Tax amnesty program: DOR to submit proposal similar to 1985 program; JCF duties [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9143 (2mf)] -  AB100
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created [Sec. 473, 485-491, 836, 852, 855, 2485; A.Sub.Amdt.1: eligible applicants expanded, JCF duties, deletes 473, 490, 491] -  AB100
Transportation infrastructure loan program: JCF authority to transfer state moneys limited; DOT prohibition on encumbering or expending moneys eliminated  - AB650
Trauma care: DHFS to assist in developing and implementing statewide system; Trauma advisory council created; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF review required] -  AB638
Unbudgeted increases in compensation, fringe benefits and related adjustments; JCF passive review [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (13n)] - AB100
Veterans substance aid grants: DVA may request supplemental funding from JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 90w]  - AB768
Vocational rehabilitation, Division of: DWD may request additional funding from JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (3m)]  - AB100
Volunteer health care provider program: JCF approval eliminated -  AB481
Volunteer health care provider program: JCF approval eliminated -  SB281
W-2 health plan as part of MA: DHFS to request waiver; implementation provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Wisconsin works"]  - AB100
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Game"] -  AB100
legislature _ information policy, joint committee onLegislature — Information policy, Joint committee on
Corr.Dept information system reengineering; JCIP approval required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (1k)]  - AB100
Information systems technology oversight [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7m, 10s, 143n, 9101 (11g)] -  AB100
legislature _ legislative organization, joint committee onLegislature — Legislative organization, Joint committee on
Campaign finance revisions re tax returns and deductions, lobbying, public information, grants, disbursements, contributions, campaign committees, excess funds, telephoning, registration statements, electronic filing, Elections board composition and caucus staffs -  SB7
Efficiency measures requirement [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (6zg)] -  AB100
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB246
Legislative partisan caucus staffs restructured; current positions deauthorized; ``Legislative partisan caucus staffs" service agency created, nonpartisan provisions  - AB247
Legislator office space: JCLO to assign based on district number; exceptions for leadership - AB62
Touring exhibit of Wisconsin state capitol: funding provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 716d, e, 9124 (2c), 9132 (2g), 9432 (1g)] - AB100
Wisconsin delegation to Congress: JCLO to request each member to appear before a joint session of the Legislature  - AJR22
Berndt, Jule: life and public service -  AJR97
Consecutive terms of office for state constitutional officers and legislators limited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR40
Double, William: life and public service -  AJR13
Doyle, Ruth: accomplishments and championship of women's rights commended -  AR12
Doyne, John Lyons: life and public service -  AJR32
Folded state highway maps: stamping or labeling by legislators prohibited -  AB312
Hutnik, Willis: life and public service -  AJR2
Jensen, Scott R., election as Speaker of the Assembly: notification to Senate and Governor -  AR8
Laper, Oscar: life and public service -  AJR10
Legislative proposals: disclosure to Ethics board of certain financial interests by legislators  - AB705
Legislator office space: JCLO to assign based on district number; exceptions for leadership - AB62
Lenroot, Arthur: life and public service -  SJR29
Lieutenant governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the Assembly: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR47
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB138
Lynch, Richard: life and public service -  AJR63
Mathiowetz, Bernard: life and public service -  AJR114
McKay, Curtis: life and public service -  AJR127
Mogilka, David: life and public service -  AJR61
Murray, Thomas: life and public service -  AJR96
Pelecky, Stan T.: life and public service -  AJR53
Residency requirement for certain employes: exception provided re married couples; legislator provision  - AB462
Schowalter, Henry: life and public service -  AJR134
Schreiber, Martin Eugene: life and public service -  AJR24
legislature _ member _ compensationLegislature — Member — Compensation
Budget bills: Governor required to submit by certain date; salary of legislators decreased if not passed by specific date. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR86
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB246
State senator earnings for WRS purposes: determination of [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1315d-t, 9315 (1k)]  - AB100
legislature _ procedureLegislature — Procedure
Assembly rules revised [Assembly rules 6 (1)(k), 9 (1), (7), 10, 13 (1)(am), (1)(c), 26 (6), 28, 29 (3), 31 (8) to (13), 32 (1)(a), 43 (2), 73 (2)(a), (3)(a), 90, 95 (6), (82), (90), 96]  - AR2
Assembly sergeant-at-arms Denise L. Solie: notification to Senate and Governor of election - AR11
Bill to increase certain tax rates: approval by two-thirds of members present and voting required - AB287
Bill to increase certain tax rates: approval by two-thirds of members present and voting required - SB215
Bill to increase tax rate or fee: approval of two-thirds of the Assembly required; exceptions provided [Assembly rule 76 (1m)] -  AR5
Bill to increase tax rate or fee: two-thirds approval required; exceptions provided [Joint rule 15]  - AJR55
Budget bills: Governor required to submit by certain date; salary of legislators decreased if not passed by specific date. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR86
Campaign expenditure for state or local office: Legislature authorized to set reasonable limits by law. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR109
Conference committee on SB-315 created -  AJR126
Extraordinary session (April 1998): revival of specified proposals for further consideration -  AJR130
Extraordinary session (April 1998): revival of specified proposals for further consideration -  SJR47
Floorperiods for 1997-98 session created [S.Amdt.1: floorperiod added, deadline for Governor's budget message extended] - SJR1
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Legislature for approval -  AB211
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Legislature for approval -  SB42
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  AB210
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  SB43
JCRAR emergency rule provisions revised -  AB254
JCRAR emergency rule provisions revised -  SB149
Jensen, Scott R., election as Speaker of the Assembly: notification to Senate and Governor -  AR8
Joint rules revised [Joint rules 14, 32 (1)(intro.) and (i), (2), 34, 35, 41 (3)(a) to (g), 42 (2), 44 (title), (1) and (2) (a), 45 (2) and (3), 46 (2) and (4), 48 (1) and (4), 52 (1)(intro.), (b) and (e), (1)(a) and (7), 53 (1)(intro.) and (2)(a), 54 (2) and (3), 56 (1), 59, chapter 7 (title), 62, 63, 64 (title) and (1)(intro.), 65, 66, 71, 72, 73 (1) to (5), (6), 74 (1) and (2)(intro.) and (f), 75 (1), 76, 77 (intro.) and (4), (5) and (6), 78, 79 (1) and (5), 81 (1)(intro.) and (2)(c), 83 (2)(c), 84 (1), (85, 87 (3)(c) 1. and 2. and 98 (1), (2)(b) and (3)] -  AJR1
Legislative proposals: disclosure to Ethics board of certain financial interests by legislators  - AB705
Officers of the 1997-98 Senate revised and rereferral of pending business -  SR4
Organization of 1997-98 Assembly; list of officers; notification to Senate and Governor -  AR1
Organization of 1997-98 Senate; list of officers; notification to Assembly and Governor -  SR1
Senate rules revised; new rule created [Senate rules 24, 41 (1)(e), 50 (1)] -  SR2
Special order of business for SB-3 -  AR14
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR9
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR26
Unicameral legislature established: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR46
legislature _ retirement systems, joint survey committee onLegislature — Retirement systems, Joint survey committee on
JSCRS research director salary: DER Secretary to determine -  AB145
JSCRS research director salary: DER Secretary to determine -  SB92
RRC study of employment by WRS annuitants [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (4z)] -  AB100
U.W. optional retirement system study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9131 (2t), 9152 (2t)] -  AB768
Variable investment trust in WRS: RRC, DETF and Investment board to study feasibility of reopening [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9132 (1h)] -  AB100
legislature _ rules _ assemblyLegislature — Rules — Assembly, see also Administrative rules
Assembly rules revised [Assembly rules 6 (1)(k), 9 (1), (7), 10, 13 (1)(am), (1)(c), 26 (6), 28, 29 (3), 31 (8) to (13), 32 (1)(a), 43 (2), 73 (2)(a), (3)(a), 90, 95 (6), (82), (90), 96]  - AR2
Bill to increase tax rate or fee: approval of two-thirds of the Assembly required; exceptions provided [Assembly rule 76 (1m)] -  AR5