canoeCanoe, see Boat
cape, james, and sons companyCape, James, and Sons Company
$1,277,306.00 construction claim -  AB973
capital gains taxCapital gains tax
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2261c, 9343 (1c); A.Amdt.8: penalty for sale by purchaser within 2 years of transfer, 2321m, 2332v]  - AB100
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains  - AB315
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: penalty for sale or disposal within certain time period revised - AB618
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: penalty for sale or disposal within certain time period revised - AB650
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or small business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains  - AB212
Intergenerational transfer of farm and business assets: capital gains penalty modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 298s]  - AB768
caray, harryCaray, Harry
Accomplishments as a baseball announcer commended and condolences to family at death -  AJR117
casa _court_appointed special advocate_CASA (Court-appointed special advocate), see Juvenile court
cattanach, daleCattanach, Dale
Service to state commended on the occasion of his retirement - AJR107
caucusCaucus, see Legislature
cellular telephoneCellular telephone, see Telephone
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB805
Cemetery authorities required to provide for burials during each season -  AB707
Cemetery authority: reburial of unknown human remains erroneously removed from a burial site required  - AB506
Disposition of human remains: right of person to control by written document and to appoint agent to carry out wishes; civil liability immunity provision -  AB943
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DILJD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity [Sec. 3093, 4298-4300; original bill only] -  AB100
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DILJD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity [Sec. 3093, 4298-4300]  - SB77
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity - AB651
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity - SB494
Telephone solicitation prohibited re cemetery merchandise or lot, burial agreements, mausoleum space and certain insurance - AB515
Telephone solicitation prohibited re cemetery merchandise or lot, burial agreements, mausoleum space and certain insurance - SB292
Veterans cemeteries debt service and appropriation [Sec. 664; A.Sub.Amdt.1: eligibility for burial, 1376d-j]  - AB100
Veterans cemeteries debt service and appropriation [Sec. 664] -  SB77
Veterans cemeteries debt service: appropriation from general fund -  AB608
Veterans cemeteries debt service: appropriation from general fund -  SB356
certified public accountantCertified public accountant
CPA certificate requirements revised; certificate of authority as a public accountant eliminated (remedial legislation)  - AB915
Lobbying by principals that offer memberships for sale: business and financial report requirements revised; CPA provision - AB511
cesky denCesky Den, see Holidays
chamber of commerceChamber of commerce
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; requirements set; DILJD grant provision - AB128
charitable corporationCharitable corporation, see also Organization, Miscellaneous
Charitable gaming, Council on, eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 89m, 4675m] - AB100
Charitable organization solicitation: disclosure of certain information provided -  SB191
Charities devoted exclusively to poor: income tax credit created for contributions to; DWD provision  - AB879
Child abuse and neglect prevention board authorizied to organize a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to raise funds for the children's trust fund -  AB279
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; organization of a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to raise funds for the children's trust fund authorized; early childhood family education center grants and domestic abuse training for certain staffs - AB665
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; organization of a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to raise funds for the children's trust fund authorized; early childhood family education center grants and domestic abuse training for certain staffs [for further revisions, see ``Children — Abuse and neglect"] - SB378
Comm.Dept revisions: women's business initiative corporation grants, minority nonprofit corporation grant and minority business incubator grant programs eliminated; fees for certain services permitted; rules re volume cap repealed [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Commerce, Department of"] -  AB100
Comm.Dept revisions: women's business initiative corporation grants, minority nonprofit corporation grant and minority business incubator grant programs eliminated; fees for certain services permitted; rules re volume cap repealed [for section numbers, see entry under ``Commerce, Department of"]  - SB77
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DILJD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity [Sec. 3093, 4298-4300; original bill only] -  AB100
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DILJD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity [Sec. 3093, 4298-4300]  - SB77
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity - AB651
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity - SB494
Educational foundation sales and use tax exemptions created re public schools -  AB494
Educational foundation sales and use tax exemptions created re public schools -  SB237
Homes for aged: property tax exemption revised -  SB261
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - AB95
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - SB61
Insurance regulation exemption for certain non-profit, charitable and religious organizations [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4794c] -  AB100
International terrorism: soliciting or collecting material support prohibited; DORL authority re charitable organization registration revised -  AB504
Land use planning grants: local government, regional planning commission or nonprofit organization may apply for re comprehensive land use plan; DOA duties set; sunset provision  - AB930
Land use planning grants: local government, regional planning commission or nonprofit organization may apply for re comprehensive land use plan; DOA duties set; sunset provision  - SB504
Nonprofit medical research foundations: property tax exemption narrowed -  AB607
Nonstock corporation law revised; DFI duties modified -  AB765
Nonstock corporation law revised; DFI duties modified -  SB423
Property under DNR jurisdiction: grants to friends groups for property development -  AB858
School capacity and physical condition: State superintendent directed to study; report required [A.Amdt.1: low-interest loan for certain adult day care services facility construction] - SB473
School district property use by citizen associations: statute repealed -  SB102
Uniform unincorporated nonprofit association act adopted; revisions re property, contract and tort liability and ability to sue and be sued -  AB553
Wisconsin development fund use for assistance in urban areas authorized; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 187, 4346] -  AB100
Wisconsin development fund use for assistance in urban areas authorized; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 187, 4346] -  SB77
charter schoolCharter school, see School
chatterson, clifford wChatterson, Clifford W.
Life and public service - AJR26
Forgery, worthless checks, certain kinds of theft and criminal damage to property (includes grafitti): sentencing alternatives [Sec. 5310-5312, 5319-5339, 5452, 9356 (1), 9456 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: forgery penalty revisions, 9356 (1v), 9456 (1v), deletes all sections except 5327-5332; deleted by S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100] -  AB100
Forgery, worthless checks, certain kinds of theft and criminal damage to property (includes grafitti): sentencing alternatives [Sec. 5310-5312, 5319-5339, 5452, 9356 (1), 9456 (1)]  - SB77
Nonpayment of support: Banking division denial, revocation, suspension or restriction re certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  - AB651
Nonpayment of support: Banking division denial, revocation, suspension or restriction re certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  - SB494
Small business issues re small claims actions, statutory attorney fees, garnishment, assignment of debt, recovery of certain damages, worthless checks, retail theft and parental liability for acts of minor child -  AB924
Worthless check liability provision recreated re 1995 WisAct 449 -  AB265