Internet access prohibited for certain sex offenders on parole, probation or supervised or conditional release  - AB875
Life imprisonment for first-degree intentional homicide of child under age 16: parole eligibility revised  - AB690
Mandatory release on parole eliminated; does not affect life imprisonment sentences -  SB157
Mandatory release on parole eliminated for certain serious felony offenses -  AB125
Motor vehicle theft by use or threat of force or dangerous weapon: minimum term of imprisonment set, probation and parole restricted -  AB233
Name changes by prisoners, probationers and parolees prohibited while under Corr.Dept supervision or custody  - AB2
Parole watch committee: formation in cities, towns and villages authorized -  SB464
Probation and parole: alternative to revocation of [Sec. 3793; original bill only] -  AB100
Probation and parole: alternative to revocation of [Sec. 3793] -  SB77
Probation and parole officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 83x, xg, xm, 90bt, 9415 (1)] -  AB768
Probation and parole officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB59
Probation and parole officers, teachers, librarians and social workers at certain facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB224
Probation and parole revocation hearing process: circumstance for Corr.Dept not to begin process within 15 working days [Sec. 3904; original bill only] -  AB100
Probation and parole revocation hearing process: circumstance for Corr.Dept not to begin process within 15 working days [Sec. 3904] -  SB77
Probation and parole services: Corr.Dept funding increased [Sec. 9211 (9), (10); original bill only]  - AB768
Probation and parole services: Corr.Dept funding increased [Sec. 9211 (9), (10)] -  SB436
Probation and parole supervision fees: annual notification of balance owed to Corr.Dept [Sec. 3799]  - AB100
Probation and parole supervision fees: annual notification of balance owed to Corr.Dept [Sec. 3799]  - SB77
Probation and parole supervision fees: claims against income tax refunds for fees owed [Sec. 2342] - AB100
Probation and parole supervision fees: claims against income tax refunds for fees owed [Sec. 2342] - SB77
Probation and parole supervision fees: collection and penalty for nonpayment [Sec. 513, 3939, 3948, 5453-5455]  - AB100
Probation and parole supervision fees: collection and penalty for nonpayment [Sec. 513, 3939, 3948, 5453-5455]  - SB77
Probation and parole supervision fees re 1997 WisAct 27: court authority to revoke probation for failure to pay removed - AB606
Probation and parole supervision fees re 1997 WisAct 27: court authority to revoke probation for failure to pay removed - SB362
Probation and parole supervision: waiver of fees pemitted; revision re administrative and minimum supervision by Corr.Dept [Sec. 512, 3821-3823, 3936-3938, 3940, 3942, 3943]  - AB100
Probation and parole supervision: waiver of fees pemitted; revision re administrative and minimum supervision by Corr.Dept [Sec. 512, 3821-3823, 3936-3938, 3940, 3942, 3943]  - SB77
Probationer or parolee's change in address: Corr.Dept to notify victim; fee provision -  AB880
Sentences for felony offenses, parole, community supervision, bifurcated sentence and life imprisonment revisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Sentences and penalties"] -  AB100
Sentences for felony offenses, parole, community supervision, bifurcated sentence and life imprisonment revisions [for revisions, see ``Sentences and penalties"]  - AB351
Sentences for felony offenses, parole, community supervision, bifurcated sentence and life imprisonment revisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Sentences and penalties"] - SB77
Sentences for felony offenses, parole, community supervision, bifurcated sentence and life imprisonment revisions  - SB233
Serious sex offenses: lifetime supervision provision created [S.Amdt.1: reconciliation provision; A.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: parole placement restrictions and supervised release]  - AB660
Serious sex offenses: parole eligibility and transfer between correctional institutions revised - AB366
Serious sex offenses: parole eligibility and transfer between correctional institutions revised - SB172
Sex offender registry: parole, probation and change of address information requirements revised; residence change prohibited - AB917
Transitional housing for persons on parole or probation: community notification requirement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3824m] - AB100
Victim attendance at parole hearings [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4q, r, 20L, 512b-e, 722k, 9211 (9e), 9311 (1e)]  - AB768
Victim, family member, parent or guardian permitted to attend and make statements at parole interviews or hearings  - SB171
parole commissionParole commission, see Parole
patients_ rightsPatients' rights, see Nursing homes
payment in lieu of taxesPayment in lieu of taxes, see Property tax
pecfa _petroleum storage environmental cleanup program_PECFA (Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program), see Petroleum
pedestrianPedestrian, see Street
peeping tomPeeping Tom, see Privacy
pelecky, stan tPelecky, Stan T.
Life and public service - AJR53
performance bondsPerformance bonds, see Bonds
personal flotation devicePersonal flotation device, see Boat
personal propertyPersonal property
Antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created re purchase of used home furnishings -  AB23
Antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created re purchase of used home furnishings -  SB35
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 313cm]  - AB768
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised -  AB923
Bedding manufacturing and sales regulations and label requirements created; hospital bedding provision  - SB527
Blaze orange clothing required during deer bow hunting season - AB913
Bullion, legal tender, currency, medallions and gold or silver coinage: sales tax exemption created  - AB957
Consumer goods purchased outside this state or by mail order: use tax requirement discontinued - AB663
Corr.Dept revisions re stewards of institutions, disposal of abandoned prisoner property, health service standards and discharge from probation -  AB921
Corr.Dept revisions re stewards of institutions, disposal of abandoned prisoner property, health service standards and discharge from probation (remedial legislation)  - AB747
Evicted tenant: removal, storage and disposal of property by landlord or police -  AB610
Landlord and tenant regulations re credit or background check, rebuttable presumption for damages and removal, storage and disposal of property of evicted tenant [original bill only] - AB872
Public treasury: unclaimed funds disposition revised -  AB326
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  AB74
Tenant property: storage and disposition upon eviction; public warehouse keeper license provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2]  - AB872
personal property _ taxationPersonal property — Taxation, see Property tax
personal watercraftPersonal watercraft, see Boat
personnel commissionPersonnel commission
DMRS delegatory action re filling classified service positions: appealable to the Personnel commission (remedial legislation) - AB958
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (6ng); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: requirement for DOJ removed]  - AB100
Personnel commission: authority to hear appeals re DMRS decisions and duty to process complaints regarding family or medical leave (remedial legislation) - SB397
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Agricultural chemical cleanup council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 57k, 2530r, 2541m, 9404 (1m)]  - AB100
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created [Sec. 178-181, 274, 900-905, 2503-2508, 2510, 2511, 2513, 2515-2543, 3614, 9204 (1), (2), 9404 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, agricultural chemical cleanup fund created, JCF duties, 181g, 831s, 905m, 2532m, 2537c-2539h, 9204 (3m), deletes 180, 2533, 2537-2539; A.Amdt.8: reimbursement changes and further revisions, 2537b-2539c, deletes 2537c-2539d]  - AB100
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created -  AB306
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created [Sec. 178-181, 274, 900-905, 2503-2508, 2510, 2511, 2513, 2515-2543, 3614, 9204 (1), (2), 9404 (1), (2)] -  SB77
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created -  SB170
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revision: JCF approval required -  AB583
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revision: JCF approval required -  SB335
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county -  AB5
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 320s-322e] - AB768