Under current law, the national and community service board (board)
administers in this state the federal national and community service program under
which programs are provided to address unmet human, educational, environmental
or public safety needs (national service programs). Current law assigns to the board
various duties relating to the administration of the national and community service
program, including the duty to award grants to persons providing national service
programs and to provide technical assistance to persons providing national service
This bill appropriates $424,000 in general purpose revenue in fiscal year
1998-99 and directs the board to award grants (Wisconsin promise challenge
grants), from those moneys appropriated, to combinations of individuals, public
agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons who have agreed to participate
in a joint effort to coordinate and document progress within their county toward
providing resources intended to mentor, nurture, protect, teach and serve (the 5
fundamental resources) persons under 26 years of age who could benefit from, but
who are not receiving, a majority of the 5 fundamental resources (underserved youth)
within that county (county-wide consortium).
The amount of a Wisconsin promise challenge grant ranges from $3,000 to
$15,000, depending on the number of underserved youth who are to receive the 5

fundamental resources as a result of the county-wide consortium's efforts under the
grant, with the grant recipient required to match the grant, in cash, in an amount
that is not less than twice the amount of the grant money received.
Under the bill, a Wisconsin promise challenge grant recipient must use the
grant moneys awarded and the matching funds committed to accomplish all of the
1. Identify, to the best of the recipient's ability, persons who are providing at
least one of the 5 fundamental resources in the recipient's county on the date on
which the grant money is received.
2. Identify, to the best of the recipient's ability, persons who are providing at
least one of the 5 fundamental resources in the recipient's county between the date
on which the grant money is received and January 1, 2000.
3. Decide upon a coordinated plan to provide, by January 1, 2000, the 5
fundamental resources to not less than the number of underserved youth targeted
by the recipient in its grant application.
4. Identify, to the best of the recipient's ability, persons in the recipient's county
who want to receive training or technical assistance in involving underserved youth
in meaningful ways in the recipient's efforts to provide the 5 fundamental resources
to those underserved youth; recruiting and coordinating volunteers; and developing
ideas on how to provide the 5 fundamental resources to underserved youth.
5. Coordinate the training and technical assistance described in item 4.
6. Document the number of underserved youth who receive any of the 5
fundamental resources as a result of the recipient's efforts, which of the 5
fundamental resources are being provided as a result of those efforts and, to the best
of the recipient's ability, the positive outcomes as a result of those efforts.
The bill also requires a county-wide consortium to identify a fiscal agent who
is responsible for receiving, managing and accounting for the grant moneys received
and the matching funds committed and for providing to the board semiannual,
annual and final reports detailing the progress of the county-wide consortium in
accomplishing the tasks required under the grant.
Finally, the bill permits the board to expend any moneys appropriated for, but
not awarded as, Wisconsin promise challenge grants to build the capacity of persons
to provide the 5 fundamental resources to underserved youth by contracting for the
provision of the training and technical assistance specified in item 4., above.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB491, s. 1 1Section 1. 16.22 (2) (kL) of the statutes is created to read:
116.22 (2) (kL) From the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (4) (fm), award
2Wisconsin promise challenge grants and provide training and technical assistance
3under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 6 (1) (b ) and (h).
SB491, s. 2 4Section 2. 16.22 (2) (kL) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act ....
5(this act), is repealed.
SB491, s. 3 6Section 3. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
7the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
SB491, s. 4 8Section 4. 20.505 (4) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB491,3,149 20.505 (4) (fm) National and community service board; Wisconsin promise
10challenge grants.
The amounts in the schedule for grants, training and technical
11assistance under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 6 (1 ) (b) and (h ).
12Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department of administration
13may transfer moneys under this paragraph between fiscal year 1998-99 and fiscal
14year 1999-2000.
SB491, s. 5 15Section 5. 20.505 (4) (fm) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act ....
16(this act), is repealed.
SB491, s. 6 17Section 6 . Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) Wisconsin promise challenge grants.
SB491,4,22 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB491,4,7 31. "Countywide consortium" means a combination of individuals, public
4agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons who have agreed to participate
5in a joint effort to coordinate and document progress within the county in which those
6individuals, public agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons operate
7toward providing the 5 fundamental resources to underserved youth in that county.
SB491,4,9 82. "Five fundamental resources" means resources intended to mentor, nurture,
9protect, teach and serve.
SB491,4,13 103. "Nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit corporation that is organized
11under chapter 181, or an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal
12Revenue Code that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (a) of the
13Internal Revenue Code.
SB491,4,16 144. "Public agency" means a county, city, village, town, school district or technical
15college district or an agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town, school
16district or technical college district.
SB491,4,18 175. "Underserved youth" means a person under 26 years of age who could benefit
18from, but who is not receiving, a majority of the 5 fundamental resources.
SB491,4,2419 (b) Purpose of grants. From the appropriation account under section 20.505 (4)
20(fm) of the statutes, as created by this act, the national and community service board
21shall award grants, in the amounts specified in paragraph (c), to countywide
22consortiums to assist those countywide consortiums in coordinating and
23documenting progress within their counties toward reaching the goal of providing
24the 5 fundamental resources to underserved youth.
1(c) Amount of grants. The national and community service board shall
2determine the amount of a grant awarded under paragraph (b) based on the number
3of underserved youth who are to receive the 5 fundamental resources as a result of
4the countywide consortium's efforts under paragraph (f ). The national and
5community service board shall award the following amounts based on the following
6numbers of underserved youth targeted by a countywide consortium:
SB491,5,8 71. Three thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
8countywide consortium is 100 or less.
SB491,5,10 92. Four thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
10countywide consortium is greater than 100, but less than 251.
SB491,5,12 113. Five thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
12countywide consortium is greater than 250, but less than 501.
SB491,5,14 134. Six thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
14countywide consortium is greater than 500, but less than 1,001.
SB491,5,16 155. Eight thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
16countywide consortium is greater than 1,000, but less than 2,001.
SB491,5,18 176. Ten thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
18countywide consortium is greater than 2,000, but less than 4,001.
SB491,5,20 197. Twelve thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
20countywide consortium is greater than 4,000, but less than 8,001.
SB491,5,22 218. Fifteen thousand dollars, if the number of underserved youth targeted by the
22countywide consortium is greater than 8,000.
SB491,6,223 (d) Matching requirement. 1 . The national and community service board may
24award a grant under paragraph (b) only to a countywide consortium that agrees to

1match the grant, in cash, in an amount this is not less than 200% of the grant amount
SB491,6,4 32. Each grant application shall include proof of the ability of the countywide
4consortium to comply with subdivision 1 .
SB491,6,125 (e) Grant application; information required. Each countywide consortium that
6applies for a grant under paragraph (b ) shall include in its grant application the
7number of underserved youth who are to receive the 5 fundamental resources as a
8result of the countywide consortium's efforts under paragraph (f). A grant
9application shall also include the identity of each individual, public agency, nonprofit
10organization and other person who is a participant in the countywide consortium, a
11plan to accomplish all of the tasks specified in paragraph (f) and the identity of the
12fiscal agent under paragraph (g).
SB491,6,1613 (f) Use of grant moneys and matching funds. A countywide consortium that is
14awarded a grant under paragraph (b) shall use the grant moneys awarded under
15paragraph (b) and the matching funds committed under paragraph (d ) 1. to
16accomplish all of the following tasks:
SB491,6,20 171. Identify, to the best of the countywide consortium's ability, all individuals,
18public agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons who are providing at least
19one of the 5 fundamental resources in the county of the countywide consortium on
20the date on which the grant money is received.
SB491,6,24 212. Identify, to the best of the countywide consortium's ability, all individuals,
22public agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons who are providing at least
23one of the 5 fundamental resources in the county of the countywide consortium
24between the date on which the grant money is received and January 1, 2000.
13. Decide upon a coordinated plan to provide, by January 1, 2000, the 5
2fundamental resources to not less than the number of underserved youth targeted
3by the countywide consortium in its grant application.
SB491,7,7 44. Identify, to the best of the countywide consortium's ability, all individuals,
5public agencies, nonprofit organizations and other persons in the county of the
6countywide consortium who want to receive training or technical assistance in any
7of the following areas:
SB491,7,10 8a. Involving underserved youth in meaningful ways in the countywide
9consortium's efforts to provide the 5 fundamental resources to those underserved
SB491,7,11 11b. Recruiting and coordinating volunteers.
SB491,7,13 12c. Developing ideas on how to provide the 5 fundamental resources to
13underserved youth.
SB491,7,16 145. Coordinate the training and technical assistance specified in subdivision 4 .
15and to ensure that the training and technical assistance is provided by competent
16volunteers or professionals.
SB491,7,21 176. Document the number of underserved youth who receive any of the 5
18fundamental resources as a result of the countywide consortium's efforts, which of
19the 5 fundamental resources are being provided to those underserved youth as a
20result of those efforts and, to the best of the countywide consortium's ability, the
21positive outcomes for those underserved youth that are the result of those efforts.
SB491,8,222 (g) Fiscal agent; reporting. Each countywide consortium that applies for a
23grant under paragraph (b) shall identify a fiscal agent who shall receive, manage and
24account for the grant moneys awarded under paragraph (b ) and the matching funds
25committed under paragraph (d) 1. and who shall provide to the national and

1community service board the following reports detailing the progress of the
2countywide consortium in accomplishing the tasks specified in paragraph (f):
SB491,8,4 31. A semiannual report that is due by the first day of the 6th month beginning
4after the date on which the grant money is received.
SB491,8,6 52. An annual report that is due by the first day of the 12th month beginning
6after the date on which the grant money is received.
SB491,8,7 73. A final report that is due by January 1, 2000.
SB491,8,148 (h) Capacity building. The national and community service board may expend
9any moneys in the appropriation account under section 20.505 (4) (fm) of the
10statutes, as created by this act, that are not awarded as grants under paragraph (b)
11to build the capacity of individuals, public agencies, nonprofit organizations and
12other persons to provide the 5 fundamental resources to underserved youth by
13contracting for the provision of the training and technical assistance specified in
14paragraph (f) 4.
SB491,8,1515 (i) Sunset. This subsection does not apply after December 31, 1999.
SB491, s. 7 16Section 7. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
17except as follows:
SB491,8,1918 (1) The repeal of sections 16.22 (2) (kL) and 20.505 (4) (fm) of the statutes takes
19effect on January 1, 2000.
SB491,8,2020 (End)