ETB and pioneering partners program eliminated; new board created; subsidized infrastructure loan program and grants provided; data lines and video links for schools; distance education revisions; universal service fund provision [for section numbers, see entry under ``Educational technology board"]  - SB77
Kettle Moraine state forest land lease to YMCA Camp Matawa [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 916m, p] -  AB100
Leased vehicle registration and financial responsibility revisions [Sec. 955-959, 3960-3963, 3968, 3970-3975, 3977, 3978, 3989, 3990, 3994, 3996-3998, 4004, 4011-4023, 4028, 4054-4056, 4058, 4060, 4061, 4108, 4126-4128, 4153, 4154, 4159-4165, 4171, 4176, 4177, 4181-4187, 5509, 5510, 9149 (3), 9349 (5)-(7), 9449 (5); original bill only; A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored and expanded, 954mm-959m, 3960m-3962j, 3963m, 3968m-3971m, 3972df, 3973c, 3974m-3976mp, 3977m, 3978m, 3989g, 3991m, 3994m-3998m, 4004m, 4011m, 4012m, 4013m-4022g, 4023m, 4028m, 4058m-4059t, 4060m, 4061m, 4126m- 4128m, 4153m-4165m, 4171m-4177g, 4181m-4187g, 5509m, 5510d, 9149 (3bg), 9349 (5mg)-(7g), 9449 (5g); enrolling correction: 1971m, 3976mp renumbered 1971d, 3976L] -  AB100
Leased vehicle registration and financial responsibility revisions [Sec. 955-959, 3960-3963, 3968, 3970-3975, 3977, 3978, 3989, 3990, 3994, 3996-3998, 4004, 4011-4023, 4028, 4054-4056, 4058, 4060, 4061, 4108, 4126-4128, 4153, 4154, 4159-4165, 4171, 4176, 4177, 4181-4187, 5509, 5510, 9149 (3), 9349 (5)-(7), 9449 (5)] -  SB77
Leasing technical college facilities re school purposes authorized -  AB753
Leasing technical college facilities re school purposes authorized [Sec. 83; original bill only]  - AB768
Leasing technical college facilities re school purposes authorized [Sec. 83] -  SB436
Motor vehicle leases: disclosure requirements revised to conform to federal regulations [A.Amdt.1: financial responsibility provisions and motor vehicle dealer definition revised; A.Amdt.2: further revision; A.Amdt.3: early termination statement; A.Amdt.4: further revision] - AB433
MPS reform: educational criteria established and governing commission provision; school board member election revised; collective bargaining; school closing recreated; private schools converted to charter schools; educational service contracts; intradistrict transfer aid to build or lease neighborhood schools; contract with Boys and girls clubs of greater Milwaukee to improve attendance; aid to certain after-school programs; JCF duty specified -  AP8 SB2
Professional baseball park district use of tax revenues restricted  - SB105
Professional sports home stadiums: property tax exemption narrowed; sales tax imposed on lease of sky and private luxury boxes -  SB158
Property leased or subleased to school districts: tax exemption created [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2233d, 9443 (18rmt)] -  AB100
State master lease program: report by DOA required [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 123mk] -  AB100
legal aidLegal aid
Guardian ad litem fees in juvenile court proceedings: parental liability for [Sec. 104, 274, 275, 672, 673, 681, 682, 9309 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: payments to counties, reports to State courts director, 605c-j, 9309 (4t)] -  AB768
Guardian ad litem fees in juvenile court proceedings: parental liability for [Sec. 104, 274, 275, 672, 673, 681, 682, 9309 (3)] - SB436
legal educationLegal education, see Attorney
legal holidayLegal holiday, see Holidays
legislative audit bureauLegislative audit bureau
Adolescent pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board: duties expanded; grant revisions; LAB audit eliminated [Sec. 18, 526, 578, 1528-1530, 1537-1547, 9102 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, pregnancy prevention activities, 1528c, 9123 (10n), deletes 526, 578, 1528-1530, 1537-1543, 1545, 1546, 9102 (1); A.Amdt.8: DWD duties]  - AB100
Adolescent pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board: duties expanded; grant revisions; LAB audit eliminated [Sec. 18, 526, 578, 1528-1530, 1537-1547, 9102 (1)]  - SB77
Cattanach, Dale: service to state commended on the occasion of his retirement -  AJR107
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [for section numbers, see entry under ``Criminal identification and investigation"]  - AB100
DER public employe training functions: LAB to audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (1g)] - AB100
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods [Sec. 3789; A.Sub.Amdt.1: LAB to monitor and report, 10r] - AB100
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence and disclosure of juvenile court records [for further revisions, see entry under ``Juvenile court"]  - AB410
Level A emergency response team: JCA to request financial and performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (1); original bill only] - AB100
Level A emergency response team: JCA to request financial and performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (1)]  - SB77
Mass transit services provided to U.W. system: financial audit by LAB [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (3x)]  - AB100
Milwaukee parental choice program re 1995 WisAct 27: portions recreated; financial and evaluation audits required - AB183
Nursing home minimum staffing, reports, LAB audit and BOALTC positions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 217m, 218m, 223m, 225g, h, 226bd-br, 251g-m, 9122 (5k), 9131 (2k), 9203 (1k), 9222 (8mk)] -  AB768
Racetrack at state fair park: improvements and review of contract compliance; LAB duties [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9107 (14t), 9132 (2t)] -  AB100
Rural nonpoint source cost-share grants; LAB audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 35p, q, 481m, 9131 (1p), 9236 (4p), 9436 (3p)] -  AB768
Secure detention in deterring habitual truancy: LAB to audit [S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB686
Vending machines selling food and beverages: LAB to study feasibility of replacing sales tax with permit fee imposed on owners [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (1to)]  - AB100
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative fiscal bureau
Personal property tax: LFB to study impact of discontinuing - AB938
Property tax relief fund transfer [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 907b, 9256 (2z); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: surplus for compensation reserves and school aids, LFB and JCF duties, 106m, 108m, 260m, 2867q, 2873v, w, 2894f, g, 9256 (3x)]  - AB100
School aid determination: amount for 1998-99 fiscal year specified; JCF to set thereafter [Sec. 28, 369; A.Sub.Amdt.1: date for estimate by DOA and LFB revised, 368y, 727p]  - AB768
School property tax credit changes: use of certain surpluses in the general fund; LFB, DOR and JCF duties [A.Amdt.48 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 285b, c, 9256 (2c)]  - AB768
legislative reference bureauLegislative reference bureau
Building commission acquisition of property for future construction provided; may acquire specific blocks in the city of Madison without prior enumeration in state building program; sunset provided [A.Amdt.2: purpose of acquisition specified] - SB76
LRB chief placed in unclassified service [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 14mm, 3298e] - AB100
LRB drafting services charge for certain requestors required; Chief to establish fee -  AB376
LRB drafting services: persons authorized to submit requests specified; privileges of certain agencies removed [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 14n, np] -  AB100
LRB drafting services: persons authorized to submit requests specified; privileges of certain agencies removed  - AB101
LRB drafting services: state agencies' privilege removed [Joint rule 51 (2)] -  AJR23
LRB employes placed in unclassified service [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4hm, hp, 57k, 452e, 9131 (1z)]  - AB768
Universal health plan for Wisconsin established; Department of health planning and finance, Health policy board and regional health councils created; LRB duty set  - AB955
legislative technology services bureauLegislative technology services bureau
Integrated legislative information system staff renamed Legislative technology services bureau [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4c-g, im-m, 51m, 57c, jm, 452f] -  AB768
Building commission acquisition of property for future construction provided; may acquire specific blocks in the city of Madison without prior enumeration in state building program; sunset provided [A.Amdt.2: purpose of acquisition specified] - SB76
Campaign expenditure for state or local office: Legislature authorized to set reasonable limits by law. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR109
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Legislature for approval -  AB211
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  AB210
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  SB43
Laptop computer acquisitions for Assembly [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (1t)] -  AB100
Legislative partisan caucus staffs restructured; current positions deauthorized; ``Legislative partisan caucus staffs" service agency created, nonpartisan provisions  - AB247
News media operated or owned by lobbying principal: admission to Assembly floor revised [Assembly rule 25 (3)]  - AR7
Party caucus meetings open to the public [Assembly rule 2 (5)]  - AR3
Unfunded federal mandates: sovereignty proclaimed; Wisconsin congressional delegation invited to appear annually before the Legislature -  AJR7
Wisconsin delegation to Congress: JCLO to request each member to appear before a joint session of the Legislature  - AJR22
legislature _ adjournmentLegislature — Adjournment
Adjourn April 1998 extraordinary session except for consideration of vetoes and partial vetoes  - AJR135
Adjourn April 1998 special session except for consideration of vetoes and partial vetoes -  AP8 AJR1
Adjourn April 1998 special session except for consideration of vetoes and partial vetoes -  AP8 SJR1
legislature _ administrative rules, joint committee for review ofLegislature — Administrative rules, Joint committee for review of
JCRAR emergency rule provisions revised -  AB254
JCRAR emergency rule provisions revised -  SB149
legislature _ audit, joint committee onLegislature — Audit, Joint committee on
Level A emergency response team: JCA to request financial and performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (1); original bill only] - AB100
Level A emergency response team: JCA to request financial and performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (1)]  - SB77
Rural nonpoint source cost-share grants; LAB audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 35p, q, 481m, 9131 (1p), 9236 (4p), 9436 (3p)] -  AB768
Secure detention in deterring habitual truancy: LAB to audit [S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB686
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ caucusLegislature — Caucus, see Legislature
Assembly rules revised [Assembly rules 6 (1)(k), 9 (1), (7), 10, 13 (1)(am), (1)(c), 26 (6), 28, 29 (3), 31 (8) to (13), 32 (1)(a), 43 (2), 73 (2)(a), (3)(a), 90, 95 (6), (82), (90), 96]  - AR2
Commercial activity by state governmental units restricted; legislative Joint committee on public-private partnership created - AB745
Commercial activity by state governmental units restricted; legislative Joint committee on public-private partnership created - SB414
Property tax levy for school operations abolished; school funding study committee established, study required  - SB531
Senate rules revised; new rule created [Senate rules 24, 41 (1)(e), 50 (1)] -  SR2
Standards development council created; duties re pupil academic standards; requirements re high school graduation examination [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Executive office"] - AB100
legislature _ employeLegislature — Employe