AB864, s. 267 6Section 267. 29.1085 (4) and (5) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
7Act 1
, are renumbered 29.184 (7) and (8).
AB864, s. 268 8Section 268. 29.1085 (5g) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 1,
9is renumbered 29.184 (9) and amended to read:
AB864,73,1310 29.184 (9) Back tag. (a) The department shall issue a back tag to each person
11who is issued a Class A bear license, and the department or county clerk shall issue
12a back tag to each person who is issued a Class B bear license. The back tag shall
13be in the form and numbered as required by the department.
AB864,73,1714 (b) No person may hunt bear or engage in the activity specified in sub. (2) (3)
15(br) 1. or 3. unless there is attached to the center of the person's coat, shirt, jacket or
16similar outermost garment where it can clearly be seen the back tag issued to the
17person under par. (a).
AB864, s. 269 18Section 269. 29.1085 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Current s. 29.1085 (6) provides:
"29.1085 (6) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer and
interpret this section.".
The provision is repealed since it duplicates the rule-making authority in new
subch. II.
AB864, s. 270 19Section 270. 29.11 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
20renumbered 29.204 and amended to read:
AB864,74,4 2129.204 Nonresident annual small game hunting license. A nonresident
22annual small game hunting license shall be issued subject to s. 29.09 29.024 by the

1department to any nonresident applying for this license. The nonresident annual
2small game hunting license authorizes the hunting of small game during the
3appropriate open season but does not authorize the hunting of deer, bear, wild turkey
4or fur-bearing animals.
AB864, s. 271 5Section 271. 29.112 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
6renumbered 29.207 and amended to read:
AB864,74,12 729.207 Nonresident 5-day small game hunting license. A nonresident
85-day small game hunting license shall be issued subject to s. 29.09 29.024 by the
9department to any nonresident applying for this license. The nonresident 5-day
10small game hunting license authorizes the hunting of small game for which there is
11an open season during the 5-day period for which it is issued but does not authorize
12the hunting of deer, bear, wild turkey or fur-bearing animals.
AB864, s. 272 13Section 272. 29.113 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.211 (title).
AB864, s. 273 14Section 273. 29.113 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
15is renumbered 29.211 (1) and amended to read:
AB864,74,1716 29.211 (1) Issuance. A nonresident deer hunting license shall be issued subject
17to s. 29.09 29.024 by the department to any nonresident applying for this license.
AB864, s. 274 18Section 274. 29.113 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.211 (2).
AB864, s. 275 19Section 275. 29.113 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
20is renumbered 29.211 (3) and amended to read:
AB864,74,2321 29.211 (3) Deer tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each person
22who is issued a nonresident deer hunting license a deer tag and a back tag in the form
23and numbered as required by the department
AB864, s. 276 24Section 276. 29.116 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
25renumbered 29.213 and amended to read:
129.213 Nonresident fur-bearing animal hunting license. A nonresident
2fur-bearing animal hunting license shall be issued subject to s. 29.09 29.024 by the
3department to any nonresident applying for this license. The nonresident
4fur-bearing animal hunting license authorizes the hunting of skunk, raccoon, fox,
5weasel, opossum, coyote, bobcat and wildcat cougar during the appropriate open
6season but does not authorize the hunting of other fur-bearing animals, other small
7game, deer or bear.
AB864, s. 277 8Section 277. 29.117 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.216 (title).
AB864, s. 278 9Section 278. 29.117 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
10is renumbered 29.216 (1) and amended to read:
AB864,75,1311 29.216 (1) Issuance. A nonresident archer hunting license shall be issued
12subject to s. 29.09 29.024 by the department to any nonresident applying for this
AB864, s. 279 14Section 279. 29.117 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.216 (2).
AB864, s. 280 15Section 280. 29.117 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
16is renumbered 29.216 (3) and amended to read:
AB864,75,1917 29.216 (3) Deer tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each person
18who is issued a nonresident archer hunting license a deer tag and a back tag in the
19form and numbered as required by the department
AB864, s. 281 20Section 281. 29.123 of the statutes is renumbered 29.195.
AB864, s. 282 21Section 282. 29.125 of the statutes is renumbered 29.059 and amended to
AB864,76,2 2329.059 Reports of hunters. Each person to whom a hunting or trapping
24license has been issued under this chapter shall, when requested to do so upon
by the department, report to the department, on forms furnished by it, the

1number of the person's license, the number and kind of each animal taken by the
2licensee and such other information as that the department requires.
AB864, s. 283 3Section 283. 29.13 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.331 (title) and
4amended to read:
AB864,76,5 529.331 (title) Trapping licenses regulation.
AB864, s. 284 6Section 284. 29.13 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
7is renumbered 29.241 (1) and amended to read:
AB864,76,98 29.241 (1) Issuance. A trapping license shall be issued subject to s. 29.09
929.024 by the department to any resident applying for this license.
AB864, s. 285 10Section 285. 29.13 (1) (b) and (c) of the statutes are renumbered 29.241 (3) and
AB864, s. 286 12Section 286. 29.13 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 29.331 (1) and
13amended to read:
AB864,76,1714 29.331 (1) Tags. Each trap used under a trapping license shall be tagged with
15a metal tag stamped with the name and address of the owner. All untagged traps
16shall be seized and confiscated, and the owner or person using or attending the
17untagged traps shall be punished as provided under s. 29.99 29.971 (4) and (12).
AB864, s. 287 18Section 287. 29.13 (2) to (5) of the statutes are renumbered 29.331 (2) to (5),
19and 29.331 (3) and (3m), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,76,2420 29.331 (3) (title) Report. On or before June first of each year, such 1 annually,
licensee shall report to the department, by affidavit, on blanks furnished by the
22department, the number of the licensee's license, the number and value of each
23variety of animals taken during the previous 12 months ending May first 1, and such
24other information as may be required on the blanks furnished.
1(3m) (title) Use of fees. From the moneys received from the sale of trapping
2licenses issued under this section, the department shall calculate credit an amount
3equal to $2 times the number of trapping licenses issued and shall credit this amount
4to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (Lq).
AB864, s. 288 5Section 288. 29.134 (title) and (1) to (8) of the statutes are renumbered 29.501
6(title) and (1) to (8), and 29.501 (1) (intro.) and (b), (2), (6) and (6m) to (8), as
7renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,77,98 29.501 (1) (intro.) For the purpose of carrying out In this section the following
9definitions for the expressions used are
AB864,77,1310 (b) "Fur auctioneer" means a person duly licensed to sell furs of
11wild-fur-bearing animals of this or other states or foreign countries. The
12department or its representatives may sell confiscated or other furs in its possession
13by auction or otherwise.
AB864,77,16 14(2) No person shall may engage in the business of buying, bartering,
15bargaining, trading or otherwise obtaining raw furs until they shall have first
he or she has a license therefor issued under this section.
AB864,77,20 17(6) Each resident fur dealer, Class A; resident fur dealer, Class B; fur dresser
18or dyer; itinerant fur dealer or fur auctioneer license shall bear upon its face the date
19of issuance. The license shall be shown to the department or its wardens upon
AB864,78,5 21(6m) (a) Every person licensed under this section shall keep a correct and
22complete book record in the English language
records of all transactions in the
23buying, selling, dressing, dyeing or tanning of raw furs carried on by the person. This
24record shall show the name and post-office address of each person from whom furs
25were purchased and to whom sold, together with the date of receipt and shipment,

1and a detailed account as to the number and kinds of raw furs in each shipment
2received or sold. This record shall be open to the inspection of the department and
3its agents and wardens
at all reasonable hours. The records shall be kept intact for
4a period of 2 years after the expiration of any license issued under this section, as to
5all transactions carried on while such the license was effective.
AB864,78,86 (b) Not less than 10 days before conducting a fur auction, the fur auctioneer
7shall file with the department evidence of national advertising showing the date and
8place of such the auction.
AB864,78,139 (c) Within 10 days after conducting any fur auction, the fur auctioneer shall file
10with the department on forms furnished by it a report of such the auction containing
11the date and place of the auction, the names and addresses of all persons buying furs
12taken from wild fur-bearing animals, the quantities and kinds of such furs bought,
13and the amounts paid for such the furs by each buyer.
AB864,78,17 14(7) All packages of raw furs shipped or transported by any person shall have
15plainly marked on the outside of the package or shipment the kinds and number of
16furs therein in the package or shipment, the license number, and the name of the
17consignor and the consignee.
AB864,78,23 18(8) No person on the person's own behalf or as an agent for a any person, firm
19or corporation, express company or other common carrier, shall at any time or in any
may receive for shipment or cause to be received for shipment out of or in the
21state, any package of fur or furs unless the same is contents are plainly marked on
22the outside of the package as to the number and kinds of fur contained therein in the
, the license number, and the address of the consignor and consignee.
AB864, s. 289 24Section 289. 29.134 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 290
1Section 290. 29.134 (10) and (11) of the statutes are renumbered 29.501 (9)
2and (10), and 29.501 (9), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB864,79,73 29.501 (9) Nothing in this section shall prohibit persons prohibits any person
4from buying raw or dressed furs for the purpose of making themselves garments or
5robes of any kind
for himself or herself or a member of his or her family, but such
6persons shall
the person shall apply to the department or its wardens for permits a
to buy such the furs.
AB864, s. 291 8Section 291. 29.135 (title) and (1) of the statutes are renumbered 29.503 (title)
9and (1), and 29.503 (1) (intro.), (c), (d) and (e), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,79,1110 29.503 (1) Definitions. (intro.) As used in In this section, unless the content
11otherwise requires:
AB864,79,1412 (c) A "producer "Producer of fish" means any person who fishes with or without
13a crew. No producer who holds a commercial fishing license or contract pursuant to
14this chapter shall be required to obtain a license to sell the fish he or she produces.
AB864,79,1815 (d) "Seafood" means those types of food sold fresh or frozen and commonly
16known as oysters, shrimp, lobsters, lobster tails, crabs, scallops, clams and other
17types of shell fish which are or can be lawfully taken for commercial purposes, but
18not any canned fish or such fish known as lutefisk.
AB864,80,219 (e) "Wholesale fish dealer" means any person who buys, barters, sells or solicits
20fish in any manner for himself or herself or any other person for sale to anyone other
21than a consumer; but no established retail store or locker plant is deemed a
22"wholesale fish dealer" solely as the result of the sale of fish to a restaurant, hotel or
23tavern at no reduction in the retail price charged other retail customers. A producer
24of fish, except as otherwise hereinafter provided, who sells fish directly to retailers
25is a wholesale fish dealer. Hotels, meat markets, grocery stores, restaurants and

1taverns are retailers, except when they sell fish for resale, in which case they are
2wholesale fish dealers.
AB864, s. 292 3Section 292. 29.135 (2) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.503 (2) (title)
4and amended to read:
AB864,80,55 29.503 (2) (title) License required ; exemption.
AB864, s. 293 6Section 293. 29.135 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.503 (2) (a) and
7amended to read:
AB864,80,108 29.503 (2) (a) No person shall may engage in business as a wholesale fish dealer
9until a unless he or she is issued a wholesale fish dealer license therefor has been
10obtained from
by the department issued pursuant to this section and s. 29.09.
AB864, s. 294 11Section 294. 29.135 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 295 12Section 295. 29.135 (4) to (7) of the statutes are renumbered 29.503 (3) to (6),
13and 29.503 (4) (b) and (d), (5) (a) and (6), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,81,614 29.503 (4) (b) Special tagging requirements for lake trout. Effective July 1,
151986, no
No wholesale fish dealer or producer of fish may sell, buy, barter, trade,
16possess, control or transport any lake trout unless the lake trout is tagged with a
17valid, current commercial fish tag issued or authorized by the department or by a
18governmental agency of another state or country. If a licensed wholesale fish dealer
19gives the department at least 12 hours hours' notice of the date, time and location
20of arrival at the state line of lawfully possessed, untagged lake trout which are
21intended for importation into this state by the licensed wholesale fish dealer, the
22department or its representatives shall meet the shipment of lake trout and attach
23a "foreign lake trout tag" to each fish or seal the shipment with a department seal
24which may not be removed prior to delivery to the licensed wholesale fish dealer. The
25department or its representative shall tag the lake trout in a timely and orderly

1manner, and so as not to create any damage or spoilage to the fish. The tag shall be
2attached through the gills and mouth of whole lake trout, or in a manner which
3results in 2 complete fillets joined by the tag. For tagging of other forms of lake trout,
4the department shall promulgate rules to determine the manner in which the tag
5shall be attached to or accompany the trout, and the conditions, if any, under which
6the tag may be separated from the trout.
AB864,81,217 (d) Package labeling requirements. No wholesale fish dealer or producer of fish
8may transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive for transportation, any
9package or box containing any fish unless it is labeled legibly in a manner which
10discloses the name, address and license number of the consignor which shall be
11identical to that on the license; the name and address of the consignee; and each kind
12of fish contained in the package or box. If such the shipment of fish is accompanied
13by an invoice containing the complete name, address and license number of the
14consignor, which shall be identical to that on the license; the complete name, address
15and license number, if any, of the consignee; the date of shipment from the consignor;
16the kinds of fish, the pounds of each kind and the description of the fish being
17shipped; and the signature of the person completing the invoice, the kinds of fish
18contained may be omitted from the package or box labels. Producers shall only be
19required to label or provide invoices for packages or boxes of fish being transported
20by motor vehicle or boat for purposes of sale. This paragraph does not apply to a
21producer of fish on the Mississippi river River.
AB864,82,5 22(5) (a) Records. Each wholesale fish dealer shall keep a complete, legible and
23accurate record
records of all fish purchased or obtained in his or her capacity as a
24wholesale fish dealer, in the manner required and on forms provided by the
25department. The record shall include the complete name, address and fish dealer

1license number of the purchaser; the complete name, address and wholesale fish
2dealer or commercial fishing license number of the person from whom the fish were
3purchased or obtained; the date of the transaction; the kinds of fish, the pounds of
4each kind and the description of the fish purchased or obtained; and the signature
5of the person completing the record.
AB864,82,10 6(6) Inspections. (a) Subjects of inspection. Fish stored or in the possession of
7a wholesale fish dealer, records and reports of a wholesale fish dealer and buildings,
8structures, vessels, vehicles, boats, equipment and materials related to a wholesale
9fish dealer's business are subject to inspection by the department as provided in this
AB864,82,1611 (b) Inspection authority; entry; inspection. For the purpose of enforcing this
12subsection, a conservation warden or a representative of the department, upon
13presentation of his or her credentials to a wholesale fish dealer, a person operating
14a vehicle or boat for a wholesale fish dealer or an employe or person acting on behalf
15of a wholesale fish dealer, is authorized during any time when business is being
16conducted on the premises:
AB864,82,2117 1. To enter any building or structure, except a dwelling place, where fish are
18stored, processed, packed or held, where a wholesale fish dealer's records or reports
19are kept, where vehicles, boats, equipment or materials used in a wholesale fish
20dealer's business are located or where activities related to a wholesale fish dealer's
21business are conducted and to enter any vehicle or boat used to transport or hold fish.
AB864,82,2422 2. To inspect fish stored or in the possession of a wholesale fish dealer, records
23or reports of a wholesale fish dealer and buildings, structures, vessels, vehicles,
24boats, equipment and materials related to a wholesale fish dealer's business.
1(c) Failure to permit inspection. No wholesale fish dealer, operator of a vehicle
2or boat for a wholesale fish dealer or employe or person acting on behalf of a wholesale
3fish dealer may prohibit entry or prohibit an inspection to be conducted as authorized
4under this subsection unless a court restrains or enjoins the entry or inspection.
AB864, s. 296 5Section 296. 29.135 (8) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
6is renumbered 29.503 (7).
AB864, s. 297 7Section 297. 29.136 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.506 (title).
AB864, s. 298 8Section 298. 29.136 (1) to (7) of the statutes are renumbered 29.506 (1) to (7),
9and 29.506 (2) to (4) and (7) (a) (intro.) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,83,1410 29.506 (2) Permit requirements. No person may engage in business as a
11taxidermist after August 31, 1986, unless he or she is issued a taxidermist permit
12subject to s. 29.09 29.024 by the department. This subsection does not apply to
13agents or employes of taxidermists while working under the direct supervision of a
14taxidermist permit holder.
AB864,83,18 15(3) (title) Permits; prerequisites. The department shall may not issue a
16taxidermist permit to any person unless that person has a seller's permit issued by
17the department of revenue and the number of the seller's permit is reported on the
18application form.
AB864,84,3 19(4) Authorization. Subject to this section and rules promulgated under this
, a taxidermist permit authorizes the permit holder to possess and transport
21wild animals or carcasses in connection with his or her business. This authority
22supersedes, to the extent permitted under this section, restrictions on the possession
23and transportation of wild animals and carcasses regardless of bag limits, rest days,
24closed seasons and similar restrictions, notwithstanding s. 29.174 and rules
25promulgated by the department under that section. Subject to this section and rules

1promulgated under this section, a
established under this chapter. A taxidermist
2permit entitles the permit holder to the same privileges as a Class A fur dealer's
AB864,84,6 4(7) (a) Departmental authority; limitations. (intro.) A conservation warden
5may enter a taxidermist's place of business for inspection purposes as provided under
6par. (b) only:
AB864,84,117 (b) Items subject to inspection. All records required under subs. (5) (b) and (6)
8or related to the taxidermist's business are subject to departmental inspection as
9provided under par. (a). A taxidermist or an employe or agent of the taxidermist shall
10cooperate with and exhibit items subject to inspection to a conservation warden or
11any other agent of the department.
AB864, s. 299 12Section 299. 29.136 (7m) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
13is renumbered 29.506 (7m).
AB864, s. 300 14Section 300. 29.136 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 29.506 (8), and 29.506
15(8) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB864,84,1716 29.506 (8) Penalties. (intro.) Any person who violates this section or any rules
17promulgated under this section
is subject to the following penalties:
AB864, s. 301 18Section 301. 29.137 (title) and (1) of the statutes are renumbered 29.509 (title)
19and (2), and 29.509 (2), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB864,84,2320 29.509 (2) A bait dealer license may be issued by the department to any
21resident of this state who has complied with the department's rules governing the
22taking, handling and storing of bait, specifications of equipment, and the filing of
AB864, s. 302 24Section 302. 29.137 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.509 (1), and 29.509
25(1) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
129.509 (1) (intro.) As used in In this section, unless the context requires
AB864, s. 303 3Section 303. 29.137 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 29.509 (3) and amended
4to read:
AB864,85,115 29.509 (3) No person shall may engage in the business of bait dealer without
6obtaining a
unless the person is issued a bait dealer license therefor from by the
7department issued pursuant to this section, except that resident children a child
8under 16 years of age, without license or permit, who is a resident may barter or sell
9bait to consumers without a license or permit and shall be allowed to have a
10possession limit of 5,000 of each species of bait, but no such resident the child shall
11may not make bait sales totaling more than $500 annually.
AB864, s. 304 12Section 304. 29.137 (5) of the statutes is repealed.