Tenant property: storage and disposition upon eviction; public warehouse keeper license provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2]  - AB872
personal property _ taxationPersonal property — Taxation, see Property tax
personal watercraftPersonal watercraft, see Boat
personnel commissionPersonnel commission
DMRS delegatory action re filling classified service positions: appealable to the Personnel commission (remedial legislation) - AB958
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (6ng); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: requirement for DOJ removed]  - AB100
Personnel commission: authority to hear appeals re DMRS decisions and duty to process complaints regarding family or medical leave (remedial legislation) - SB397
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Agricultural chemical cleanup council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 57k, 2530r, 2541m, 9404 (1m)]  - AB100
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created [Sec. 178-181, 274, 900-905, 2503-2508, 2510, 2511, 2513, 2515-2543, 3614, 9204 (1), (2), 9404 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, agricultural chemical cleanup fund created, JCF duties, 181g, 831s, 905m, 2532m, 2537c-2539h, 9204 (3m), deletes 180, 2533, 2537-2539; A.Amdt.8: reimbursement changes and further revisions, 2537b-2539c, deletes 2537c-2539d]  - AB100
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created -  AB306
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created [Sec. 178-181, 274, 900-905, 2503-2508, 2510, 2511, 2513, 2515-2543, 3614, 9204 (1), (2), 9404 (1), (2)] -  SB77
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised; industrial pesticide category created -  SB170
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revision: JCF approval required -  AB583
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revision: JCF approval required -  SB335
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county -  AB5
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 320s-322e] - AB768
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county -  SB20
Pesticide applicators re forest, ornamental or turf and right-of-way pest control: certification extension for [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9104 (2w)] -  AB100
Pesticide review board eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 60e, 1103n, 2521m, 2528g, r, 2910e-r, 3399m, 9123 (3g)] - AB100
petition for recallPetition for recall, see Recall
AB-182: use of dogs for bear hunting opposed -  AP2
AB-228: prohibited areas for operation of personal watercraft supported -  AP6
Alewife commercial harvesting in certain waters and DNR resolution of fish die-off: actions supported  - SP11
AODA program transfer from DPI to DHFS opposed -  SP2
Deaf and hard-of-hearing, Council on: merging with the councils serving all other disabilities opposed  - SP3
Foster care reimbursement rate increase supported -  SP5
Laundromat taxes opposed - AP5
Long-term care: continued institutional bias in funding -  SP8
Lottery game sale by retailers: fair reimbursement of costs supported -  SP10
Milk marketing, fair pricing and increased oversight authority of National cheese exchange supported  - SP12
Mining in an environmentally responsible manner supported -  AP4
Right to keep and bear arms supported -  SP13
SB-14: employment relations for U.W. system faculty supported -  SP15
SB-147 (regulation of water and sewer charges) supported -  SP7
Services to legal refugees and veterans: current level of benefits supported -  SP1
State budget amendments re greater choices for older persons, to provide one-stop shopping and eliminate waiting lists supported -  SP4
Steel jaw traps: efforts to reduce or eliminate use of supported  - AP7
Student achievement guarantee in education funding supported - SP9
Timber rattlesnake: adoption of rule by DNR opposed -  AP1
Timber rattlesnake: adoption of rule by DNR opposed -  AP3
U.W. hospital and clinics authority: no changes in employe rights and benefits supported -  SP16
Wisconsin public radio: continuation of state funding supported -  SP6
Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped: continued operation supported -  SP14
Automotive oil filters (used): disposal or burning in a solid waste treatment facility prohibition created; forfeiture provided [original bill only] -  AB701
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]  - AB100
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]  - SB77
Brownfields cleanup: PECFA awards priority to claims for [Sec. 2585; original bill only] -  AB100
Brownfields cleanup: PECFA awards priority to claims for [Sec. 2585] -  SB77
Business tax registration provisions [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 2360m, 2388m-p, 2391m, 2392mm, no, 2416m-q, 2428p-v, 2432p-t, 2444m, 2950m, 2977c, 3121c, 5503h, 9443 (18t)] -  AB100
Contaminated property remedial action changes re municipal or lender liability, programs facilitating cleanup and recovery of costs for removal of abandoned hazardous substance containers [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Environmental protection"] -  AB100
Contaminated property remedial action changes re municipal or lender liability, programs facilitating cleanup and recovery of costs for removal of abandoned hazardous substance containers [Sec. 960, 2059, 2217, 2233, 2374-2376, 2488, 2690, 3167, 3172, 3654-3656, 3659, 3660, 3681, 3682, 3687-3689, 3691-3714, 3718, 3723-3727, 4945-4947, 5163, 5164, 5165, 5198] -  SB77
Engine oil filters and other recovered materials: Council on recycling and Recycling market development board duties set; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB701
Great Lakes: drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited -  SB350
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements] -  AB283
PECFA eligibility re discharges from upgraded storage tanks: deadline modified -  AB218
PECFA expanded re heating oil tanks in buildings used for religious worship or buildings serving nonprofit private schools - AB80
PECFA expanded re heating oil tanks in buildings used for religious worship or buildings serving nonprofit private schools - SB11
PECFA program: arbitration of appeals [Sec. 331, 451, 452, 641]  - AB768
PECFA program: arbitration of appeals [Sec. 331, 451, 452, 641]  - SB436
PECFA reimbursement for village of Mount Calvary increased -  AB484
PECFA related services: DNR fees restricted; Comm.Dept and DNR report re cleanup [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 486p, 9136 (1c), 9236 (3g)] -  AB768
PECFA revisions; Comm.Dept and DNR duties specified [Sec. 906, 2582-2584, 2586-2608, 9110 (5), 9310 (4), (5), 9337 (2), 9410 (1), (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2595b, 2598e, f, 2599g, r, 2600e, 9110 (4m), 9310 (5m), 9410 (1m), deletes 2593-2596, 2608, 9410 (4); A.Amdt.8: coverage revisions, 2588b, d, 2590e, g, deletes 2584, 2587, 9310 (5), 9410 (1)] - AB100
PECFA revisions; Comm.Dept and DNR duties specified -  AB255
PECFA revisions; Comm.Dept and DNR duties specified [Sec. 906, 2582-2584, 2586-2608, 9110 (5), 9310 (4), (5), 9337 (2), 9410 (1), (4)] -  SB77
PECFA revisions; Comm.Dept and DNR duties specified -  SB169
PECFA revisions re revenue bonding and process requirements; authority over petroleum product discharges established  - AB861
Petroleum contaminated soil handling re contract with DOT: liability exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 678m]  - AB768
Petroleum contaminated soil transportation: liability exemption created [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3660g]  - AB100
petroleum storage environmental cleanup program _pecfa_Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program (PECFA), see Petroleum
Electronic transmission of prescription orders permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4315m, 4316e-s, 4319m, 5348e-s; A.Amdt.8: certain restrictions added, 4316d, p, 4319r]  - AB100
Employment discrimination based on creed: definition expanded re health care provider participation in certain procedures; liability and disciplinary provisions  - AB953
Health care credential renewal: DORL required to deny re default on student loans; private credit reporting agency or bureau provisions -  AB143
Latex product of certain composition: use by health care providers prohibited; DHFS duties specified  - AB593
Pharmacist administration of vaccines: revision re 1997 WisAct 68 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 727m, 9141 (1g)]  - AB768
Pharmacists: continuing education required; administration of drug products and devices permitted, vaccines included  - AB628
Pharmacists: continuing education required; administration of drug products and devices permitted, vaccines included [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: liability insurance provision; A.Amdt.1: Pharmacist advisory council created] - SB361
Pharmacy internship board eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 94m, 158m, 2164g, 4315p-s, 9453 (2m); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: technical revision, 2164g changed to 1164g] -  AB100
Pharmacy internship board restored [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 722p-u, 727j, 9152 (1g)] -  AB768
WIC enforcement; DHFS contract with entities re alternative food distribution; groceries and pharmacies allowed to accept drafts in exchange for certain food [Sec. 555, 3285, 3438-3447, 5186, 5193] -  AB100
WIC enforcement; DHFS contract with entities re alternative food distribution; groceries and pharmacies allowed to accept drafts in exchange for certain food [Sec. 555, 3285, 3438-3447, 5186, 5193] -  SB77
physical therapistPhysical therapist, see Handicapped