SB308,9,4 4408.102 Definitions. (1) In this chapter:
SB308,9,75 (a) "Adverse claim" means a claim that a claimant has a property interest in
6a financial asset and that it is a violation of the rights of the claimant for another
7person to hold, transfer or deal with the financial asset.
SB308,9,108 (b) "Bearer form", as applied to a certificated security, means a form in which
9the security is payable to the bearer of the security certificate according to its terms
10but not by reason of an endorsement.
SB308,9,1211 (c) "Broker" means a person defined as a broker or dealer under the federal
12securities laws, but without excluding a bank acting in that capacity.
SB308,9,1313 (d) "Certificated security" means a security that is represented by a certificate.
SB308,9,1414 (e) "Clearing corporation" means:
SB308,9,1615 1. A person that is registered as a "clearing agency" under the federal securities
SB308,9,1717 2. A federal reserve bank; or
SB308,9,2218 3. Any other person that provides clearance or settlement services with respect
19to financial assets that would require it to register as a clearing agency under the
20federal securities laws but for an exclusion or exemption from the registration
21requirement, if its activities as a clearing corporation, including promulgation of
22rules, are subject to regulation by a federal or state governmental authority.
SB308,9,2323 (f) "Communicate" means to:
SB308,9,2424 1. Send a signed writing; or
12. Transmit information by any mechanism agreed upon by the persons
2transmitting and receiving the information.
SB308,10,63 (fm) "Endorsement" means a signature that alone or accompanied by other
4words is made on a security certificate in registered form or on a separate document
5for the purpose of assigning, transferring or redeeming the security or granting a
6power to assign, transfer or redeem it.
SB308,10,107 (g) "Entitlement holder" means a person identified in the records of a securities
8intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the securities
9intermediary. If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of s. 408.501 (2)
10(b) or (c), that person is the entitlement holder.
SB308,10,1311 (h) "Entitlement order" means a notification communicated to a securities
12intermediary directing transfer or redemption of a financial asset to which the
13entitlement holder has a security entitlement.
SB308,10,1414 (i) 1. "Financial asset", except as otherwise provided in s. 408.103, means:
SB308,10,1515 a. A security;
SB308,10,1916 b. An obligation of a person or a share, participation, or other interest in a
17person or in property or an enterprise of a person, which is, or is of a type, dealt in
18or traded on financial markets, or which is recognized in any area in which it is issued
19or dealt in as a medium for investment; or
SB308,10,2220 c. Any property that is held by a securities intermediary for another person in
21a securities account if the securities intermediary has expressly agreed with the
22other person that the property is to be treated as a financial asset under this chapter.
SB308,10,2523 2. As context requires, "financial asset" means either the interest itself or the
24means by which a person's claim to it is evidenced, including a certificated or
25uncertificated security, a security certificate or a security entitlement.
1(j) "Good faith", for purposes of the obligation of good faith in the performance
2or enforcement of contracts or duties within this chapter, means honesty in fact and
3the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing.
SB308,11,64 (L) "Instruction" means a notification communicated to the issuer of an
5uncertificated security which directs that the transfer of the security be registered
6or that the security be redeemed.
SB308,11,87 (m) "Registered form", as applied to a certificated security, means a form in
SB308,11,99 1. The security certificate specifies a person entitled to the security; and
SB308,11,1110 2. A transfer of the security may be registered upon books maintained for that
11purpose by or on behalf of the issuer, or the security certificate so states.
SB308,11,1212 (n) "Securities intermediary" means:
SB308,11,1313 1. A clearing corporation; or
SB308,11,1514 2. A person, including a bank or broker, that in the ordinary course of its
15business maintains securities accounts for others and is acting in that capacity.
SB308,11,1816 (o) "Security", except as otherwise provided in s. 408.103, means an obligation
17of an issuer or a share, participation or other interest in an issuer or in property or
18an enterprise of an issuer:
SB308,11,2119 1. Which is represented by a security certificate in bearer or registered form,
20or the transfer of which may be registered upon books maintained for that purpose
21by or on behalf of the issuer;
SB308,11,2322 2. Which is one of a class or series or by its terms is divisible into a class or series
23of shares, participations, interests or obligations; and
SB308,11,2424 3. Which:
1a. Is, or is of a type, dealt in or traded on securities exchanges or securities
2markets; or
SB308,12,43 b. Is a medium for investment and by its terms expressly provides that it is a
4security governed by this chapter.
SB308,12,55 (p) "Security certificate" means a certificate representing a security.
SB308,12,76 (q) "Security entitlement" means the rights and property interest of an
7entitlement holder with respect to a financial asset specified in subch. V.
SB308,12,98 (r) "Uncertificated security" means a security that is not represented by a
SB308,12,11 10(2) Other definitions applying to this chapter and the sections in which they
11appear are:
SB308,12,1212 (a) "Appropriate person" — s. 408.107 (1).
SB308,12,1313 (b) "Control" — s. 408.106.
SB308,12,1414 (c) "Delivery" — s. 408.301.
SB308,12,1515 (d) "Investment company security" — s. 408.103 (2).
SB308,12,1616 (e) "Issuer" — s. 408.201.
SB308,12,1717 (f) "Overissue" — s. 408.210 (1).
SB308,12,1818 (g) "Protected purchaser" — s. 408.303 (1).
SB308,12,1919 (h) "Securities account" — s. 408.501 (1).
SB308,12,21 20(3) In addition, ch. 401 contains general definitions and principles of
21construction and interpretation applicable throughout this chapter.
SB308,12,24 22(4) The characterization of a person, business or transaction for purposes of
23this chapter does not determine the characterization of the person, business or
24transaction for purposes of any other law, regulation or rule.
1408.103 Rules for determining whether certain obligations and
2interests are securities or financial assets. (1)
A share or similar equity
3interest issued by a corporation, business trust, joint stock company or similar entity
4is a security.
SB308,13,11 5(2) An "investment company security" is a security. In this chapter,
6"investment company security" means a share or similar equity interest issued by
7an entity that is registered as an investment company under the federal investment
8company laws, an interest in a unit investment trust that is so registered, or a
9face-amount certificate issued by a face-amount certificate company that is so
10registered. "Investment company security" does not include an insurance policy or
11endowment policy or annuity contract issued by an insurance company.
SB308,13,16 12(3) An interest in a partnership or limited liability company is not a security
13unless it is dealt in or traded on securities exchanges or in securities markets, its
14terms expressly provide that it is a security governed by this chapter or it is an
15investment company security. However, an interest in a partnership or limited
16liability company is a financial asset if it is held in a securities account.
SB308,13,20 17(4) A writing that is a security certificate is governed by this chapter and not
18by ch. 403, even though it also meets the requirements of that chapter. However, a
19negotiable instrument governed by ch. 403 is a financial asset if it is held in a
20securities account.
SB308,13,22 21(5) An option or similar obligation issued by a clearing corporation to its
22participants is not a security, but is a financial asset.
SB308,13,24 23(6) A commodity contract, as defined in s. 409.115 (1) (b), is not a security or
24a financial asset.
1408.104 Acquisition of security or financial asset or interest therein.
A person acquires a security or an interest therein, under this chapter, if:
SB308,14,43 (a) The person is a purchaser to whom a security is delivered pursuant to s.
4408.301; or
SB308,14,65 (b) The person acquires a security entitlement to the security pursuant to s.
SB308,14,9 7(2) A person acquires a financial asset, other than a security, or an interest
8therein, under this chapter, if the person acquires a security entitlement to the
9financial asset.
SB308,14,13 10(3) A person who acquires a security entitlement to a security or other financial
11asset has the rights specified in subch. V, but is a purchaser of any security, security
12entitlement or other financial asset held by the securities intermediary only to the
13extent provided in s. 408.503.
SB308,14,18 14(4) Unless the context shows that a different meaning is intended, a person who
15is required by other law, regulation, rule or agreement to transfer, deliver, present,
16surrender, exchange or otherwise put in the possession of another person a security
17or financial asset satisfies that requirement by causing the other person to acquire
18an interest in the security or financial asset pursuant to sub. (1) or (2).
SB308,14,20 19408.105 Notice of adverse claim. (1) A person has notice of an adverse claim
SB308,14,2121 (a) The person knows of the adverse claim;
SB308,14,2422 (b) The person is aware of facts sufficient to indicate that there is a significant
23probability that the adverse claim exists and deliberately avoids information that
24would establish the existence of the adverse claim; or
1(c) The person has a duty, imposed by statute or regulation, to investigate
2whether an adverse claim exists, and the investigation so required would establish
3the existence of the adverse claim.
SB308,15,9 4(2) Having knowledge that a financial asset or interest therein is or has been
5transferred by a representative imposes no duty of inquiry into the rightfulness of
6a transaction and is not notice of an adverse claim. However, a person who knows
7that a representative has transferred a financial asset or interest therein in a
8transaction that is, or whose proceeds are being used, for the individual benefit of the
9representative or otherwise in breach of duty has notice of an adverse claim.
SB308,15,14 10(3) An act or event that creates a right to immediate performance of the
11principal obligation represented by a security certificate or sets a date on or after
12which the certificate is to be presented or surrendered for redemption or exchange
13does not itself constitute notice of an adverse claim except in the case of a transfer
14more than:
SB308,15,1615 (a) One year after a date set for presentment or surrender for redemption or
16exchange; or
SB308,15,1817 (b) Six months after a date set for payment of money against presentation or
18surrender of the certificate, if money was available for payment on that date.
SB308,15,20 19(4) A purchaser of a certificated security has notice of an adverse claim if the
20security certificate:
SB308,15,2221 (a) Whether in bearer or registered form, has been endorsed "for collection" or
22"for surrender" or for some other purpose not involving transfer; or
SB308,15,2523 (b) Is in bearer form and has on it an unambiguous statement that it is the
24property of a person other than the transferor, but the mere writing of a name on the
25certificate is not such a statement.
1(5) Filing of a financing statement under ch. 409 is not notice of an adverse
2claim to a financial asset.
SB308,16,4 3408.106 Control. (1) A purchaser has "control" of a certificated security in
4bearer form if the certificated security is delivered to the purchaser.
SB308,16,6 5(2) A purchaser has "control" of a certificated security in registered form if the
6certificated security is delivered to the purchaser and:
SB308,16,87 (a) The certificate is endorsed to the purchaser or in blank by an effective
8endorsement; or
SB308,16,109 (b) The certificate is registered in the name of the purchaser, upon original
10issue or registration of transfer by the issuer.
SB308,16,11 11(3) A purchaser has "control" of an uncertificated security if:
SB308,16,1212 (a) The uncertificated security is delivered to the purchaser; or
SB308,16,1413 (b) The issuer has agreed that it will comply with instructions originated by the
14purchaser without further consent by the registered owner.
SB308,16,15 15(4) A purchaser has "control" of a security entitlement if:
SB308,16,1616 (a) The purchaser becomes the entitlement holder; or
SB308,16,1917 (b) The securities intermediary has agreed that it will comply with entitlement
18orders originated by the purchaser without further consent by the entitlement
SB308,16,22 20(5) If an interest in a security entitlement is granted by the entitlement holder
21to the entitlement holder's own securities intermediary, the securities intermediary
22has control.
SB308,17,3 23(6) A purchaser who has satisfied the requirements of sub. (3) (b) or (4) (b) has
24control even if the registered owner in the case of sub. (3) (b) or the entitlement holder
25in the case of sub. (4) (b) retains the right to make substitutions for the uncertificated

1security or security entitlement, to originate instructions or entitlement orders to the
2issuer or securities intermediary or otherwise to deal with the uncertificated security
3or security entitlement.
SB308,17,10 4(7) An issuer or a securities intermediary may not enter into an agreement of
5the kind described in sub. (3) (b) or (4) (b) without the consent of the registered owner
6or entitlement holder, but an issuer or a securities intermediary is not required to
7enter into such an agreement even though the registered owner or entitlement
8holder so directs. An issuer or securities intermediary that has entered into such an
9agreement is not required to confirm the existence of the agreement to another party
10unless requested to do so by the registered owner or entitlement holder.
SB308,17,12 11408.107 Whether endorsement, instruction or entitlement order is
12effective. (1)
In this chapter, "appropriate person" means:
SB308,17,1413 (a) With respect to an endorsement, the person specified by a security
14certificate or by an effective special endorsement to be entitled to the security;
SB308,17,1615 (b) With respect to an instruction, the registered owner of an uncertificated
SB308,17,1717 (c) With respect to an entitlement order, the entitlement holder;