digital signatureDigital signature, see Data processing
direct marketingDirect marketing, see Trade practice
disabledDisabled, see Handicapped
Equal rights council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 65d, 2664k, p] -  AB100
Group and individual health insurance requirements revised; Small employer insurance board eliminated  - SB218
Ku Klux Klan: hate-filled message denounced re planned rally in city of Beloit -  AR10
Masculine gender pronouns: unnecessary references removed. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR34
Religious organizations and contracts with DHFS: nondiscrimination provisions; legislative purpose cited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1406g] -  AB100
Religious organizations and contracts with DWD: nondiscrimination provisions; legislative purpose cited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1741m] -  AB100
discrimination in educationDiscrimination in education
Mascot, logo or nickname of a public school: use of certain American Indian names or terms prohibited  - AB384
Mascot, logo or nickname of a public school: use of certain American Indian names or terms prohibited  - SB341
Affirmative action, Council on, eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 59m, 695n, 3290p, 3316e]  - AB100
Conviction records as prohibited basis of discrimination in employment eliminated -  AB409
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; court action for damages permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, complaint provisions]  - AB500
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; court action for damages permitted - SB471
Employment discrimination based on creed: definition expanded re health care provider participation in certain procedures; liability and disciplinary provisions  - AB953
Fair employment remedies for complainant who voluntarily quits employment, membership or licensure  - AB69
Fair employment, vocational rehabilitation, WC, minimum wage and fair housing laws: obsolete terminology updated re handicapped; obsolete reference re equivalent bond eliminated (remedial legislation) -  SB447
Volunteer fire fighter: employment discrimination because of temporary absence prohibited -  AB449
discrimination in housingDiscrimination in housing
Domestic abuse services organization exempted from public accommodations discrimination law [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec.354g] -  AB768
Fair employment, vocational rehabilitation, WC, minimum wage and fair housing laws: obsolete terminology updated re handicapped; obsolete reference re equivalent bond eliminated (remedial legislation) -  SB447
Housing design and construction requirements of the fair housing law: administration transferred from DWD to Comm.Dept [Sec. 277, 278, 329, 330, 334-352, 353, 354; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 337m, 352m, deletes 337, 352]  - AB768
Housing design and construction requirements of the fair housing law: administration transferred from DWD to Comm.Dept [Sec. 277, 278, 329, 330, 334-354]  - SB436
Multifamily housing access by disabled persons: requirements revised [Sec. 2657-2664; original bill only]  - AB100
Multifamily housing access by disabled persons: requirements revised [Sec. 2657-2664] -  SB77
Multifamily housing accessibility law: exempting multilevel housing without elevators -  AB570
Multifamily housing accessibility law: exempting multilevel housing without elevators [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 352m]  - AB768
Open housing law exception re discount or reduction in lease or rental price for persons 55 years of age or over  - AB240
Open housing law for older persons revised to conform to federal law [A.Amdt.1: rule-making authority deleted, written verification of age to document compliance]  - AB46
Asthmatic pupil: possession and use of metered dose or dry powder inhaler in school permitted [A.Amdt.1: civil liability provisions revised; A.Amdt.2: at school sponsored activity added] - AB783
Asthmatic pupil: possession and use of metered dose or dry powder inhaler in school permitted - SB445
Breast cancer screening and mobile mammography van: DHFS grant [Sec. 534, 9123 (10); A.Sub.Amdt.1: other women's health programs added, JCF to award grants upon approval of plans, 9123 (10g), deletes 9123 (10)]  - AB100
Breast cancer screening and mobile mammography van: DHFS grant [Sec. 534, 9123 (10)] -  SB77
Breast cancer screening: mobile mammography van deleted; grants for other devices [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 722w, 9422 (3c)] - AB768
Breast reconstruction re mastectomy: insurance coverage required -  AB15
Breast reconstruction re mastectomy: insurance coverage required [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1324m, 1325m, 2860f, 4804b, 4930v, 9427 (4rcg)] - AB100
Cancer reporting requirements: confidentiality restrictions revised (remedial legislation) - SB495
Huntington's disease specified as a developmental disability -  AB784
Mastectomy: duration of insurance coverage of inpatient hospital services specified; exception provided  - AB98
Municipal fire fighter disability or death benefits: presumption of employment-related cancer created  - SB329
Osteoporosis prevention and education program [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (6m)] -  AB100
Tuberculosis patients: inpatient hospital services [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 3401m] -  AB100
Wetlands and increase in cases of blastomycosis: DHFS to study [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3394e, 9123 (4t)]  - AB100
dispositional order for juvenilesDispositional order for juveniles, see Juvenile court
distance educationDistance education, see Television
district attorneyDistrict attorney
Assistant DA compensation and employment rights: certain 1990 provisions eliminated (remedial legislation)  - AB958
DA request for assistance from other DA or assistant AG expanded (remedial legislation) - SB399
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137-5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451; A.Sub.Amdt.1: ``drug law enforcement" added to assessment title] -  AB100
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137-5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451] -  SB77
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] - AB100
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] - SB77
HIV infection and certain other diseases: laws revised re testing of certain defendants found not guilty by reason of mental disease or not competent to proceed - AB284
HIV infection and certain other diseases: laws revised re testing of certain defendants found not guilty by reason of mental disease or not competent to proceed - SB81
Milwaukee county assistant DAs: creditable service under WRS [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 652z, 1315b, c, 1317m, 2693mm, 5485c-w, 9316 (2q)] -  AB100
Milwaukee county DA office re felony drug and violence cases: funding for clerk positions [Sec. 5486, 5487]  - AB100
Milwaukee county DA office re felony drug and violence cases: funding for clerk positions [Sec. 5486, 5487]  - SB77
Motor vehicle seizure for OWI offenses: DA commencing the action modified -  SB179
Motor vehicle seizure for OWI offenses: DA commencing the action modified -  SB223
Obscenity violations: requirement re AG approval prior to prosecution removed -  SB79
Open meetings law violation investigations: AG and DA authorized to issue subpoenas -  SB137
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required [Sec. 9101 (6), (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, additional prosecutors provided, 5491b, 9131 (1m)] - AB100
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required [Sec. 9101 (6), (7)]  - SB77
Special prosecutors excused from duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5484m] -  AB100
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  AB74
Statutory rape prosecution pilot program created; sunset provided [S.Amdt.4: nursing home forfeitures]  - AB876
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR43
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  SJR17
Term of office changed to 4-year, holding other office and vacancy appointment provisions: consititutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR74
Truancy planning committees revised, DA duty specified, report provision; school board review of truancy plan required  - SB273
diving teamDiving team, see Boat
divorceDivorce, see also Vital statistics
Child custody and physical placement revisions; paternity, guardian ad litem and divorce provisions  - AB442
Child custody and physical placement revisions; paternity, guardian ad litem and divorce provisions  - SB202
Income tax refund to formerly married persons: distribution set - SB472
Maintenance stipulation in annulment, divorce or legal separation actions revised; bankruptcy provision  - AB476
Medical history and information: parent not granted legal custody required to provide; court duty specified [S.Sub.Amdt.2] - SB494
Medical history and information: parent not granted sole legal custody required to provide; release to 18 year old child provision; DHFS duty -  AB289