Underage persons convicted of certain alcohol-related offenses: penalties re suspension or revocation of operating privilege revised -  SB251
alcohol beverage _ taxationAlcohol beverage — Taxation
Brew-on-premises permit created; civil liability immunity provisions; occupational tax exemption  - AB947
Cider tax rate revised - AB654
Cider tax rate revised - SB347
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  SB419
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture [A.Amdt.1: nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies] -  AP8 AB6
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  AP8 SB6
alimonyAlimony, see Divorce
all_terrain vehicle _atv_All-terrain vehicle (ATV), see Recreation vehicle
alternate fuelAlternate fuel, see Fuel
american indianAmerican Indian, see Indians
Arts day proclaimed March 10, 1998 -  AJR118
Arts day proclaimed March 10, 1998 -  SJR44
Brewers and alcohol beverage wholesalers allowed to contribute money and things of value to benefit certain festivals in 2nd class cities [S.Amdt.1: exception for hotels; A.Amdt.1: deletes S.Amdt.1 provision] -  SB360
Country club lease of governmental property: property tax exemption discontinued -  SB29
Golf cart operation on roadway: travel route designation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3964m, 4177m, 4187m]  - AB100
Golf course construction: authority of county boards restricted  - AB332
Motion picture and videotape production services classified as manufacturing for property tax purposes [Sec. 2252, 9443 (15); original bill only] -  AB100
Motion picture and videotape production services classified as manufacturing for property tax purposes  - AB826
Motion picture and videotape production services classified as manufacturing for property tax purposes [Sec. 2252, 9443 (15)] - SB77
Music, art and dance therapists licensure exemption: administration transferred from Psychology examining board to DORL; sunset repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making authority added] -  SB337
Musical events: allocation from tourism marketing [Sec. 457; A.Sub.Amdt.1: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of Milwaukee symphony]  - AB100
Musical events: allocation from tourism marketing [Sec. 457] - SB77
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB481
Musical works that advocate certain crimes: Investment board prohibited from investing in company or person that writes, records or produces -  SB482
Special event security and traffic enforcement services by state traffic patrol: DOT may impose fee [Sec. 499, 851, 2484, 4180, 9349 (9); A.Sub.Amdt.1: DOT may charge the event sponsor a fee] -  AB100
Special event security and traffic enforcement services by state traffic patrol: DOT may impose fee [Sec. 499, 851, 2484, 4180, 9349 (9)] -  SB77
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re billiards center - AB722
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re billiards center - SB396
anatomical giftAnatomical gift, see Transplant
Captive wildlife: new regulatory structure under DNR created -  AB514
Harassment of fire department animals prohibited [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5346e-h, 9356 (2d)]  - AB100
Telecommunication services to qualified private schools, postsecondary institutions, museums and zoos [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 147k-p] -  AB100
Unauthorized release of animals: criminal and civil law revisions -  AB733
animal _ diseaseAnimal — Disease
Animal health and disease research council and board eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 57c, j, 2543j]  - AB100
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, advisory committee provision] -  AB585
Rabies vaccine: sale restricted; dog vaccination requirements revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, sale of vaccine removed] -  AB232
Rabies vaccine: sale restricted; dog vaccination requirements revised -  SB130
animal _ treatmentAnimal — Treatment
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, advisory committee provision] -  AB585
Captive wildlife: new regulatory structure under DNR created -  AB514
answering serviceAnswering service, see Telephone
antique dealerAntique dealer, see Trade practice
School-to-work administration and program revisions; technical preparation programs; employment modifications; grants to nonprofit organization in certain county [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``School — Branches of instruction"] -  AB100
School-to-work administration and program revisions; technical preparation programs; employment modifications; grants to nonprofit organization in certain county [Sec. 261, 262, 282, 284, 611-613, 617, 1177, 1182, 1184, 1191, 2666-2675, 2677-2680, 2688, 2689, 2813-2815, 2870, 9140 (3), 9147 (1), 9347 (1), 9426 (12)] -  SB77
Training grant for youth apprentice: award directly to employer permitted; formula revised [Sec. 2676; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DILJD changed to DWD, 2676d]  - AB100
Training grant for youth apprentice: award directly to employer permitted; formula revised [Sec. 2676]  - SB77
appropriationAppropriation, see also Budget bills and process; Claims; Shared revenue; specific subject
Appropriations and state borrowing schedule [Sec. 167-169, 9400] -  AB100
Appropriations and state borrowing schedule [Sec. 167-169, 9400] -  SB77
Cap on GPR spending tried to per capita income growth [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 8m; deleted by S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100] -  AB100
General fund temporary borrowing limit and appropriation schedule [Sec. 21, 22] -  AB768
General fund temporary borrowing limit and appropriation schedule [Sec. 21, 22] -  SB436
GPR use for selected other agency appropriations; revision re transportation fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 170m, 222m, 243m, 265m, 277r, 284g-r, 617g-r, 642m, 645m, 652b-x, 654g, m, 685g, 1190m, 1191n, 1348g, m, 2767x, 2881m, 3116m, 3117t, 3988m, 9249 (1m)] -  AB100
Unbudgeted increases in compensation, fringe benefits and related adjustments; JCF passive review [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (13n)] - AB100
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
Architect, landscape architect and designer of engineering systems: qualifications for registration or permit revised  - AB655
Badger army ammunition plant: federal government urged to implement task force recommendations  - AJR131
Nuclear waste: efforts to reform federal government's management of used fuel encouraged -  AR16
arsonArson, see Fire