Alcohol beverage retail sale: qualifications of persons engaged in sale of clarified; ordinance provision  - SB503
Billboard placement prohibition: statutory authority created re town or county ordinance; exceptions provided  - SB409
Campaign finance laws revised; Elections board composition and filing a petition requesting a ruling modified; ordinance provision re public funding of campaigns for county and 1st class city offices; studies required; committee to study campaign finance reform provision - AP8 SB1
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: local ordinance revisions re access and prohibitions on selling or giving away products -  SB143
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - AB691
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - SB314
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required [for further revisions, see entry under ``School — Attendance — Compulsory"] - AB686
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; requirements set; DILJD grant provision - AB128
Dog regulation: local ordinance based on breed prohibited -  AB133
Farmland preservation agreements phased out; revisions re county exclusive agricultural use zoning ordinances, soil and water conservation standards and guidelines and farmland tax relief and preservation credits; DATCP duties specified  - AB574
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - AB67
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - SB26
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  - AB646
Living-wage ordinance: county, city, village or town may enact under certain condition -  AB839
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB481
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation and zoning [Sec. 3731-3784; S.Amdt.1 to Engr. AB-100: mining and spills cleanup revisions, 349g, 898m] - AB100
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation and zoning [Sec. 3731-3784]  - SB77
Private sewage system laws revised; disposal of septage on land regulations modified; DNR and Comm.Dept duties specified - AB774
Shoreland rezoning and zoning of wetlands in shorelands; restoration provision -  AB599
Shoreland zoning standard re setback of building or structure: county ordinance provision -  AB424
Sport shooting range: noise, nuisance and zoning ordinance provisions; users accept associated risks; ``shooting" added to list of recreational activities [A.Sub.Amdt.3: revisions, recreational activity definition modified; S.Amdt.1: hours regulated] - AB308
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  AB635
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  SB139
Zoning ordinance or resolution: requirements created re protecting environmentally sensitive area  - AB808
county _ roadCounty — Road, see Road — County
county _ taxationCounty — Taxation
County sales and use tax rates revised; property tax relief requirement discontinued -  AB446
County sales tax administration [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 717m, 2399f, fm, 9443 (16n)] -  AB100
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR104
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR38
Public libraries: laws revised; public and school library technology conference required, report and plan provisions; DOA, DLCL and State superintendent of public instruction duties specified [S.Amdt.3: technology conference deleted]  - SB269
Service costs paid by municipalities: exemption from portion of county tax levy -  AB262
Service costs paid by municipalities: exemption from portion of county tax levy -  SB150
county handicapped children_s education boardCounty handicapped children's education board
Additional aid provided [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 253k, p, 9140 (6m)] -  AB100
Building commission acquisition of property for future construction provided; may acquire specific blocks in the city of Madison without prior enumeration in state building program; sunset provided [A.Amdt.2: purpose of acquisition specified] - SB76
court _ appellateCourt — Appellate, see also Supreme court
Court interpreter, court of appeals and supreme court automated information technology: appropriations created [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 712d-r] -  AB100
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement for repeat offender revised -  AB204
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement for repeat offender revised -  SB101
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement revised -  AB163
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement revised -  SB164
Presentence investigation report made part of court record or record of appeal; confidentiality requirements retained  - SB363
TPR for adoptive child (remedial legislation) -  SB495
Zoning decision appeals: court required to award litigation expenses in certain cases -  AB810
court _ circuitCourt — Circuit, see Circuit court
court _ clerkCourt — Clerk
Assignment of earnings, pension, lottery winnings and other benefits for payment of certain fees: laws revised; child support made priority [S.Amdt.3: forfeiture and cost provisions added] - SB78
Child and other support-related payments: DILJD to implement statewide automated receipt and disbursement system; segregated fund created [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Family — Support"]  - AB100
Child and other support-related payments: DILJD to implement statewide automated receipt and disbursement system; segregated fund created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family — Support"] -  SB77
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange [Sec. 614, 616, 639, 640, 909, 1986-1988, 3261-3266, 5196, 5197, 9126 (1), 9426 (3); original bill only] - AB100
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange [Sec. 614, 616, 639, 640, 909, 1986-1988, 3261-3266, 5196, 5197, 9126 (1), 9426 (3)]  - SB77
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed  - AB651
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed  - SB494
Juvenile adjudicated delinquent or with delinquency petition pending re serious crime: day care licensure, certification, employment, contracting or residence prohibited  - AB886
MEB administrative warnings permitted; disciplinary actions against physicians revised; report required [for further revisions, see ``Medical examining board"]  - AB549
Term of office changed to 4-year, holding other office and vacancy appointment provisions: consititutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR74
court _ commissionerCourt — Commissioner, see also Family court commissioner
Full-time court commissioner in county with population of 500,000: powers expanded re misdemeanor cases  - AB443
Full-time court commissioner in county with population of 500,000: powers expanded re misdemeanor cases  - SB492
Municipal court location and appointment of court commissioners [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4950g-r]  - AB100
Small business issues re small claims actions, statutory attorney fees, garnishment, assignment of debt, recovery of certain damages, worthless checks, retail theft and parental liability for acts of minor child -  AB924
court _ feeCourt — Fee
Court may order person convicted of crime to pay certain expenses re law enforcement agency and prosecutor  - SB353
Docketed judgment: lien period and circuit court filing fee increased -  AB903
Judgment docket fee and penalty [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5165b, 5175g, m; enrolling correction: 5165b renumbered 5165y] -  AB100
Justice information system fee increased; percentage credited to automated systems modified [Sec. 668, 5194, 9409 (1)]  - AB100
Justice information system fee increased; percentage credited to automated systems modified [Sec. 668, 5194, 9409 (1)]  - SB77
Municipal court fees modified - AB357
Municipal court filing fee increased [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5194m] -  AB100
OWI law enforcement costs: recovery provisions -  AB91
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  AB74
Weights and measures violations: offender to pay investigation and prosecution costs; protection for employes who report violations; business and consumer education provision  - AB787
Weights and measures violations: offender to pay investigation and prosecution costs; protection for employes who report violations; business and consumer education provision  - SB449
court _ municipalCourt — Municipal
Breathalyzer and BAC testing refusal hearings: municipal court allowed to hold -  AB758
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required [for further revisions, see entry under ``School — Attendance — Compulsory"] - AB686
Default judgments in municipal court cases: conditions expanded -  SB287
Joint municipal courts: Elections board duties re filing officer; agreement creation or abolishment notification provision - AB396
Municipal court fees modified - AB357
Municipal court filing fee increased [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5194m] -  AB100
Municipal court location and appointment of court commissioners [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4950g-r]  - AB100
court _ officersCourt — Officers
Court-appointed special advocates: grants for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1500p] -  AB100