AB970,30,7 62. Require the person to mark or tag such the product or receptacle as provided
7in sub. (4).
AB970,30,9 8(b) The department may, without hearing, suspend such the right described in
9par. (a) 1.
for a period not exceeding ten 10 days, pending investigation.
AB970,30,12 10(c) The department may restore such the right to any person from whom it has
11been revoked, where if the person gives satisfactory evidence warranting such
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 42 13Section 42. 93.11 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 93.11 (6) (a) (intro.) and
14amended to read:
AB970,30,1715 93.11 (6) (a) (intro.) The department, after opportunity for hearing has been
16given the licensee, may, by special order, revoke any license issued under this section,
17whenever the department finds that such any of the following:
AB970,30,18 181. That the licensee is incompetent or .
AB970,30,20 192. That the licensee has made material false statements in order to obtain a
20license or.
AB970,30,22 213. That the licensee has knowingly or carelessly issued any false or improper
22certificate of grade or.
14. That the licensee has accepted money or other consideration, directly or
2indirectly, as compensation for any neglect or improper performance of duty or.
AB970,31,4 35. That the licensee has violated chs. 93 to 100 or any regulation made
4thereunder under chs. 93 to 100.
AB970,31,6 5(b) The department may, without hearing, suspend such a licensee's right to act
6under this section
for a period not exceeding ten 10 days, pending investigation.
AB970,31,9 7(c) The department may restore the license of any person whose license has
8been revoked, where under this subsection if the person gives satisfactory evidence
9warranting such restoration.
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 43 10Section 43. 93.21 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,31,1611 93.21 (4) Failure to obey orders. Any person who wilfully violates s. 93.14 (3)
12or 93.15 (3), or who wilfully violates or refuses, neglects or fails to obey any order or
13regulation made
issued under s. 93.06 (3), shall, for each offense, be punished by a
14fine of
fined not more than five thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the county
$5,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, in the county jail or by both such
16fine and imprisonment
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits, and replaces and deletes
language for greater readability and conformity with current style. Section 93.06 (3)
authorizing the issuance of orders does not provide for the making of regulations.
AB970, s. 44 17Section 44. 94.27 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,32,8 1894.27 Liability for damages. The Any person so building or maintaining any
who builds or maintains any dam or constructing or keeping constructs or keeps
20open any such ditch or drain shall be under s. 94.26 is liable to the persons whose
21lands are overflowed or otherwise injured by such the dam, ditch or drain for the full
22sum of damages so sustained, which shall be ascertained under s. 94.28 and

1recovered in the manner following and not otherwise. If the person claiming any
2such damages cannot agree with the person liable to pay the same, the person
3claiming the damages shall select one disinterested arbitrator and give notice
4thereof to the person from whom such damages are claimed, who shall, within ten
5days after the receipt of such notice, select another disinterested arbitrator, not of kin
6to any of the parties interested in maintaining such dams, ditches or drains, and give
7notice thereof to the claimant and to each of the persons so selected as arbitrators

8under ss. 94.28 to 94.30.
Note: The deleted material is recreated as s. 94.28 (1) for more logical placement.
See the creation of s. 94.28 (1) by this bill.
AB970, s. 45 9Section 45. 94.28 of the statutes is renumbered 94.28 (2) (a) (intro.) and
10amended to read:
AB970,32,1311 94.28 (2) (a) (intro.) The persons selected as arbitrators under sub. (1) shall,
12within twenty 20 days after such notice, appoint some of their appointment, do all
13of the following:
AB970,32,15 141. Appoint a disinterested third 3rd person to act as arbitrator with them and
AB970,32,17 162. Fix a time and place at which the arbitrators shall meet to determine the
17claimant's damages which the claimant ought to have, and give.
AB970,32,19 183. Give notice thereof of the appointment of the 3rd arbitrator and the time and
19place of hearing
to the parties interested parties.
AB970,33,6 20(b) At the time and place so fixed under par. (a) 2., the arbitrators shall view
21the premises and hear the proofs and allegations of the parties, and within ten.
22Within 10
days thereafter, the arbitrators, or any two 2 of them, shall make duplicate
23statements of the proceedings had by them and of the amount by them ordered to that

1they order to
be paid to the claimant for the claimant's damages and the amount to
2be paid by the respective parties for their the arbitrators' fees and the costs of such
3the proceedings, and. The arbitrators shall deliver to each party a copy thereof of the
4statement and order to each party
. Within twenty 20 days thereafter, the amount so
5ordered shall be paid by the party of whom required unless an appeal be is taken as
6hereinafter provided under s. 94.29.
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 46 7Section 46. 94.28 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB970,33,158 94.28 (1) If a person claiming damages from a dam, ditch or drain cannot agree
9with the person liable to pay the damages under s. 94.27, the damage claimant shall
10select one disinterested arbitrator and give notice of the selection to the person
11against whom the damages are claimed. The person from whom damages are
12claimed shall, within 10 days after receipt of the notice, select another disinterested
13arbitrator, not of kin to any of the parties interested in maintaining the dams, ditches
14or drains, and give notice of the selection to the claimant and to the persons selected
15as arbitrators.
Note: Moves the material deleted from s. 94.27 by this bill to s. 94.28 (1) for more
logical placement.
AB970, s. 47 16Section 47. 94.30 of the statutes is renumbered 94.30 (1) and amended to read:
AB970,34,617 94.30 (1) If neither party appeals from such the award under s. 94.28 and the
18responsible party required to pay the damages shall pay pays the full amount thereof
19of damages and costs awarded within the time above prescribed under s. 94.28 (2)
or if, upon an appeal, a final judgment shall be is rendered in favor of the claimant
21and the defendant shall pay such responsible party pays the judgment and all costs
22awarded to the claimant within sixty 60 days after such entry of the final judgment,

1then the person so erecting or maintaining such dam or dams or constructing or
2maintaining such ditches or drains
that responsible party shall have the perpetual
3right to maintain and keep the same dams, ditches or drains that caused the damage
4in good condition and repair; and neither. Neither the person responsible party nor
5the person's responsible party's assigns shall be liable to for the payment of any
6further damages on account thereof; and upon failure of the dams, ditches or drains.
AB970,34,10 7(2) If the responsible party fails to make such payment as described in sub. (1)
8within the times above applicable prescribed time, the person responsible party shall
9forfeit all right under this chapter to maintain such the dams, ditches or drains under
10the foregoing provisions
that caused the damage.
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language and inserts cross-references for greater readability and conformity
with current style.
AB970, s. 48 11Section 48. 94.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,34,14 1294.32 Pay of arbitrators. The arbitrators appointed under s. 94.28 shall each
13receive $3 per day for their services three dollars per day each, to be paid in whole
14or in part by either party as they shall the arbitrators determine.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits, and inserts cross-references for
greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 49 15Section 49. 94.72 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,35,416 94.72 (2) (a) 8. In the case of mixed feeds containing more than a total of five
17per cent
5% of one or more mineral ingredients, or other unmixed materials used as
18mineral supplements, and in the case of mineral feeds, mixed or unmixed, which that
19are manufactured, represented and sold for the primary purposes of supplying
20mineral elements in rations for animals or birds, and containing that contain
21mineral elements generally regarded as dietary factors essential for normal
22nutrition, the minimum percentage of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), of and iodine (I)

1and the maximum percentage of salt (NaCl), if the same be those elements are
2present. Provided, that if If no nutritional properties other than those of a mineral
3nature be are claimed for a mineral feed product, the per centums percentages of
4crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber may be omitted;
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits.
AB970, s. 50 5Section 50. 97.56 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 97.56 (2) (intro.) and
6amended to read:
AB970,35,87 97.56 (2) (intro.) No person shall may, with intent to defraud, sell do any of the
AB970,35,13 9(a) Sell or expose for sale any meat or meat preparation, whether the same be
10raw or prepared for human consumption, and falsely represent the same meat or
11meat preparation
to be kosher, and as having been prepared under and of a product
12or products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrew religious requirements ; nor shall any
13person falsely
AB970,35,18 14(b) Falsely represent any food product or the contents of any package or
15container to be so constituted and prepared kosher and as having been prepared
16under and of a product or products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrew religious
, by having or permitting to be inscribed thereon on the package or
the word "kosher" in any language; nor shall any person sell.
AB970,35,23 19(c) Sell or expose for sale in the same place of business both kosher and
20nonkosher meat or meat preparations, either raw or prepared for human
21consumption, unless all of that person's window signs and display advertising
22indicate, in block letters at least four 4 inches in height, "Kosher and Nonkosher
23Meat Sold Here;" nor shall any person expose".
1(d) Expose for sale in any show window or place of business both kosher and
2nonkosher meat or meat preparations, either raw or prepared for human
3consumption, unless the person displays over each kind of meat or meat preparation
4so exposed a sign in block letters at least four 4 inches in height reading "Kosher
5Meat,", or "Nonkosher Meat,", as the case may be.
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 51 6Section 51. 97.56 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 97.56 (3) (intro.) and
7amended to read:
AB970,36,98 97.56 (3) (intro.) No person, with intent to defraud, shall sell may do any of the
AB970,36,14 10(a) Sell or expose for sale, in any restaurant or other place where food products
11are sold for consumption on the premises, any article of food or food preparations and
12that is falsely represent the same represented to be kosher and as having been
13prepared in accordance with the orthodox Hebrew religious requirements ; nor shall
14any person sell
AB970,36,20 15(b) Sell or expose for sale in any such restaurant or other place both kosher and
16nonkosher food or food preparations for consumption on the premises when not
17prepared in accordance with the Jewish ritual and not sanctioned by the Hebrew
18orthodox religious requirements, unless the person's window signs and display
19advertising state, in block letters at least 4 inches in height, "Kosher and Nonkosher
20Food Served Here".
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces word form of numbers with digits, and
replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 52 21Section 52. 98.13 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
198.13 (4) Whenever milk is sold under an agreement, express or implied, that
2the value of the same milk shall be determined by its proportion of butter fat, the
3price to be paid shall be based on a three and five-tenths per cent 3.5% butter fat
Note: Replaces "same" and word form of numbers with digits for greater
conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 53 5Section 53. 98.14 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,37,186 98.14 (1) All bottles and pipettes used in measuring milk or milk products for
7making determination of the percent
to determine the percentage of fat in said the
8milk or milk products shall have clearly blown or otherwise permanently marked in
9the side of the bottle or pipette the word "Sealed,", and in the side of the pipette or
10the side or bottom of the bottle the name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer
11and the manufacturer's designating number, which designating number shall be
12different for each manufacturer and may be used in identifying bottles. The
13designating number shall be furnished by the department upon application by the
14manufacturer and upon the filing by the manufacturer of a bond in the sum of one
15thousand dollars
$1,000 with sureties to be approved by the attorney general,
16conditioned upon conformance with the requirements of this section. A record of the
17bonds furnished, the designating number, and to whom furnished, shall be kept in
18the office of the department.
Note: Replaces "said" and word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity
with current style.
AB970, s. 54 19Section 54. 98.14 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,38,520 98.14 (2) Any manufacturer who sells Babcock milk, cream or butter test
21bottles or milk pipettes, to be used for use in this state, that do not comply with the
22provisions of this section shall suffer the be subject to a penalty of five hundred

$500 to be recovered by the attorney general in an action brought in the name
2of the people of the state
against the offender's bondsmen, to be brought in the name
3of the people of the state
. No dealer shall use, for the purpose of determining the
4percent of milk fat in milk or milk products, any bottles or pipettes that do not comply
5with the provisions of this section relating thereto.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits, reorders text and replaces
language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 55 6Section 55. 98.14 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,38,107 98.14 (3) The department shall prescribe specifications with which the
8glassware mentioned described in this section shall comply. The unit of graduation
9for all Babcock glassware shall be the true cubic centimeter or the weight of one gram
10of distilled water at four 4 degrees centigrade.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity with
current style.
AB970, s. 56 11Section 56. 100.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,38,1812 100.16 (1) No person shall sell or offer to sell anything whatever, by the
13representation or pretense that a sum of money or something of value, which is
14uncertain or concealed, is inclosed enclosed within or may be found with or named
15upon the thing sold, or that will be given to the purchaser in addition to the thing sold,
16or by any representation, pretense or device, by which the purchaser is informed or
17induced to believe that money or something else of value may be won or drawn by
18chance by reason of such the sale.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling.
AB970, s. 57 19Section 57. 100.26 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,39,220 100.26 (2) Any person violating s. 100.02 shall be guilty of a felony and upon
21conviction shall be punished by a fine of fined not less than fifty dollars $50 nor more

1than three thousand dollars, or by imprisonment $3,000 or imprisoned for not less
2than thirty 30 days nor more than three 3 years, or both.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity with
current style.
AB970, s. 58 3Section 58. 101.865 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,39,84 101.865 (2) Any person who shall violate violates the provisions of this section
5shall be deemed is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of fined
6not less than twenty-five dollars $25 nor more than one hundred dollars, or by
$100 or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than thirty 30 days
8nor more than six 6 months.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity with
current style.
AB970, s. 59 9Section 59. 102.11 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,39,1610 102.11 (1) (g) If an employe is under twenty-seven 27 years of age, the
11employe's average weekly earnings on which to compute the benefits accruing for
12permanent disability or death shall be determined on the basis of the earnings that
13such the employe, if not disabled, probably would earn after attaining the age of
14twenty-seven 27 years. Unless otherwise established, said the projected earnings
15determined under this paragraph shall be taken as equivalent to the amount upon
16which maximum weekly indemnity is payable.
Note: Replaces nonspecific reference with specific reference and word form of
numbers with digits for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 60 17Section 60. 102.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,40,218 102.11 (2) The average annual earnings when referred to in this chapter shall
19consist of fifty 50 times the employe's average weekly earnings. Subject to the
20maximum limitation, average annual earnings shall in no case be taken at less than

1the actual earnings of the employe in the year immediately preceding the employe's
2injury in the kind of employment in which the employe worked at the time of injury.
Note: Replaces nonspecific reference with specific reference and word form of
numbers with digits for greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 61 3Section 61. 102.49 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,40,114 102.49 (3) Where If the employe leaves a wife or husband spouse wholly
5dependent and also a child or children by a former marriage or adoption likewise
6wholly dependent, aggregate benefits shall be the same in amount as if the children
7child were the children of such child of the surviving spouse, and the entire benefit
8shall be apportioned to the dependents in such the amounts as that the department
9shall determine to be just, considering their the ages of the dependents and other
10facts factors bearing on dependency. The benefit awarded to the surviving spouse
11shall not exceed four 4 times the average annual earnings of the deceased employe.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits and language for greater
conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 62 12Section 62. 102.51 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,40,1613 102.51 (2) (b) Where If for eight 8 years or more prior to the date of injury a
14deceased employe has been a resident of the United States, it shall be conclusively
15presumed that no person who has remained a nonresident alien during that period
16is either totally or partially dependent upon the deceased employe for support.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity with
current style.
AB970, s. 63 17Section 63. 103.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,41,4 18103.16 (title) Seats for workers employes; penalty. Every person or
employer employing workers employes in any manufacturing,
20mechanical or mercantile establishment in the this state of Wisconsin shall provide
21suitable seats for the workers so employed its employes, and shall permit the use of

1such those seats by them its employes when they the employes are not necessarily
2engaged in the active duties for which they are employed. Any person or corporation
3employer who violates this section may be fined not less than $10 nor more than $30
4for each offense.
Note: Replaces language and nonspecific references with specific references for
greater readability and conformity with current style.
AB970, s. 64 5Section 64. 103.17 of the statutes is amended to read: