Arson investigator access to juvenile records permitted -  AB14
Blue and white Sunday to honor law enforcement officers proclaimed September 21, 1997 -  SJR18
Court may order person convicted of crime to pay certain expenses re law enforcement agency and prosecutor  - SB353
Crimestopper signs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2474p] -  AB100
Disarming a peace officer: maximum term of imprisonment increased -  AB856
Dogs used to perform law enforcement functions: liability for damages [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, injury to crime suspect specified] -  AB611
Evicted tenant: removal, storage and disposal of property by landlord or police -  AB610
False report of police misconduct prohibited; conspicuous notification provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, report changed to complaint] -  AB208
Law enforcement officer disciplinary procedure revised re appeal process in bargaining agreement, exception provided - AB944
Law enforcement officer disciplinary procedure revised re appeal process in bargaining agreement, exception provided - SB520
Law enforcement requirement re meeting certain citation or arrest quotas prohibited -  AB639
Law enforcement week and Law enforcement memorial day proclaimed -  AJR50
Notary public: permanent commission for law enforcement officers provided -  AB661
OWI law enforcement costs: recovery provisions -  AB91
OWI testing: information provided to accused by law enforcement officer revised -  AB467
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to law enforcement agencies; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, law enforcement agency of a physically adjacent state and sunset provisions]  - AB386
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: release by DOT re 1997 WisAct 119 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 512tp, 727t]  - AB768
Police pursuit laws revised re model standards, training and fines; Law enforcement pursuit standards council created, sunset provided; DOT report required - AB419
Police relief associations: laws revised -  AB465
School official access to juvenile law enforcement records [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2783g-2785c, 5275g-m]  - AB100
Seized alcohol beverages and cigarettes: use in criminal investigations authorized (remedial legislation)  - AB963
Sex offender registry: release of information by law enforcement agency revised -  AB153
Sex offender registry: release of information by law enforcement agency revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: request procedure modified; S.Amdt.2: registration exemption for certain youth; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, request procedure modified] -  AB186
Temporary operation plates for automobiles and station wagons revised; presumption re motor vehicle without valid plates [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3961mp, 3962m, 3971g-3973j, 5212g-k, 9349 (9s), 9449 (8n); A.Amdt.8: motor trucks under 8,000 pounds added, special handling fee permitted, local police departments to issue, DOT duties expanded, 3971hb, mm, 3972dg-dm, jm, 3973jm, 4036g, 9349 (9sm), 9449 (8nm), deletes 3973e-j, 9349 (9s), 9449 (8n)]  - AB100
Tuition exemption at technical college and U.W. systems for child of slain educator; technical college exemption extended to child of slain correctional officer  - AB346
Tuition exemption at technical college and U.W. systems for child of slain educator; technical college exemption extended to child of slain correctional officer  - SB178
Tuition exemption at technical college and U.W. systems for spouse of slain correctional officer, fire fighter or law enforcement officer; technical college exemption extended to child of slain correctional officer -  SB271
VIN numbers altered or obliterated: provisions re return of motorcycle or parts to owner -  SB64
VIN numbers altered or obliterated: seizure of vehicle or parts by law enforcement officer revised  - AB96
Volunteer chaplains for certain public protection agencies: death benefits for dependents -  SB114
W-2 recipient information release to law enforcement officer: requirements revised [Sec. 1895-1900]  - AB100
W-2 recipient information release to law enforcement officer: requirements revised [Sec. 1895-1900]  - SB77
political partiesPolitical parties
Campaign finance: independent disbursements by former personal campaign committees restricted  - AB84
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund and filing campaign finance reports -  AB829
Campaign finance laws revised re disbursements, contributions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, mass media, telephoning, Wisconsin election campaign fund, electronic filing and campaign finance reports -  SB463
Election laws revised re special election dates, registration, voter participation, political party and candidate roles and administration -  AB959
Election officials: selection method revised re insufficient number of nominees -  SB128
Moneys derived from employment and deductions to labor organizations: political contribution or disbursement prohibitions created -  AB624
Nonresident political committee financial report requirements revised -  AB207
Party caucus meetings open to the public [Assembly rule 2 (5)]  - AR3
Political contributions from lobbyists, principals and certain committees during certain periods prohibited  - AB13
Political party definition revised re contributions -  AB68
polk countyPolk county
Tourism materials grants to certain counties [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 458m, p, 9148 (3m), 9448 (1m)]  - AB100
polling place or poll workerPolling place or poll worker, see Elections — Officials
polygraphPolygraph, see Lie detector
Badger care program eliminated - AB904
Charities devoted exclusively to poor: income tax credit created for contributions to; DWD provision  - AB879
Employment preparation services to certain individuals: model of cooperation between DWD and religious institutions re technical assistance required -  AB887
Garnishment of earnings: exemption re disposable income below poverty line; worksheet and schedule and petition for relief provisions -  AB840
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - AB95
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations  - SB61
Low-income energy board and fund created; electric or gas provider fee provision -  AB941
Low-income energy board and fund created; electric or gas provider fee provision -  SB529
Low-income individuals: income tax credit created for -  AB181
Low-income individuals: income tax credit created for -  SB162
Public benefits and energy assistance board created; renewable energy resource requirements -  SB517
W-2 health plan as part of MA: DHFS to request waiver; implementation provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Wisconsin works"]  - AB100
WIC supplemental food program appropriation increased; nutrition counseling provision for low-income participants  - AB581
pornographyPornography, see Obscenity
Boat shelter, pier and wharf definitions revised [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 1139we-wi] -  AB100
portage countyPortage county
Korean war memorial at Plover in Portage county: appropriation for perpetual care -  AB418
Korean war memorial at Plover in Portage county: directional signs along I-39 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (1x)]  - AB768
postage and postal servicePostage and postal service
Certified or registered mail to nursing homes: acceptance of (remedial legislation) -  SB495
Consumer goods purchased outside this state or by mail order: use tax requirement discontinued - AB663
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB246
Local governmental mailings mandated by state or federal law: reduced postal rate requested (memorial to Congress)  - AR9
Postage stamp commemorating Henry Martyn Robert requested -  AJR41
Postage stamp honoring the nation's conservation wardens requested -  AJR21
potatoPotato, see Farm produce
pound for stray animalsPound for stray animals, see Animal — Treatment
power of attorneyPower of attorney
Do-not-resuscitate bracelet provisions created; guardian or health care agent authority to revoke order [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3087m-t] -  AB100
Incapacitated persons without power of attorney for health care: provisions created re health care decisions by surrogate - SB312
Nursing home and CBRF revisions re beds stated on license, posting notice of certain ombudsman program and informing residents of rights and responsibilities (remedial legislation) - SB495
Power of attorney for health care instrument: anatomical gift provisions -  AB582
Power of attorney for health care instrument: anatomical gift provisions -  SB334
Power of attorney provisions: statutory form recreated; review of performance of agent for financial affairs permitted; guardian power in health care matters revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, guardian provision removed]  - SB254