Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to cities, towns and villages  - AB316
Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to towns revised - AB263
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Alcohol beverage retail sale: qualifications of persons engaged in sale of clarified; ordinance provision  - AB591
Alcohol beverage retail sale: qualifications of persons engaged in sale of clarified; ordinance provision  - SB503
Billboard placement prohibition: statutory authority created re town or county ordinance; exceptions provided  - SB409
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: local ordinance revisions re access and prohibitions on selling or giving away products -  SB143
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - AB691
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: requirement re local ordinance conformity to state statutes revised  - SB314
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required [for further revisions, see entry under ``School — Attendance — Compulsory"] - AB686
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; requirements set; DILJD grant provision - AB128
Dog regulation: local ordinance based on breed prohibited -  AB133
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - AB67
Habitual truant: vehicle operating privilege suspension ordinance authorized; definition revised  - SB26
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  - AB646
Living-wage ordinance: county, city, village or town may enact under certain condition -  AB839
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB481
Sport shooting range: noise, nuisance and zoning ordinance provisions; users accept associated risks; ``shooting" added to list of recreational activities [A.Sub.Amdt.3: revisions, recreational activity definition modified; S.Amdt.1: hours regulated] - AB308
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  AB635
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  SB139
Trash dumped illegally: town ordinance application area broadened; publication of names permitted  - AB274
Zoning ordinance or resolution: requirements created re protecting environmentally sensitive area  - AB808
town _ officersTown — Officers
Recall election for city, town, village or school district officer: petition revised re grounds for - SB212
Residency requirement for appointed town clerk or treasurer revised -  AB42
Residency requirement for appointed town clerk or treasurer revised [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2178s]  - AB100
Vacancies in certain elective local offices: procedure for filling revised -  AB8
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR104
Local taxes and charges created by the state: local approval required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR38
townhouseTownhouse, see Housing
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Sales
Antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created re purchase of used home furnishings -  AB23
Antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created re purchase of used home furnishings -  SB35
Bedding manufacturing and sales regulations and label requirements created; hospital bedding provision  - SB527
Billing practices for goods and certain services: prohibitions created; additional forfeiture re elderly and disabled  - AB169
Cable television service provider: fee to reduce service at subscriber's request prohibited -  AB641
Cable television service provider: use of late fee or finance charges restricted -  AB367
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: access restricted - AB205
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: local ordinance revisions re access and prohibitions on selling or giving away products -  SB143
Commercial mobile service: transitional adjustment fee levied; definition of facsimile machine revised [Sec. 2378, 2379, 2915, 5508; A.Sub.Amdt.1: definition revised, utility tax on personal communications services, 2379b-e, 3143m, deletes 2379]  - AB100
Commercial mobile service: transitional adjustment fee levied; definition of facsimile machine revised [Sec. 2378, 2379, 2915, 5508] -  SB77
Facsimile machine: law expanded re transmittal of unsolicited documents; toll-free telephone number provision  - AB417
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: compensation for loss of brand and cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, compensation for loss of brand removed] -  AB444
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: compensation for loss of brand and cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised -  SB252
Home inspection trade practices provisions created; notice requirement -  AB321
Ignition devices: possession by and sale or distribution to minors prohibited -  AB387
Ignition devices: possession by and sale or distribution to minors prohibited -  SB224
``Invasion of privacy" definition expanded re use of deceased individual's name or image for advertising or trade purposes - AB116
Land and water conservation board advisory members re U.S. Secretary of agriculture representatives modified; certain provisions of chap.134, Wis.Stats., renumbered re DATCP and DHFS administration (remedial legislation)  - SB400
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements] -  AB283
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  SB277
National cheese exchange: certain trading practices regulated; violation provisions -  AB55
National cheese exchange: certain trading practices regulated; violation provisions -  SB2
Personal information in business records: disposal requirements created -  AB546
Personally identifiable information in business records: sale, lease or rental regulated -  AB370
Residential telephone solicitation regulations created; DOJ authority specified -  AB400
Sales and use tax collection: DOR authorized to contract with direct marketers [Sec. 2363] -  AB100
Sales and use tax collection: DOR authorized to contract with direct marketers [Sec. 2363] -  SB77
Uniform commercial code revision re ``sale or return" or consignment sales -  AB361
Uniform commercial code revision re ``sale or return" or consignment sales -  SB201
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Architect, landscape architect and designer of engineering systems: qualifications for registration or permit revised  - AB655
Audiologist and hearing instrument specialist: dual credentialing re fitting and selling hearing aids; continuing education requirements, speech-language pathologist provision  - AB575
Audiologist and hearing instrument specialist: dual credentialing re fitting and selling hearing aids; continuing education requirements, speech-language pathologist provision  - SB324
Audiology and speech-language pathology certificates of registration references eliminated; ``hearing aid" changed to ``hearing instrument" (remedial legislation)  - AB915
Credentials issued by DORL: administrative warnings to holders permitted -  AB547
Credentials issued by DORL: applicant investigation and fee provisions [Sec. 223, 224, 4201, 4292-4294, 4296, 4297, 9242 (1), 9342 (1)] -  AB100
Credentials issued by DORL: applicant investigation and fee provisions [Sec. 223, 224, 4201, 4292-4294, 4296, 4297, 9242 (1), 9342 (1)] -  SB77
Dietitian certification requirements: sunset date repealed -  AB559
Dietitian certification requirements: sunset date repealed -  SB322
Hazardous painting certificate program created in Comm.Dept; forfeiture provision -  AB772
Hazardous painting certificate program created in Comm.Dept; forfeiture provision -  SB437
Health care credential renewal: DORL required to deny re default on student loans; private credit reporting agency or bureau provisions -  AB143
Home inspector registration requirements established; use of certain title restricted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, report required] -  AB334
Home inspector registration requirements established; use of certain title restricted -  SB186
Landscape architect: registration revision re waiver of examination -  SB412
Latex product of certain composition: use by health care providers prohibited; DHFS duties specified  - AB593
Massage therapy and bodywork regulations and examining board created; provisions re patient records and liability - AB461
Massage therapy and bodywork regulations and examining board created; provisions re patient records and liability [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, examining board removed] - SB262
Nonpayment of support: DILJD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding provision [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Family — Support"] -  AB100
Nonpayment of support: DILJD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding provision [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family — Support"] - SB77
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  AB651
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  SB494