SB17,20,21 21(4) The commission may not:
SB17,20,2522 (a) Reduce rates that it has established, prior to the date the commission
23schedules a succeeding review under s. 196.994 (1), unless the hospital misstated
24any material fact at a prior rate-setting proceeding. Projections on the volume of
25hospital services utilized do not constitute material facts under this paragraph.
1(b) During a succeeding review under s. 196.994 (1), reduce rates from levels
2that it has previously established, except in any of the following situations:
SB17,21,43 1. The hospital implements an unauthorized increase in its approved rates,
4unless the increase is trivial.
SB17,21,65 2. The hospital uses the funds that it has prospectively accumulated for an
6authorized capital project for purposes other than the authorized project.
SB17,21,87 4. The hospital's actual total revenue for its fiscal year exceeds it actual total
8financial requirements by more than 10%.
SB17,21,129 (c) Interfere directly in the personal or decision-making relationships between
10a patient and the patient's physician, except as provided in ss. 196.9993 and
11196.9994 (2). This paragraph does not limit the commission's ability to make
12determinations under sub. (1) (a) or s. 196.997.
SB17,21,1513 (d) Control directly the volume or intensity of hospital utilization, except as
14provided in ss. 196.9993 and 196.9994 (2). This paragraph does not limit the
15commission's ability to make determinations under sub. (1) (a) or s. 196.997.
SB17,21,1916 (e) Restrict the freedom of patients to receive care at a hospital consistent with
17their religious preferences or request a hospital that is affiliated with a religious
18group to act in a manner contrary to the mission and philosophy of the religious
SB17,21,2220 (f) Restrict directly the freedom of hospitals to exercise management decisions
21in complying with the rates established by the commission, unless a hospital agrees
22to a condition attached to the establishment of particular rates.
SB17,21,2423 (g) Require the submission of unrelated financial data from religious groups
24affiliated with a hospital.
1196.9991 Injunctions of commission orders. No injunction may be issued
2to suspend or stay enforcement of an order of the commission unless all of the
3following occur:
SB17,22,7 4(1) All parties to the proceeding from which the commission's order was issued
5are notified of the petition seeking an injunction, are given an opportunity to appear
6at a hearing prior to the issuance of the injunction and are made parties to the
7proceeding in circuit court.
SB17,22,12 8(2) The party seeking the injunction enters into an undertaking by at least 2
9sureties at a level that the circuit court finds sufficient to guarantee the payment of
10all damages the hospital may sustain by delaying the effect of the commission's order.
11This subsection does not apply to a hospital that was a party to the proceeding from
12which the commission's order was issued.
SB17,22,15 13196.9992 Expedited review, expedited cases and exempt hospitals. (1)
14The commission may promulgate rules under which hospitals meeting specific
15criteria receive expedited review of rate requests under this subchapter.
SB17,22,18 16(2) (a) A hospital whose gross annual patient revenue is less than $10,000,000,
17adjusted as provided in s. 196.9995, for the hospital's last fiscal year is eligible to
18receive automatic approval of its rate request if it meets all of the following criteria:
SB17,22,2019 1. The commission has conducted a complete review of the hospital's rates and
20has set the hospital's rates in a preceding year.
SB17,22,2321 2. The hospital requests a rate increase that is less than an inflationary index
22consisting of the average of the consumer price index and the hospital market basket
SB17,23,324 (b) Any hospital that receives automatic approval of its rate request under this
25subsection shall publish as a class 1 notice under ch. 985, in one or more newspapers

1likely to give notice to its patients and payers, a list of the price adjustments it is
2making to 100 of its charge elements as specified by the commission. The hospital
3shall publish this notice prior to implementing its rate increase.
SB17,23,54 (c) The commission may, by rule, extend automatic approval status under this
5subsection to other hospitals.
SB17,23,10 6(2m) The commission may grant hospitals whose gross annual patient revenue
7is less than $10,000,000, adjusted as provided in s. 196.9995, a rate increase that
8takes effect over a 2-year period with an automatic escalation clause taking effect
9at the end of the first year. A hospital that receives a 2-year rate increase is not
10required to request a rate increase at the end of the first year.
SB17,23,12 11(3) Any judicial proceeding affecting a rule or decision of the commission shall
12be heard and determined as expeditiously as possible.
SB17,23,16 13196.9993 Utilization review program. (1) The commission shall approve
14an all-patient utilization review program for each hospital that shall conform to
15requirements of federal regulations on utilization review programs. The commission
16may evaluate these programs as part of its monitoring functions under s. 196.994 (3).
SB17,23,22 17(2) The commission shall contract with one or more independent utilization
18review programs to develop review standards, and the commission may contract
19with any person to monitor implementation of these programs by hospitals and to
20perform peer review functions for hospitals that fail to meet the performance
21standards adopted by the commission. The commission may not contract with state
22agencies, other than the University of Wisconsin System, under this subsection.
SB17,24,2 23(3) Each utilization review program the commission approves shall include a
24general summary of utilization within the hospital. These programs need not

1otherwise be identical but shall meet minimum standards established by the
2commission and shall do all of the following:
SB17,24,43 (a) Evaluate the medical necessity or appropriateness of care relative to
4admissions, lengths of stay and ancillary services.
SB17,24,75 (b) Report to the commission, in conjunction with each hospital's submission
6of proposed financial requirements, any findings that it has made regarding
7unnecessary or inappropriate medical care utilization and associated costs.
SB17,24,12 8196.9994 Enforcement. (1) (a) Until the commission establishes different
9rates under this subchapter, no hospital may charge any payer an amount exceeding
10the rates established as of the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts
11date]. No hospital may charge any payer an amount exceeding the rates established
12under this subchapter.
SB17,24,1913 (b) The attorney general may seek a judicial remedy to enforce compliance with
14par. (a) if the attorney general first notifies the hospital and provides the hospital a
15reasonable time to correct a violation. The commission may seek a judicial remedy
16to enforce compliance with any statutory requirement or with any rule or order of the
17commission if it first notifies the hospital and provides the hospital a reasonable time
18to correct a violation. The commission shall commence any action under this
19paragraph in the circuit court for the county in which the hospital is located.
SB17,24,2320 (c) Any court that finds an intentional failure to comply with the rates under
21this subsection may impose a forfeiture of up to $5,000. Each week that a hospital
22continues its intentional failure to comply with the rates constitutes a separate
SB17,25,4 24(2) Neither a hospital nor a physician may be paid for a service that a
25utilization review program under s. 196.9993 determines is medically unnecessary

1or inappropriate. If the hospital or physician has already been paid, the hospital or
2physician shall reimburse the payer within 30 days. The commission may commence
3an action to enforce this subsection in the circuit court for the county in which the
4hospital is located.
SB17,25,7 5(3) Any court with jurisdiction over an action brought under this section may
6adopt remedies that it finds necessary to enforce compliance. Remedies under this
7section apply notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other remedy.
SB17,25,10 8(4) Any person who intentionally violates an order of a hearing examiner
9issued under s. 227.46 (7) to protect trade secrets in a contested case brought under
10this subchapter shall forfeit $5,000.
SB17,25,14 11196.9995 Annual adjustments. The limits on gross annual patient revenue
12in ss. 196.997 (1) (b) and 196.9992 (2) (a) (intro.) and (2m) shall be adjusted annually
13to reflect annual changes in the average of the consumer price index and the hospital
14market basket index.
SB17,25,15 15196.9996 Assessments. (1) In this section:
SB17,25,1816 (a) "Commercial insurance" includes a group or individual disability insurance
17policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), an employer's self-insured health care plan
18and worker's compensation.
SB17,25,2119 (b) "Deduction" means the portion of a charge that was incurred by a patient
20but was not received from 3rd-party payers or governmental or private payment.
21"Deduction" includes charity care but does not include bad debt.
SB17,25,2322 (c) "Expense" means the cost of operation, including bad debt, that is charged
23to a hospital during the hospital's fiscal year.
SB17,26,224 (d) "Gross patient revenue" means the total charges to medicare, as defined in
25s. 49.498 (1) (f), the medical assistance program, other public programs, commercial

1insurance and other self-payers or nonpublic payers, that are generated by a
2hospital from inpatient and outpatient services.
SB17,26,43 (e) "Net income" means total revenue and nonoperating gains in excess of
4expenses and nonoperating losses.
SB17,26,55 (f) "Net patient revenue" means gross patient revenue minus deductions.
SB17,26,76 (g) "Nonoperating gains" means gifts, donations, endowments, return on
7investments and any other gains that are not related to patient care.
SB17,26,108 (h) "Nonoperating losses" means state and federal corporate income and real
9estate taxes and other losses that are not directly related to patient care or
10hospital-related patient services.
SB17,26,1311 (i) "Other public programs" include programs operated by or contracted for by
12county departments under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 and the relief program under ch.
SB17,26,1614 (j) "Other revenue" means revenue from services, other than health care
15services, provided to patients and revenue from sales to and services provided to
SB17,26,1717 (k) "Total revenue" means the sum of net patient revenue and other revenue.
SB17,27,3 18(2) Beginning July 1, 1998, the commission shall, within 90 days after the
19commencement of each fiscal year, estimate the total amount of revenue required for
20administration by the commission of this subchapter during that fiscal year and
21assess that estimated total amount to hospitals, under the rates established by rule
22under s. 196.993 (2) and in proportion to each hospital's respective net income during
23the hospital's most recently concluded entire fiscal year. The commission may not
24assess under this subsection a hospital that has a net income of 3% or less over the
25net income for the hospital's next most recently concluded entire fiscal year. Each

1hospital that is assessed shall pay the assessment by the December 1 following the
2assessment. The commission shall credit all payments of assessments to the
3appropriation account under s. 20.155 (3) (gm).
SB17,27,6 4196.9998 Capital expenditure review program. (1) Applicability.
5Beginning on July 1, 1998, no person may do any of the following without first
6obtaining the commission's approval:
SB17,27,14 7(a) Except as provided in sub. (2), obligate for a capital expenditure, by or on
8behalf of a hospital, that exceeds $1,000,000. The cost of the studies, surveys, plans
9and other activities essential to the proposed capital expenditure shall be included
10in determining the value of the capital expenditure. Any donation of equipment or
11facilities that, if acquired directly, would be subject to review under this section is a
12capital expenditure. Any transfer of equipment or facilities for less than fair market
13value that, if transferred at fair market value, would be subject to review under this
14section is a capital expenditure.
SB17,27,19 15(b) Implement services new to the hospital that exceed $500,000 in a 12-month
16period, including an organ transplant program, burn center, neonatal intensive care
17program, cardiac program or air transport services; implement other services or
18programs specified by the commission by rule; or add psychiatric or chemical
19dependency beds.
SB17,27,23 20(c) Obligate for an expenditure by or on behalf of a hospital, independent
21practitioner, limited liability company, partnership, unincorporated medical group
22or service corporation, as defined in s. 180.1901 (2), that exceeds $500,000 for clinical
23medical equipment.
SB17,27,2424 (d) Purchase or otherwise acquire a hospital.
SB17,27,25 25(e) Construct or operate an ambulatory surgery center or a home health agency.
1(2) Exemptions from capital expenditure review. (a) Subsection (1) does not
2apply if a person has, prior to the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
3date], entered into a legally enforceable contract, promise or agreement with another
4to do any of the activities specified in sub. (1) (a) to (e).
SB17,28,11 5(b) A person may obligate for a capital expenditure by or on behalf of a hospital
6without obtaining the approval of the commission if the expenditure is for heating,
7air conditioning, ventilation, electrical systems, energy conservation,
8telecommunications, computer systems or nonsurgical outpatient services, unless
9any such expenditure is a constituent of another project reviewable under sub. (1)
10or unless any such expenditure would exceed 20% of a hospital's gross annual patient
11revenue for its last fiscal year.
SB17,28,12 12(3) Innovative medical technology exemption. (a) In this subsection:
SB17,28,17 131. "Clinical trial" means clinical research conducted under approved protocols
14in compliance with federal requirements applicable to investigations involving
15human subjects, including the requirement for an informed consent advising the
16patient clearly of the risks associated with participating in the clinical development
17and evaluation project.
SB17,28,20 182. "Innovative medical technology" means equipment or procedures that are
19potentially useful for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes and that introduce new
20technology in the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
SB17,28,25 21(b) The commission may grant an exemption from the requirements of approval
22under this section for the research, development and evaluation of innovative
23medical technology, the development of the clinical applications of this technology or
24the research, development and evaluation of a major enhancement to existing
25medical technology if all of the following occur:
11. The commission receives an application for an exemption from a person
2intending to undertake a capital expenditure in excess of $500,000 or intending to
3undertake a substantial change in a health service.
SB17,29,7 42. Prior to applying for an exemption, preliminary animal studies or
5preliminary clinical investigation establishes that the innovative medical
6technology or major enhancement to existing medical technology has a reasonable
7probability of advancing clinical diagnosis or therapy.
SB17,29,10 83. In the development and evaluation of the clinical applications, the applicant
9undertakes scientifically sound studies to determine clinical efficacy, safety,
10cost-effectiveness and appropriate utilization levels in a clinical setting.
SB17,29,14 114. The clinical trials, evaluation or research are conducted according to
12scientifically sound protocols subject to peer review and approval in accord with the
13requirements applicable to investigations and clinical evaluation involving human
SB17,29,16 155. The innovative medical technology is being installed to conduct necessary
16research, development and evaluation.
SB17,29,22 176. The applicant does not include any recovery of capital expenses incurred as
18part of an exemption under this subsection in its expense and revenue budget for
19purposes of rate setting until the applicant receives the approval of the federal food
20and drug administration and of the commission under this section for general
21medical use. The applicant may recover operating expenses only after all of the
22following occur:
SB17,29,23 23a. Approval by the federal food and drug administration for safety and efficacy.
SB17,29,2424 b. A 3rd party agrees to pay for these expenses.
1(c) The commission may not grant more than 2 exemptions for any particular
2type of innovative medical technology or for any particular major enhancement to
3existing medical technology.
SB17,30,9 4(4) Public hearing requirement. (a) Any person intending to undertake a
5project or activity subject to this section shall cause to be published a class 1 notice
6under ch. 985 in the official newspaper designated under s. 985.04 or 985.05 or, if
7none exists, in a newspaper likely to give notice in the area of the proposed project
8or activity. The notice shall describe the proposed project or activity and describe the
9time and place for the public hearing required under par. (b).
SB17,30,22 10(b) No sooner than 30 days after the date of publication of the notice under par.
11(a), the person shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed project or activity. The
12hearing shall be on the expected impact of the proposed project or activity on health
13care costs, the expected improvement, if any, in the local health care delivery system,
14and any other issue related to the proposed project or activity. Management staff,
15if any, of the person seeking to undertake the project or activity and, if possible, at
16least 3 members of the governing board of a not-for-profit health care provider, if
17any, seeking to undertake the project or activity shall attend the public hearing to
18review public testimony. The person seeking to undertake the project or activity
19shall record accurate minutes of the meeting, shall include copies of the minutes and
20any written testimony presented at the hearing in an application concerning the
21project or activity that is submitted under sub. (7) and shall submit the application
22within 10 days after the date of the public hearing.
SB17,31,2 23(5) Notification requirement. Any person intending to undertake a project
24subject to this section shall notify the commission in writing of this intent at least
2530 days prior to submitting an application for review. Any application expires unless

1the commission declares it complete within one year after the date the applicant
2notifies the commission of its intent to undertake the project.
SB17,31,7 3(6) Application fee. Each application for review of a project or activity subject
4to this section shall be accompanied by a fee that is established in rules promulgated
5by the commission. The commission shall promulgate rules that establish
6application fees that are sufficient to fund all of the commission's expenses under this
SB17,31,14 8(7) Review requirements. (a) The commission's review of an application
9begins on the date that it receives a completed application, including the fee under
10sub. (6). On or before the 20th day of the month following receipt of a completed
11application, the commission shall send a notice of receipt of a completed application
12to the applicant and shall publish a class 2 notice under ch. 985 containing this
13information in a daily newspaper with general circulation in the area where the
14proposed project would be located.
SB17,31,22 15(b) The commission may group applications for the same or similar types of
16facilities, services or applications that are proposed, for concurrent review. The
17commission shall base its review under this paragraph on a comparative analysis of
18these applications, using the criteria specified in sub. (8) and a ranking of its
19priorities. The applicant has the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the
20evidence, that each of the criteria specified in sub. (8) has been met or does not apply
21to the project. The commission shall, by rule, establish its review requirements
22under this paragraph.
SB17,32,3 23(8) Review criteria. The commission shall use the following criteria in
24reviewing each application under this section, plus any additional criteria that it
25develops by rule. The commission shall consider cost containment as its first priority

1in applying these criteria, and shall consider the recommendations and comments
2of affected parties. The commission may not approve any project under this section
3unless the applicant demonstrates all of the following:
SB17,32,4 4(a) The project is consistent with the state health services plan under sub. (16).
SB17,32,5 5(b) A need for the project, as determined by current and projected utilization.
SB17,32,8 6(c) The project would efficiently and economically use resources, including
7financing for capital investment and operating expenses, when measured against
8alternative uses of resources.
SB17,32,9 9(d) Sufficient cash reserves and cash flow to pay operating and capital costs.
SB17,32,13 10(e) Increases in operating and capital costs resulting from the project are
11reasonable, including the direct charge to the consumer and the charges to be paid
12by medical assistance and by disability insurers. The commission shall determine
13the effect on these rates of the applicant's project for review under this paragraph.
SB17,32,1414 (f) Financing is available at market rates.
SB17,32,15 15(g) Health care personnel are available and would be effectively used.
SB17,32,16 16(h) Proposed construction costs are consistent with industry averages.
SB17,32,18 17(j) Any proposed addition of area and construction or renovation alternatives
18are cost-effective.
SB17,32,19 19(k) The project is consistent with efficiency standards and criteria.
SB17,32,25 20(L) The applicant is participating in a utilization review program that is
21applicable to a statistical sampling of all hospital patients regardless of payment
22source, that requires public disclosure of all review data in a form useful to the
23commission but protects the identities of individual patients and health care
24professionals and that is conducted by persons who are free from any substantial
25conflict of interest.
1(m) The applicant has prepared a plan acceptable to the commission for the
2provision of health care to indigents.
SB17,33,7 3(9) Review process. (a) The commission shall hold a public meeting upon the
4request of an affected party to review projects seeking approval, at which all affected
5parties may present testimony. The commission may consider projects seeking
6approval that are within a related area at joint public meetings. The commission
7shall keep minutes or other record of testimony presented at the public meeting.
SB17,33,18 8(b) The commission shall issue an initial finding to approve or reject the project
9within 75 days after the date that it publishes its notice under sub. (7) (a), unless all
10applicants consent to an extension of this period. The commission may not require
11substantial modification of any project as a condition of approval without the
12applicant's consent. The commission may extend by 60 days the review cycle of all
13projects being reviewed concurrently under sub. (7) (b), if it finds that completing the
14reviews within 75 days after the date it publishes its notice under sub. (7) (a) is not
15practicable due to the volume of applications received. The commission shall submit
16its decision to the applicant. Unless the applicant makes a timely request for a
17hearing under par. (c), the commission's initial finding under this paragraph is its
18final action.