1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
January 20, 1998 - Introduced by Senator C. Potter, by request of Ginger Larson,
Director of the Office of Credit Unions. Referred to Committee on Labor,
Transportation and Financial Institutions.
SB407,1,8 1An Act to repeal 186.01 (3), 186.01 (3g), 186.01 (6), 186.02 (2) (a) 5k., 186.02 (2)
2(f), 186.08 (1m) (f), 186.08 (1m) (g) and 186.113 (11); to amend 186.015 (5),
3186.07 (5) (c), 186.07 (6), 186.071 (1) (a), 186.071 (1) (b), 186.08 (1m) (c), 186.098
4(13), 186.10 (2), 186.113 (1), 186.12 (2), 186.13, 220.285 (1), 708.10 (1) (e) 2. and
5708.10 (1) (e) 3.; to repeal and recreate 186.19; and to create 186.113 (1m)
6(title) and 186.113 (23) of the statutes; relating to: "good funds" requirements
7for loan closings and the powers and duties of credit unions and their directors,
8officers, employes and members.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes a number of changes to the laws governing credit unions. In
particular, the bill does the following:
1. Share deposits and deposit accounts. Current law provides that credit
unions may offer a deposit account, which is defined to mean an account treated as
any form of savings. The definition does not provide that deposits in a deposit
account confer membership rights. Current law also refers to a share deposit, which
is defined to mean a balance that is established and maintained by a person at a
credit union that confers membership rights to that person. This bill repeals
references to deposit accounts and instead refers to share deposits throughout the
statutes governing credit unions. The bill also eliminates references to interest on
deposits and instead refers to dividends on share deposits.
2. Hearings and appeals. Under current law, a person who is aggrieved by
an act of the office of credit unions can appeal the act to the credit union review board.
The review board must dispose of the review application within 60 days after the date

on which it was received. This bill amends this provision to provide that, if the review
board designates a hearing examiner, the review board has 180 days to dispose of the
matter. Current law requires a board of directors of a credit union to allow a director
that it has removed from office an opportunity to appeal that board's decision to the
board. This bill amends the provision to provide that, if the removed director
petitions the board of directors to reverse its decision and the board of directors does
not reverse its decision, the removed director may appeal the decision to the office
of credit unions. The bill grants the office of credit unions the authority to reinstate
the removed director, if the office determines that the removal was improper.
The bill also affects the hearing rights of members who are expelled by the
board. Current law requires that expelled members be given notice of their right to
a hearing before the board of directors and that the board shall give the member an
opportunity to be heard within 90 days after the date of the expulsion notice. The
bill amends this provision to require that the expelled member request any hearing
in writing within 45 days of receipt of the expulsion notice, and that the expulsion
notice inform the expelled member of the time period for requesting a hearing.
3. Bonding. Current law requires the bylaws of a credit union to prescribe the
type and amount of a bond required to be maintained on behalf of a director. This
bill eliminates the requirement that the bond requirements be placed in the bylaws.
Instead the bill directs the board of directors to set the type and amount of bond
required for directors, officers and employes of the credit union. The credit union is
required to maintain the necessary bonds for directors, officers and employes
according to standards prescribed by the national credit union administration board.
Current law requires the removal of a director if the director is unable to be bonded
for all activities of the credit union. This bill modifies the provision to refer to require
removal of a director only if the director cannot be bonded in accordance with the
standards set by the board of directors.
4. Confidentiality. Current law requires credit union directors, officers and
employes to take an oath of office to keep confidential the financial affairs of credit
union members, unless state and federal laws, security requirements or sound
lending practices require disclosure. This bill amends the provision to require
confidentiality unless state and federal laws, security requirements or sound lending
practices permit, rather than require, disclosure. The bill also modifies the
confidentiality provisions of the oath to cover the deliberations of the board of
directors, unless state or federal law permits disclosure.
5. Miscellaneous changes. The bill provides credit unions with the authority
to accept investments made by state or federally chartered credit unions. Under
current law, banks, credit unions and certain other licensed financial institutions
that preserve records by microfiche or optical imaging may destroy the original
records after first obtaining the written consent of the division of banking. This bill
modifies this provision so that credit unions must seek the prior written consent from
the office of credit unions, rather than the division of banking. Current law
establishes certain "good funds" requirements for loan closings, which generally
prohibit a lender from completing a loan settlement without delivering qualified loan
funds to the settlement agent before or immediately on completion of the loan

settlement. This bill amends the definition of qualified loan funds to include teller's
checks and checks on which the lender an affiliate is the drawer.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB407, s. 1 1Section 1. 186.01 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 2 2Section 2. 186.01 (3g) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 3 3Section 3. 186.01 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 4 4Section 4. 186.015 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,3,145 186.015 (5) Reviews. Any interested person aggrieved by any act, order or
6determination of the office of credit unions that relates to credit unions may, within
760 days after the date of the act, order or determination, apply for review by the
8review board. The review board shall determine if the office of credit unions acted
9within the scope of the office's authority, has not acted in an arbitrary or capricious
10manner and has based the act, order or determination on evidence supported by the
11record. The review board shall dispose of a review application within 60 days after
12the date on which it is received, unless the review board designates a hearing
13examiner, in which case the review board shall dispose of the review application
14within 180 days after the date on which it is received
SB407, s. 5 15Section 5. 186.02 (2) (a) 5k. of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 6 16Section 6. 186.02 (2) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 7 17Section 7. 186.07 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,3,1918 186.07 (5) (c) The director is unable to be bonded for all activities of the credit
in accordance with the standards set by the board of directors.
SB407, s. 8 20Section 8. 186.07 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1186.07 (6) Removal notice and appeal. A director who is removed under sub.
2(5) or s. 186.071 (2) shall be given notice of removal and shall be given an opportunity
3to appeal before the board of directors
. The removed director may petition the board
4of directors to reconsider its decision. If the board of directors does not reinstate the
5director, the director may appeal the decision of the board of directors to the office
6of credit unions. If the office of credit unions determines that the removal of the
7director was improper, the office of credit unions shall order the reinstatement of the
8director and, if the board of directors has already appointed a person to fill the
9vacancy created by the removal of the director, the removal of such person
SB407, s. 9 10Section 9. 186.071 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,4,1311 186.071 (1) (a) Keep confidential the financial affairs of credit union members,
12unless state and federal laws, security requirements or sound lending practices
13require permit disclosure.
SB407, s. 10 14Section 10. 186.071 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,4,1715 186.071 (1) (b) Keep confidential the records and accounts of the credit union
16and the deliberations of the board of directors unless state or federal law requires
17permits disclosure.
SB407, s. 11 18Section 11. 186.08 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,4,2019 186.08 (1m) (c) Setting the type and amount of surety bond required of each
20officer having custody of funds for directors, officers and employes.
SB407, s. 12 21Section 12. 186.08 (1m) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 13 22Section 13. 186.08 (1m) (g) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 14 23Section 14. 186.098 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,5,1024 186.098 (13) Liens. (a) Subject to any limitation on security interests
25identified in s. 422.417 (3) and if the loan agreement or endorsement permits it, a

1credit union shall have a lien on the share deposits and deposit accounts and
2accumulated dividends of a member for any amount owed the credit union by the
3member and for any loan endorsed by the member. Upon the default of the owner
4of the account in an obligation owed to the credit union, the credit union shall have
5a right of immediate setoff for each share deposit and deposit account unless
6prohibited under 12 CFR 226.12 (d). Sections If the loan is a consumer credit
7transaction as defined in s. 421.301 (10), ss.
425.104 and 425.105 apply to a default
8under this paragraph. The credit union may also refuse to allow withdrawals from
9any share deposit or deposit account in an amount not to exceed any delinquent
10obligation to the credit union.
SB407,5,1311 (b) The credit union may waive its rights to a lien, to immediate setoff or to
12restrict withdrawals or to any combination of these rights for any share deposit or
SB407, s. 15 14Section 15. 186.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,5,1915 186.10 (2) Shares in trust. Shares may be issued in trust, subject to any
16conditions prescribed in the bylaws. Share accounts and deposit accounts may be
17owned held by a member in trust for a beneficiary, or owned held by a nonmember
18in trust for a beneficiary who is a member or held by a nonmember custodian for a
19member pursuant to ss. 880.61 to 880.72
SB407, s. 16 20Section 16. 186.113 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,5,2521 186.113 (1) Branch offices. If the need and necessity exist and with the
22approval of the office of credit unions, establish branch offices inside this state or no
23more than 25 miles outside of this state. Permanent records may be maintained at
24branch offices established under this subsection. In this subsection, the term
25"branch office" does not include a remote terminal.
SB407, s. 17
1Section 17. 186.113 (1m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB407,6,22 186.113 (1m) (title) Limited services offices.
SB407, s. 18 3Section 18. 186.113 (11) of the statutes is repealed.
SB407, s. 19 4Section 19. 186.113 (23) of the statutes is created to read:
SB407,6,65 186.113 (23) Accept investments. Accept investments made by state or
6federally chartered credit unions.
SB407, s. 20 7Section 20. 186.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,6,118 186.12 (2) Sureties. A member of the credit committee or a loan officer shall
9not, directly or indirectly, become surety for any loan or advance made by the credit
10union, unless the credit committee member or loan officer receives the prior approval
11of the board of directors to act in such capacity
SB407, s. 21 12Section 21. 186.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB407,6,21 13186.13 Expulsion. If the board of directors adopts a written policy, a credit
14union may expel a member if the member neglects or refuses to comply with this
15chapter or the credit union bylaws or if the board has other just cause. The credit
16union shall provide notice to the member in writing of the reason for expulsion. The
17notice shall include a description of the member's right to a hearing and the time
18period for the member to request a hearing
. If a member requests a hearing in
19writing within 45 days of receipt of the expulsion notice, the board shall give the
20member an opportunity to be heard on the expulsion within 90 days after the date
21of the expulsion notice.