Note: The provision that creates liability for damage to the property of a licensed
fur farm is eliminated, because this liability exists under general principles of law and
does not need to be restated. The provision that creates liability for damage resulting
from unauthorized hunting or trapping on a licensed fur farm is retained, because this
provision negates the ability of the unauthorized hunter to argue that the animals were
the property of the state and could be hunted or trapped in the same manner as other
AB864,186,11 7(9) Each licensee shall keep a correct and complete book record of licensed
records as required by the department on the forms furnished by the
. The licensed area premises and records may be inspected by the
10department or deputies at any time. Certified and copies of such the records shall
11be furnished to the department on request.
AB864,186,13 12(10) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect affects any public right
13of hunting, fishing or navigation except as herein expressly provided.
AB864, s. 619 14Section 619. 29.578 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (title).
AB864, s. 620 15Section 620. 29.578 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (1) and amended
16to read:
AB864,187,217 29.871 (1) The owner or lessee of any lands within this state suitable for
18breeding and propagating of deer shall have the right may, upon complying with this
19section to, establish, operate and maintain a deer farm for the purpose of breeding,
20propagating, killing and selling deer on such lands, the acreage and size of which

1shall be determined by the department. Such deer farm must be completely inclosed
2by a fence. Any
AB864,187,8 3(4m) Any streams whether meandered or not, flowing into or out of an inclosed
4enclosed deer farm, and of a swampy, marshy or boggy character and not navigable
5in fact at all times of the year by ordinary boats or pleasure craft, and which are not
6of any substantial beneficial use to the public, shall not be considered navigable so
7as to prevent erection and maintenance over them, of the type of fence prescribed and
8permitted by this section.
AB864, s. 621 9Section 621. 29.578 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (1m).
AB864, s. 622 10Section 622. 29.578 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (2) and amended
11to read:
AB864,187,1712 29.871 (2) Such owner or lessee A person desiring to establish, operate and
13maintain a deer farm in conformity with this section shall file with the department
14a verified declaration, describing the lands which such applicant for a license desires
15to use for the purpose of breeding and propagating deer and setting forth also the title
16or leasehold of the applicant and the number of acres embraced in said tract
17application in the form and with the information required by the department
AB864, s. 623 18Section 623. 29.578 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (4g) and amended
19to read:
AB864,188,520 29.871 (4g) Upon the filing of such declaration the department shall forthwith
21investigate the same and may require the applicant to produce satisfactory evidence
22of the facts therein stated. Upon receipt of such declaration
issuance of the license,
23the department shall determine as near accurately as possible the number of deer
24on such lands the licensed premises. The necessary expenses of such investigation
25the determination shall be paid by the licensee. The licensee shall pay the

1department $25 for each deer found on the license premises. When payment has
2been made, the licensee becomes the owner of all of the deer on the licensed premises
3and of all of the offspring on the licensed premises. The licensee may manage and
4control the licensed premises and the deer on the premises, kill the deer subject to
5s. 29.314 and sell the deer as provided under this section.
AB864, s. 624 6Section 624. 29.578 (4) to (13) of the statutes are renumbered 29.871 (4) to (13)
7and amended to read:
AB864,189,28 29.871 (4) The licensee shall pay to the department $25 for each deer so found
9on such lands. When such payment has been made and the license issued, the
10licensee shall become the owner of all deer on said lands and of all their offspring.
11The licensee shall have the right to manage and control said lands and the deer
12thereon, to kill the deer, subject to s. 29.245, and to sell the deer as provided by this
13section. If upon examination it shall appear that
If the applicant is the owner or
14lessee of said the lands, and that the applicant intends in good faith to establish,
and maintain a deer farm, the department may inform the applicant that,
16as soon as the applicant has built a suitable deer fence around the area premises to
17be included within the license, it will issue the same. Said a license. The applicant
18shall install a
deer-tight fence shall be built in accordance with specifications
19prescribed by the department; provided, the department may issue a license for such
20deer farms heretofore established if the fence actually inclosing said farm is in fact
21sufficient to hold deer therein
. After the complete installation of such the fence and
, the department has satisfied itself that it is satisfactory and complies with the
23law, it may
shall issue a license to the applicant describing such. The license shall
24describe the
lands, and certifying that and authorize the licensee is lawfully entitled
25to use the same for the breeding, propagating, killing and selling of deer thereon

1according to this section
to breed, propagate, kill and sell the deer that are on the
2licensed premises
AB864,189,4 3(5) The deer farm license shall be renewed each year if the licensee has not
4violated any of the provisions under which it was granted issued.
AB864,189,12 5(6) Such A deer farm license shall be is prima facie evidence in all courts and
of the lawful right of the licensee therein named or the licensee's
7successors or assigns, for during the term of the license, to establish and operate
8maintain a deer farm upon said on the licensed premises, and shall entitle entitles
9the licensee therein named or the licensee's successors or assigns, during the term
10of the license,
to the exclusive right for and during said term to breed and, propagate ,
11kill subject to s. 29.314 and sell
deer thereon on the land, and to the exclusive and
ownership of any property in all deer caught or taken therefrom on the land.
AB864,190,2 13(7) Deer on a deer farm shall may be killed only by the licensee or bona fide
the licensee's employes except that on licensed deer farms, not less than 10
15acres in area, deer may be killed by persons expressly authorized by the licensee who
16are otherwise qualified under this chapter lawfully entitled to hunt deer except that
17no any person hunting upon on a licensed deer farm shall be is not required to hold
18a hunting license for deer; and all such. All deer killed on a deer farm shall be
19distinctly tagged with a tag to be furnished by the department to the licensee at cost
20not exceeding 5 cents each. The licensee shall pay to the department $1 for each deer
21so killed. Before any deer on a licensed deer farm shall may be killed, the licensee
22shall notify the department or one of its representatives in advance of the taking of
23such the deer, and the department or its representatives shall make
24acknowledgment of
acknowledge receipt of said the notice and such the
25acknowledgment when received by the licensee shall be is authority for taking deer.

1The department or any of its duly authorized representatives may be present while
2the taking of such deer is in progress.
AB864,190,7 3(8) After a deer is so killed and tagged, only the entire carcass only shall may
4be sold and transported, except as provided in sub. (14). The tag must shall remain
5on the carcass while in transit. A deer farm tag may be removed from a gutted
6carcass at the time of butchering, but the person who killed or obtained the deer shall
7retain the tag until the meat is consumed.
AB864,190,18 8(9) Such A licensee may sell and transport live deer providing that the
9department or one of its representatives be is notified in advance of the shipment of
10such deer, and the department or its representatives shall make acknowledgment of
11acknowledges receipt of said the notice and such. The acknowledgment when
12received by the licensee shall be is the licensee's authority for shipping deer. The
13licensee shall pay to the department $1 for each live deer sold, and each crate or
14conveyance carrying such live deer must shall have a special tag or tags attached
15thereto to it for each live deer transported therein, showing that it is a deer from a
16deer farm. The data on such the tag or tags shall be entered in ink or indelible pencil
17and such the tag or tags shall be retained by the purchaser of said live the deer. Such
18The tags shall be furnished by the department, its wardens or agents.
AB864,190,24 19(10) Any person other than the licensee, or the licensee's employes, who shall
20hunt or trap
hunts deer upon any lands described in any such license shall be on the
21licensed premises is
liable to the licensee in the sum of $100 in addition to all damage
22which the person may do to said farm or does to the deer and property thereon, but
23all actions for such trespass any action to recover damages shall be brought by such
24the licensee.

Note: The provision that creates liability for damage to the property of a licensed
deer farm is eliminated, because this liability exists under general principles of law and
does not need to be restated. The provision that creates liability for damage resulting
from unauthorized hunting on a licensed deer farm is retained, because this provision
negates the ability of the unauthorized hunter to argue that the deer were the property
of the state and could be hunted in the same manner as deer elsewhere in the state.
AB864,192,4 1(11) Each license shall be accepted by the licensee upon the condition that the
2licensee will comply with this section and with all provisions of law and that the
3licensee will honestly operate said deer farm for the purpose of propagating deer;
4that the
and title to the deer in the inclosure for which a license has been granted and
5for which the applicant has paid the state at the rate of $25 per deer,
enclosure shall
6be conditional conditioned upon the applicant and licensee honestly and fairly
7complying with this section and provisions of law other statutes and rules relating
8to the operation maintenance of deer farms; and in the. In an action to revoke the
9license of said licensee, or to establish the licensee's unfitness to further operate said
10deer farm,
the court, in the judgment, in the event it is determined that the applicant
11and licensee has violated this section and the provisions of law relating to the
12operation of deer farms,
shall provide that the title to all of the deer within said
13inclosure together with all of the increase therefrom be
the enclosure is forfeited to
14the state; that the said tract of land shall licensed premises may not be used for a deer
15farm for a period of 5 years and until a new license therefor, after said 5 years, has
16been issued by the department as provided in this section after the 5-year period;
17that the department shall within 30 days of the notice of entry of judgment enter
18upon said tract the premises and open the said fences in such a manner as to give the
19inclosed animals free egress
and may drive the said animals out of the inclosure if
20in the opinion of the department it is for the best interests of the state; said
21that the
lands for which said the license has been forfeited may be used by the owner
22thereof for all lawful purposes except the propagating of deer during said time,; and

1that during said 5 year the 5-year period said lands shall be a sanctuary and no
2hunting or trapping of any kind or character shall be practiced therein or thereon is
3prohibited on the land
. The department shall in such event duly post notices thereof
4of the judgment at intervals of 10 rods 55 yards around the entire tract premises.
AB864,192,10 5(12) On or before January 1 of each year, each such licensee shall make a report
6to the department, covering the period from January 1 to December 31 of for the
7previous calendar year, upon blanks on forms furnished by the department, stating
8the number of deer killed and sold and live deer sold during said period, the names
9and addresses of the persons to whom the same deer were sold and the dates of
AB864,192,13 11(13) The department or its wardens shall have the right and power to may
12inspect such deer farms or the books records of such deer farms at any and all times
13when they may think the need requires it
AB864, s. 625 14Section 625. 29.578 (14) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (14) (a) and
15amended to read:
AB864,192,2016 29.871 (14) (a) No person may barter, sell or otherwise deal in the carcasses of
17deer taken from a deer farm unless the person obtains a deer farm sales license from
18the department. Each carcass of this type of deer that is sold by a person under this
19license is required to have a distinctive tag attached to it. The department shall issue
furnish deer farm sales tags at cost.
AB864, s. 626 21Section 626. 29.578 (14) (am) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
22Act 35
, is renumbered 29.871 (14) (am) and amended to read:
AB864,193,223 29.871 (14) (am) The department may issue special retail deer sale permits
24authorizing a person to sell at retail white-tailed deer venison in the carcass from

1a deer lawfully killed under this section to any retailer of meats if the venison is
2inspected under s. 97.42
AB864, s. 627 3Section 627. 29.578 (14) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (14) (b) and
4amended to read:
AB864,193,115 29.871 (14) (b) Any The department may issue a venison serving permit
6authorizing a
person may to serve venison obtained from a deer farm licensed under
7this section if the person has a venison serving permit from the department. The
8application for this permit shall be in the form and include the information the
9department requires. If the The department after investigation is satisfied that the
10application is satisfactory it shall
may issue a venison serving permit conditioned as
AB864,193,1312 2. It shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place in the premises where such
13venison is retained and served.
AB864,193,1914 3. It shall contain the name and address of the applicant together with, the
15name and address of the premises where the venison will be retained and served,
16together with the source of the venison, and the sex, approximate weight and deer
17farm tag numbers of the carcass. The deer farm tag may be removed from a gutted
18carcass at the time of butchering, but the person who killed or obtained the deer shall
19retain the tag until the venison is consumed.
AB864,193,2220 4. The permittee agrees to shall record immediately upon possession all
21additional venison, purchased, possessed or served during under the permit period
22in the space provided therefor on the permit.
AB864,193,2523 5. The permittee agrees that the department or its wardens shall have the right
may inspect the premises where such venison is retained or served and that the
25venison will be inspected under s. 97.42
AB864, s. 628
1Section 628. 29.578 (14) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 29.871 (14) (b) 6. and
2amended to read:
AB864,194,63 29.871 (14) (b) 6. Each The permittee under par. (b) shall file a verified report
4to with the department within 30 days after the expiration of the permit containing
5such information regarding the operations under the permit as the department
6requires on forms furnished in the form required by the department.
AB864, s. 629 7Section 629. 29.578 (15) and (16) of the statutes are renumbered 29.871 (15)
8and (16).
AB864, s. 630 9Section 630. 29.579 of the statutes is renumbered 29.873 and amended to
AB864,194,18 1129.873 Domestic fur-bearing animal farms. The breeding, raising and
12producing in captivity, and the marketing, by the producer, of foxes, fitch, nutria,
13marten, fisher, mink, chinchilla, rabbit or caracul, as live animals, or as animal pelts
14or carcasses shall be deemed considered an agricultural pursuit, and all such
15animals so raised in captivity shall be deemed considered domestic animals, subject
16to all the laws of the state with reference to possession, ownership and taxation as
17are at any time applicable to domestic animals. All persons engaged in the foregoing
18activities are farmers and engaged in farming for all statutory purposes.
AB864, s. 631 19Section 631. 29.583 of the statutes is renumbered 29.875 and amended to
AB864,195,2 2129.875 Disposal of escaped deer. (1) The department may seize and dispose
22of or may authorize the disposal of any deer that has escaped from land licensed
23under s. 29.574 29.867 or 29.578 29.871 or owned by a person registered under s.
2495.55 if the escaped deer has traveled more than 3 miles from the land or if the

1licensee or person has not had the deer returned to the land within 72 hours of the
2discovery of the escape.
AB864,195,6 3(2) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the department of natural resources may dispose
4of the deer immediately if the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
5protection determines that the deer poses a risk to public safety or to the health of
6other domestic or wild animals.
AB864, s. 632 7Section 632. 29.585 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.877 (title).
AB864, s. 633 8Section 633. 29.585 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 29.877 (2m) and
9amended to read:
AB864,195,1410 29.877 (2m) The department may grant issue licenses for wildlife exhibits
11which are defined as any place where one or more live wild animals are kept in
12captivity for the purpose of exhibition or for advertising purposes. The
and shall
13prescribe the
form of the application and license shall be prescribed by the
AB864, s. 634 15Section 634. 29.585 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.877 (2) (intro.) and amended to read:
AB864,195,1717 29.877 (2) (intro.) In this section, "wild:
AB864,195,21 18(a) "Wild animal" means any mammal, fish or bird of a wild nature as
19distinguished from domestic animals under the common law or under the statutes
20whether or not the mammal, fish or bird was bred or reared in captivity, but does not
21include deer of the genus dama, cervus or rangifer or farm-raised fish.
AB864, s. 635 22Section 635. 29.585 (2) (b) to (6) of the statutes are renumbered 29.877 (2) (b)
23to (6) and amended to read:
AB864,196,424 29.877 (2) (b) "Wildlife exhibit" means any place where live wild animals are
25kept in captivity for the purpose of exhibition or for advertising purposes, but

1not include the exhibition of any live wild animal by any educational institution,
2state department agency, public zoo, park or garden, circus or theatrical exhibition
3or any such exhibition sponsored by any organization with the approval of the
AB864,196,8 5(3) No wildlife exhibition exhibit license shall may be granted by the
6department until it is satisfied that the provisions for housing and caring for such
7the wild animals and for protecting the public are proper and adequate and in
8accordance with the standards therefor established by the department
AB864,196,11 9(4) The department shall promulgate and enforce rules for the housing, care,
10treatment, feeding and sanitation
of wild animals kept in wildlife exhibits and for
11the protection of the public from injury by the wild animals.
AB864,196,19 12(5) No person may keep any live wild animal in captivity for the purpose of
13exhibition or for advertising purposes or have any wild animal in his or her custody
14or under his or her control for such purpose
maintain a wildlife exhibit, unless the
15person has
a wildlife exhibit license is issued to the person by the department. A
16wildlife exhibit license is required in addition to any game bird and animal farm or
17fur farm license or deer farm license under s. 29.578 that is required for the
18possession, breeding, propagating or dealing of these wild animals
if these farms are
19wildlife exhibits as defined under sub. (1).
AB864,196,23 20(6) Each licensee shall file an annual, verified a report with the department
21within 30 days after the expiration of such the license containing such information
22on the operation of the wildlife exhibit as the department may require and on forms
23furnished by the department.
AB864, s. 636 24Section 636. 29.586 of the statutes is renumbered 29.879, and 29.879 (1) to
25(3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
129.879 (1) The department has the authority to may examine all lands,
2together with
and buildings, licensed as game bird and animal farms, deer farms or ,
3fur farms or wildlife exhibits to determine that all whether wild animals held in
4captivity on such licensed farms are treated in a humane manner and confined under
5sanitary conditions with proper and adequate housing, care and food.
AB864,197,8 6(2) The department may order any licensee to comply with standards
7prescribed in such the order for the housing, care, treatment, feeding and sanitation
8of wild animals held in captivity by the licensee.
AB864,197,11 9(3) Any such The licensee who fails to shall comply with such the order of the
10department within 10 days of its issuance will be subject to penalties provided in s.
AB864, s. 637 12Section 637. 29.59 (title) and (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered
1329.885 (title) and (1) (intro.) and (a).
AB864, s. 638 14Section 638. 29.59 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 639 15Section 639. 29.59 (1) (c) to (e) of the statutes are renumbered 29.885 (1) (c)
16to (e).
AB864, s. 640 17Section 640. 29.59 (1) (f) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
18is renumbered 29.885 (1) (f).
Note: The definition of "daylight hours" is repealed and the substance of the
definition is moved to current s. 29.59 (3) (c) (intro.), the only occurrence of that term.
AB864, s. 641 19Section 641. 29.59 (2) to (7) of the statutes are renumbered 29.885 (2) to (7),
20and 29.885 (3) (c) (intro.) and 3., (4m) and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,198,221 29.885 (3) (c) (intro.) A person who owns, leases or occupies property outside
22an incorporated municipality on which a wild animal or a structure of a wild animal
23is allegedly causing damage and who has made a complaint under par. (a), may

1remove the wild animal or the structure during daylight hours at any time from one
2hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset
if all of the following conditions apply:
AB864,198,53 3. The wild animal is not of an endangered or threatened species under s.
429.415 29.604 and is not a migratory bird on the list in 50 CFR 10.13 that is
5promulgated under 16 USC 701.
AB864,198,11 6(4m) Hunting allowed. If the department removes or authorizes the removal
7of a wild animal or the structure of a wild animal under sub. (3) (b), the person who
8owns, leases or occupies the property on which the damage occurred shall open the
9property to others for hunting and trapping for one year beginning on the date on
10which the removal activity started unless hunting is prohibited under this chapter,
11rules promulgated under this chapter
or under any municipal ordinance.
AB864,198,17 12(5) Abatement. (a) The department may refuse to investigate under sub. (3)
13(a) if the person making the complaint refuses to participate in any available wildlife
14damage abatement program administered under s. 29.598 29.889 or refuses to follow
15reasonable abatement measures recommended by the department or by the county
16in which the property is located if the county participates in a wildlife damage
17abatement program.
AB864,198,2118 (b) Before taking action under sub. (3) (b) or (4), the department may require
19the person making the complaint to participate in any available wildlife damage
20abatement program administered under s. 29.598 29.889 or to follow reasonable
21abatement measures recommended by the department.
AB864, s. 642 22Section 642. Subchapter VIII (title) of chapter 29 [precedes 29.591] of the
23statutes is created to read:
AB864,198,2424 Chapter 29
1Subchapter VIII
2 Education and Training
AB864, s. 643 3Section 643. 29.595 of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
4renumbered 29.887.
AB864, s. 644 5Section 644. 29.597 (6) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
AB864,199,76 29.597 (6) (b) (intro.) The following persons are exempt from the requirement
7under par. (a):
AB864, s. 645 8Section 645. 29.598 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.889 (title).
AB864, s. 646 9Section 646. 29.598 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
10is renumbered 29.889 (1).
AB864, s. 647 11Section 647. 29.598 (2) (title) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 29.889
12(2) (title) and (a).
AB864, s. 648 13Section 648. 29.598 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.889 (2) (b).
AB864, s. 649 15Section 649. 29.598 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 29.889 (2) (c) and
16amended to read:
AB864,199,2217 29.889 (2) (c) Review of county administration plans. The department shall
18provide guidelines to counties applying for participation in the wildlife damage
19abatement and wildlife damage claim programs under sub. (3) (b). The department
20shall review each plan of administration submitted under sub. (3) (c) and shall
21approve the plan if it is in substantial compliance with sub. (3) (c) and the
22administrative rules promulgated by the department under this section.
AB864, s. 650 23Section 650. 29.598 (2) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 29.889 (2) (d).
AB864, s. 651 24Section 651. 29.598 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 29.889 (3).
AB864, s. 652
1Section 652. 29.598 (4) (title) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 29.889
2(4) (title) and (a).
AB864, s. 653 3Section 653. 29.598 (4) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.889 (4) (b).
AB864, s. 654 5Section 654. 29.598 (4) (bn) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.889 (4) (bn).
AB864, s. 655 7Section 655. 29.598 (4) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 29.889 (4) (c).
AB864, s. 656 8Section 656. 29.598 (5) (title) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 29.889
9(5) (title) and (a).
AB864, s. 657 10Section 657. 29.598 (5) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.889 (5) (b).