Local recycling program grants: eligibility and formula revised; sunset date set -  SB362
Municipal service re garbage and trash disposal and collection [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2234m, 9343 (9m), 9443 (16p)]  - AB100
Property tax revisions re payment of refund by municipality and appeal of manufacturing property assessment  - AB460
Service costs paid by municipalities: exemption from portion of county tax levy -  AB262
Service costs paid by municipalities: exemption from portion of county tax levy -  SB150
Service fees: imposition on owners of tax-exempt property required; funds included in shared revenue calculation  - SB12
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality — Health department, see Public health
municipality _ incorporationMunicipality — Incorporation
Urban towns: certain towns authorized to become -  AB114
municipality _ officersMunicipality — Officers
Local government positions: public access to identities of final candidates expanded -  AB347
Recall election for city, town, village or school district officer: petition revised re grounds for - SB212
Vacancies in certain elective local offices: procedure for filling revised -  AB8
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality — Ordinance
Alcohol beverage retail sale: qualifications of persons engaged in sale of clarified; ordinance provision  - AB591
Alcohol beverage retail sale: qualifications of persons engaged in sale of clarified; ordinance provision  - SB503
Campaign finance laws revised; Elections board composition and filing a petition requesting a ruling modified; ordinance provision re public funding of campaigns for county and 1st class city offices; studies required; committee to study campaign finance reform provision - AP8 SB1
Captive wildlife: new regulatory structure under DNR created -  AB514
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: local ordinance revisions re access and prohibitions on selling or giving away products -  SB143
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - AB691
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - SB314
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required [for further revisions, see entry under ``School — Attendance — Compulsory"] - AB686
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; requirements set; DILJD grant provision - AB128
Dog regulation: local ordinance based on breed prohibited -  AB133
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - AB67
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - SB26
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  - AB646
Impact fee procedures revised; public facilities definition modified -  AB800
Living-wage ordinance: county, city, village or town may enact under certain condition -  AB839
Local governmental regulation and quotas; municipal regulation to conform strictly to chapter provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2903t, 2904m-2906mv, 2907dd-pp, 9343 (1tu), (1tv); A.Amdt.8: further revisions, municipal revision re underage or intoxicated person, issuance of operator's license, 2906r, deletes 2907dp] -  AB100
Massage therapy and bodywork regulations and examining board created; provisions re patient records and liability [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, examining board removed] - SB262
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB481
Shoreland rezoning and zoning of wetlands in shorelands; restoration provision -  AB599
Solid waste facilities exempt from DNR rules: municipality may regulate under certain conditions - AB815
Sport shooting range: noise, nuisance and zoning ordinance provisions; users accept associated risks; ``shooting" added to list of recreational activities [A.Sub.Amdt.3: revisions, recreational activity definition modified; S.Amdt.1: hours regulated] - AB308
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  AB635
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  SB139
Zoning ordinance, district plan or regulation: notice to owners re changes in allowable use of property; public hearing provision - AB807
Zoning ordinance or resolution: requirements created re protecting environmentally sensitive area  - AB808
municipality _ parkMunicipality — Park, see Park
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Downtown Wisconsin fund creation to assist in community revitalization, farmland preservation and urban sprawl prevention: Comm.Dept to study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (6n)]  - AB100
Managed forest land program: location in cities permitted; governing body may request DNR to deny petition  - AB81
Plan commission of cities, villages and certain towns: alderperson election procedure modified - SB40
Wisconsin development fund use for assistance in urban areas authorized; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 187, 4346] -  AB100
Wisconsin development fund use for assistance in urban areas authorized; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 187, 4346] -  SB77
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation, see also Shared revenue
City food and beverage tax authority revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 718m, 2404b, 2405b, 2408c, f; deleted by A.Amdt.8]  - AB100
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR104
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR38
municipality _ water districtsMunicipality — Water districts, see Waterworks
murray, thomasMurray, Thomas
Life and public service - AJR96
Milwaukee public museum grant re African American history; matching funds required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 265r, 2709r] - AB100
Milwaukee public museum grant re permanent interactive exhibit on biological diversity [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 33m] - AB768
Nash auto museum project funding; DOA to approve [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9107 (12zt)]  - AB100
Telecommunication services to qualified private schools, postsecondary institutions, museums and zoos [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 147k-p] -  AB100
Wrongful death actions against state officer, employe, agent or certain museums: limit set -  AB778
musicMusic, see Amusement
n - N -
national association membershipsNational association memberships, see Interstate relations
national guardNational guard
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-651, 652, 761, 3117] -  AB100
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-652, 761, 3117] -  SB77
National guard: individual income tax exemption for members of created -  AB352
National guard youth program: DMA funding and authority re services to enhance life skills, employment potential and ability to obtain GED [Sec. 47, 58, 9235 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, separate annual appropriations for Badger challenge and Youth challenge programs, 58g, 9135 (1d)-(3c)]  - AB768
National guard youth program: DMA funding and authority re services to enhance life skills, employment potential and ability to obtain GED [Sec. 47, 58, 9235 (1)]  - SB436
Technicians: interest and penalty waivers on outstanding tax liabilities for certain retirement payments  - SB117
Technicians or surviving spouse: interest and penalty waivers on outstanding tax liabilities for certain retirement payments - AB177
Technicians or surviving spouse: tax exemption and interest and penalty waivers for certain retirement payments  - AB176
Technicians or surviving spouse: tax exemption and interest and penalty waivers for certain retirement payments  - SB115
Tuition grants: percentage paid revised [Sec. 762, 9336 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: warrant officer provision, HEAB accreditation of schools, 761g, m] -  AB100
Tuition grants: percentage paid revised -  AB108
Tuition grants: percentage paid revised [Sec. 762, 9336 (1)] - SB77
Tuition grants: percentage paid revised; warrant officer provision -  SB189
native americanNative American, see Indians
nato _north atlantic treaty organization_NATO (North Atlantic treaty organization), see International relations
natural disasterNatural disaster
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross [A.Amdt.1: rule making authority; A.Amdt.2: mutual aid agreement provision] -  AB319
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross - SB265