card. Upon applying for a duplicate license, permit,

1certificate or card, the applicant shall surrender all parts of the original remaining
2in his or her possession to the department. No duplicate stamp may be issued and
3if a stamp is lost, the person to whom it was issued is required to apply and pay the
4regular fee in order to receive a new stamp.
AB864, s. 134 5Section 134. 29.09 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
6is renumbered 29.024 (8).
AB864, s. 135 7Section 135 . 29.09 (8m) (title) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 29.193
8(1) (title) and (a) and amended to read:
AB864,49,129 29.193 (1) (title) Disabled persons; trolling Trolling permits. (a) After
10proper application, the
The department shall, after due an investigation and without
11charging a fee, issue a trolling permit to any person who meets the requirements
12under s. 29.104 (4) 29.171 (3) (a) 2. or 4.
AB864, s. 136 13Section 136. 29.09 (8m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.193 (1) (b) and amended to read:
AB864,49,1915 29.193 (1) (b) A person holding a current fishing license issued under this
16chapter and a trolling permit issued under par. (a) or a permit issued under sub. (9)
17(2) (c) 1. may fish or troll in the waters of this state using an electric motor with no
18more than 36 pounds of thrust, notwithstanding any ordinances enacted under s.
1930.77 (3) that prohibit the use of motor boats on navigable waters.
AB864, s. 137 20Section 137. 29.09 (9) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.193 (2) (title) and
21amended to read:
AB864,49,2222 29.193 (2) (title) Disabled persons; hunting Hunting permits.
AB864, s. 138 23Section 138. 29.09 (9) (a) (intro.) and 1. of the statutes are renumbered 29.193
24(2) (a) (intro.) and 1.
AB864, s. 139
1Section 139. 29.09 (9) (a) 2. and 3. of the statutes are renumbered 29.193 (2)
2(a) 2. and 3. and amended to read:
AB864,50,73 29.193 (2) (a) 2. "Class A permit" means a permit issued to a person with a
4permanent physical disability which authorizes the permit holder to shoot or hunt
5from a stationary motor vehicle, to fish or troll as authorized under sub. (8m) (1) (b)
6and to hunt certain game with a crossbow as authorized under ss. 29.103 (2) (ar)
729.164 (2) (b) and 29.104 29.171 (2).
AB864,50,128 3. "Class B permit" means a permit issued to a person with a permanent or a
9temporary physical disability which allows the permit holder to shoot or hunt from
10a stationary motor vehicle that is parked off a highway, as defined under s. 340.01
11(22), and parked more than 50 feet from the center of the roadway, as defined under
12s. 340.01 (54).
AB864, s. 140 13Section 140. 29.09 (9) (a) 4. of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 141 14Section 141. 29.09 (9) (a) 5. of the statutes is renumbered 29.193 (2) (a) 5.
AB864, s. 142 15Section 142. 29.09 (9) (b) to (e) of the statutes are renumbered 29.193 (2) (b)
16to (e), and 29.193 (2) (b) 1. and 2. and (d), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,50,1917 29.193 (2) (b) 1. After proper application, the The department shall, after due
18investigation and without charging a fee, issue a Class A, Class B or Class C permit
19to any person, as provided in this subsection.
AB864,50,2420 2. An applicant shall submit an application on a form prepared and furnished
21by the department, as part of the application, which shall include a written
22statement or report prepared and signed by a licensed physician or licensed
23chiropractor, prepared no more than 6 months preceding the application and
24verifying that the applicant is physically disabled.
1(d) Assistance. 1. A holder of a Class A or Class B permit may be accompanied
2by a person who is not eligible to apply for a Class A or Class B permit. The
3accompanying person may not hunt or carry a firearm, bow or crossbow unless
4authorized that person has been issued the appropriate approval to do so. The
5assistance rendered by an accompanying person who is has not authorized to hunt
6or carry a firearm, bow or crossbow
been issued the appropriate approval is limited
7to field dressing, tagging and retrieving deer or other game for the permit holder.
AB864,51,148 2. A holder of a Class C permit shall be accompanied by a person who is not
9eligible to apply for a permit under this section. The accompanying person may not
10hunt or carry a firearm, bow or crossbow unless authorized the person has been
11issued the appropriate approval
to do so. The assistance rendered by an
12accompanying person may include sighting the firearm, bow or crossbow, identifying
13the deer or other game and field dressing, tagging and retrieving deer or other game
14for the permit holder.
AB864, s. 143 15Section 143. 29.09 (9m) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.553 (title) and
16amended to read:
AB864,51,17 1729.553 (title) Processing fees for applications for certain approvals fee.
AB864, s. 144 18Section 144. 29.09 (9m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1997
19Wisconsin Act 1
, is renumbered 29.553 (1) (intro.) and amended to read:
AB864,51,2320 29.553 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in par. (c) sub. (3), if the department
21issues any of the following approvals, a nonrefundable processing fee, in addition to
22any other fee imposed under s. 29.092 29.563, shall be collected for each application
23for such an
AB864, s. 145 24Section 145. 29.09 (9m) (a) 1. to 7. of the statutes are renumbered 29.553 (1)
25(a) to (g).
AB864, s. 146
1Section 146. 29.09 (9m) (a) 8. of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.553 (1) (h).
AB864, s. 147 3Section 147. 29.09 (9m) (a) 9. of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.553 (1) (i).
AB864, s. 148 5Section 148. 29.09 (9m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.553 (2) and amended to read:
AB864,52,157 29.553 (2) If a person applies jointly for a hunter's choice deer hunting permit
8and a bonus deer hunting permit, the person shall pay a single processing fee. A
9person who applies for a bonus deer hunting permit is exempt from paying an
10additional processing fee if the person has already applied for a hunter's choice deer
11hunting permit for the same season. If the department authorizes the issuing of
12more than one bonus deer hunting permit to a person in a single season under s.
1329.1075 29.181 (2) or (2m), the person is exempt from paying an additional
14processing fee for an application for the 2nd or subsequent bonus deer hunting
AB864, s. 149 16Section 149. 29.09 (9m) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.553 (3) and amended to read:
AB864,52,2118 29.553 (3) The department may waive the processing fee for the approvals
19specified in par. (a) 1., 1m. and 3. to 7. sub. (1) (a), (am) and (c) to (g) for persons who
20apply for or are holders of resident conservation patron licenses and nonresident
21conservation patron licenses.
AB864, s. 150 22Section 150 . 29.09 (9r) (title), (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered 29.556
23(title), (1) and (2) and amended to read: