1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
July 24, 1997 - Introduced by Senator Roessler. Referred to Committee on
SB267,1,7 1An Act to renumber and amend 120.02 (3) (e); to amend 5.58 (3), 17.26 (1),
2120.02 (1), 120.02 (2) (a), 120.02 (2) (b), 120.02 (3) (a) 3., 120.02 (3) (b), 120.02
3(3) (c), 120.02 (4), 120.06 (2), 120.06 (3), 120.06 (7) (b), 120.06 (12) and 120.42
4(1) (a); and to create 5.15 (2) (f) 5., 5.58 (1g) (bm), 5.60 (4) (bm), 117.09 (6),
5117.11 (6), 117.12 (6), 117.13 (4), 117.132 (5), 120.02 (3) (e) 2. and 120.045 of the
6statutes; relating to: election of school board members from apportioned areas
7by the electors of those areas.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, school districts other than 1st class city school districts elect school
board members at large. Members may be elected to unnumbered seats, in which
those candidates who receive the greatest numbers of votes on a district-wide basis
are elected, to numbered seats, in which those candidates who receive the greatest
numbers of votes on a district-wide basis for each numbered seat are elected, or from
apportioned areas, in which those candidates residing in each apportioned area who
receive the greatest numbers of votes on a district-wide basis are elected.
Apportioned areas need not be equal in population.
This bill provides that when a school district elects school board members from
apportioned areas, only the electors of each apportioned area may vote in the election
to determine the winner from that area. To facilitate the change, all school districts

which, on October 1, 1998, elect school board members from apportioned areas must
reapportion the boundaries of their apportioned areas so that each apportioned area
consists of contiguous whole wards or municipalities and is equal in population,
insofar as practicable. The terms of all school board members in such districts expire
on the 4th Monday in April of 1999 and new school board members are elected from
the reapportioned areas at the 1999 spring election. In a unified school district in
which the school board receives a valid petition by October 1, 1998, requesting
discontinuance of the election of school board members from apportioned areas, the
bill provides for a referendum to be held on that question at the 1999 spring election
and for implementation to occur at the 2000 spring election if the question is rejected.
The bill also requires all school districts which elect school board members from
apportioned areas to reapportion the boundaries of their apportioned areas following
each federal decennial census to maintain population equality.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB267, s. 1 1Section 1. 5.15 (2) (f) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,2,42 5.15 (2) (f) 5. That part of a school district required to create an apportioned
3area under s. 120.02 (2) that has a population which is as nearly as practicable equal
4to other apportioned areas in the school district.
SB267, s. 2 5Section 2. 5.58 (1g) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,2,96 5.58 (1g) (bm) In a common, union high or unified school district that elects
7school board members from apportioned areas, there shall be a separate ballot giving
8the names of candidates for any seat to be filled on the school board from each
9apportioned area.
SB267, s. 3 10Section 3. 5.58 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,3,1311 5.58 (3) Names on spring ballot. Only 2 candidates for state superintendent,
12for any judicial office, for any elected seat on a metropolitan sewerage commission
13or town sanitary district commission, in counties having a population of 500,000 or
14more only 2 candidates for member of the board of supervisors within each district,

1in counties having a population of less than 500,000 only 2 candidates for each
2member of the county board of supervisors from each district or numbered seat or
3only 4 candidates for each 2 members of the county board of supervisors from each
4district whenever 2 supervisors are elected to unnumbered seats from the same
5district, in 1st class cities only 2 candidates for any at-large seat and only 2
6candidates from any election district to be elected to the board of school directors, in
7school districts electing school board members to numbered seats, or pursuant to an
8apportionment plan or district representation plan, only 2 school board candidates
9for each numbered seat or within for each district apportioned area, and twice as
10many candidates as are to be elected members of other school boards or other elective
11officers receiving the highest number of votes at the primary shall be nominees for
12the office at the spring election. Only their names shall appear on the official spring
SB267, s. 4 14Section 4. 5.60 (4) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,3,1815 5.60 (4) (bm) In a common, union high or unified school district that elects
16school board members from apportioned areas, there shall be a separate ballot giving
17the names of candidates for any seat to be filled on the school board from each
18apportioned area.
SB267, s. 5 19Section 5. 17.26 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,4,920 17.26 (1) In a common, union high or unified school district, by appointment
21by the remaining members. The loser of a tie vote at the last election for school board
22member shall be appointed upon his or her request to fill a vacancy if the vacancy
23occurs during the term for which the loser was a candidate, except that if the school
24district elects school board members from apportioned areas, the loser shall be
25appointed only to fill a vacancy that occurs within the apportioned area in which the

1loser was a candidate at the last election.
Each appointee shall hold office until a
2successor is elected and takes office under s. 120.06 (4) or 120.42 (2). When a vacancy
3occurs in the office of a board member who is in the last year of his or her term, or
4when a vacancy occurs after the spring election but on or before the last Tuesday in
5November in the office of a board member who is not in the last year of his or her term,
6the successor shall be elected at the next spring election. When a vacancy occurs
7after the last Tuesday in November and on or before the date of the next spring
8election in the office of a board member who is not in the last year of his or her term,
9the successor shall be elected at the 2nd following spring election.
SB267, s. 6 10Section 6. 117.09 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,4,1511 117.09 (6) Reapportionment. If only a portion of the territory of a school district
12is attached or detached under the order, and if the school board of the attaching or
13detaching school district is elected from apportioned areas, the school board of that
14school district shall reapportion the apportioned areas within the school district if
15required under s. 117.11 (6) in accordance with that subsection.
SB267, s. 7 16Section 7. 117.11 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,5,817 117.11 (6) Reapportionment. If the school board of the attaching or detaching
18school district is elected from apportioned areas, and the school district clerk of either
19school district determines that territory which is transferred between the school
20districts has a population that exceeds 2% of the population of that school district,
21the terms of office of all members of the school board of that school district shall
22expire on the 4th Monday of April following the effective date of the transfer. At the
23spring election preceding that date, new school board members shall be elected in
24accordance with s. 120.02 to represent the school district. No later than November
2515 following the effective date of the transfer the school board of the school district

1electing members from apportioned areas shall adopt a revised plan of
2apportionment for elections under s. 120.045. Notwithstanding s. 120.045, the
3apportioned areas contained in the plan need not consist of whole wards or
4municipalities, if the territory that is attached or detached does not consist of whole
5wards or municipalities, but the school district clerk shall attempt to determine the
6population of each apportioned area using the best evidence available and shall
7ensure that the population of each apportioned area is as nearly uniform as
SB267, s. 8 9Section 8. 117.12 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,5,1310 117.12 (6) Reapportionment. If the school board of the attaching or detaching
11school district is elected from apportioned areas, the school board of that school
12district shall reapportion the apportioned areas within the school district if required
13under s. 117.11 (6) in accordance with that subsection.
SB267, s. 9 14Section 9. 117.13 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,5,1815 117.13 (4) Reapportionment. If the school board of the attaching or detaching
16school district is elected from apportioned areas, the school board of that school
17district shall reapportion the apportioned areas within the school district if required
18under s. 117.11 (6) in accordance with that subsection.
SB267, s. 10 19Section 10. 117.132 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,5,2320 117.132 (5) Reapportionment. If the school board of the attaching or detaching
21school district is elected from apportioned areas, the school board of that school
22district shall reapportion the apportioned areas within the school district if required
23under s. 117.11 (6) in accordance with that subsection.
SB267, s. 11 24Section 11. 120.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1120.02 (1) Change in number of school board members. If, at least 30 days
2prior to the day of the annual school district meeting, in a common or union high
3school district, or at least 45 days prior to the day of the election of school board
4members in a unified school district, a petition conforming to the requirements of s.
58.40 requesting a change in the number of school board members is filed with the
6school district clerk the clerk shall incorporate in the notice of the annual meeting
7or election a statement that at the meeting or election the question of changing the
8number of school board members to the number requested in the petition will be
9voted upon. If the school district elects school board members under sub. (2), the
10petition shall specify a proposed reapportionment of the apportioned areas within
11the school district in such manner that each apportioned area consists of contiguous
12whole wards or municipalities and each apportioned area is of equal population,
13insofar as practicable. If the proposed apportioned areas are not of equal population,
14insofar as practicable, the petition is invalid. The petition is not subject to
15modification at the annual meeting.
The petition shall be signed by not less than 100
16electors residing in the school district, except that in school districts which contain,
17in whole or in part, a city of the 2nd or 3rd class, the petition shall be signed by not
18less than 500 electors residing in the school district. If, at the meeting or election of
19school board members, a resolution based on a petition requesting a change in the
20number of school board members is adopted by a majority vote, school board
21members shall be elected at the next school board election and thereafter in
22accordance with sub. (3).
SB267, s. 12 23Section 12. 120.02 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,7,2224 120.02 (2) (a) If, at least 30 days prior to the day of the annual meeting, in a
25common or union high school district, or at least 45 days prior to the day of the

1election of school board members in a unified school district, a petition conforming
2to the requirements of s. 8.40 requesting the establishment of a plan of
3apportionment of school board members is filed with the school district clerk the
4clerk shall incorporate notice of receipt of such petition in the notice of the annual
5meeting or election. The petition shall specify the proposed plan of apportionment
6of school board members among the cities, towns and villages or parts thereof within
7the school district and set the total number of school board members at not more than
811. The proposed plan shall divide the school district into apportioned areas
9consisting of contiguous whole wards or municipalities of equal population, insofar
10as practicable. If the proposed apportioned areas are not of equal population, insofar
11as practicable, the petition is invalid. The proposed plan is not subject to
12modification at the annual meeting. Apportioned areas established under a plan
13shall remain in effect until the school board reapportions the areas under s. 120.045,
14unless the plan is discontinued earlier.
The petition shall be signed by not less than
15100 electors residing in the school district, except that in school districts which
16contain, in whole or in part, a city of the 2nd or 3rd class the petition shall be signed
17by not less than 500 electors residing in the school district. If a majority vote of the
18annual meeting or election approves the plan set forth in the petition, the plan shall
19remain in operation until revised by the same procedure. School board members
20elected under this subsection shall be elected by a vote of the electors of the entire
21school district
each apportioned area in accordance with the plan prepared under
22sub. (3).
SB267, s. 13 23Section 13. 120.02 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,8,324 120.02 (2) (b) An order of school district reorganization issued under s. 117.08,
25117.09 or 117.27 may contain such a plan of apportionment of school board members,

1and the
. In such case, the order shall contain a description of the apportioned areas
2to be created within the school district in accordance with s. 120.045. The

3determination of terms of school board members shall be as provided in sub. (3).
SB267, s. 14 4Section 14. 120.02 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,8,145 120.02 (3) (a) 3. An allocation of the number of candidates to be elected to 1,
62 and 3 year terms at the first election, the. If the school district elects school board
7members at large, the
3-year terms to shall be filled by the appropriate number of
8candidates receiving the highest number of votes, the 2-year terms to shall be filled
9by the appropriate number of candidates receiving the next highest number of votes
10and the 1-year terms to shall be filled by the appropriate number of candidates
11receiving the next highest number of votes. If the school district elects school board
12members from apportioned areas, the plan shall designate which apportioned areas
13shall elect school board members to initial 3-year terms, 2-year terms and 1-year
SB267, s. 15 15Section 15. 120.02 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,8,2416 120.02 (3) (b) In case of If the school district elects school board members at
17large and there is
a tie vote in the election of school board members, the election shall
18be determined by lot and the loser by lot shall become next in order of election if
19additional positions on the school board are to be filled. If the school district elects
20school board members from apportioned areas and there is a tie vote between the
21candidates for the seat representing one apportioned area, the election shall be
22determined by lot and the loser may fill any vacancy that occurs within the same
23apportioned area in which the loser is a candidate before the next election from that
24apportioned area under s. 17.26 (1).
SB267, s. 16 25Section 16. 120.02 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1120.02 (3) (c) The If the school district elects school board members at large,
tenure of school board members whose terms have not expired shall not be
3affected. If the school district elects school board members from apportioned areas,
4the terms of all incumbent members shall expire on the 4th Tuesday of April
5following the election at which the plan is implemented.
SB267, s. 17 6Section 17. 120.02 (3) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 120.02 (3) (e) (intro.)
7and amended to read:
SB267,9,98 120.02 (3) (e) (intro.) Whenever a school district with more than 3 school board
9members votes to reduce the number of school board members, one:
SB267,9,13 101. If the school district elects school board members at large, one less school
11board member shall be elected annually thereafter until the school board is reduced
12to the approved number of members, but not less than one member shall be elected
13each year.
SB267, s. 18 14Section 18. 120.02 (3) (e) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,9,1815 120.02 (3) (e) 2. If the school district elects school board members from
16apportioned areas, new members shall be elected to fill all seats on the school board
17at the first election following adoption of the change in the number of school board
SB267, s. 19 19Section 19. 120.02 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,9,2520 120.02 (4) Election to numbered seats. If a school district elects members of
21the school board at large and if
, at least 30 days prior to the day of the annual
22meeting, in a common or union high school district, or at least 45 days prior to the
23day of the election of school board members in a unified school district, a petition
24conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 which sets forth a plan for the assignment
25of a number to each seat on the school board is filed with the school district clerk, the

1school district clerk shall incorporate notice of receipt of such petition in the notice
2of the annual meeting or election required under s. 120.06 (8) (c). The petition shall
3be signed by not less than 100 electors residing in the school district, except that in
4school districts which contain, in whole or in part, a city of the 2nd or 3rd class, the
5petition shall be signed by not less than 500 electors residing in the school district.
6If a majority vote of the annual meeting or election approves the plan set forth in the
7petition, the plan shall remain in operation until revised by the same procedure.
SB267, s. 20 8Section 20. 120.045 of the statutes is created to read:
SB267,11,4 9120.045 Reapportionment of apportioned areas within school
In a common, union high or unified school district in which the school
11board members are elected from apportioned areas, within 60 days after the
12municipal governing body of each municipality that is wholly or partly contained
13within the school district enacts an ordinance or adopts a resolution under s. 5.15
14dividing the municipality into wards, if the municipality is required to do so, or
15otherwise within 60 days after the necessary population data becomes available from
16the federal government or is published by an agency of this state, the school board
17shall, by vote of a majority of the members of the board, adopt a revised plan for the
18apportioned areas of the school district. Each apportioned area under the plan shall
19consist of contiguous whole wards or municipalities and shall be equal in population
20insofar as practicable. The plan shall designate the length of terms of school board
21members who are initially elected under the plan in accordance with s. 120.02 (3) (a)
223. Except as otherwise required under ss. 117.09 (6), 117.11 (6), 117.12 (6), 117.13
23(4) and 117.132 (5), the plan shall be effective until the school board adopts a revised
24plan under this section following the next federal decennial census, unless the
25method of election of school board members is changed prior to that date or unless

1a court of competent jurisdiction orders the school board to revise the plan at an
2earlier date. If the school board is ordered to revise the plan, the revised plan shall
3be effective until the school board adopts a revised plan under this section following
4the next federal decennial census.
SB267, s. 21 5Section 21. 120.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,11,106 120.06 (2) School board members shall be electors of the school district and
7shall be elected at large by a plurality vote of the electors of the school district unless
8the school district elects school board members from apportioned areas, in which case
9the school board members shall be elected by a plurality vote of the electors of the
10apportioned areas from which they seek office
SB267, s. 22 11Section 22. 120.06 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,11,1312 120.06 (3) The regular terms of school board members shall be 3 years, except
13as otherwise provided under s. ss.17.26, 117.11 (6) and 120.02 (3) (c).
SB267, s. 23 14Section 23. 120.06 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB267,12,215 120.06 (7) (b) The school board shall require a primary election if there are
16more than 2 candidates for any seat on a 3-member board or more than twice as
17many candidates as there are members to be elected to an unnumbered school board
18of more than 3 members. In school districts in which a plan of apportionment of
19school board members under s. 120.02 (2) or a plan for election of school board
20members to numbered seats has been adopted, the school board shall require a
21primary election for particular apportioned areas for which there are more than
22twice as many candidates as there are members to be elected and for any numbered
23seat for which there are more than 2 candidates. In a primary election for school
24board members to represent an apportioned area, only electors of the apportioned
25area within the school district where the election is held may vote in the election.

1When there is a primary election it shall be held in conjunction with the spring
SB267, s. 24 3Section 24. 120.06 (12) of the statutes is amended to read: