Child or family support orders: adjustment for cost of living provision required; family court commissioner duty set  - AB584
Child support for child 16 or 17 years old and not in school: court authorized to reduce or end payments  - AB195
Medical history and information: parent not granted legal custody required to provide; court duty specified [S.Sub.Amdt.2] - SB494
Parenting classes: parties in a paternity action may be ordered to attend; responsibility for costs assigned  - AB270
Personal jurisdiction in divorce cases revised -  SB518
Visitation or physical placement of child with parent or other person convicted of intentional homicide of parent prohibited - AB751
Visitation or physical placement of child with parent or other person convicted of intentional homicide of parent prohibited - SB433
family planningFamily planning, see Birth control
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 313cm]  - AB768
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised -  AB923
Electricity used in farming: sales tax exemption expanded -  AB555
Farm and farm investment losses: limit repealed [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2260t, 9343 (7m), 9443 (7m)]  - AB100
Farm progress days: DOT prohibited from charging sponsors for costs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2484m] - AB100
Farm truck exemption from vehicle emission inspections and maintenance: sunset eliminated [Sec. 3607]  - AB100
Farm truck exemption from vehicle emission inspections and maintenance: sunset eliminated [Sec. 3607]  - SB77
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised, board eliminated; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Farm mediation and arbitration board provision removed] -  AB392
Historic agricultural building grant program created -  AB473
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2261c, 9343 (1c); A.Amdt.8: penalty for sale by purchaser within 2 years of transfer, 2321m, 2332v]  - AB100
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains  - AB315
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: penalty for sale or disposal within certain time period revised - AB618
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: penalty for sale or disposal within certain time period revised - AB650
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or small business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains  - AB212
Intergenerational transfer of farm and business assets: capital gains penalty modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 298s]  - AB768
Restaurant definition exception created re food stands at auctions -  AB7
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 188, 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 4383n, deletes 188; A.Amdt.8: technical change, 4387m]  - AB100
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 188, 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3)] -  SB77
Rural economic development program: grants for specified purposes and GPR amounts increased [Sec. 556, 9210 (2)]  - AB768
Rural economic development program: grants for specified purposes and GPR amounts increased [Sec. 556, 9210 (2)]  - SB436
Sustainable agriculture grants: agricultural investment program expanded to include [Sec. 172, 2500, 2501; A.Sub.Amdt.1: gifts and grants for agricultural research and development and sustainable agriculture grants, 176e, g, deletes 172; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: agricultural investment aids revisions, 172m, deletes 176g] -  AB100
Sustainable agriculture grants: agricultural investment program expanded to include [Sec. 172, 2500, 2501]  - SB77
Sustainable forestry practices: DNR to submit proposed legislation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9136 (3d)]  - AB768
farm and farming _ machineryFarm and farming — Machinery, see also Motor vehicle — Equipment
Hour meters of farm equipment: tampering with, altering or disconnecting prohibited -  AB364
Mudguards or fenders required on every truck, tractor, trailer or semitrailer; exception provided; specifications revised  - AB161
Registration of certain semitrailers used with farm truck tractor and distinctive design plates for driver education vehicles: law revised [Sec. 4007, 4010, 9149 (1)]  - AB100
Registration of certain semitrailers used with farm truck tractor and distinctive design plates for driver education vehicles: law revised [Sec. 4007, 4010, 9149 (1)]  - SB77
Tractor and machine operation safety training course: minimum age of participants set -  AB256
farm produceFarm produce
Commodities in warehouse: sales tax exemption certificate not required [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 2392p, 9443 (19bn)] - AB100
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 313et, ev] -  AB768
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified  - SB429
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - SB524
False claims concerning perishable agricultural food products: cause of action created -  AB56
National garden week in Wisconsin proclaimed the first week in June of each year -  SJR3
Security interest in growing crops: requirements modified -  AB843
Vehicles transporting potatoes operating on certain highways: 1997 WisAct 27 provisions revised - AB606
Vehicles transporting potatoes operating on certain highways: 1997 WisAct 27 provisions revised - AB650
Vehicles transporting potatoes operating on certain highways: 1997 WisAct 27 provisions revised [Sec. 528]  - AB768
Vehicles transporting potatoes operating on certain highways: 1997 WisAct 27 provisions revised [Sec. 528]  - SB436
Vehicles transporting potatoes operating on certain highways: 1997 WisAct 27 provisions revised - SB465
Vehicles transporting potatoes: overweight permit re certain highways [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4180k-p]  - AB100
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised, board eliminated; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Farm mediation and arbitration board provision removed] -  AB392
Farmer tuition assistance grants: appropriation created; farm mediation and farmer assistance appropriations repealed [Sec. 174, 183-185, 2502, 3160, 3161] - AB100
Farmer tuition assistance grants: appropriation created; farm mediation and farmer assistance appropriations repealed [Sec. 174, 183-185, 2502, 3160, 3161] - SB77
FFA (Future farmers of America) week designated February 15-22, 1997 -  AJR15
farmland preservationFarmland preservation
Agricultural education and environmental costs and expenses: individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created -  AB901
Downtown Wisconsin fund creation to assist in community revitalization, farmland preservation and urban sprawl prevention: Comm.Dept to study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (6n)]  - AB100
Farmland preservation agreement extension application form revised re mortgage holder signature  - AB154
Farmland preservation agreements phased out; revisions re county exclusive agricultural use zoning ordinances, soil and water conservation standards and guidelines and farmland tax relief and preservation credits; DATCP duties specified  - AB574
Farmland preservation credit claims revised re zoning authority certification -  AB223
Land zoned for exclusive agricultural use: rezoning requirements created in certain cases - AB647
Mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgments on agricultural land [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5200f-h, 5217g]  - AB100
Navigability criteria established for certain bodies of water -  AB664
School levy tax credit payments decreased; general school aid set; school property tax rent credit modified; farmland tax relief credit revised; lottery credit funds increased  - AB824
Sewerage projects: special assessments levy for systems on certain farmland and methods of financing projects [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, PSC rule-making authority] - AB44
State lottery, lottery credit and pari-mutuel wagering eliminated; new claims under the farmland relief tax credit prohibited -  AB350
State lottery, lottery credit and pari-mutuel wagering eliminated; new claims under the farmland relief tax credit prohibited -  SB199
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR80
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed to occupants of primary lodgings or owners of agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR79
federal aidFederal aid
Appropriation adjustments re federal highway aid; JCF approval  - AB583
Appropriation adjustments re federal highway aid; JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: DPI and DOJ added] - SB335
Block grants subject to passive review by JCF [Sec. 109; original bill only] -  AB100
Block grants subject to passive review by JCF [Sec. 109] -  SB77
Federal funds for certain child and youth services: DHFS to transfer to Corr.Dept; PR-S appropriation account created [Sec. 522-525, 1437, 1439, 1440, 1479, 1483, 1737, 1924, 3834, 3850, 3851; A.Sub.Amdt.1: youth aids allocations, 3851m, p, deletes 3851] -  AB100
Federal funds for certain child and youth services: DHFS to transfer to Corr.Dept; PR-S appropriation account created [Sec. 522-525, 1437, 1439, 1440, 1479, 1483, 1737, 1924, 3834, 3850, 3851] -  SB77
Federal grant application processing appropriation repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 670p] -  AB100
Federal highway aid: DOA and DOT to report on status of reversal of this state's position on certain payments [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9149 (2g); deleted by A.Amdt.8]  - AB100
Foster care and adoption assistance funding: DHFS use of federal moneys expanded [Sec. 1480, 1481, 1485, 1486, 1503; A.Sub.Amdt.1: foster care rate increases, 1639m, 9423 (9g)] - AB100
Foster care and adoption assistance funding: DHFS use of federal moneys expanded [Sec. 1480, 1481, 1485, 1486, 1503] - SB77
Mental health block grants: DHFS distribution of funds [Sec. 1501, 1507-1509, 2157] -  AB100
Mental health block grants: DHFS distribution of funds [Sec. 1501, 1507-1509, 2157] -  SB77
Northwest Wisconsin Concentrated Employment Program, Inc.: DWD grant from federal job training partnership act funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (3w)] - AB100