1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
October 29, 1997 - Introduced by Senator Burke, cosponsored by Representative
Jensen. Referred to Joint committee on Finance.
SB335,1,11 1An Act to renumber 94.73 (15); to amend 13.489 (2) and 46.46 (2); and to create
223.36, 84.03 (2), 85.05 and 94.73 (15) (b) of the statutes; relating to: evaluating
3proposed major highway projects; adjustments to appropriations of the
4department of transportation to reflect federal highway aid changes; joint
5committee on finance approval of any plan for the expenditure of income
6augmentation funds for any purpose other than augmenting federal revenues;
7agreement between the department of natural resources and Indian tribes or
8bands concerning the issuing of fishing or hunting approvals or the registration
9of all-terrain vehicles, boats or snowmobiles; a study on paving state bicycle
10trails; adjustment of agricultural chemical cleanup surcharges; and requiring
11the exercise of rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law requires that any major highway project, unlike other construction
projects undertaken by the department of transportation (DOT), receive the
approval of the transportation projects commission (TPC) and the legislature before
the project may be constructed. A major highway project is a project having a total
cost of more than $5,000,000 and involving construction of a new highway 2.5 miles
or more in length; reconstruction or reconditioning of an existing highway that
relocates at least 2.5 miles of the highway or adds one or more lanes 5 miles or more

in length to the highway; or improvement of an existing multilane divided highway
to freeway standards.
This bill requires DOT to promulgate rules by April 1, 1998, establishing a
process for numerically evaluating projects considered for enumeration as a major
highway project. The rules must establish a minimum score that a project must meet
or exceed before DOT may recommend the project to the TPC for enumeration.
This bill requires DOT to submit each fiscal year to the joint committee on
finance (JCF) for its review a plan regarding appropriation adjustments by DOT that
are necessary to reflect the actual levels of federal highway aid for this state for the
applicable federal year. The plan must be submitted by December 1 (except in the
1997-98 fiscal year) or, if applicable federal legislation has not been enacted, within
30 days of such enactment. The plan's appropriation adjustments may not be
implemented without the approval of JCF.
Health and family services
Under current law, the department of health and family services (DHFS) may
expend federal foster care and adoption assistance, medicare and medical assistance
funds that are received as a result of income augmentation activities for which the
state has contracted (income augmentation funds) to support costs that are
exclusively related to the operational costs of augmenting federal revenues. Current
law also permits DHFS to expend income augmentation funds for purposes that are
not exclusively related to the operational costs of augmenting federal revenues, but
only if the secretary of administration approves a plan submitted to him or her by
DHFS for the proposed use of those funds for those purposes. This bill requires the
secretary of administration, if he or she approves a plan submitted by DHFS, to
submit the plan to JCF. Under the bill, if the cochairpersons of JCF do not notify the
secretary of administration within 14 days after the date of submittal of the plan that
JCF has scheduled a meeting to review the plan, DHFS may implement the plan.
If, however, within those 14 days the cochairpersons of JCF notify the secretary of
administration that JCF has scheduled a meeting to review the plan, DHFS may
implement the plan only with the approval of JCF.
Natural resources
Under current law, the department of natural resources (DNR) issues fishing
licenses and stamps (fishing approvals) and also administers the registration
program for snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Under current law, if DNR
and the Lac du Flambeau band of the Lake Superior Chippewa (Lac du Flambeau)
have in effect an agreement under which the Lac du Flambeau agree to limit their
treaty-based, off-reservation rights to fish, the Lac du Flambeau may elect to do any
of the following:
1. Issue fishing approvals that are equivalent to fishing approvals issued by
2. Issue most DNR fishing approvals.
3. Register snowmobiles.
4. Register ATVs.

Current law imposes restrictions on the amount of the fees that the Lac du
Flambeau may collect or retain for these approvals and registrations and the
purposes for which the Lac du Flambeau may use the fees.
This bill requires approval by JCF of any other agreement between DNR and
any Indian tribe or band (tribe) if the agreement affects the harvesting of fish or game
in the state and if the agreement allows the tribe to issue hunting or fishing
approvals to nontribal members or allows the tribe to register snowmobiles, boats or
ATVs belonging to nontribal members.
This bill requires that DNR submit a report to the legislature on the feasibility
of paving state bicycle trails.
Under current law, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
protection (DATCP) collects surcharges related to pesticides, fertilizers and soil or
plant additives. The surcharges are used to fund the agricultural chemical cleanup
program. The surcharges are set by statute, except that DATCP may, by rule, adjust
the amount of the surcharges in order to maintain funding of between $2,000,000
and $5,000,000 for the agricultural chemical cleanup program at the end of each
fiscal year. DATCP may not increase the surcharges above the amounts set by
This bill provides that, if DATCP proposes to promulgate an emergency rule
changing the amount of agricultural chemical cleanup surcharges, DATCP must
first notify JCF. If, within 14 days after the notification, the cochairpersons of JCF
notify DATCP that JCF has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed emergency
rule, DATCP may not begin the emergency rule-making process until JCF approves
the proposed rule.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB335, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.489 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB335,3,62 13.489 (2) Department to report proposed projects. The Subject to s. 85.05,
department of transportation shall report to the commission not later than
4September 15 of each even-numbered year and at such other times as required under
5s. 84.013 (6) concerning its recommendations for adjustments in the major highway
6projects program under s. 84.013.
SB335, s. 2 7Section 2. 23.36 of the statutes is created to read:
123.36 Natural resources agreements with federally recognized
2American Indian tribes and bands.
(1) In this section, "tribe or band" means a
3federally recognized American Indian tribe or band.
SB335,4,7 4(2) Before the department and a tribe or band enter into any agreement that
5affects the regulation of the harvest of fish or game in the state, the department shall
6first obtain the approval of the proposed agreement by the joint committee on finance
7if the proposed agreement will authorize or recognize any of the following:
SB335,4,98 (a) The issuance by the tribe or band of hunting or fishing approvals under ch.
929 to persons who are not members of the tribe or band.
SB335,4,1210 (b) The registration or certification by the tribe or band of all-terrain vehicles,
11boats or snowmobiles that are not owned by persons who are members of the tribe
12or band.
SB335, s. 3 13Section 3. 46.46 (2) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
14amended to read:
SB335,5,215 46.46 (2) If the department proposes to use any moneys from the appropriation
16account under s. 20.435 (8) (mb) for any purpose other than the purpose specified in
17sub. (1), the department shall submit a plan for the proposed use of those moneys to
18the secretary of administration. If the secretary of administration approves the plan,
19he or she shall submit the plan to the joint committee on finance. If the
20cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary of administration within
2114 working days after the date of submittal of the plan that the committee has
22scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the plan, the department may
23implement the plan. If within 14 working days after the date of the submittal by the
24secretary of administration the cochairpersons of the committee notify him or her

1that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the plan,

2the department may implement the plan only with the approval of the committee.
SB335, s. 4 3Section 4. 84.03 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB335,5,124 84.03 (2) Appropriation adjustments. (a) In the 1997-98 fiscal year and in
5each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall submit to the joint committee on
6finance for review and approval a plan identifying how the department proposes to
7adjust its appropriations for the applicable fiscal year to reflect the actual levels of
8federal aid for this state for that fiscal year under the federal Intermodal Surface
9Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, as amended, or a substantially similar
10subsequent federal legislative act establishing levels of federal aid for this state. The
11plan shall be submitted not later than December 1, or 30 days after the applicable
12federal legislation for that fiscal year has been enacted, whichever is later.
SB335,5,1413 (b) The appropriation adjustments in a plan submitted under par. (a) may not
14be implemented as proposed without the approval of the joint committee on finance.
SB335, s. 5 15Section 5. 85.05 of the statutes is created to read:
SB335,5,23 1685.05 Evaluation of proposed major highway projects. The department
17by rule shall establish a procedure for numerically evaluating projects considered for
18enumeration under s. 84.013 (3) as a major highway project. The evaluation
19procedure may include any criteria that the department considers relevant. The
20rules shall establish a minimum score that a project shall meet or exceed when
21evaluated under the procedure established under this section before the department
22may recommend the project to the transportation projects commission for
23consideration under s. 13.489.
SB335, s. 6 24Section 6. 94.73 (15) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
25renumbered 94.73 (15) (a).
SB335, s. 7
1Section 7. 94.73 (15) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB335,6,112 94.73 (15) (b) If the department proposes to promulgate a rule under par. (a)
3using the procedures under s. 227.24, the department shall notify the cochairpersons
4of the joint committee on finance before beginning those procedures. If the
5cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary that the committee has
6scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed rule, the department
7may begin the procedures under s. 227.24. If, within 14 working days after the date
8of the department's notification, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
9secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing
10the proposed rule, the department may not begin the procedures under s. 227.24
11until the committee approves the proposed rule.
SB335, s. 9137 12Section 9137. Nonstatutory provisions; natural resources.
SB335,6,1813 (1) Report on paving bicycle trails. By July 1, 1998, the department of natural
14resources shall submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
15distribution to the appropriate standing committees in the manner provided in
16section 13.172 (3) of the statutes on the feasibility of paving state bicycle trails,
17including factors such as the effects of paving on trail maintenance and usage and
18the applicability to this state of similar efforts in other states.
SB335, s. 9149 19Section 9149. Nonstatutory provisions; transportation.
SB335,6,2520 (1) Appropriation adjustments. Notwithstanding section 84.03 (2) (a) of the
21statutes, as created by this act, the department of transportation shall submit the
22plan required under section 84.03 (2) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, for
23fiscal year 1997-98 not later than 30 days after the effective date of this subsection,
24or 30 days after the applicable federal legislation for fiscal year 1997-98 has been
25enacted, whichever is later.
1(2) Evaluation of proposed major highway projects. The secretary of
2transportation shall submit in proposed form the rules required under section 85.05
3of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section
4227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than April 1, 1998.
SB335,7,55 (End)