1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
April 30, 1998 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to Committee
on Judiciary.
AB971,1,5 1An Act relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending and
2revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors,
3supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references and eliminating
4defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities and obsolete provisions. (Section
513.93 (2) (i) Revision Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is drafted pursuant to s. 13.93 (2) (j), stats., for the purpose of
modernizing statutory structure and language and increasing conformity with
current drafting style in order to improve user readability and accessibility.
Throughout this bill the word form of numbers are replaced by digits, disfavored
language is replaced with preferred terms and spellings, long sentences and
statutory units are subdivided or otherwise shortened and nonspecific articles and
references are replaced. Some punctuation is changed to accommodate the other
changes. Notes provided by the revisor of statutes bureau in the body of the bill
indicate treatments made to the specific statutory units. No substantive changes are
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB971, s. 1 6Section 1. 30.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,2,127 30.33 (1) Board to have powers of railroad corporation. Any municipality
8operating a public harbor through a board of harbor commissioners may, through

1such board, construct, maintain or operate railway facilities or a harbor belt line
2connecting various harbor facilities with one another or with other railroads within
3the municipality or its vicinity. The board of harbor commissioners is granted all of
4the rights, powers and privileges conferred upon railroad corporations by s. ss.
5190.02 and 190.025 (3), except such rights, powers and privileges as are conferred
6upon railroad corporations by s. 190.02 (9). Such facilities or belt line may be
7constructed, maintained or operated partly outside the corporate limits of the
8municipality. In constructing, maintaining or operating such facilities or belt line,
9the board of harbor commissioners has the powers and privileges of railroad
10corporations and shall be subject to the same restrictions as railroad corporations
11and to the supervision of the office of the commissioner of railroads, except as to the
12system of accounting and the payment of wages to employes.
Note: Section 190.02 (12) is renumbered to s. 190.025 (3) by this bill.
AB971, s. 2 13Section 2. 134.245 of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,2,14 14134.245 Definitions. In ss. 134.25 to 134.32:
AB971,2,18 15(1) "Marked" means stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon, attached
16to a tag, card or label which is stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon, or
17contained in a box, package, cover or wrapper which is stamped, branded, engraved
18or imprinted upon.
AB971,2,19 19(2) "Person" means an individual, firm, corporation or association.
AB971,2,21 20(3) "Sells" includes making for sale, selling, offering to sell or dispose of, or
21possessing with intent to sell or dispose of.
Note: Creates definitions provision to simplify ss. 134.25 to 134.32.
AB971, s. 3 22Section 3. 134.25 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 134.25 (1) (a) and amended
23to read:
1134.25 (1) (a) Any Except as provided in par. (b) and subject to sub. (3), any
2person, firm, corporation or association, who or which makes for sale, or sells, or
3offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession with intent to sell or
4dispose of,
who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of gold or
5any alloy of gold, and having stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted thereon, or
6upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or
7wrapper in
which said article is encased or enclosed that is marked in any mark, way
8indicating, or designed or intended to indicate, that the gold or alloy of gold in such
9the article is of a greater degree of fineness than the actual fineness or quality of such
10the gold or alloy, unless the actual fineness of such gold or alloy, in the case of flat
11ware and watch cases, be not less by more than three one-thousandths parts, and
12in the case of all other articles be not less by more than one-half karat than the
indicated by the marks stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon any
14part of such article, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box,
15package, cover or wrapper in which such article is encased or enclosed, according to
16the standards and subject to the qualifications hereinafter set forth
, is guilty of a
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions under s. 134.245 and
making exception to liability a separate par. (b). See also the previous and next sections
of this bill.
AB971, s. 4 18Section 4. 134.25 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,3,2019 134.25 (1) (b) Paragraph (a) is not violated if the actual fineness of the gold or
20alloy in the article meets any of the following conditions:
AB971,3,2321 1. The actual fineness is not less, by more than three one-thousandths parts
22in the case of flatware and watch cases, than the fineness actually marked on the
12. The actual fineness is not less, by more than one-half karat, than the
2fineness actually marked on the article in the case of all articles not specified in subd.
Note: Moves liability exception to separate provision to simplify s. 134.25
AB971, s. 5 4Section 5. 134.25 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB971,4,105 134.25 (2) In any test for the ascertainment of to determine the fineness of the
6gold or its alloy in any such article, according to the foregoing standards set forth in
7this section
, the part of the gold or of its gold alloy taken for the test, analysis or assay
8shall be such part or portion as does not contain or have attached thereto to it any
9solder or alloy of inferior fineness used for brazing or uniting the parts of said the
AB971,4,20 11(3) In addition to the foregoing tests and standards, that the The actual
12fineness of the entire quantity of gold and of its gold alloys contained in any article
13mentioned in this section (, except watch cases and flat ware) flatware, including all
14solder or alloy of inferior metal used for brazing or uniting the parts of the article (all
15such gold, alloys and solder being assayed as one piece)
, shall not be less, by more
16than one karat, than the fineness indicated by the mark stamped, branded, engraved
17or imprinted upon such
marked on the article, or upon any tag, card or label attached
18thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which said article is encased
19or enclosed
. In determining the quality of gold and gold alloys for purposes of this
20subsection, the gold, alloys and solder being tested shall be tested as one piece
Note: Replaces disfavored terminology and reorders text for greater readability
and conformity to current style.
AB971, s. 6 21Section 6. 134.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,5,10 22134.26 Misbranding of sterling silver articles. (1) Any Except as provided
23in sub. (2) and s. 134.29, any
person, firm, corporation or association, who or which

1makes for sale, or sells, or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession
2with intent to sell or dispose of,
who sells any article of merchandise made in whole
3or in part of silver or of any alloy of silver and having marked, stamped, branded,
4engraved or imprinted thereon, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto or
5upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which said article is encased or enclosed,

6with the words "sterling silver" or "sterling ," or any colorable imitation thereof of
7"sterling silver" or "sterling"
unless nine hundred twenty-five one-thousandths of
8the component parts of the metal appearing or purporting to be silver , of which such
9article is manufactured
are pure silver, subject to the qualifications hereinafter set
is guilty of a misdemeanor.
AB971,5,13 11(2) In the case of all such articles that are subject to sub. (1), there shall be
12allowed a divergence in fineness of four one-thousandths parts from the foregoing
13standards under sub. (1).
Note: Deletes redundant language, reorders text, replaces parentheses and inserts
specific references and cross-references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases
definitions under s. 134.245.
AB971, s. 7 14Section 7. 134.27 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,6,3 15134.27 Misbranding of coin silver articles. (1) Any Except as provided in
16sub. (2) and s. 134.29, any
person, firm, corporation or association, who or which
17makes for sale, or
sells, or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession
18with intent to sell or dispose of,
who sells any article of merchandise made in whole
19or in part of silver or of any alloy of silver and having marked, stamped, branded,
20engraved or imprinted thereon, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or
21upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which such article is encased or enclosed,

22with the words "coin" or "coin silver,", or any colorable imitation thereof of "coin" or
23"coin silver"
, unless nine hundred one-thousandths of the component parts of the

1metal appearing or purporting to be silver, of which such article is manufactured are
2pure silver, subject to the qualifications hereinafter set forth, is guilty of a
AB971,6,6 4(2) In the case of all such articles that are subject to sub. (1), there shall be
5allowed a divergence in fineness of four one-thousandths parts from the foregoing
6standards under sub. (1).
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references and cross-references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions
under s. 134.245.
AB971, s. 8 7Section 8. 134.28 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,7,2 8134.28 Misbranding of base silver articles. Any Except as provided in s.
9134.29, any
person, firm, corporation or association, who or which makes for sale, or
10sells, or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession with intent to
11sell or dispose of,
who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of
12silver or of any alloy of silver, and having stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted
13thereon, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box, package,
14cover or wrapper in which said article is encased or enclosed, any mark or word (

15marked in way, other than with the word "sterling" or the word "coin"), indicating,
16or designed or intended to indicate, that the silver or alloy of silver in said the article,
17is of a greater degree of fineness than the actual fineness or quality of such the silver
18or alloy, unless the actual fineness of the silver or alloy of silver of which said the
19article is composed be is not less by more than four one-thousandths parts than the
20actual fineness indicated by the said mark or word (other than the word "sterling"
21or "coin") stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon any part of said article, or
22upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or

1wrapper in which said article is encased or enclosed, subject to the qualifications
2hereinafter set forth
, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references and cross-references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions
under s. 134.245.
AB971, s. 9 3Section 9. 134.29 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB971,7,94 134.29 (1) In any test for the ascertainment of to determine the fineness of any
5such silver article mentioned in ss. 134.26 to 134.28, according to the standards
6therein contained in ss. 134.26 to 134.28, the part of the article taken for the test,
7analysis or assay,
shall be such part or portion as does not contain or have attached
8thereto to it any solder or alloy of inferior metal used for brazing or uniting the parts
9of such the article.
AB971,7,21 10(2) In addition to the foregoing test and standards Notwithstanding sub. (1)
11and ss. 134.26 to 134.28
, the actual fineness of the entire quantity of metal
12purporting to be silver contained in any article mentioned in ss. 134.26 to 134.28,
13including all solder or alloy of inferior fineness used for brazing or uniting the parts
14of any such the article (all such silver, alloy or solder being assayed as one piece),
15shall not be less by more than ten one-thousandths parts than the fineness indicated
16marked on the article, according to the foregoing standards, by the mark stamped,
17branded, engraved or imprinted upon such article, or upon any tag, card or label
18attached thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which said article
19is encased or enclosed
contained in ss. 134.26 to 134.28. In determining the fineness
20of metal for purposes of this subsection, the silver, alloy or solder being tested shall
21be tested as one piece
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references and cross-references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions
under s. 134.245.
AB971, s. 10
1Section 10. 134.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,8,13 2134.31 (title) Misbranding of silver plated silver-plated articles. Any
3person, firm, corporation or association, who or which makes for sale, or sells or offers
4to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession with intent to sell or dispose
who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of inferior metal,
6having deposited or plated thereon on the inferior metal or brazed or otherwise
7affixed thereto to the inferior metal, a plate, plating, covering or sheet of silver or of
8any alloy of silver, and which article is known in the market as "silver plate" or "silver
9electroplate,", or by any similar designation, and having stamped, branded,
10engraved or imprinted thereon, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or
11upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which said article is encased or enclosed,

12which is marked with the word "sterling" or the word "coin,", either alone or in
13conjunction with any other words or marks, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references and cross-references. Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions
under s. 134.245.
AB971, s. 11 14Section 11. 134.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,8,22 15134.32 (title) Penalty for violations of sections ss. 134.25 to 134.32
16134.31. Every person, firm, corporation or association guilty of a violation of who
any one of the provisions of ss. 134.25 to 134.32 134.31, and every officer,
18manager, director or managing agent of any such person, firm, corporation or
directly participating in such violation or consenting thereto to a
20violation of ss. 134.25 to 134.31
, shall be punished by a fine of not fined not less than
21$25 nor
more than $500 nor less than $25, or imprisonment or imprisoned for not
22more than 3 months, or both, at the discretion of the court.
Note: Deletes redundant language, replaces parentheses and inserts specific
references and cross-references. Standardizes penalty language with current style.

Simplifies structure by making long phrases definitions under s. 134.245. There can be
no violation of s. 134.32 as its sole function is to provide penalties for violations of other