Proprietary schools: tuition protection program administered by EAB created -  SB326
educational communications boardEducational communications board
Emergency weather warning system: ECB to administer [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 235m, 670g, 1213d]  - AB100
educational institution fund raisingEducational institution fund raising, see Charitable corporation
educational service agency, cooperativeEducational service agency, Cooperative
CESA convention and reports: DPI involvement removed [Sec. 2771, 2774, 2775] -  SB77
CESA lease of equipment re visually handicapped pupils [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2775t] -  AB100
Charter schools: laws revised re contract with school board to establish outside district; conversion of private school; contract preference re children at risk; employment of personnel [for further revisions, see entry under ``School"]  - AB631
Charter schools: laws revised re contract with school board to establish outside district; conversion of private, sectarian school; contract preference re children at risk; employment of personnel re ``instrumentality" provision  - SB383
ETB and pioneering partners program eliminated; new board created; subsidized infrastructure loan program and grants provided; data lines and video links for schools; distance education revisions; universal service fund provision [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Educational technology board"] -  AB100
ETB and pioneering partners program eliminated; new board created; subsidized infrastructure loan program and grants provided; data lines and video links for schools; distance education revisions; universal service fund provision [for section numbers, see entry under ``Educational technology board"]  - SB77
School board and CESA report requirements revised; State superintendent duties re summer school and early admission to kindergarten and first grade modified  - AB609
School board and CESA report requirements revised; State superintendent duties re summer school and early admission to kindergarten and first grade modified  - SB357
Teacher peer review and mentoring grants [Sec. 29, 360] -  AB768
Teacher peer review and mentoring grants [Sec. 29, 360] -  SB436
Telecommunication access program: CESA eligibility [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 17r, 30L, 90c, 393vh-vk]  - AB768
WRS annual earnings period determination revised for certain technical college district and CESA employes  - SB257
educational technology boardEducational technology board
ETB and pioneering partners program eliminated; new board created; subsidized infrastructure loan program and grants provided; data lines and video links for schools; distance education revisions; universal service fund provision [Sec. 45, 52, 53, 116, 120, 124, 125, 148, 150, 151, 221, 235, 264, 270, 272, 283, 667, 674, 680, 681, 736, 737, 752, 753, 815, 816, 818-820, 824, 826, 834, 916, 1168, 1192, 1212-1215, 1342-1344, 1347, 2877, 3144-3155, 3158, 9101 (9), (10), 9140 (4), 9141 (1), 9401 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions revised and expanded, 117m, n, 147k-p, 264c, 277g, 737b, c, 2849d, m, r, 2863b-r, 3149g, r, 3152p, 9101 (9m), (9s), 9140 (5m), 9141 (2m), 9147 (2m), 9241 (1m), (1n), 9440 (6m), deletes 674; A.Amdt.8: private schools added, standards and specifications for purchases, block grants and library aids, 9101 (10mg), (13p); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: tribally-controlled college added]  - AB100
ETB and pioneering partners program eliminated; new board created; subsidized infrastructure loan program and grants provided; data lines and video links for schools; distance education revisions; universal service fund provision [Sec. 45, 52, 53, 116, 120, 124, 125, 148, 150, 151, 221, 235, 264, 270, 272, 283, 667, 674, 680, 681, 736, 737, 752, 753, 815, 816, 818-820, 824, 826, 834, 916, 1168, 1192, 1212-1215, 1342-1344, 1347, 2877, 3144-3155, 3158, 9101 (9), (10), 9140 (4), 9141 (1), 9401 (2)] -  SB77
educational televisionEducational television, see Television
efficiency in state governmentEfficiency in state government, see specific agency or department
Candidacy for more than one seat on same governmental body prohibited -  AB699
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
False representations affecting elections: law expanded re reelection -  AB213
Questionnaire responses by candidates or elected officials: publication or dissemination of false information prohibited - AB4
Volunteer EMT or fire fighter: eligibility to hold elective office revised -  AB550
elections _ advertisingElections — Advertising
Billboard placement prohibition: statutory authority created re town or county ordinance; exceptions provided  - SB409
False representations affecting elections: law expanded re reelection -  AB213
elections _ ballotsElections — Ballots, see also Voting
Absentee ballot qualifications revised -  SB91
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
Elector voting in primary of more than one political party authorized -  SB71
U.S. president and vice president candidates: separate ballots eliminated -  AB427
Write-in candidates: provisions re filing declaration of candidacy and recording of votes -  AB30
elections _ campaign expenseElections — Campaign expense
Campaign expenditure for state or local office: Legislature authorized to set reasonable limits by law. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR109
Campaign finance data base: funding allocated for software conversion and enhancement [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9129 (1m)] -  AB100
Campaign finance filing fees [Sec. 1-3, 694, 695, 9414 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 1m; enrolling correction, 1 renumbered 1zm] -  AB100
Campaign finance filing fees [Sec. 1-3, 694, 695, 9414 (1)] - SB77
Campaign finance: independent disbursements by former personal campaign committees restricted  - AB84
Campaign finance law revision re filing a false report; penalty created -  AB277
Campaign finance law revision re nonresident registrant reporting exception -  AB937
Campaign finance laws revised; Elections board composition and filing a petition requesting a ruling modified; ordinance provision re public funding of campaigns for county and 1st class city offices; studies required; committee to study campaign finance reform provision - AP8 SB1
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund and filing campaign finance reports -  AB829
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund, electronic filing and campaign finance reports -  SB463
Campaign finance reports: electronic filing procedure created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: requirements created; A.Amdt.1: penalty for misuse of report information; A.Amdt.3: report exclusions expanded] -  AB150
Campaign finance reports: electronic filing procedure created  - SB109
Campaign finance revision re itemization of certain in-kind contributions -  AB3
Campaign finance revisions re tax returns and deductions, lobbying, public information, grants, disbursements, contributions, campaign committees, excess funds, telephoning, registration statements, electronic filing, Elections board composition and caucus staffs -  SB7
Campaign finance revisions: Wisconsin election campaign fund replaced with democracy trust fund, income and franchise tax surtax provision; contribution limitations modified  - AB950
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
Lobbyist or principal campaign contribution to a partisan elective state official: application of law broadened; prohibition applied to State superintendent of public instruction  - AB407
Moneys derived from employment and deductions to labor organizations: political contribution or disbursement prohibitions created -  AB624
Nonresident political committee financial report requirements revised -  AB207
Political contributions by foreign national prohibited; forfeiture provided -  AB925
Political contributions by owners, operators or managers of casinos or racetracks: acceptance prohibited; forfeiture provided - AB793
Political contributions from lobbyists, principals and certain committees during certain periods prohibited  - AB13
Political contributions made by individuals or organizations acting as conduits: treatment revised  - AB598
Political party definition revised re contributions -  AB68
Polls for political opinion: disclosure by person receiving payment for conducting certain polls required  - SB125
Residual legislative campaign funds: carry over limit set; disposition procedure revised -  AB779
Supreme court justice candidate grants from Wisconsin election campaign fund: sum sufficient appropriation provided  - AB60
Supreme court justice candidate grants from Wisconsin election campaign fund: sum sufficient appropriation provided  - SB152
Wisconsin election campaign fund grant: qualifications revised  - AB508
elections _ contested electionsElections — Contested elections
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
County board of canvassers composition modified re county clerk -  AB394
Election inspectors or special voting deputies: method of selection revised -  AB142
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
Election officials: selection method revised re insufficient number of nominees -  SB128
Special voter registration deputy and certain appointed election officials: residency qualification modified  - SB434
State canvassers, Board of, eliminated; functions transferred to Elections board [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1am, amt, n-zc, 8k, 85L; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: further revision, 85km] -  AB100
Voting assistance at polling places: certification requirement deleted -  SB19
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
Voter registration: information in public school curriculum expanded -  AB398
elections boardElections board
Campaign finance data base: funding allocated for software conversion and enhancement [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9129 (1m)] -  AB100
Campaign finance filing fees [Sec. 1-3, 694, 695, 9414 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 1m; enrolling correction, 1 renumbered 1zm] -  AB100
Campaign finance filing fees [Sec. 1-3, 694, 695, 9414 (1)] - SB77
Campaign finance laws revised; Elections board composition and filing a petition requesting a ruling modified; ordinance provision re public funding of campaigns for county and 1st class city offices; studies required; committee to study campaign finance reform provision - AP8 SB1
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund and filing campaign finance reports -  AB829
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund, electronic filing and campaign finance reports -  SB463