Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support
Delinquent obligations owed to departments: DOJ legal services permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3096m]
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137-5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451; A.Sub.Amdt.1: ``drug law enforcement" added to assessment title] -
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137-5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451] -
Drug law enforcement and strategic intelligence unit: transfer of moneys to DOJ [Sec. 687] -
Drug law enforcement and strategic intelligence unit: transfer of moneys to DOJ [Sec. 687] -
Drug law enforcement: required match of federal funds eliminated [Sec. 643, 9431 (1)] -
Drug law enforcement: required match of federal funds eliminated [Sec. 643, 9431 (1)] -
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (6ng); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: requirement for DOJ removed]
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -
Firearms in public schools and suspected controlled substance law violations: DOJ to maintain toll-free telephone number -
Hazardous substance spill cleanup: DNR enforcement authority revised; referral to DOJ permitted [Sec. 3651, 3652; A.Sub.Amdt.1: DOJ study of cleanup agreements, 9131 (1t)] -
Hazardous substance spill cleanup: DNR enforcement authority revised; referral to DOJ permitted [Sec. 3651, 3652]
Justice information system: additional funding [Sec. 147, 671, 715] -
Justice information system: additional funding [Sec. 147, 671, 715] -
Justice information system fee increased; percentage credited to automated systems modified [Sec. 668, 5194, 9409 (1)]
Justice information system fee increased; percentage credited to automated systems modified [Sec. 668, 5194, 9409 (1)]
Juvenile adjudicated delinquent or with delinquency petition pending re serious crime: day care licensure, certification, employment, contracting or residence prohibited
Pay-per-call service provisions revised re toll-free call transferred to international number or pay-per-call service, billing, penalties and civil liability; reports required
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to law enforcement agencies; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, law enforcement agency of a physically adjacent state and sunset provisions]
Police pursuit laws revised re model standards, training and fines; Law enforcement pursuit standards council created, sunset provided; DOT report required -
Psychiatrist employed by or under contract to a county: state agent status provided re representation by DOJ in court actions -
Public intervenor transferred from DNR to DOJ; authority revised; AG to appoint -
Public intervenor transferred from DNR to DOJ; authority revised; AG to appoint; DNR Secretary appointment by NRB -
Residential telephone solicitation regulations created; DOJ authority specified -
School board employe: DPI to conduct background check upon request of the board; photograph and fingerprint provision -
Smoking restrictions expanded; U.W. Board of regents authority and DHFS and DOJ duties specified -
Telephone solicitation by prisoners regulated -
University and crime laboratories cooperation council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 66f, 3101g]
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] -
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] -
Adoption criteria recreated and family court jurisdiction in child custody, support and physical placement cases revised, unmarried adult provisions; juvenile court jurisdition expanded in guardianship and visitation cases re minor with deceased parents without will provisions -
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation and removal of child for adoptive placement [A.Amdt.1: relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative]
Arson investigator access to juvenile records permitted -
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Children — Adoption"]
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)]
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.5: priority for pregnant women for private AODA treatment]
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties specified -
CHIPS re physical or sexual abuse: visual inspection of child authorized; removal from custody for refusal; civil liability immunity provision; criminal history and child abuse records search required re CASA programs -
Cigarette and tobacco products: restrictions on access and selling or giving away; vending machine use prohibited; juvenile penalties revised; licensing fee provision [original bill only] -
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required [for further revisions, see entry under ``School — Attendance — Compulsory"] -
Crime victim rights revised; Crime victim rights board created [A.Amdt.3: confidentiality of complaints; A.Amdt.5: member appointment revision] -
Crime victim rights revised; Crime victim rights board created -
Criminal sentence may run concurrent with or consecutive to juvenile disposition order -
Delinquency ajudications used to determine penalty enhancers for persistent repeaters -
Delinquency victim and witness surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment [Sec. 646, 1418, 2160, 2163, 3857, 3910, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 646m, p, 2160m, p, 2163m, p, 9331 (1x), 9431 (1x), deletes 646, 2160, 2163; A.Amdt.8: technical change, disposition of inmate earnings in work programs, 646q, r, 3910bb, d, 5346d, deletes 3910]
Delinquency victim and witness surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment [Sec. 646, 1418, 2160, 2163, 3857, 3910, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265] -
Delinquent act applicable only to person under 18 years of age committed by juvenile: maximum forfeiture increased
Guardian ad litem fees in juvenile court proceedings: parental liability for [Sec. 104, 274, 275, 672, 673, 681, 682, 9309 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: payments to counties, reports to State courts director, 605c-j, 9309 (4t)] -
Guardian ad litem fees in juvenile court proceedings: parental liability for [Sec. 104, 274, 275, 672, 673, 681, 682, 9309 (3)] -
Home detention program escapes and failure to report to jail: penalties revised -
Intake worker duties revised -
Intake worker duties revised -
Juvenile adjudicated delinquent or with delinquency petition pending re serious crime: day care licensure, certification, employment, contracting or residence prohibited
Juvenile ajudicated delinquent: provisions expanded re disclosure of certain information -
Juvenile court proceedings: advising juveniles and parents of possible consequences revised -
Juvenile court records of person's delinquency ajudication: expungement procedure revised -
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence and disclosure of juvenile court records [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, sanctions for violation of dispositional order expanded, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information and LAB audit; A.Amdt.1: habitual truancy dispositional order revised; A.Amdt.2: violation of certain municipal ordinance provision; A.Amdt.3: teen court program; A.Amdt.4: release of court records in certain cases deleted; S.Amdt.1: deletes A.Amdt.1 and 2 provisions (Senate fails to adhere to its position); S.Amdt.2: restores provisions deleted by A.Amdt.4; S.Amdt.3: intake worker or dispositional staff member taking custody expanded, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions; A.Amdt.2 to S.Amdt.3: contempt of court provision modified; S.Amdt.4: high school equivalency from detention facility or jail] -
Juvenile not adjudicated delinquent: notification to school -
Juveniles who have run away, failed to appear in court or escaped custody: knowingly harboring or aiding prohibited; exceptions provided -
Milwaukee child welfare services: duty and authority transferred to DHFS; community advisory committees eliminated, duties transferred to W-2 community steering committees [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Milwaukee county"] -
Milwaukee child welfare services: duty and authority transferred to DHFS; community advisory committees eliminated, duties transferred to W-2 community steering committees [for section numbers, see entry under ``Milwaukee county"]
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; funding revision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 151m, p, 9222 (3f), 9422 (4f)] -
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; photograph requirement removed
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; photograph requirement removed
Nonsecure custody order violation by juvenile: crime created -
Paternity determination proceedings: access to family and juvenile court records -
Paternity determination proceedings: access to family and juvenile court records -
Presentence investigation report for persons under age 21 and delinquency adjudications re juvenile justice code (remedial legislation) -
Restitution for juvenile's act: performance of services for the victim by the juvenile authorized -
Restitution for juvenile's act permitted re loss or destruction of property, bodily injury or death -
Standby guardian appointment by parent: procedures created re petition to juvenile court or written designation signed before witnesses -
TPR for adoptive child (remedial legislation) -
Violent and disruptive juveniles in certain correctional facilities: Corr.Dept authorized to transfer to Racine youthful offender correctional facility; determination factors set [Sec. 1416, 1447, 1587, 1588, 3796, 4959, 5022, 5025, 5228, 5229, 5241-5244, 5268, 5269, 5275, 5281-5284, 9311 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1447; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: generalist counselor duties, 9111 (5g)]
Violent and disruptive juveniles in certain correctional facilities: Corr.Dept authorized to transfer to Racine youthful offender correctional facility; determination factors set [Sec. 1416, 1447, 1587, 1588, 3796, 4959, 5022, 5025, 5228, 5229, 5241-5244, 5268, 5269, 5275, 5281-5284, 9311 (1)]
Visitation or physical placement of child with parent or other person convicted of intentional homicide of parent prohibited -
Visitation or physical placement of child with parent or other person convicted of intentional homicide of parent prohibited -
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence and disclosure of juvenile court records [for further revisions, see entry under ``Juvenile court"]
Arson investigator access to juvenile records permitted -
Children's programs license fees increased [Sec. 1634-1637, 1641, 1642, 1650, 1651, 5251, 5252, 9423 (1)]
Children's programs license fees increased [Sec. 1634-1637, 1641, 1642, 1650, 1651, 5251, 5252, 9423 (1)]
Delinquency ajudications used to determine penalty enhancers for persistent repeaters -
Delinquency victim and witness surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment [Sec. 646, 1418, 2160, 2163, 3857, 3910, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 646m, p, 2160m, p, 2163m, p, 9331 (1x), 9431 (1x), deletes 646, 2160, 2163; A.Amdt.8: technical change, disposition of inmate earnings in work programs, 646q, r, 3910bb, d, 5346d, deletes 3910]
Delinquency victim and witness surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment [Sec. 646, 1418, 2160, 2163, 3857, 3910, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265] -
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