Short-term insurance policies: exemption from renewability requirements created [Sec. 593, 594]  - AB768
Short-term insurance policies: exemption from renewability requirements created [Sec. 593, 594]  - SB436
insurance _ stateInsurance — State
Genetic test information from health care providers: insurers prohibited from requesting [A.Amdt.1: state self-insured health plan added to prohibition] - AB157
Health care coverage for public employes: state funding excludes coverage of adult who is not an employe or the spouse or child of employe; state plan may only include family and single coverage options; report required  - AB759
Health care coverage purchase by individuals who are not state employes through GIB -  AB816
Health care plan: point-of-service coverage option requirements created and definition provided  - AB961
State life insurance fund: policy limit increased -  SB22
insurance companyInsurance company, see Insurance
integrated legislative information system staffIntegrated legislative information system staff
Integrated legislative information system staff: new service agency created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 14g-m, p, 18m, 148m, 161g, 716m, r, 754m, 757m, 1154m, 3298m, 9132 (2a)]  - AB100
Integrated legislative information system staff renamed Legislative technology services bureau [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4c-g, im-m, 51m, 57c, jm, 452f] -  AB768
Child support revision re accruing interest -  AB651
Child support revision re accruing interest -  SB494
Clean water fund interest rate changes [Sec. 3524-3527] -  AB100
Clean water fund interest rate changes [Sec. 3524-3527] -  SB77
Federal preemption of state interest rate laws: opt-out provision repealed -  AB669
Motor fuel dealerships: security deposit interest provisions -  SB41
Restitution to crime victim: interest on unpaid portion permitted  - SB121
internal revenueInternal revenue, see Income tax
international relationsInternational relations
Cyprus situation: U.S. initiative for peaceful resolution supported -  AR17
Dalai Lama: welcomed and honored upon visit to state capitol -  AR26
Holocaust victims: humanitarian fund established by Switzerland's three largest banks welcomed  - AJR110
International and export development, Division of: fees for services authorized [Sec. 4380] -  AB100
International and export development, Division of: fees for services authorized [Sec. 4380] -  SB77
International call blocking: local exchange telecommunications utilities required to provide -  AB372
International terrorism: soliciting or collecting material support prohibited; DORL authority re charitable organization registration revised -  AB504
Israel 50th anniversary commended - AJR132
Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China: visit to U.S. and state of human rights in China  - AJR77
Kyoto protocol on global climate change: U.S. President urged not to sign unless amended -  AR20
Lake Superior water diverted and sold: Providence of Ontario (Canada) urged to rescind its decision to allow  - AP8 SR1
Land mine ban: support of international efforts urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR84
Land mine ban: support of international efforts urged (memorial to Congress) -  SJR27
Metallic mineral mining: revisions re permit application informtion and denial provisions, local mining agreements and engaging a general contractor or subcontractor; records of exploratory drilling required -  SB342
Motor vehicle driver's license: DMV may enter reciprocal agreement with another country - AB760
Motor vehicle driver's license: DMV may enter reciprocal agreement with another country [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 512L, m, p, t] -  AB768
Poland admission to NATO: U.S. Senate urged to support -  SJR33
Political contributions by foreign national prohibited; forfeiture provided -  AB925
Senegal: sister-state relationship with the Cap Vert Region established -  AJR19
Special distinguishing registration plates for veterans of the Laos war -  AB558
Tibet day proclaimed March 10, 1997 -  AJR33
Tibet day proclaimed March 10, 1998 -  AR19
Tourism opportunities of Canadian residents: Tour.Dept to develop marketing plan [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (2g)]  - AB100
United Nations military activity and formation of global government: cessation of U.S. support urged (memorial to Congress) - AJR67
WRS creditable service for certain federal volunteer programs  - AB43
interstate bankInterstate bank, see Bank
interstate compactInterstate compact, see also Reciprocity
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation and removal of child for adoptive placement [A.Amdt.1: relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative]  - AB600
Midwestern higher education compact: appropriations consolidated [Sec. 28, 29, 678, 679; A.Sub.Amdt.1: Council of state governments provision, 716p] -  AB100
Midwestern higher education compact: appropriations consolidated [Sec. 28, 29, 678, 679] -  SB77
interstate relationsInterstate relations, see also Reciprocity
Badger trail between Madison and Freeport, Illinois: development of abandoned rail corridor [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 766ur] -  AB100
Campaign finance law revision re nonresident registrant reporting exception -  AB937
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing - AB651
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing - SB494
Child support order from another state: county child support agency may withhold income -  AB651
Child support order from another state: county child support agency may withhold income -  SB494
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [for section numbers, see entry under ``Criminal identification and investigation"]  - AB100
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross [A.Amdt.1: rule making authority; A.Amdt.2: mutual aid agreement provision] -  AB319
Economic warfare among the states: mitigation urged -  SJR21
Effective recycling law revisions re out-of-state local governmental unit disposal of solid waste in this state, landfill siting programs and capacity fees -  SB187
Effective recycling law revisions re out-of-state local governmental unit disposal of solid waste in this state, landfill siting programs and capacity fees; exception for certain incinerator [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 883m, 3613g-m, 3614gc-gt, 3638m, mg, 3640gc-gm, 9437 (4d)] - AB100
Electric utility laws revised and expanded; PSC duties and authority specified; studies and report required  - AB748
Electric utility laws revised and expanded; PSC duties and authority specified; studies and report required  - SB418
Fireworks regulations revised re sale, use, shipping, storage and handling; Comm.Dept duties specified  - AB445
International fuel tax agreement: DOT required to recalculate -  AB606
International fuel tax agreement: DOT required to recalculate -  SB362
Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission: appropriation from general fund repealed [Sec. 8, 9, 27, 285, 286] - AB100
Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission: appropriation from general fund repealed [Sec. 8, 9, 27, 285, 286] - SB77
Multijurisdictional lotteries: state participation and inspection by DOR employe [Sec. 16, 2257, 2258, 4737-4739, 4747, 4767, 4770, 4777, 4779, 5341] -  AB100
Multijurisdictional lotteries: state participation and inspection by DOR employe [Sec. 16, 2257, 2258, 4737-4739, 4747, 4767, 4770, 4777, 4779, 5341] -  SB77
National governors association conference: funding for 1998 meeting in Milwaukee [Sec. 696, 697, 9421 (1)]  - AB100
National governors association conference: funding for 1998 meeting in Milwaukee [Sec. 696, 697, 9421 (1)]  - SB77
National governors association conference: funding increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9220 (1z)] - AB768
Pension benefits of certain teachers who taught in other states: income tax exemption created -  AB168
Pension benefits of certain teachers who taught in other states: income tax exemption created -  SB104
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to law enforcement agencies; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, law enforcement agency of a physically adjacent state and sunset provisions]  - AB386
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: release by DOT re 1997 WisAct 119 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 512tp, 727t]  - AB768
Prisoner confinement in another state: contracts with private persons permitted [Sec. 502, 3832, 3880; A.Sub.Amdt.1: contracts with federal government and for transfer and confinement of Wisconsin prisoners in other states, 501m, 3820m, 3830e-r, deletes 502, 3832] -  AB100
Prisoner confinement in another state: contracts with private persons permitted -  AB153
Prisoner confinement in another state: contracts with private persons permitted [Sec. 502, 3832, 3880]  - SB77
Rail passenger service assistance and promotion program revisions [Sec. 472, 476, 477, 2477-2481; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions re Amtrak extension and commuter rail bonding, 472m, 732m, 2481g, h, 9149 (4g), deletes 472]  - AB100